Ordinance No. 0961 12-10-1990' � � ORDII�NCE I�U. 961 AN ORDII�ANCE RF70�DIFYING TfIE FRIDLEY CITSC OODE� CE�PTER 206 EBR'I7Z�D "BIIILDING QODE��, BY AMEPIDIIQG SEGTIONS 206.01.02� 206.01.03� 206.01.04� 206.01.05, 206.03.02 ATID 206.05 The City Cauncil of the City of FYidley does hereby orclain as follows: � . �.�1i��f� ��'e,�i� �l� 1. The Minnesota State Building Code, established pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 16B.59 through 16B.73, one copy of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk of FYidley, MinnESOta, is hereby adopted by reference as the Building (bde of the City of Fridley and incorporated in this Chapter as completely as if set out here in full. (Ref. 901) 2. The following chapters of the Code are adopted by the city: r� � Chapter 1300 - Code Ac�ninistration Chapter 1301 - Certification and Continuing Education of Building Officials C. Chapter 1302 - Building Constivction and State Agency Construction Rules D. Chapter 1305 - Adoption of the 1988 Uniform Building Cocle by reference. The 1987 ANSI A 17.1 Code for Elevators, and Related Devices is an amenchnent to Chapter 51 of the UBC and no longer found in SBC Rule 1320. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. (1) Required Provisions -UBC Appendix Chapter 35 Sound Trancmission Control. Chapter 1315 - Electrical Code Chapter 1325 - Solar Enexgy systems Chapter 1330 - TecYuiical itequirements for fallout Shelters Chapter 1335 - Floodproofing Regulations Chapter 1340 - Facilities for the Handicappecl Chapter 1346 - Minnesota Uniform Mechanical code 1990 Eclition Chapter 1350 - Manufactured Hane Rules Chapter 1355 - Pltunbing Code -Arh[tinistrative rule 4715 Chapter 136D - Prefabricated Structures Chapter 1365 - Variation of Snow Loads Chapter 1370 -Model Energy Code - Administxative Rule 7670 3. Administration Optional Appeixlices. The following chapters of the code are adopted without charige by the City: ' � � Page 2-- Ordinance No. 961 r� B. (�apter 13D5.0150 Subpart 2. UBC Appendix Chapters 1, 12, Division l, 25, 38, 55, and 70 Chapter 1335 - Floodproofing Reg�lations, Parts 1335.0200 to 1335.3100, and FPR Sec.�ions 200.2 to 1405.3 4. On�anization and Enfox�oement. A. The on�anization of the Building Division and enforcement of the code chal l be as established by (]iapter 2 of the Uniform Buildir�g Cocle 1988 Fdition. 'Ihe Code shall be enfomzd within the inco�porate� li_mits of the city and extraterritorial limits perniitted by Minnesota 5tatutes, 1984. B. The Building Inspection Division sl�ll be the Building Code Department of the City of Fridley. The I�hninistrative authority shall be a State Certified Building Official. C. The City Manager shall be the Appointing Authority anci designate the Buildirx3 Official for the jurisdiction of Fridley. 206.02. OOI�ZSCPS In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Code adopted by the provisions of this Chapter and applicable provisions of State law, rules or regulations, the latter shall prevail. 206.03. PERDffT FEFS 1. The issuance of permits, conduction of inspections anci collection of fees shall be as provided for in Ghapter 3 of the 1988 Uniform Building Code. Section 304, paragraph (c), is amexxied to read "...except on occupancy groups R-3 and M-1". (Ref. 901) 2. The fee schedules shall be as follows: A. Plaz1 RevieW Fees. (1) Whett a plan or other data are submitted for review, a plan review fee shall be paid at the time of submittiny plans and specifications for review. (2) Where plans are irx;orporated or changed so as to require additional plan review an additional plan review fee shall he chasged. (3) Applications for which no nPrm,t is issued within 180 days follaaing the date of application shall expire by limitation and planc and other data submitted for review may thereafter be returned or destroyed. the building official may exterxl the time for action by the applicant once £or a period not exceeding 180 days upon request by the applicant. (4) The plan review fce snall be 65 percent (65�) of the building �*�;t fee and shall be credited to the buildinq �*�;t plan check fee if a��-�+; t is obtained within 180 days folla,rirx� the completion date of plan review. (Ref. 901) Page 3-- Ordirance No. 961 B. Building Pe�it Fees. (Ref. 901) � 7�DTAL VALIA4TI@I .............. FEE 5 i.00 to S 500.00 .$15.00 $ 501.00 to $2,000.00 ..............$15.00 for the first $500.00 plus $2.00 for each additional $100.00 or fraction thereof, to arxi including $2,000.00 $ 2,001.00 to $25,000.00 .................$45.00 for the first $2,000.00 plus $9.00 for each additional $1, 000. 00 or fraction thereof, to arxl including $25,000.00 $25,001.00 to $50,000.00 .................$252.00 for the first $25,000.00 plus $6.50 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000.00 $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 ................$414.50 for the first $50,000.00 plus $4.50 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including � $100,OD0.00 $100,001.00 to $500,000.00 ...............$639.50 for the first $100,000.00 plus $3.5o for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000.00 $500,001.00 to $1,000,000.00 .............$2039.50 for the first $500,000.00 plus $3.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to ancl including $1,000,000.00 $1,000,OO1.D0 and � .....................