07/21/1965 - 000272840
"UL3'.A 14,. - v9,i g r
The neetLag was called to or"d% at an tho iAty 1ILM by
Chairman herder.
R.VI,L L' r
Present: Chairman Richard Herder,, Commian- toner* Jcshtt Mayer and Paul.
Harrow and lamcutive Director lsUan Wleraoea,, Corte sssioner�,
%i.s Mullin and Robert, Kendall arrived later ;m the meeatineD
Visitors: E. Bozxaett, Wally Miakowic, Jack Kirkham, Connie
Metcalf, Clarence Grasp 'Weezx* Llraveas, Robert Buckley.
Reverend Keefe, G. F. Welch, Fdiajnrd Egan, Kay Aloe, Mary
McGregor, /slice Hiraboyashi., Jerzy Glidewell, Robert Christen-
son, Duane Grant, Elinor Binford, John L.rightp Mayor Weer and
Robert J. flughesn
Absent: None
Mr. UIriger, Air, R. P„ Brown and Mr. Fdward H;F,a;e were present to rGnrc-
sent the State fdghway Department. Yr. 4bUW�er ref ".cct.ed that upon ex"r�i --
tion of the proposeA service road configuration, true fLi4awray 1)kpartmeni was
favorab y impressed as a means of aolvinx ra notenti iJ- tr, Me probleti, 'rho
£o:}lowing items were also esamaned by the Eighwer Oepartm t;
1„ impact to the frontage road on St. LU- Liwr "zs e;hurah and Schoo
2, impact of new frontage road coxra "i�yarat�crn„
3, Attempt to firm up general acceptance of wes'i frontage roads and
not corner road concept by August 15„ 1965-
4 Tile Highway Dep€artusont will delay' constru,ctoaon of the wart frod »,-
age road streots, cur,•b and gutter until after August 1,1.th to give
time to plan for the Ussissippi Street -HiO waa;y 1140;, 4t intern b
tion4. All inWreaLe3d partiees are ar;ked to coordUiate throuWJa
Tom Hodne And then to the Highway Manning :;cactioa.
A letter fawn the City Planning Associates vap, received advlsi*ar the
i'HRA of their services and tsame was duly notee for :further refer•encc,,
Mrs Metcalf, represent::& the Fridley Foot;ll.f -tern, presented h,n
aims and objectives of her orgari.sastion„ Vrur MestcOX pointed oul. the
lack of theatre space and public meeting fac l tles iii Fridley. The :rids
ley Footlighters feel very- strorAle that a oivi,r Woal.d beaa: " ".
the needs of the Center City., She asks that rozxsicxorauiora be given QWL
the civic auditorium be included An prel.i:nlnaxy 'ClAx Center l lems,- Th.:.s
concept has beeut used in other pasta of the country in cmajuaxction with
shoppa.�tg center areas,
Ix. Camp was jinrited, by .setter, Lo th, �, 11c, not p»faca,,
NO action.
£vil"D1 :C3 :- EIW,IT ]t] C yr �� . XIR� >,d_51"Mi,.. ,Lla,M4 r � .�.°,V:..._,,.. ^;''':;.
This location is out3lde of ff]e .1.'F.newi�., c uc, ., No c`ddi -r)r, ,4ziri
The matter v.as referred, back: to the C.Ity
It was noted that the minutes. if the C i:( ,f C a ;lavil arr, now beiiag
by the F11U.
COh "ViACTS - i 1FA.,
Contracts from thr; HHFA have beer, mce ivµo, �L . )' -•, irditn di&ml, sxct Lbo
two contracts lrlth the dovernment, The Llr;,` zwX o'uuty uY ad-
vance, The interest rate on the advance is .'', P,'.1,% ,x�r anavn,, 'Pile 1ltt,hori-
tyr will have to pity back interest on Lhe 4zku, - if the project
proceodaa The contracts include all r gulers.?.c as axx+ 1'-4 tlzo,
Federal Agencrr. The Authority must have contsaOat watb the g+axr"aarauacit be-
fore any rer,uisiti=s are nade by thF) :xuthc.r:3,a;r,, The Authority oust,
a resolution authorizing the signing, (crcczatl..i ) oe", cotl,.rressts, Lint! t,hoy zauo
be returned to the UR4, Chicago, The first. Nuidu :�-cltaeatetl wi31 sits 24.ar
ninety days.
