Ordinance No. 0987 03-30-1992ORDINANCE N0. 987
1.❑1. SALARY
The Mayor and each Councilmember shall receive each year
reasonable remuneration ❑r salary. the amount and payment ❑f
which shall be prescribed by ❑rdinance duly adopted ❑n ❑r
before November 1st ❑f the year preceding payment ❑f the same.
(Charter 2.❑7}
Pursuant t❑ the City ❑f
requires the Council t❑
decennial census ❑f the
the City Council may
Boundaries ❑f the City
established as follows:
Fridley Charter. Chapter 2.❑3. which
redetermine Ward Boundaries after each
IInited States. and at ❑ther times as
determine. the Ward and Precinct
are redetermined and hereafter are
(Ref. 515}
1. Ward No. 1. Precinct No. 1 is established as the area
bounded as follows:
NORTH: Starting at the northern City Limits
(approximately 255 feet north ❑f the intersection ❑f
❑sborne Road and T.H. #47 Avenue} g❑ east ❑n the northern
City Limits t❑ Baker Street. EAST: IIsing Baker Street
and starting at the northern City Limits. g❑ south ❑n
Baker Street t❑ 73rd Avenue. then g❑ east ❑n 73rd Avenue
t❑ Highway #55. then g❑ south ❑n Highway #55 t❑ Rice Creek
Terrace. SDIITH: IIsing Rice Creek Terrace and starting at
T.H. #55. g❑ west ❑n Rice Creek Terrace t❑ Madison Street.
then g❑ south ❑n Madison Street t❑ 7th Street. then g❑
south ❑n 7th Street t❑ 57th Avenue. then g❑ west ❑n 57th
Avenue t❑ 4th Street. then g❑ north ❑n 4th Street t❑ Rice
Creek Terrace. then g❑ northwest ❑n Rice Creek Terrace t❑
T.H. #47. WEST: IIsing T.H. #47 and starting at Rice Creek
Terrace. g❑ north ❑n T.H.#47 t❑ the northern City Limits
(Osborne Road and T.H. #47}.
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2. Ward No. 1. Precinct No. 2 is established as the area
bounded as follows:
NORTH: IIsing Rice Creek and starting at the Burlington
Northern Railroad right-of-way. g❑ east ❑n Rice Creek t❑
T.H. #47. then g❑ south ❑n T.H. #47 t❑ Rice Creek Terrace.
then g❑ southeast ❑n Rice Creek Terrace t❑ 4th Street.
then g❑ south ❑n 4th Street t❑ 57th Avenue. then g❑ east
❑n 57th Avenue t❑ 7th Street. then g❑ northeast ❑n 7th
Street t❑ Madison Street. then g❑ north ❑n Madison Street
t❑ Rice Creek Terrace. then g❑ east ❑n Rice Creek Terrace
t❑ Highway #55. EAST: IIsing T.H. #55 and starting at
Rice Creek Terrace. g❑ south ❑n Highway #55 t❑ Mississippi
Street. then g❑ west ❑n Mississippi Street t❑ Van Buren
Street. then g❑ south ❑n Van Buren Street t❑ Carol Drive.
then g❑ southwest ❑n Carol Drive t❑ West Moore Lake Drive.
SDIITH: IIsing West Moore Lake Drive and starting at Carol
Drive. g❑ southwest ❑n West Moore Lake Drive t❑ 51st
Avenue. then g❑ west ❑n 51st Avenue t❑ 7th Street. then g❑
north 7th Street t❑ Mississippi Street. then g❑ west ❑n
Mississippi t❑ the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-
way. WEST: IIsing Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-
way and starting at the Mississippi Street. g❑ north ❑n
the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way t❑ Rice
3. Ward No. 1. Precinct No. 3 is established as the area
bounded as follows:
NORTH: IIsing Mississippi Street and starting at the
Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way. g❑ east ❑n
Mississippi Street t❑ 7th Street. EAST: IIsing 7th Street
and starting at Mississippi Street. g❑ south ❑n 7th Street
t❑ T.H. #594. SDIITH: IIsing T.H. #594 and starting at 7th
Street. g❑ west ❑n T.H. #594 t❑ T.H. #47. WEST: IIsing
T.H. #47 and starting at T.H. #594. g❑ north ❑n T.H. #47
t❑ 51st Avenue. then g❑ west ❑n 51st Avenue t❑ the
Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way. then g❑ north
❑n the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way t❑
Mississippi Street.