$3,539,50 for the first $1,000,000.00 plus $2.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof Other inspections and Fees: Inspec�tions outside of normal business hours....$30.00 per hourk (mininami chaige - two hours) Reinspe�.-iion fees assessed under provisions of UBC Section 305i9) ... ................. .. .......... $30.00 per hour* Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated .................................. $30.OD per hour* � (minimiun charge -'onrhalf hour) Additional plan review required by Changes, additions or revisions to appmved plans.... .. $30.00 per hour* (minimian charge - one-half hour) Residential Mobile H�ne Installation........$30.00 � � � Page 4-- Oxdinance No. 961 *or the total hourly cbst to the jurisdiction, whichever is the greatest. This cost shall include supervision, werhead, equi�nnent, haurly wages ancl fringe benefits of the employees irnolved. C. P17�biulg Pe�it Fee3. (Ref. 901) 0 M;niim�m Fee ..................................$ 15.00 Each Fixture ..... . .........................$ 7.00 Old Openu�g. New Fixture .....................$ 4.00 BeerDispenser ...............................$ 5.00 Blow Off Basin ...............................$ 7.00 Catch Basin ..................................$ 7.00 Rain Watex IPader ............................$ 7.00 Sianp or ReczivirxJ Tank .......................$ 7.00 Water 7Yeating Appliance .....................$ 10.00 Water Heater-Electric ........................$ 7.00 Water Heatex�as . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 10.00 di'f�R ................... ........... ....1% of value of fixture or appliance Other Inspections and Fees: IiLSjJE'Ctions outside of normal business hours....$30.00 per hour* (minimim� chan7e - two hours) Reinspection fees assessed under provisions of UBC Section 305i5) ..................................... $30.00 per hour* Inspections for which no fee is specifically irxiicated .................................. $30.00 per houY* (m;n;,mm, �rye - one-half hour) Additional plan review �+,;red by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans ................ $30.00 per hour* (minimian charge - one-half hour) *Or the total hourly cost to the juriscliction, whichever is the greatest. This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fririge benefits of the employees irivolved. D. Mechanical Pe7mit Fees. (Ref. 901) I y?+?i (1) Residential Miniminn Fee ..............................$ 15.00 F�trnace ..................................$ 20.00 GasRanqe ................................$ 10.00 GasD1yex ................................$ 10.00 Gas Piping.. ..........................$ lo.00 Air Conditioning .........................$ 10.00 OTHER....................................1� of value of appliance (2) Commercial Miniminn Fee ..............................$ 15.00 All Work ................................1% of value of appliance Page 5-- Oxdi.nance No. 961 1 E. � ' OthPS IIISpBCtioIls 3i1d FEES: Inspec.-tions outside of nornial business hours. .,.$30. 00 per hour* (minitmim chazge - two hours) Rei.nspec.�tion fees assessed under provisions of UBC Section 305(5). ........ ........ .... .... $30.00 per hour* Inspections for which no fee•is specifically indicated .................................. $30.00 per hour* (minimmmm chatrje - or�e half hour) Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to aPProved plans ................ $30.0o per hour* (minitmmm �3r,qe - Oh2-half hOUr) *or the total hourly cost to the jurisdiction, whichever is the greatest. This cast shall include supervision, overhead, equi�nt, hourly wages and fringe benefits of the employee5 involved. Electrical Pelmit Fees. (1) Payment of Fees All electrical inspec,-tion fees are due and payable to the City of FYidley at or before �cement of the installation ancl shal.l be forwaxded with the request for inspec.-tion. (2) Fee Schedule Fees shall be paid accordirg to the following schedule: (a) Miniminn fee for each separate inspection of an installation, replacement, alteration or repair l�mited to one (1) inspec_�tion only....$15.00. Minimimi fee for installations requiring two inspections shall be....$so.00. (Ref. 901) (b) Sexvices, changes of sezvices, temporary services, additions, alterations or repaiss on either primary or sec�nclary services chail be c�uted separately. o to ana incluaing aoo amr��re capacity....$ls.00. For each additional 100 amr�wre capacity or fraction thereof ...................................$ 5.00. (c) Circuits, u�stallations, additions, alterations or repairs of each circuit or subfeeder shall be computed separately including circuits fed frarn subfeeders anclincluding the equipment served, except as provided for in (a) through (i). 0 to and including 100 am�m capacity...$ 5.00. For each additional 100 ampere capacity or fraction tllereof..................................