07/14/1965 - 00027271FRIDLEY HOUSING AND 12N.DEVELOPi$ M ABTizORi i" fifT,i'IM - JUL7 lap 1.965
0 The meeting was called to order at 8s15 P-,M5 ,v by Chaizvaan Her'dero
Presents Chairman Herder, Commissioners John Meyers Lois Mullin and
Paul Barrows Executive Director Allen Andersons Planner
Tom Hodne and Attorney Wyman Smith, Commissioner Robert
Kendall arrived later in the meatingo
Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Weigel and their Attorneys
Robert Guzy and Robert C. Hynes Attorney Virgil Herriek,
Vern Handel and Robert J. Hughes of the Planning Comia-
sions Pat Herder and T. Nagle of the Fridley News. Mayor
Nee arrived later in the rooting.
Absents Nonso
As these minutes were not prepared, approval of earns was postponad
until the next meeting of the Authority.
Chairman Herder explained that Mr. Wagner her, referred the matter
of Building Permits for a nursing home (Mr. Camp) and a residential home
(Mr. Miller) to the Authority. Neither of these f;entlemen was present.
It was agreed that this matter be postponed to a future meetings and
that Mr. Wagner would be tasked to notify them of the date set„
Attorney Robert Gusy, representing Mr. f;eigels explainers that hiat
client owned a double bungalow at 349 -353 - 57th i laces and an 9,,piex.
at 359 - 57th Place; and that both of these buildings had been daaagad
about 40% by the tornado* The estimated cost to rebuild both structures
is $42s0OO. He further explained that the Weigels hod applieelfor
Building Permits to reconstruct these properties on the next Wedne;tdpv
after the tornado had struck. Because bese propertiea are in the rs,
newel areas the City Council has withhold approval of these Permits avl
referred the matter to the Authority. kir. Guzy stated that Mr. "eT
cannot afford the loss of rental income on these properties ($1,125 por
months and that a mortgage payment is due before August 10th, plus
tax payments due in the near future. Ho wanted an opinion from the
Authority as to whether or not the Weigel properties would bo taken for
the redevelopment project.
The Authority explained the possibility of condemnation, the ti.�
element involved and the advantages that could possibly bene ?!.t Mr. �7ai
• gel if his properties are in the renewal project. The intercatctard par,
ties were invited to remain for tae presontawion os, ti:e prop,=d Uni, ar-
city Avenue Redevalopment Plano
;'il�S_CS,t 04 7rOp5Oi',1" ?jr 017 S,P't)., 1'f7' 1 U, irrbtrlVfo pY;r.',r"T
Chairman, Herder explained that Mr, 1,A1, had been granted a Build-
ing Permit to put his tornado damaged, property on the north aide of
the bank, into operable (original) condition. A ^tap - ,order had been
placed on the Building Permit because now siding had been put on the
book of the building and structural ohungsa had appeared on the Front
Kra Eck, in verbal conversation with Wo f ?order, had slated that the
work left to be done is all inside the buildingo
Mr. Herrick, representing Hre Eck, explained that the work re-
maining to be done is the plumbing, heatingp wiring and interior panel.
ing; and that if this work could be done, it would allow Fria to gat
back into operation. fie stated that the only structural changea made
were new windows and a briok front,
Mro Barrow stated that he felt the Authority should get all the
facts and information on this matter before considering it.
Mr. Mayer inquired about the cost of the interior work laft to
be donee Kra Herrick did not have this information- lira Meyer .felt
that the cost would become a great factor in considering this matter,.
Mr. Hodne stated that the question of temporary permits„ in hie
opinion, has boon abused„ and that they could hamper all these prow
jacts by possible loss of eligibilitya He felt caution should be uricd
in recommending the granting of reasonable requestag, only„
Attorney Smith explained that the Authority is in a different
position than the City., lie stated that the City has to grant tempo•
rary proteotion, and that it is up to the City to interpret what is
involved in that. He felt that the Authority, after careful study and
discussion with the Planner of the areas involved and referred to them,
should then give a recommendation to the City Council, to serve as a
basis for making their decisions.
The Authority agreed that all factors must be looked into befort
making a recommendation on this matter,
Mr. Barrow read Resolution No. BHk.A 1965..5., rag f roposei -hi? li pre
oil Company Building Projecta The tolloering corrections were madsc
The date in the last paragraph is to be changed to August 2,
3965 -
The last paragraph is to be changed to react, 'that, the Authority
will -sake every effort to arrive at a definite recommendation...
Motion by Mr. Vayars, seconded by Mrs. Mullin to adopt Rosoitttir -4i
No. F'ffRA 1965..5, as amandeda Upon a voice vota, the. re being no naysp
said motion carried unanimouslyo
RESOZUTIoN No. Fm 1965 -6:
Mro Meyer read Resolution Noe Mat 1965.6., re: The Cift Housa
Stamp Company and Schiro Building Fermitc,
-2 �
Motion by Mr. Barrow, seconded by Ws. Mullin to adopt he:aolution
No. PHRA 1965-63 as read« Upon a voice vote, there, being no a yp, said
motion was carried unanimously.
Chairman Harder distributed copies of proposed rules to the Rembers
of the Authority, to be studied for consideration at the next meeting.