4. Ward No. 1. Precinct No. 4 is established as the area
bounded as follows:
NORTH: IIsing 51st Avenue and starting at 7th Street. g❑
east ❑n 51st Avenue t❑ West Moore Lake Drive. EAST:
IIsing West Moore Lake Drive and starting at 51st Avenue.
g❑ southeast ❑n West Moore Lake Drive t❑ T. H. #55. then
g❑ south ❑n T.H. #55 t❑ T. H. #594. then g❑ east ❑n T.H.
#594 t❑ Matterhorn Drive. then g❑ south ❑n Matterhorn
Drive t❑ the southern City Limits. SDIITH: IIsing the
southern City Limits and starting at Matterhorn I]rive. g❑
Ordinance No. 987
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west ❑n the southern City Limits t❑ T.H. #47. WEST:
IIsing T.H. #47 and starting at the southern City Limits.
g❑ north ❑n T.H. #47 t❑ T.H. #594. then g❑ east ❑n T.H.
#594 t❑ 7th Street. then g❑ north ❑n 7th Street t❑ 51st
5. Ward No. 2. Precinct No. 1 is established as the area
bounded as follows:
NORTH: IIsing the northern City Limits (Osborne Road}
starting at Baker Street. g❑ east ❑n the northern City
Limits t❑ the eastern City Limits. EAST: IIsing the
eastern City Limits. g❑ south ❑n the eastern City Limits
t❑ 59th Avenue. SDIITH: IIsing 59th Avenue and starting at
the eastern City Limits. g❑ west ❑n 59th Avenue t❑ Central
Avenue. then g❑ south ❑n Central Avenue t❑ Rice Creek.
then g❑ west ❑n Rice Creek T❑ T.H. #55. WEST: IIsing T.H.
#55 and starting at Rice Creek. g❑ north ❑n T.H. #55 t❑
73rd Avenue. then g❑ west ❑n 73rd Avenue t❑ Baker Street.
then g❑ north ❑n Baker Street t❑ the northern City Limits.
5. Ward No. 2 Precinct No. 2 is established as the area
bounded as follows:
NORTH: IIsing Rice Creek and starting at T.H. #55. g❑ east
❑n Rice Creek t❑ Central Avenue. then g❑ north ❑n Central
Avenue t❑ 59th Avenue. then g❑ east ❑n 59th Avenue t❑ the
eastern City Limits. EAST: IIsing the eastern the City
Limits and starting at 59th Avenue. g❑ south ❑n the
eastern City Limits t❑ 55th Avenue. SDIITH: IIsing 55th
Avenue and starting at the eastern City Limits. g❑ west ❑n
55th Avenue t❑ Arthur Street. then g❑ south ❑n Arthur
Street t❑ Mississippi Street. then g❑ west ❑n Mississippi
Street t❑ Central Avenue. then g❑ south ❑n Central Avenue
t❑ East Moore Lake Drive. then g❑ southwest ❑n East Moore
Lake DrivelWest Moore Lake Drive t❑ Able Street. WEST:
IIsing Able Street and starting at West Moore Lake Drive.
g❑ north ❑n Able Street t❑ Carol Drive. then g❑ west ❑n
Carol Drive t❑ Van Buren Street. then g❑ north ❑n Van
Buren Street t❑ Mississippi Street. then g❑ east ❑n
Mississippi Street t❑ T.H. #55. then g❑ north ❑n T.H. #55
t❑ Rice Creek.