$ 3.00. ((1)) Maximiun fee on a single family dwelling shall not exoeed $60.00 if not wer 200 an�es�e capacity. This includes sexvice, feeders, circuits, fixtures ancl equipmeazt. This maximiun fee includes not more th�i four (4) inspections. (Ref. 901) Page 6-- Oxrlinance No. 961 ((2) ) MaX;,m,m fee on an apax�trnent building shall not exceed � $30.00 per dwelling unit for the first 20 units and $25.00 per dwelling unit for the balance of units. The fee for the service and fceders in an apar�zt building shall be in accordance with 21� and 2c of the schedule, and shall be added to the fee for circ-uits in individual apart�nei7ts. The ma}ciminn fee for an aparbnent applies only to the circuits in the apar�nent. A two-family unit (duplex) ma�cimiun fee per unit as per single family dwelling. (Ref. 901) ((s>) ?ne maximiun nwnber of o to loo a�ere circuits to be paid on any one athletic field lighting st�__rr7 is ten (l0) . (Ref. 901) ((4)) The fee for mobile homes shall be in accon�nce with 2b and 2c of the fee schedule. (Ref. 901) ((5)) In addition to the above fees: ((a)) A ch,�xcse of $1.00 will be made for each lighting standard. ((b)) A chan�e of $2.0� will be made for each traffic signal standan3. Circuits originating within the standaxrl will not be used when �uting the fee. ((6)) In addition to the above fees, all txansformers and � generators for lic�t, heat arKi power shall be c�utecl separately at $5.00 per unit plus $3.00 per l0-Kilovolt a�eres or fraction thereof. The maxinnun fee for any transformer or generator in this category is $40.00. (Ref. 901) ((7)) In addition to the ahove fees, all transfox�s for signs and outline lightux3 shall be computed at $5.OD per unit . (Ref. 901) ((8)) In addition to the above fees (unless included in the maximiun fee filed by the initial installerJ rexnote control, signal circuits and circuits of less than 50 volts shall be cotr�puted at $5.00 per each ten (10) openings or devices of each system plus $2.0o for each additional ten (10) or fraction thereof. (d) For the review of plans and specifications of proposed lllCtallations, there shall be a miniimun fee of $100.OD, up to and including $30,000 of electrical estimlte, plus 1/10 of 1% of any amount in e�ccess of $30,000 to be paid by pessons or f,rm� requesting the review. (e) When reinspec,-tion is necessaxy to determine whether unsafe ' conditions have been corrected and such conditions are not subject to an appeal pending before the Boanl or any court, a reinspection fee of $15.00, may be asses_�ecl in writing by the inspector. (Ref. 901) (f) For inspections not covea.�ed herein, or for requested special inspections or services, the fee shall be $25.00 per hour, including travel time, plus $.25 per mile traveled, plus the Page 7-- Oniinance No. 961 reasonable cost of ��;pme��t or material consinned. `lYiis Section � is also applicable to inspection of empty coixluits ancl such other j�s as detexmined by the City. (Ref. 901) _ (g) For inspec.-tion of transient projecis includir�g but not limited to carnivals axxl circuses, the uLSpection fees shall be computed as follows: (Ref. 901) � ((1)) Paaer svpply units, accordir�g to 2B of the schedule. A like fee will be required on power supply units at each engagement during the season, except that a fee of $25. 00 per hour will be c1„*ned for additional time spent by the inspector, if the power supply is not ready for inspection at the time and date specified on the request for inspec.�tion as �,;red by law. (Ref. 901) ((2)) Rides, devices, or concessions, shall be inspected at their first appearance of the season and the inspection fee shall be $15.00 per unit. In addition to the fee for the pawer supply units, there shall be a general inspec.�tion for each engagement during the season at the hourly rate, with a two hour miniminn. In addition to the above fees, inspections required on Satuixiays, Suixlays, holidays or after reg�lar business houxs will be at the hourly rate, includirig travel time. An crwner of a migratory armasement entarnrise shall notify the inspector and make application for inspection a mi.nimimi of 14 days before its engagement in Fridley. When the inspector is not notified at least 48 hours in advance, a chan�e of $100.00 will be made in addition to all required fees. (hj For purposes of interpretation of the provisions of this Chapter, the mast recently published edition of the National Electrical Code shall be prima facie evidence of the definitions, interpretations and scope of wo�7s and tei�ns usecl in this Chapter. (i) In addition to the above fees, the inspection fee for each separate inspection of a sw;�;� pool shall be computed at $15.00. Reinforcing steel for sw;�+;*� pools �,;res a rough-in inspec.-tion. (3) Minor Repair Work Defined. Minor repair work as used in Minnesota Statutes, Section 326.244 shall mean the adjustment or repair and replacement of worn or defective parts of electrical fixtures, switches, receptacles and other equipment provided that such minor repaixs are made in crn�liance with accepted stanck-ixcls of construction for safety to life and property as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 326.243 and do not requi_re replacement of the wiring to them. The City's inspectors or agettts may inspec�t any such minor repairs at the request of the owner or person making such repairs. � (4) Condemnation of Hazaxdous Installations. When an electrical uispector finds that a riew installation or pai�t of a new installation that is not enezgized is rrot in onmpliance with accepted stand3rds of - construction as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 326.243 SafetySt.andazds of the Minnesota Electrical Act, the inspector shall, if the installation or the noncomplying part thereof is such as to seriously and proximately endanger h�� life and property if it c,ras to be enet�gized, on��er with the appzroval of the Buildir�q Inspector, Page 8-- Oxc3inance No. 961 inm�ediate conde�[¢�ation of the installation or noncc�mplyirig part. When the person responsible for making the installation condemned hereunder � is notified, they shall pr�tly proceed to make the corrections cited in the conde�ation on3er. (Ref. 901} (5) Disconnection of Hazazdous Installation: If while making an inspec.