Ordinance No. 0964 01-07-1991• ' � � 1� N � •' �� 1� U 9]�� �� �' 1 ' U •� � M 1• • 31• 1 ➢1 7i► M �• • Y• : N� 1: �'!' `]I I• U' 1 �I I� • 71' M 1: �'!� � U� Ipl I� �' ' S • I 1 • U ' ? �i I I The Council of the City of Fridley does ordain as follows: The title of this C�apter "C'haritable Gamblir�y" is �ed as follows: nlawful GaInblingn Section 30.03. REGUTATIONS 1. Li�sed oxyanizations conducting lawful gambling within the City of Fridley shall expend fifty percent (50�) of its experxlitures for lawFul purposes cor�ducted or located within the City of Fridley trade area. The FYidley trade area is limited to the City of Fridley and each city contiguous to the City of FYidley. 2. Licensed oxganizations coriduuctizig lawful gamblinc� within the City of Fridley must file a copy of monthly gambling boaxd financial reports �o the Fridley City Clerk. 3. Licensed organizations conducting lawful gambling may not conduct pull-tab � sale operations in more than two premises in the City. 4. Licensed on�anizations conducting lawfvl gambling within the City of Fridley in an establishment licensed under Chaptex 603 F1�titled "Intoxicating Liquor" of the EYidley City Code shall only sell pull-tabs from a hooth used solely by the licensed lawful gambling on�anization, and pull-tabs shall neither be sold by employees of the liquor establishment or sold from the bar area. 5. Licensed organizations conducting lawful gambling in the City of FYidley shall be responsible for booths and other equipment used in lawful gaml�lirig. 6. No bingo hall license holder or lawful gambling license holder shall permit birigo to be corxlucted on the premises more than 4 days in any week, or perniit mare than 12 bingo occasions in any week. SECI'ION 30.04. LOCAL GAMBLSNG TAX A local gambling t� of three percent (30) of the gross i�ceipts from lawful gamblirx�, less prizes actually paid by the on7anization, shall be paid to the City for the purpose of req�latirx� said gamblulg. Any tasc not utilized in conjunction with regul.ating said gambling shall be returned to the contributing on7anizations annually. Organizations operating urx3er a State and City approved lawful gambling exemption certificate are ea�empt from the local gamUling ta�c. � Page 2-- Oxclinance No. 964 � PASSED AND ADOPI'ED BY THE CPPY CnUNCIL OF `I'HE CITY OF FRIDLEY TI�S 7ST DAY OF JAN[JARY, 1991 ATPEST ���r/.ZG�/ C,�vF�/ . c.�-�a-- sxrur,�v A. y�� - cz cr�ax First Reading: December 17, 1990 Second Read.tng: January 7, 1991 Publish: Januaiy 16, 1991 � ' �i/ (..��, _ L� l_S�-'�__ t �-�, WILLSAM J. MAYOR