7. Ward No. 2. Precinct No. 3 is established as the area
bounded as follows:
NORTH: IIsing Able Street and starting at Carol Drive. g❑
south ❑n Able Street t❑ West Moore Lake Drive. then g❑
east and northeast ❑n West Moore Lake DrivelEast Moore
Ordinance No. 987
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Lake Drive t❑ Central Avenue. then g❑ north ❑n Central
Avenue t❑ Mississippi Street. then g❑ east ❑n Mississippi
Street t❑ Arthur Street. then g❑ north ❑n Arthur Street t❑
55th Avenue. then g❑ east ❑n 55th Avenue t❑ the eastern
City Limits. EAST: IIsing the eastern City Limits and
starting at 55th Avenue. g❑ south ❑n the eastern City
Limits t❑ Gardena Avenue. SDIITH: IIsing Gardena Avenue
and starting at the eastern City Limits. g❑ west ❑n
Gardena Avenue t❑ Matterhorn Drive. then g❑ south ❑n
Matterhorn Drive t❑ the extension ❑f Hathaway Lane. then
g❑ west ❑n Hathaway Lane and its extension t❑ Regis �rive.
then g❑ south ❑n Regis �rive t❑ Lynde �rive. then g❑ west
❑n Lynde Drive and its extension t❑ T.H. #55: WEST:
IIsing T.H. #55 and starting at the extension Lynde Drive.
g❑ north ❑n T.H. #55 t❑ West Moore Lake Drive. then g❑
northwest ❑n West Moore Lake Drive t❑ 51st Avenue. then g❑
northeast ❑n West Moore Lake Drive t❑ Carol Drive. then g❑
northeast ❑n Carol Drive t❑ Able Street.
8. Ward No. 2. Precinct No. 4 is established as the area
bounded as follows:
NORTH: IIsing the extension ❑f Lynde Drive and starting at
T.H. #55. g❑ east ❑n Lynde Drive and its extension t❑
Regis �rive. then g❑ north ❑n Regis �rive t❑ Hathaway
Lane. then g❑ east ❑n Hathaway Lane and its extension t❑
Matterhorn Drive. then g❑ north ❑n Matterhorn Drive t❑
Gardena Avenue. then g❑ east ❑n Gardena Avenue t❑ the
eastern City Limits. EAST: IIsing the eastern City Limits
and starting at Gardena Avenue. g❑ south ❑n the eastern
City Limits t❑ the southern City Limits. SDIITH: IIsing
the southern City Limits and starting at the eastern City
Limits. g❑ west ❑n the southern City Limits t❑ Matterhorn
Drive. WEST: IIsing Matterhorn Drive and starting at the
southern City Limits. g❑ north ❑n Matterhorn Drive t❑ T.H.
#594 then g❑ west ❑n T.H. #594 t❑ T.H. #55. then g❑ north
❑n T.H. #55 t❑ the extension ❑f Lynde Drive.
9. Ward No. 3. Precinct No. 1 is established as the area
bounded as follows:
NORTH: IIsing the northern City Limits from the
Mississippi River. g❑ east t❑ the Burlington Northern
Railroad right-of-way. then g❑ north ❑n the Burlington
Northern Railroad right-of-way (City Limits} t❑ 85th
Avenue (City Limits}. then g❑ east ❑n 85th Avenue (City
Limits} t❑ T.H. #47 (City Limits}. EAST: IIsing T.H. #47
(City Limits} and starting at 85th Avenue. g❑ south ❑n
Ordinance No. 987
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T.H. #47 (City Limits} t❑ ❑sborne Road. SDIITH: IIsing
❑sborne Road and starting at T.H. #47. g❑ southwest ❑n
❑sborne Road t❑ Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way.
then g❑ north ❑n the Burlington Northern Railroad right-
❑f-way t❑ 79th Way. then g❑ west ❑n 79th Way t❑ the
western City Limits (Mississippi River}. WEST: IIsing the
western City Limits and starting at 79th Way. g❑ north t❑
the northern City Limits.