�tion, the electrical inspector finds tl�at a new installation that is eneYgized is not in conq�liance with accepted standa�� of construction as �,;red by Minnesota Statutes, Section 326.243 Safety Standan�s of the Minnesota Elec..-tsical Act, the inspector shall, if the inctallation or the nonconq�lying part thereof is such as to seriously and proximately endanger htmian life and property, orcier immediate disconnection of the installation or noncot�q�lyirx� part. When the pez'son x�esponsible for makicx� the installation otrlered disconnected hereunder is notified, they shall promptly proceed to make the corrections cited in this disconnect onier. (Ref. 901) CJ � (6) Corrections of Nonco�lying Installations. When a noncan�lying inctallation whether enexgized or not, is not proximately dangemus to himian life arXi pmperty, the inspector shall issue a correction orrler, oYdering the owner or contractor to make the installation comply with accepted standards of construction for safety to life and propeity, notirx,� s�ifically what chat�es are required. The oxder of the inspector shall specify a date of not less than 10 nor more than 17 calendar days fran the date of the o�ler. F. Moving of Dwelling or Building Fee. The ��++; t fee for the mwing of a dwellim� or building shall be in accordance with the folla,�ing schedule: G. H For Principle Buildir�g .........................$ 80.00 For Accessory Building .. ............... ...$ 20.00 For moving tht�ouc�, within or out of the City..$ 15.00 AT�LeCklIKJ PeIDtit Fee. (1) For any permit for the wrecking of any building or portion thereof, the fee chan�ed for each such building included in such nPrmit chall be based on the cubical contents thereof and shall be at the rate of one do2lar arx3 twenty-five cents ($1.25) for each one thousand (1000) cubic feet or fraction thereof. (2) For structures which would i�e impractical to cube, the wreckuig permit fee shall be based on the total cost of wreckirxf such structure at the rate of si�c dollars ($6.00) for each five hundred dollarS ($500.00) or fraction thereof. (3) In no case shall the fee chaxyed for any wrecki� �m+;t be less than fifteen dollazs ($15.00). Water and Sewer Fees. (Ref. 901) xyarant xental Agreement - service Chazge.....$ z5.00 (for use of hydrant or for hose/equipment use) Water Usage ...................................$ 0.75/1,000 gallons used Minim�un $10.00 plus Reflundable Deposit on Equipment Water Taps ....................................$160.00 Page 9- Oxrlinanoe No. 961 Street Patch - First 5 sq. yds ................$150.00 NeXt 10 Sq. yds .............................$ 15.OD/sq.yd. � Over 15 Sq. yds .............................$ 7.50/sq.yd. Water Meter Repair - Weekeni & Holidays.. .$ 35.00 WateY Connections Permit.. .$ 15.00 V Sewer Connections Permit ......................$ 25.00 SewerO-Dapter ................. ..............$ 5.00 Inspection Fee for Water/Sewer Line Repair....$ 15.00 I. Land Alterations, Excavatinq or Gxading Fees. (Ref. 901) 50 cubic yan7s or less ........................$ 15.00 51 to 100 cubic yards .........................$ 22.50 101 to 1,000 cubic yarcls .................. .$ 22.50 for the first loo cubic yasrls plu� $10.50 for each additional lOC cubic yarrls or fraction thereof. 1,001 to 10,000 cubic yaxds ........................$117.00 for the first 1,000 cubic yaizls plus $9.00 for each additional 1, 000 cubic y�ds or fraction thereof. 10,001 to 100,000 cubic yaxds ......................$198.00 for the first 10, 000 cubic ya�� plus $40.50 for each additional � 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. 100,001 cubic yaxds or more ........................$562.50 for the first 100, 000 cul�ic yarr3G plus $22.50 for each additional 100,000 cubic yazds or fraction thereof. Land Alteration Plan-Checking Fees: 50 cubic ya�3s or less ............................. No Fee 51 to 100 cubic ya�s ..............................$ 15.00 ioi to i,000 �ic yaras ...........................$ az.5o 1,001 to lo,DOO cubic ya�3s ........................$ 30.00 10,001 to 100,000 cubic yards ......................$ 30.00 for the first lo, 00o cubic ya�s plus $15.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yan�s or fraction thereof. 100,001 to 200,000 cubic yasds .....................$165.00 for the first 100, 000 cubic ya�� plus $9.00 for each additional � 10,000 cubic yazds or fraction thereof. -- 200,001 cubic yan9s or more ........................$255.00 for the first 200, 000 cubic yaids plus $4.50 for each additional 10, 000 cubic yax�3s or fraction thereof. Page 10 -- Oxriinance No. 961 J. Pollution Monitorinq Registration Fee (Ref. 929, 947) � 1. Each pollution monitoring location shall require a site map, description arrl lettgth of monitoriny time requested. (For matter of definition pollution monitori.nq location shall mean each individual taac pazrsl.) �ere shall be an initial application and plan check fee of 7Wenty Five Dollars ($25). 