At this point, the meeting was recessed for ten minutes"
Kr. Tom Hodne, planner, presented the Prelimine y Parcelizat -Lose
Plan for the University Avenue Redevelopment Project showing Commercial
areas (retail, service, public facilities), Public Facilities (institu-
tional, park, open space), Industrial (light Industrial) and Residential
(single family- detached, single family- attachod)i also, the Prelimi.nery
Design Plan for the same project area, showing aceesses, aggresses,
building forms and shapes. He explained, in detail, t1he oronosals far
each section of this project. The following questions were asked and
comments made%
Mr. Barrow inquired about the parking of dews in the proposed town-,
house areas
Mr. Hodne explained that certain townhouse standards co-Ad be sec
up for parking, height of buildings, aet- backs, etc.., and that theae
charaoteristics could be worked out, if it is agreed that the use ie+
Mr. Barrow asked if this same area would notland itself to uniform
spartm nts.
Mr. Hodne replied that it would probably lend itself to anedium
density apartments, but he felt the scale of townhouses does break up
Mr. Mayer inquired about the feasibility of the townhouse area be,
coming a commarcial area.
Mr. Hodne pointed out that this area does not have too muck, digp�v,t
and that in his opinion it would be second choicer, ass too rauWz can=oes, -
eial would hurt the neighborhood image along Uuiveraity Avenue. No
also pointed out that the proposed townhouse area aright not be eli gtble
as one of the criteria of the redevelopment area.
Mr. Barrow inquired about the amount of acreage required for a
service station.
Mr. Hodne replied that a half acre is the minius +.ng„
Chairman Herder inquired about the :aia* of acts a proposed for �
area set aside for this use.
Piro Hodne stated that the proposal vas for a 5o to 100 i)nit motel,
with restaurant, with possible treatftint of a hoteil- hotel. aspact„
Mayor Flee stated that, since the vodevelop nL ;;rant of approval
was am-souneed, he has received many ca113 and inquiries from interested
Mr* Herrick questioned the desireability of a corner service road
at 57th Avenue, in regard to a proposed service stations Ile felt that
the Phillips 66 Company might prefer a service road as originally plan.
ned by the Highway Department.
Mr. Kendall arrived at this point in the meetingo
Mr. Barrow pointed out that if this service road in question wears
left as originally planned, anyone coming north on University Avenue
would have to turn right on 57th anywayy
The Authority discussed the possibilities of purchasing properties
of distressed owners, possible compensations and apnraisalu4
Mayor Nee pointed out that the Highway Department has designs under
contract, and that if the service roads are to be changed, they should
be contacted as soon as possible.
Mr. Hodne suggested that one of three things be dons: 1) to %uF-,
Best a new plan concept approach if Authority thinks this is not the
only plan to take on; 2) suggest revision of this concept; 3) to ap-
prove, in principle, this proposed plan and advise him to move on with
other borders - Highway Department, City Engineer, etc., if plan is
valid in principle, to pursue other steps.
Mr. Hodue agreed to check with the Phillips 66 Company to get tneir
opinion on the service road at 57th Avenue and University; and to cog » -,
tact the Highway Department about possible service road changes,.
After much discussion and study, .2. notion was made by Yw. Meyer to
ask Mr. Smith to draw up a resolution giving acceptance, in principle,
to the Preliminary University Avenue Design Plan, with reservations of
townhouse section from 57th Avenue to 60th Avenue N.:,, to be discussed
by the Authority and reported on at the next regular meeting., The
motion was seconded by Mrs. Mullin and upon a voice vote, tLeraa beir.,
no nays, said motion carried unanimously.
The Authority requasted that Attorney Smith gat ern opixatoa on ad,-
praisals and compensations from the Minneapolis and .%6 Pau?. aathor5ti�s,
and then communicate with 14r. Gury in regard to this, in relationmlalK
with the Weigel property* Pore Smith ringed to this.
Motion by Mr. Barrow, seconded by Mr. Meyer, to straw up ResotuV pan
No. Fin 19654, res Weigel property„ following the game fc�rzat w rased
In Resolution Pao. FHRA 1965461, with appropriate n *acs and areas bole,
used. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, sald motion married a „,uai-
It was agreed that the Authority would matt -alth the 'Phillips 66
Oil Company at their meeting of Monday, Nay Up 3.965-, at N00
The Authority agreed to set a data, au soon as possiblaa, to the et
with the City Council and Planning C=46alon to di,ecuss the approved
preliminary university Avenue Redevelopment Project Plane
Mrse Mullin explained that Connie Metcalf had phoned to infom
her that a Lmoup in Fridley is interested in having a community theatre
built, and would like to present plans of smmea ire Hodw asked that
Mrs. Metcalf be informed to contact him about proposed plans,,
The next meeting of the Authority will be hold on Monday, July 19„
1965 at 800 Porto-, in the Madsen Building.
The next scheduled after that will be held on Wednesday, July 21,9
1965 at 8 %00 P.M., in the Madsen Building,,
ADJ �:
Motion by Mrs. Ifullin, seconded by Mr. Kendall,, to adjourn the
meeting at l2s45 P.M. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays,, said
motion carried unanimously,.
Respectfully submitted,
Loin Mull1a
Fridley Housing; & Redevelopment Autwority