Ordinance No. 0097 05-08-1958.
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OFFICIAL PUBUCATION ^" 't ° n�s����� ��a u�ae� omer`
[han the Provisions Iherefoi hereito-
nYt�r ' ade �cith respect to the �a �e
OADIrTASCE FU. 'JP __ are rei�caled and ot no fnr[her eP- �
AS OItDiF�NC.F. A\IF.3D7PT6 feet.
OIEDISAACE NO. 70 Sertion k. 'I'he provisioua of 3ec- �
1 c. 5° kuM1di ision A are PurUer �
EnHtled `�AU Ordinanee Eegnlating 2�endel ky uidina thereto u��1e� -��
'Che Locatlon, 5ize, Uee nnd lle�ght and at che e:�tl oF Subtlivislon A, the
af Ruildin6x, The arranRenient ol fn�����,vin^'. .
� Ruildings on Lots, TLe Denciky of 1%. :�he Pellon�iug uses, but only
� � Pop�datiun: Adok�hng A Tixtricl a Ler ,ecurin,^, a uae pecrni[ fm
� ]ffip Coutainlnq '1'Le B��undflriev of the e�tabli.slnnent, reconStrur .
� Dictricts wi[�h� 7:auh oi R'Lieh ��'�, ����=cm�al xlteratimi, eo-
- � U Ia��Qevxn[. nr moving ol aay .
T'aeioua Hegulmlions 6hn11 Applr: �urh oFe, after apPrwal oP
Dniining Certain Perms i?Fed Here� yurh permit by the lloxrd oi �
1n: ]Leqai[Ing Tlie Pcurision of
,lntomoLile Parki�g Spssee: Yrovid� . � uuale n�id tro city council,
ing fuc Exenptton Tu Certain Regn- 1�'.d s-ubje�-L N ariy eonclielnn
Iwtlmu: Proriding Yo[ 9manding S1�osed liy such vse permi[, aa
TLesc ILegniatiuna and TOe B1np. l�rnvideA in Sectio� 10, or any
FvWrylialiiug L Roard uf ApPeulv� ���'� ��ir hereof �
] ro���ling to[ ASmini h ttion nnd I i) Au�o�nnblle �amps trailer ,
. Fntorcoment and Ln7�o �ny Pe�ultles <<urt ! ut � ly i� th tit Dor- . j
-}.� I101 Of Lh[ �:li].CC RIC}ll¢ Of 3
fo Viulntlonx Aud 4U plotl �n �q r n9tt�i ng i❑ o� pirt �f the
Docember �9 19.� l;v ti'OInR'� •i"'R' 4.Ilo� �� �i 1: .
. Cmmvil ot Pddle� V ��� _�ny uea 'ithin vaid district
The C1ty o[ Prc7ley does o�3ain: ����pa9} .o oecuP�ed or used al �
� .. 9ectlon 1. Ord�nance So. 70 of the '
� Village oC Pridle} adoPtecl on lle- rtie L� .� thie. t� en�L�..a�t to ,
cernbe� l9 1555, and referred m rhe md�naoce becomes effee- �a
t.ve. hu� li � iteri aln�ays tn
� moC'e pBStiCLL'Hry in thC fit72 of 211i9 th&L pOYtiOn Of 'L jl'LYCCI, Rat
orainaeree ie amentied as hereinafte� �-holly .� ��eetl, aa ig avluapy �
_ Qt�[all. �
� $ectlon E. Whenever and wherev- ��'�� r �mi��i f�r �uch ourv .