2. The applicant for a fbllution Control Registration shall provide the City with a hold harmless statement for any d��ges or claims made to the City regarriing location, oonstruction, or contaminates. 3. An initial registration fee of Fifty Dollars ($50) is due ancl gayable to the City of FYidley at or before co�mnencement of the in�tallation. 4. An annual renewal re�istration fee of Fifty Dollars ($50) and annual monitoring activity reports for all individual locations must be made on or before September fixst of each year. If renewal is not filed on or before October first of each year the applicant must pay double the fee. 5. A final pollution monitoring activity report must be submitted to the City within (30) days of tezmii�tion o£ monitoring activity. 2D6.04. DOUBL,E FEF',S � Should any pexr.•on begin work of any kind such as hereinhefore set forth, or for which a�rmit fr�n the Building Cbde Depar�nent is required by this Chapter withaut having secured the necessazy permit therefore from the Building Cocle Department either previous to or during the day where such work is �nced, or on the next sucaeeding business day when work is cozmnenced on a Saturday, SLU�day or a holiday, they shall, when subsequently securing such permit, be required to pay double the fees provided for such peianit and shall be subject to all the penal provisions of said Code. (Ref. 901) 206.05. REINSPECPION F'EE 1. A reinspection fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) shall be assessed for each inspection or reinspection when such portion of work for which the inspection is called for is not co�lete or when corrections called for are not made. (Ref. 901) 2. This Section is rrot to be interpreted as requiring reinspec.�tion fees the first time a job is rejected for failure to c��ly with the requireme��ts of this Code, but as controlling the practice of callirx� for inspections before the �ob is ready for such inspec.-tion or reinspection. 3. Reinspection fees may be assessed when the �*m,t caid is not properly posted on the work site, or the approved plans are not readily available for the in�pection, or for failure to provide access on the date and time for which ' inspection is requested, or for deviating fmm plans requiri_ng the approval of the Building Official. 4. Where reinspection fees have been assessed, no additional inspection of the work will be performed until the required fees have been paid. Page 11 -- Ordinarx�z No. 961 . . � . «�•� i «� . ••«� • � l. F�ccept for single family residexitial structures, a Certificate of Occupancy stating that all pxbvisions of this (�apter have been fully c�lied with, shall be obtained fr�n the City: A. Before aziy structure for which a buildir�g ��++;t is required is used or occupied. A temporary Certificate of Occu}xlncy may be issued when the building is approved for axvpancy but the outside develo�anent is partially unccnnpleted. (Ref. 901) B. Or before ar�y nonconforming use is impraved or enlaxged. 2. Application for a Certificate of oocupancy shall be made to the City when the structure or use is ready for oc�cupancy ancl within ten (10) days thereafter the City shall inspecst such structure or use and if fourxl to be in conformity with all provisions of this C1�apter, shall sign and issue a Certificate of Occ-'uP�ncy • 3. A Certificate of Compliance shall be issued to all existing legal nonconformirxJ arxi conforminq usPS which do not have a Certificate of Occup�-�ncy after all public health, safety, corrvenience and general welfare conditions of the City Code are in compliance. 4. No ��it or license required by the City of Fridley or other governmental agency shall be issued by any depar�nent official or employee of the City of such governmental agency, unless the application for such nPrn,;t or license is � acxo�anied by proof of the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of C,�liance. 5. (%ange in Occupancy: A. The City will be notified of any charx�e in ownership or occupancy at the time this cheu�ge occurs for all industrial and c�[anercial structures within the City. B. A new Certificate of Occupancy or Cong�liance will be issued after notification. A thirty-five dollar ($35.00) fee will be assessed for this certificate. 6. �isting Structure or Use: A. In the case of a structure or use established, altered, enlazged or moved, upon the issuance and receipt of a Special Use Pennit, a Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued only if all the conditions thereof shall have been satisfied. B. Whenever an inspection of an existing structure or use is required for issuance of a new Certificate of Occupancy, a thirty-five dollar ($35.00) fee will be charged. If it is found that such structure or use does not conform to the applicable requirements, the stnxcture or use shall not be occupied until such time as the structure or use is again brought into � campliance with such requirements. 206.07. ODTfl'RACDDR�S ISCIIdSF'8 1. It is deemed in the interest of the public arxl the residents of the City of Fridley that the work involved in buildirig alteration and construction and the in�tallation of various appliances and service facilities in and for said Page 12 -- O�tlinance No. 961 buildings be done only by individuals, firms and corporations that have demoitistrated or submitted evide.nce of their co�etency to perform such work in � accort�ance with the applicable codes of the City of FYidley. 