08/10/1965 - 00027294FRIDM IIDUSINU AND IMMV :LOInTtN:W AUTH(ak tll MIEFUING m AUGUST 109 1965 • This meeting took place at the Colonial Inn on August 10, 1965 at 12:00 ofelock noon. ROLL CALL - ?"cents Chairman Richard Herder, Commissioners Lois Mullin, Paul Barrow and John ,Sayer, Executive Director Allan Anderson, Attorney Leonard Juster and Tom Hodne, City Planner. Absents Commissioner Robert Kendall. TIiIRD PARTY CONTRACT: RFSOLiTfION NO. FHRA 1965-12: Tom Hodne presented a corrected copy of his 3rd party contract in. cluding all additions, corrections and deletions (Ref. Ltr., August 2, 19650 URA+ Swartzel) suggested by the URA for approval by the FHRA. Upon a motion of Paul Barrow and seconded by John Meyer, a Resolu. tion Now FHRA 1965°12, to approve the revised contract for Hodne Asso- ciates was unanimously passed. AMENDMENT TO CITY CENTER PROJECT CONTRACT - RESODITION NO. IgIRA 1965 -13: Tom Hodne presented a proposed amendment to his City Center Project Contract to enable Hodne Associates to sub - contract a team of building inspection experts and to authorize this team to begin inspections in the City Center Project. A motion that "Ile approve, in principle, the memorandum presented in special session by T. Hodne, August 10, 1965., regarding the hiring of sub - contract personnel for special studies relating to the feasibility study of the City Center Project ",, was made by Lois Mullina The motion was seconded by Mr. Barrow and upon being put to a voice vote, said mo- tion carried unanimously. SPECIAL CONSULTANTS, THEIR SERVICES AND EST MA= COSTS - RF.SOLTITION NO. FM 1565 -14: John Meyer moved, "That the specifically named Consultants and their services, mentioned in T. Hodne's memorandum, be aporoved, and that it is further understood that the estimated costs of these ser- vices is 03,000000." The motion was seconded by Lois Nullin and upon being put to a voice vote, there being no nays, said notion carried unarm nlmously. BILL FRUoi MR. HODNE, Mr. Hodne presented a bill for work performed to date. The bill was given to the Commissioners for study. No action was taken at this date. ADJOURMUNT: The meeting was adjourned at 2x00 P.Mo Respectfully submitted, Allan Andersen, Executive Director - FBRA