. er i�� said ordinance the term "�'il- Po+es a vppears of recotd in . .{
� fa e of Fridte a - �he i�� �cxlion ancl licen9e '
K Y" p�ears, Lhere is
. hereby substitu[ed therefor Lhc tenn ���'nnt� iher°�nr by Oie Atare �
"Citv nP I�rfdlev", and any reference � Board oF Aeal-h at Lhe Cima
to "ViLlage of N'ridley" shall here- �his ur9iu=tncz is eYrertive.
aiter be reaS "City ot P'riciley.° C'� ��� Lhot I�art ol the Ex�nt
Secfiun 3. The P�'ovieions in Bec- I'ort}°-=i� (46) am'es of the
�� cion 5.3 Subdivision 8(aj sfating ��>>� (�Vl/21 oi the Sorlhwae�
- "AUto camps, traSler couets" are Quxx�er (V��T11`�) oC HOCHOn -
uses ner�nilted, ant] the provision �°�. �ownHhip 80, Range _4,
. � in Section 5.Y Sob�3iviai0n A? staLing . nnoka County, �nneeota,
� "AUto CamPS� [railer cour[s" are IY�nR ZM1%ent ot the said H»h-
uses permitted, and ti�e '��'� F�. nn9 South ot a line.
provisione .shich id 4A5.18 feet So.eth ot
in Section 6.10 Sabdivieion 3, atating yi�� para!ICl to the Sw�tO line
°AUtomobile eamp�, trailer courts in �.ald �ection 12, as mea?ured �
R-3 Disteicta" are uses ue�mitted � ,elu�ig the R'eat line of [he .,�
� af[er securmg use penn�[e therufor, aid 1 mtt n f9i ) ure
are eacli vepiessLy reUeale[7 an3 eaeh ;�
� p� �2{d [31 I he 1 a[ rt U �eet < f the South
peovi_�ona as nOted ]ierein is ;qG leet i[he Vmiti '6 feel '�
Aeletecl from said ordmance. Fur- 9
ther any provision containe�i in �f the Sonthc3�.t Quar[er �-�
� eaul ordinance �ehereby �t may be t'��%1/1) oi [he n�mtt�weet {
construe� [liat "automobile camPS, Quaeter (\\M1']/4J ot $2ctlon _
trailer courts" ai'e permittea in any �"-� �o�mshlp 90, gange 94. -
dis[ric[ other than the 3i-1 District ti�'°tbn b 'Phe px'ovisions o4 Sec-
� tlon 6B are a�nende�l by a�iding
Ne�'eto at tlie mitl oP the �ection a '.i
ne�v Snhdicision (37 tu read as
� . Io)I�W �:
. � . (3) The follou�ng vsas but onLy . -
� . aEler e,turlig a use .pes'init /�u�
. �hereloi ,a� � iocide9 n Eectiou
� . . � � 10, or ofh r �ec[lon hereof, antl � ��
� x noted �n Sub3n �o � here- -�°"�h-�t-
� ��abi �e bnt lim�L�d to that � �
' � � � � tion ot ��ie d�9t'c[ peciYi-
. � cfllly de u ihed m su�.h use
� . pc� ut 2 �btaine3 0� wYiofly
� . - � eLLhir tho fnlLOtiv�rifi vrea5: .
� � . (a) Any area .cithin s-ai<1 dis- .
� � trict atready so ocenpied oi � '�,
.. . u5ed a[ the Limo oP thic
— � i�en�lv ent to the ort3u�an��e �
� � becomea aFFeu[ire but lnnited
. 21wa [o that partion of a
yarr.el not wholLy so used as �
� �s a.tuallv used or oc<np�ed
� . for such purposes as appears
.. . � � of record in the applieation
� � . � and ]icense granLafl therefore
� � � bp Che SLatu Roar[7 of HealCh
. at the time [hiF ordSnanCe is �
� - effe�.a� e. �
. [b) OWie[ a.oeitF. Sone, e.ecepc ,
. � . upon fiirther ePerific deeigna- �.�
tion made het'eaftQr by the �
� . � � City of PridleY by amenAment +¢
. � to Lhis ortlinance. � �
. 68eLion U. The Provleions of thia
� ordina�ee and amendment are tle-
. . ciared to he tmmediately nece6sary
� � Por tho preservation of public peace, �{
' � . /� henith, safety and fhe general we4 �
� � �/ tarc-. avd are Ri�en immediate efEect �
upon puGii<atm as required by Law.
P Passe�l by the City Council thie
8th day of ➢[a� 1968,
_ . . � MaYar ..
City bfanager
t 12eading Ylay 1, 1968
Second Reading May R, 1958
Published: Fridley Newe
biay 15, 1958