2. The permits whiriz the Buildix�g Inspector is authorized to issue under this Code shall be issued only to inciividuals, firms or corporations holdiixf a license issued by the City for work to be performed w�der the permit, eaccept as hereinafter noted. 3. Requireme.nts. Application for license shall be made to the Building Code Department and such license shall be granted by a majority vote of the Council upon proof of the applicant's qualifications thereof, willixigness to ccmq�ly with the provisions of the City Code, filing of certificates evidencing the holding of public liability �n�,ran� jn }he limits of $50�000 peY per^.�on, $100�000 peY' accideTlt for bodily injury, and $25,000 for property damages and certificates of Worker's Ca�etvsation insuranoe as required by State law and if applicable, list a Minnesota State Tax Identification n�r. (Ref. 901) 4. Fee. The fee for each license required by the provision of this Section shall be thirty-five dollars ($35.00) per year. 5. F7cpiration. � All licenses issued under the provisions of this Section shall ea�pire on April 30th, follaaing the date of issu��ce unless sooner revoked or forfeited. If a license granted hereunder is not renewe3 preuious to its expiration then all rights granted by such licen�se shall cease and any work performed after the eacpiration of the license shall be in violation of this Code. ' 6. Renewal. F�ssons renewing their license issued under this Section after the expiration date shall be changed the full annual license fee. No prorated license fee shall be allowed. 7. Specific Trades Licensed. Licenses shall be obtained by every person engaging in the follaaing businesses or work in accordance with the applicable Chapters of the City of FYidley. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. General contractors in ttle business of builduxf construction. Masonry and brick work. Roofirig. Plastering, stucco work, sheetrock taping. Heatir�g, ventilation and refrigexation. Gas piping, gas setvices, gas eq�ipment installation. Oil heating and piping work. Page 13 — Ordinance No. 961 H, Excavations, i.ncluding excavation for footings, ���nts, sewer and water line installations. � I, Wrecking of buildings. J. Sign erection, construction ar�d repair, including billboards and electrical siqns. K. Blacktopping and asphalt work. L. Chuimey sweeps. 8. E�[q�loyees and SUbcontractors. A license granted to a general contxactor under this Section shall include the right to perform all of the work included in the general contract. Such license shall include any or all of the persons performing the work which is classified and listed in this Code providing that each person perfo�i*+m such work is in the �n,iar �loy and qualified under State law and the pmvisions of this Buildiug Code to perform such work. In these racPC, the general contractor shall be responsible for all of the work so performed. Subc•.ontxactors on any work shall be required to �ly with the Sections of this Code pertaining to license, insurance, �*T+;t, etc. , for their �rticular type of work. (Ref. 901) 9. S�spension arxl Revocation Generally. The City Council shall have the paaer to suspencl or revoke the license of any � person lic.ensed under the �,�ations of this Section, whose work is found to be i�roper or defective or so uxLSafe as to jeopazrlize life or property providing the pezson holding such licex�Ge is given twenty (20) days notice and yranted the opportunity to be heard before such action is taken. If and when such notice is sent to the legal addrass of the licensee and they fail or refuse to apuPar at the said hearing, their license will be automatically suspended or revoked five (5) days after date of hearing. 10. Time of Suspension, When a license issued under this Section is suspended, the period of suspesLSion shall be not less than thirty (3D) days nor more tl�an one (1) year, such periocl being determined by the City Council. 11. Revocation, ReinstatemPnt. When any peison holding a license as provided herein has been convicted for the second time by a court of law for violation of any of the provisions of this Code, the City Couttcil shall revoke the license of the person so convicted. Such pexson may not make application for a new license for a period of one (1) year. 12. Perntit to Honieovmex. The aaner of any single family property may perform work on property which the ' owner occupies so long as the work when performed is in acco�lance with the Codes of the City and for such purpose a permit may be granted to such owner without a license obtained. Page 14 -- Ozdinance No. 961 13. State Licensed Contractor's F�ccepted. ' Those pessons who possess valid State licenses issued by the State of Minnesota shall not be required to obtain a lic�se from the City; they shall, however be required to file proof of the existence of a valid State license together with proof of satisfactory Worker's Co�ensation and Public Liability insurance ooverage. (Ref. 901) 14. Public Sexvice Corporations Exoepted. Public service corporations shall not be �,;red to obtain licenses for work upon or in connection with their own property e�ccept as may be provided by other Chapters. 