07/09/1965 - 00027268E
FRIDLEY HOUSING AND RF,DEVELO:14W ACirbut;I`lY *,;T?1P1u ,, JULY 9, 1965
The meeting was preceded by a tour of The Riverview Heights area by
Mro Elmer Binford, Mr. Hodneq David Albertaq Fire Chief Robert Hughes,
Commissioners Barrow, Kendall and Mul11n.a
The meeting was called to order at $s(Y) P,hiaq by Chairman Hei -der.
Presents Chairman Herder, Commissioners Paul barrow axA Lois Mullin.
Commissioners John Mayer and Robert Kendall came later in
the evening.
Viaitorss Terry Nagle ( Fridley Record)„ Elmer Binford
(Housing and Home Finance Agency), Mayor Nesr, David Alberts
(Housing and Redevelopment Advisor) and Tom Hodne (P'lan-
ning Consultant).
Mra Barrow moved we accept the minutes of the July 1, 1965 meet-
ing. Seconded by Mrs. Mullin. Upon a voice vote, there being no
nays, said motion carried unanimously.
The City Council referred an application for a Building Permit
for Mr. Weigel to the Authority. No action was taken.
Mr. Herder reported that the resolution on Phillips 66 will be
sent to the City Councila
Hro Hodns stated that his firm has done a reconnaissance survey
and have been given charge to assist the: City in preparing an applies,,
Lion for S & P atudya The Fridley Building Inspector and Fire Chief
have been helping in the survey Work. The Authority looked at a map
prepared by Fire Chief Hughes showing the general housing conditions iss
the Riverview Heights area. Three standards were presented on the mar)
of the flood plain area. These weres 1) Substandard, 2) Deficient,,
3) New after 1959,
Mra Hodne stated that 90% of the homss in the ,flood plaix, area had
water over the first floor during the flood. Nearly I00% of the hoxreas
had some damaged
Three north boundaries for study warn considorad„ Some of the mvr
houses may have damage rnich does not �xhm up on ftzmst examsmtlon.
ii'Aft�,IEt T "lilli :i17E'ri a,� !��'t�d Cr�evr�.a t^pb'3�hS
David Alberts stated he thought -W-,o bGanda les should ott drawn so
a lar;,er area can be studied and then latxar modified as apprvpriats
to form an eligible projecto
Mr. Nee commented that houses on gosh sides of Cheryl haft basamentss
which were buckling up*
A discussion ensued covering the boaasuiaries of the stud 4rsa� The
Authority concurred that the boundaries should cover the whole flood
plain area between Glencoe and Hugo,
Sir* Binford said the local governing body must certify that tkus
study area is in need of redevelopment or rebabilitation as a result of
the catastrophe* Tha damage category and the objective (contemplated)
of new use of land is `sufficient for application criteria* Mr. Binfori
will recommend approval for application* The Authority must demonstrate
for all, why buildings are to be acquired* There is no problem if build.
ings are 6estroyed* The aggravate effect on the whole area aiLat be
considered in the application* Some of the reasons for renewal might
be: moving people in and out of the flood area, poor utilities,, poor
play areas, poor roada, etc *. Mro Nee also commented that the Board of
Equalization devalued the property 15% and that the FRA refuses to give
loans in the areas
The level of the river was 822 feet above sea level in tho flood
plain area*
Mro Binford stated that substantial relocation should be in the
same town* The Federal Agency allows the movement of good* scud struc-
tured buildings* The Authority can be permitted to buy the Ivad but not
buy sound structures. Normally, the Authority sells building to a rerle�
velope ;, and he would pay for moving the house, Mr. Binford also stated
that controls in the renewal plan act for twenty yeasso
There was some discussion concerning that some of the land north
in area W could possibly be used for rehabilitation,,
Mr* Barrow moved that the Authority make application for a survey
and planning advance of the flood area known as Riverview Heights,
which generally is the area between the high banks on the east, and to
the river on the west„ to the City property on the south and to a line
midway between Hugo and Glencoe, on the north, Seconded by Mrs, MullUi.
Unanimously passed*
Mr* Binford suggested the Authority call for him to help the dircc.
tar set up administration procedures, after such director has beon hirsd,
Mr, Binford stated that the first thing to be deterwkned under the S & P
study is a survey to determine shish land actually can be acquired* The
big problem in where does the local share of money come frog?
The Authority agreed to have Richard flerder prepare aaug,pasted work,
ing procedures for meeting-3 and agendw,
KU'UrION car ar e xtse
Richard Herder read the By -Laws conorrning aleetion o� orfa.cem
Mro Kendall nominated Richard Herder f „r Chaalrmarsa ±=Try Darrow moved
that the Secretary be instructed to caet.:a white ballot for Hichard
Herder as Chairman of the Fridley Housin,K and Redevelopment Autnoritye
Seconded by Kendall. Unanimously passed,
Mr. Kendall nominated John Mayer frr Vice Chairman,> Mrs, Aullin
moved that the Secretary be instructed to cast a white ballot for John
Mayer for Vice Chairman of the FHRAe Seconded by Paul Barrow. Pas.
sad unanimously„
Paul Barrow nominated Lois Mullin for SeoretaryG Mre Kendall
moved the Secretary be instructed to cast a white ballot for Mrs. Mul-
lin for Secretary of the FHRA. Seconded by blr. Meyers Passed unani-
Mrs. Mullin nominated Paul Barron* for Treasurer,, Mr. Kendall
moved the Secretary be instructed to cast, a 'white ballot for Paul Bar--
row for Treasurer of the FHRA. John Meyer seconded. Passed unani.mouaay
Lois Mullin moved the meeting be adjournod. Paul Barrow seconded
Passed unanimously. Mr. Herder adjourned the meeting; at 110 0 PoM,,
Respectfully submitted,,
Lois Mullin
Fridley Housing & Redevelopment Authority
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