The City Center 115 Contract and the Univs.va.ztW E'•V u' litract, Include
descriptions of the areas, tents, con(titions, :r,z G Ne, S irdth ha,-, #orarac: k,liw
contracts to be in keeping, with the origLiaj. x` eayLrtaOn paazed bl- the 1Rti1u41,
a i ab " A.*
John heyer moved for the adoption o% ltfi r,3ax' ao a No,, FEIRO, 1965; -9 tsora_r
tern ng e'Apprormg and providing fox' the rcoa'Mot
for plazarrang advance of surveys and plans Lax T.11 Oaa rea Wal pa()JO(' n UPdOV
Title I of zhe Iiouuing Act of 1949, as amenctad„ Ala iU .a i oatraot No.
Minn R-35 (FS), by aaxi between Fridley Hour, ° "xi, azi! Rederelopment, atu�13»srae
and the United States of America." Mr, Bar - -c,' ;)Geoneed, Paoeeri aazaraa�m�a +t
RMOLUTION NO. F121A 1.965 -] L?:
Paul Darrow moved for adoration of a repalu;A..W a No, Fiia h cox. -
cerning r{Approving and providing for the ea:"Wicn. of a proposed contract,
for planning advance of surveys and plans ?or urlaan r- aiewal project ulvdesz
Title I of the Housing Act of 1914.9r au amendc -vl , Numhe: sad Contract too
Man R-36 (c), LT and between Fridley Hous„ng Ras tevaloW.rast Authoriry Pxad.
the United States of America,,, Mr. Meyer jecoi%ded.,, !'asaed ivai. moual,r„
R:Y:iLr3 OF 1{UL?Dii:t5 CUNiRAC
Ma FETA Legal Consul advised that, uosrx- tlziart Ix- aacluded, its
scope of work and ad riser that contract ac+.,ei; -a a�.e 1 -o daL-; y6d wits t thu
next meeting„
Hot ion by Hra Meyer,,, soconded by 14 bcG It i o"" a
Resolution to read, 112a That the soctior e r , ' the sioe' ol, gill"
versify Avenue from 57th Avenue 'to 6fAh 111saem,& r+.arteae i-;L-, „ r•eas< :r Herz e`�
40 essentially residential tine such as fafYSS:awy,N or al c�c�rcna: rdc�ve?a�mot�v;.ra
Passed unanimously.
Motion, by Xra Barrow, seconded by Fm,; to radopi, Resolution
No, FI1RA 165-8 approving La a prelimin&x-y wry a design Ilan for Urdver-
city Avenue., as amended, Passed unanimousa v[
The question was raised, 11Sd is thwro a need Yor a City Center 3nrest,-
mint?" Mr, Hodne replied that From a gecwTietric point, of views, it is the
geographical center in relationship to zhe popalaxtion. There is a l-ack of
Identity to Fridley. Mr, Hodne also said that 200.,000 - 2503000 square seet
of retail and service space can be suppor,ei ba the; - ,miter, 4CV)nOUO a;quarr,
feet of buildings can be developer) in th.: Uzian Corgi: areas. JCLtec^:1ato Pl.3xt
H builds up the density in the southeast quadrant (Urbana Cora)„ It W..3 -=4
designed to compete with Apache or B:rookdaalr:, .1t W- 1. be a moderato center.
The uses may change in the other quadrants, but tWi s S;y not necessajly
harmful, The Urban Core will not take away d.vololmp-av, from the other c1pau--
rants, but rather may cause a change in theix 1pregct -at, ii rev.
Mr, Meyer stated that the money spoalu on a kv:nd iswue may davolop *.
bigger tax base and also map bring in mone;, to the area„
Mr. Hodne presented plans of the City Ueni er area which incl„udod a
junior department store, retail and comuercial buildings and 34- ecreational9
entertainment areas. Some of the buildings were designed as having retail
shops on the ground level, office apace sin the seco_& :level, and ulcUately
11viurg space to be developed on the third ,loru)l, Mare was ur��a�,dr°a'raav� ag-ree,-
ment of the Authority on the principle coacapt of the core plan rW'
Mr, Anderson will prepare re,.quisition. Eop ,xaw acv1''duds.. Mr, ,Midorson
and two other members of the ka+hority attut, b . bonded,
Mr. Barrnz*: said Ire could have costs pre;xsrod {'ou honding,
At tt is date the Authority coot tasty - IrUwniture, W.t it e:an rmi6 furai-
tune. No assets can be acquired under thic account;
A letter stating the contracts have Lv= race.lved by the Covarr,raazt
must be received by the Authority before fando can ter u,: ad,
By unanimous vote, the meets was ,Aa,,ouxncd xz laY) A„I4„
Respectd'elly rubmitt A,
49 Lois Its Din
Fridley Hou,,4ma & PWdieaelopEwAr, tkutho*," Iy