15. Manufacturers F�ccepterl. Manufacturers shall not be required to obtain licenses for work incorporated within equi�anent as part of manufac.�turi.ng e�tcept as may be provided by other Sections of this Code. 16. Asslmiption of Liability. This Section shall not be construed to affect the responsil�ility or liability of any party oo-ming, operating, controlling or installir�g the above describeci work for damages to persons or property caused by any defect therein; nor shall the City of Fridley be held as a�� m�;r�r any such liability by reason of the licensirig of persons, firms or corporations elxlaged in such work. ' 206.08. [TFILI'lY EXC�VATIOTL4 (SEHTER 6 FII►TER) 1. Permit Required. Before any work is performed which includes cutting a curb or �cavation on or under any street or curbing a��+�+it shall be applied for from the City. The Public Works Depar�nent shall verify the location of the waterniain and sanitazy sewer connections before any excavation or gradirg shall be permitted on the premises. The peYmit shall specify the location, width, lp*�h and depth of the necessaty excavation. It shall further state the specifications and condition of public facility restoration. S�ch specifications shall require the public £acilities to be restored to at least as good a condition as they were prior to conmtencement of work. Concrete curb and gutter or any street pat�him shall be constructed and inspec.-ted by the City, unless specified othezwise. 2. Deposit - Required. A. Where plans and specifications indicate that proposed work includes connection to sanitary sewer, watermain, a curb cut or any other disruption that may cause damage to the facilities of the City, the application for permit shall be aocompanied by a two huncired dollar ($200.00) cash deposit as a guarantee that all restoration work will be completed and City facilities left in an undamaged condition. � B. The requirement of a cash deposit shall not apply to any public utility corporation franchised to do business within the City. 3. Maximimt Deposit. No person shall be required t,o have more than four hundred dollars ($400.00) on deposit with the City at any one time by reason of this Section; provided that Page 15 -- Oniinance No. 961 such deposit shall be subjected to compliance with all the requirements of this Section as to all building permits issued to such person prior to the deposit ' being refunded. 4. Inspeciions. A. Before any backfillir�g is done in an excavation approved under this division the City shall be notified for a review of the conditions of construction. B. During and aftex restoration the City Eng�*+�r or a designated agent chail inspect the work to assure ca�liance. (Ref. 901) 5. Return of Deposit. The Public Works Director shall authorize refi,.,r3mant of the deposit when restoration has bee�7 cm�leted to satisfactozy cm�liance with this Section. 6. Forfeiture of Deposit. Any person who fails to cxunplete any of the requirements shall forfeit to the City such portion of the deposit as is necessazy to pay for having such work done. 206.09. BUIIDIIQG SITE RF7QUII2EMENPB 1. General. � In addition to the pxovisions of this Section, all building site requirements of the City's Zoning Code Chapter 205 and additions shall be followed before a buildirig ;��; t may be issued. 2. Utilities and Street Required. No building permit shall be issued for any new construction unless and until all utilities are installed in the public street adjacent to the parcel of land to be improved and the rough gradi� of the adjacent street has been completed to the extent that adequate street access to the parcel is available. 3. Trailer Prohibitions. Except in a trailer or mol�ile hame park, the removal of wheels from any trailer or the remodeling of a trailer through the construction of a foundation or the enclosure of the space between the base of the trailer and the grouncl, or through the construction of additions to provide extLa floor space will not be considered as confomm;r,� with the City's Building Code in any respect and will therefore be prohibited. 4. F.rniipment and Material Storage. No construction equipment ar�d/or material pertainirrr to construction shall be ' stored on any property within the City without a valid building �**�;t. When construction is c�leted and a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, any construction equipment or materials must be removed within thirty (30) days from the issuance date on the Certificate of Occ�ipam.y. 5. Construction Work Hours. It shall be unlawful for any pexr.,on or c�npany acting as a contractor for Page 16 -- Ordinarice No. 961 payment, to engage in the construction of any Ixxilding, structure or utility including but not limited to the making of any excavation, clearing of surface , land and loading or unloading materials, equipment or supplies, anywhere in the City except between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on Saturdays and legal holidays. However, such activity shall be lawful if an alternate hours work nrnrmit therefore has been issued by the City upon application in acco�lce with requirements of the paragraph below. It shall be unlawful to engage in such work or activity on Sunday or any legal holiday unless an alteniate hours work �a�n;t for such work has first been issued. Not,hing in this (�apter shall be construed to prevent any work necessary to prevent in7uzy to persons or property at any time. Alternate Hours Work F�rmit. Applications for an alternate hours work pesmit shall be made in writing to the Public Works Director and shall state the name of the applicant and the business address, the location of the proposed work and the reason for seeking a��+,t to do such work, as well as the estimated time of the proposed operations. No such pe,tmit shall be issued excepting where the public welfare will be hainlecl by failure to perform the work at the times indicated. 