06/15/1965 - 000272530 0 0 •IeI,10 �,�, tioiI „at, eND REEDEVELOPtiM 1"11"0 :0 - L",- Present: Chairman Richard Herder, k.embes.s Lois Yullin, Paul Barrow and John Meyer, Planning Commission Kembers Kenneth Kravik and Charles Johanson, Tom Hodne of Ilodne Associates and Jules Lavine of Gladstone Associates Xayor 1�illiam Nee and City hanger Earl iagner were present for the latter portion of the meeting, Absent: Xember Robert Kendall The meeting was called to order at 8:30 f.Mo, by Chairman Herder. PREJENTATION Jr ECONOD'IC REPORT (CITY CkIM R AND UNIVERSITY AVENUE PROJECT): Chairman Herder introcuced Nr. Hodne, who distributed copies of this economic report in the form of two volume3, to the Yemberso Yr. Hodne stressed the fact that this report should not be made public until it has been carefully studied by the Housing and Rede- velopment Authority and other official City organizations, who will make possible revisions and act on its acceptance. He pointed out some revisions that would be made on the first two pages of the re- port. Yx. Hodne then introduced Mr. Lavine, Economist representing Gladstone Associates, who explained that his organization has been working very closely with Hodne and Associates in order to present a plan that would be physically and economically feasible, and also, that would meet the requirements expected for Federal. Aid, Mr. La- vine went through the pages of both volumes of this report and ex- plained the different phases of economic potential for the City of Fridley in all the different categories, for these proposed renewal projects. After a lengthy discussion and study, these volumes were returned to 1`:r. Hodne for revisions. No action was taken on accep- tance at this time. PRESENTAT1019 OF PRELII<SINARY PARCELIZATION PLAN AND PRELIMNARY DE- SIGN PLAN (CITY CENTER): Kr. Hodne presented these proposed plans showing sections for retail, service, recreation, office, public facilities, civic, de- veloped open space and residential areas. He explained the pro- posed service roads, approav�bes, and safety valve areas, for the purpose of keeping the plan flexible. There was some discussion on a proposed crosswalk over the intersection of University Avenue and lassissippi Street, and the several proposed possibilities oF same. Mr. Hodne felt that this pa ticular intersection needed more plan- ning and thought. He explained the types of buildings proposed for the many different areas, as shown on the proposed design plan. There was some discussion about the location of a proposed recrea- tion center, Yr. Hodne also stated that he had talked to several 0 V,'L: 04T.1 TION OF PlUeLININt,RY DE- SIGN IIAN (CITY GENT12) (continued}: W_ r _- - - -- -. owners of properties in the renewal ask -',ism to get their viewpoints. He suggested that they might be called in;, individually, at some later date when these plans hare 'been studied and any revisions have been made, to get their reactions and suggestions, No action was taken. FiiESENTAT m OP I RELII•:INI,RY PARCELIZATION F x AND FRELIFINARY DESIGN PLAN (UNIVERSITY AVENUE PROJECT): Yr. Hodne presented the proposed plans for this section showing areas for service, public facilities, institutional, parks and open space, industrial, light industry, residential, single family - de- tached and single family - attached. There were questions raised on a proposed possible townhouse section. Air. Lavine defined a town- house as a possible one and one -half story structure, with each unit having private entrances (front and rear), with a section of yard in the front and rear, and sometimes a garage. The zoning sections and proposed types of buildings for same were explained in detail, and there was some discussion on tax struc- ture for these different types of zoning. A`,r. Hodne suggested that the Authority consider and think about these proposals, and he agreed to meet with them at 7:30 F.M., on June 23, 1965, for further discus- sion. LETTER - ACKNOI- LEDGaENT OF CITY CENTER AREA FEASIBILITY SURVEY APPLICATION: A letter dated June 3.4. 1965 has been received from the House and Home Finance Agency, Office of Regional Administrator, 360 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60601, in acknowledgement of the City Center area feasibility application. Project No. Minn. R -35 (FS) has been assigned to this application. This number is to be used for all future correspondence and documentation pertaining thereto„ The letter was signed by A. Dean Swartzel, Regional Director of Urban Re- newal. NEXT MEETING DATE: The Authority will meet at 7:30 P,N., on 6,ednesday, June 23,9 1965. ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business, Yr. Meyer made a motion to ad- journ at 11:40 P.A. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Mullin., Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, said motion carried unanimously, Respectfully submitted, Lois Mullin Secretary Fridley Housing & Redevelopment Authority