08/04/1965 - 00027291FRIDL6Y HOUSING AND REDi,VSJr iPT%kXT ALTfiCnr'0 :1 pr,ETIAC - tltiGUSP 4�� IQ65
The meeting was called to order at the Madsea Duilding at 6 %00 PoMi
by Chairman Herder.
Presents Chairman Richard Herder, Commissioners Paul Barrow, John Meyer,
Lois I9ullin and Robert Kendall, Executive Director Allan Ander-
son, Tom Hodne and David Alberts from Hodne Associates and
Elmer Binford of the HHFA.
There were numberous visitors nresent.
Absents None.
MINUTES - mz:mIIG OF JULY 19, 1965.
Mr. Barrow moved that the minutes of the meeting of July 19, 1965 be
approved„ Mr. Beyer seconded and upon a voice vote, there being no nays,
said motion carried unanimously,
Motion by Mr. Meyer, seconded by Mr. Barrow, that the minutes o; the
meeting of July 21, 1965 be approved. Upon a voice vote, there being no
nays, said motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mr. Barrow, seconded by Mr, Meyer, that the minutes of the
meeting of July 28, 1965 be approved. Upon a voice vote, there being no
nays, said motion carried unanimously.
0012,1130 CATIONS - 12TTERSs
Chairman Herder read several letters of coaminic,ation to the Authori-
ty. One letter was from the HHFA and coritained caplas of executed contracts,
Another was from Mr. Swartsel„ There was a copy of a letter sent t) Lieutv-m
nant Colonel Harding, St. Paul, from Mr. Ss,artsel, requesting .flood infor-
mation (Riverview heights area).,
Far. Hodne stated that the S&P report for this area should be -.oady
within apprcomLmately* a week, for review.
Fir. Anderson explained that he ha4 '.rplred the Universit;-f A ren= arer,
and the Riverview Hmighte area with Yr, a3iniford road I-br. Wilecu, from Chj z.-a-
go. He stated that the main pressing isr -cm .as to completh., as soar a
possible, building inspections, so that sL.ial plans Pawn be documented.
I'r. Anderson stated that his office .sours at the Madsen Iiui_lding
will be from 800 A.M. to 5sOO P.T,i. on Yorday, Tuesday., Thursday and
Friday. Iednesday office hours will be iYrom ht30 UAto 8t00 n.Mo
A telephone will be installed at the Vadsen Building, and a secrea,
tary will be hired within the nwct week or Uso„
Mr. Anderson reported that the Autho -ity ;could be able to purchase
the furniture and supplies needed„
The Authority moved the meeting to the City Hall at 800 P.M., it or-
der to accomodate the numerous visitors.
Mr. Hodne explained, to the visitors,, that the proposed projects are
still very much in the survey and planning phase, and explained the steps
and procedures that must be followed in the redevelopment projects, goals
to be reached and the advantages to the property owners and the City as a
The question was raised, by several property owners, as to what the
procedures would be on the purchase of their properties, if the proposed
project was accepted. It was explained Uat, If the Authority had to pw-
chase these properties, appraisals would be made to determine, a fair ❑ar,.
ket price. It was further stated that The appraisals would most 131,ely be
considered under the present zoning categories of those lands. It was
pointed out that the owner of a parcel, in turn, would then be giver- the
first opportunity to buy back the rezoned land, if he so wished. Attorney
Leonard Juster suggested that a policy iid ght be set wo on procedures of
There was a discussion of the pros and cons of the proposed industrial
area along Highway Mo. 100. It was poiwcoci out that there vas a larg,a
amount of industrial land north of Mississippi Street and west of Universi,.y
Avenue that had not as yet been developed.
There was much discussion on service roads, access roads in residential
sections, tax structure, possible land use, the present image of Fridley €md
the possible potential that might be created with a new aatd better image,
Mr. Herder pointed out that the Cixy Council would probably make u Iab-
lie announcement or hold a City election, before ibe redevelopment projects
become finalized„
Mr. Hodne gave a brief statement on this progress of a possible redevelop -
went project for the Riverview Heights area.
hro Hodes pointed out, on the proposed planning map, new : suggested
boundaries for this project and gave reasrsxs for s rat. IIe reviewed tI"ie
economic report for this area and discussed the prorta;aals and tboir possible
C 3TE T22 ",�l_ 1 P(tOF,,6i` i1 ;`n {C,untisa gi %z
Dr. Trezona stated that he approved Una basic concept Of 1,2110 Pro-
posed plan and inquired about the problem of a parcel being owned by more
than one party. It was pointed out that somet.,ismes the land has to be e�-
parceled in order to benefit all concerned,, and it .was suggest that : vne-1•a=
of adjoining parcels could get together and possibly come up with propo-
sals of their own} that would meet the renewal specifications and be jucept-
able. Then, these parcels would not have to be included in the project,,
It was agreed that the Authority would call a meeting of property owners in
this area, for this purpose.
There was discussion on the traffic pattern and proposed service road
at Mississippi and University,, the image of the present shopping center in
this section and the greater potential and advantages in t1le proposed renew-
al plan,, private development, effects on oresent tennants in ead.sting build-
ings and the consideration of the community as a whole. The Authority dis-
cussed possible SPA loans to aid small businesses. There were other SPA
services mentioned.
The next regular meeting of the Authority will 'he held on Vednesday,
August 11, 1965 at 3 :00 P.M.,, in the Madson Building.
Motion by Yr. Darrow, :seconded by Mrs. Mullin, to adjourn the meeting
at 12:00 P.M. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, said notion carried
Respectfully subridtted,
Lois Mullin
Fridley Housing & Redevelopment Authority,