7. Safeguards. Warning barricades art3 lights shall be maintained whenever necessaiy for the protection o£ pedestrians and traffic; and temporary mofs over sidewalks shall Lie constructed whenever there is darger from falling articles or materials to ' pedestrians. 206.10. DRAII�GE At�ID GEUIDING Investigation. After a builduig permit has been applied for and prior to the issuance of said ��n;t, the City shall thoroughly irrvestigate the existing drainage features of the ProPertY to be u_�ecl. Obstruction of Natural Drainage Prohibited. No building �mm; t shall be issued for the construction of any building on which construction or necessazy grading thereto shall oLzstruct any natural drainage watenaay. 3. Undrainable Iands. No building permit shall be issued for the constnxction of any building upon ground which caivtot be properly drained. Protection of F�cisting Drainage Installations. A. Where application is made for a building permit and subsequent ' investigation shows that the property to be occ.-upied by said buildiixl is adjacent to a portion of a public road or street containing a drainage culvert, catch basin, sewer, special ditch or any other artificial drainage structures used for the purpose of draining said property ancl/or neighboring propexty, the applicant shall specifically agree in writiny to protec,,t these watexways in such a way that they shall rrot be affected by the proposed building construction or grading work incidental thereto. Page 17 -- Ordinance No. 961 B. No land shall be altered and no use shall be pP�-�n;tted that results in water xvn�ff causing flooding, erosion or deposits of minP,-als on adjacent ' properties. Stornn,*ater Yvn-off fram a developed site will leave at no greater rate or lesser quality than the stormw-ater run�ff from the site in an w�developed coridition. Storniwater rvnroff shall not eatceed the rate of nin�ff of the undeveloped land for a 24 hour stornt with a 1 year return frequency. Detention facilities shall be designed for a 24 hour storm with a 100 year return frequency. All run-off shall be properly channeled into a storm drain water course, ponding area or other public facility designed for that purpose. 11ny char�ge in grade affecting erater run-off onto an adjacent property must be approved by the City. , 5. Order to Reg�ade. The City may on3er the applicant to reqrade property i conform to any provision of this Section, if the prel�m;nan, plan has not been follcxaed, or if the grade to neic�boru�g praperties. 206.11. S�,TERS� S�,TE[II�4�YS 1. Definition. f existing grade does not gxade itxlicated in the poses a drainage problem As used in this Section, the term watexs and/or wateLways shall include all public watezways as defined by Miru�esota Statutes, Section 105.38 and shall also include all bodies of water, natural or artificial, includinq ponds, streams, lakes, swamps and ditches which are a part of or contribute to the collection, ninoff or storage watexs within the City or directly or indirectly affect the callection, tzansportation, storage or disposal of the storm and surface �raters systP�t in the City. Faxmit Required. No person shall cause or �mm;t any waters or watesways to be created, dairnned, altered, filled, dredged or el�minated, or cause the water level elevation thereof to be artificially altered without first securing a permit from the City, State or watershed management ozganization as appropriate. Application for Pexmit. Applications for �mm;ts required by the provisions of this Section shall be made in writing upon printed forms furnished by the City Clerk. Scope of Proposed work. Applications for �r++;ts required by this Section shall be acco��nied with a complete and detailed description of the proposed work toqether with con�lete plans and topographical survey map clearly illustrating the proposed work and its effect upon e�cisting waters and Frater handling facilities. 5. Fees. � A fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall be paid to the City and upon the filing of an application for a permit required by the provisions of this Section to defray the costs of irroestigatinq and considering such application. � � � Page 18 — Ordinance No. 961 206.12. PEI�LTIFS Any violation of this Chapter is a misdemeanor and is subject to all penalties provided for such violations under the provisions of Chapter 901 of this Code. PASSID AND ADOPTID BY THE CPPY OOiINCIL OF THE CPPY OF FRIDLESi TI-IIS lOTH ]]AY OF DECQ•IDER, 1990. ATTFST: � � � /� ���_ Surar N v A. ALA -� CI�E2K First Reading: Nwember 19, 1990 Second Reading: Decell�ber 10, 1990 Publish: December 19, 1990 V"� ` {' WIIZSAM J.NEE MAYOR