1❑. Ward No. 3. Precinct No. 2 is established as the area
bounded as follows:
NORTH: IIsing the western City Limits and starting at 79th
Way. g❑ east ❑n 79th Way t❑ the Burlington Northern
Railroad right-of-way. then g❑ south ❑n the Burlington
Northern Railroad right-of-way t❑ ❑sborne Road. then g❑
northeast ❑n ❑sborne Road t❑ T.H. #47. EAST: IIsing T.H.
#47 and starting at ❑sborne Road. g❑ south ❑n T.H. #47 t❑
Rice Creek. SDIITH: IIsing Rice Creek and starting at T.H.
#47. g❑ west ❑n Rice Creek t❑ the Burlington Northern
Railroad right-of-way. then g❑ south ❑n the Burlington
Northern Railroad right-of-way t❑ Mississippi Way. then g❑
west ❑n Mississippi Way t❑ East River Road. then g❑ north
❑n East River Road t❑ Rice Creek. then g❑ west ❑n Rice
Creek t❑ the western City Limits. WEST: IIsing the
western City Limits and starting at Rice Creek. g❑ north
❑n the western City Limits t❑ 79th Way.
11. Ward No. 3. Precinct No. 3 is established as the area
bounded as follows:
NORTH: IIsing the western City Limits and starting at Rice
Creek. g❑ east ❑n Rice Creek t❑ East River Road. then g❑
south ❑n East River Road t❑ Mississippi Way. then g❑ east
❑n Mississippi Way t❑ the Burlington Northern Railroad
right-of-way. EAST: IIsing the Burlington Northern
Railroad right-of-way and starting at Mississippi Way. g❑
south ❑n the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way t❑
the extension ❑f 51st Avenue. then g❑ east ❑n 51st Avenue
and its extension t❑ T.H. #47. then g❑ south ❑n T.H. #47
t❑ 50th Avenue. then g❑ west ❑n 50th Avenue t❑ 3rd Street.
then g❑ south ❑n 3rd Street t❑ 59th Avenue. then g❑ west
❑n 59th Avenue t❑ Main Street. then g❑ south ❑n Main
Street t❑ T.H. #594. SDIITH: IIsing T.H. #594 and starting
at Main Street. g❑ west t❑ the western City Limits. WEST:
Starting at T.H. #594 ❑n the western City Limits. g❑
north ❑n the western City Limits from T. H. #594 t❑ Rice
12. Ward No. 3. Precinct No. 4 is established as the area
bounded as follows:
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NORTH: IIsing the western City Limits and starting at
T.H. #594. g❑ east ❑n T.H. #594 t❑ Main Street. then g❑
north ❑n Main Street t❑ 59th Avenue. then g❑ east ❑n 59th
Avenue t❑ 3rd Street. then g❑ north ❑n 3rd Street t❑ 50th
Avenue. then g❑ east ❑n 50th Avenue t❑ T.H. #47. EAST:
IIsing T.H. #47 and starting at 50th Street. g❑ south ❑n
T.H. #47 t❑ the City Limits and continuing ❑n t❑ the
southern City Limits. SDIITH: IIsing the southern City
Limits g❑ west t❑ the western City Limits. WEST: IIsing
the western City Limits. starting at the southern City
Limits. g❑ north ❑n the western City Limits t❑ T.H. #594.
1.❑3. WARD MAP
Ward and Precinct Boundaries are further herein established
and delineated as shown ❑n the map hereof. Attached heret❑ is
Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof by reference; and whenever
and wherever a conflict shall appear between the boundaries as
noted and provided ❑n said map and the lines noted and
described in Section 1.❑2. then the boundaries as noted in
said map shall prevail.
30TH DAY ❑F MARCH. 1992.
First Reading:
Second Reading:
March 15. 1992
March 30. 1992
April 7. 1992
June 23. 1992
❑riginal map. Exhibit A. was in error. New publication
corrects the precinct line between Ward 3. Precinct 1 and Ward
3. Precinct 2❑n the Exhibit A map.