09/01/1965 - 00027326�,ULEY sIRIUici. ING A-IR? Rz t.:WLIOPil'%il: 5? AUT:10.Y.17"i A A MK —R'G '5. 71" O 1, 1965
The meeting waz m1le to =e-cl- by GlWirmv�: 3'rd er at x:20 P.X
Pb'6'FSent. Chaiv*mun .R' iCZ'knid Irazd r, Pet21 Dpa=o- and j43.ha ileYZ2:..
RxecuI g@ 11)1 tictwr AI I= G „deroon> etnJ "I'y: an Smith, Lszgz l 4i01i:9°t ?L.
Conmissiozeu -z L jir. ,.rrllIn and Roher:; Kc>ndal r arrived later.
Visitors; FL' °. 4uict, llroj. Vally EwiffiIot•ria, D<a,a .7achoon, xobort
Chrierie sor_, Vr. Eic, ik d T- '- r.aoa2a. Tom Hods l-, and Law id Alberta.
Lbsent. None
.§mTaL C+F MIidCI : imv-nC or tmucums. "'?�,_ u�?�
The iolluwwirg etprywcctt r is to � ,Wde in i,:heeo n-inuk's-
LPag'e 2, Director's llrrnlfv - Spa f lf- urnnce �xi,�`L, "eiy`d% is to b-c- aciete,'&,
John Meyer uade a r -ozica ,kytu e:hi x rv;:ea of ohe -v,?Airg of Afn�sst..26, 1965 b3'
approvv3 as cor=octcl. 11r. D' -Yce' accczl f-'I =d the motion gassed lantsniV,'sGdal .
CGMUCATIONS - LF -T i rlgCa'1 YiUt, "�! 0 RICi k; w'.-a,��` 1ilfS(%FISi
Chairman Border r3ceiva , e lette-c fcca the YoxAevidoo Ralovelopma t Authority
with examples of their robii <; ir^.g7r Vation. is 'sr view l rzd the
eaamplsg were filad. for S Ain - -e
CW%irman Herder r;tatcr That xht= rhillipo 66 Cct -,ay�y -ea 4,d a build! W
for their property. ,,?c 3'az.il?er r_t-owarl tat t-he Cc�ujv�ny 'time a4 awvk' not to Iuuild
until jime 'wa tao+.ld ocop:: - =tt wi't's the TA N widow, fuse, *yam road plan,€; for -he
Wvuaan Smith statree tb aL Ciuy nuc sae Stag zhould decid& c,-iaet the bo—ca dsrisn
of th�i right- of -u-ay to bci etc n ~ atx m pj oiblse
U- OU)9CDi2Fi'S - l.Ttl'1`ELT TO RrJ. Gs,='15LATO N''" :P,
Chaiream Richard Taerdrr =_ suat,�,d ..par. he hid se_:t a lat<g�r �rattaahed,) to aay.
Gerald Hoebe ofc St. WilIi4r4ilu Cioz. °ch stati:,g the inter * -iorara of the 5T2A regsrdir4tj
the chunks property. He thee. vDz tate'J t lrzv }. ax up to tlip sending of
the letter .for the boref3t of eis:a 6c,ra.
Ald?dC70?vCF M. S - TAPE RE&MER
&cm; :utive Director Ands�rsa. ztut 2d tt'pt stW(* )yesoluticna of the pyleaisy a.ovming
and Redoe*elopr *ant Authari-ty mould b� t� i� d on a Y- scordor to inaurm their trx- tgcrip-
t: on "rbatum .
Mr. Anderson stated that on «Se tarrday, kugua t 2d, `96` , 2:04 P.M., m bera of
than City Council, Mayor Naar, rho Sa a` v is arssionc -r of Ccr�srva. „ion and the
Fridley :lousing and Commik,¢nioa ,:Feld tracers an %rtetaaive tour of 022
Riverview area and thran rablired to thf* City Hall for fu the-- discazasio:a. It woz
than general consensus of opinion that the s ernes vo-slca he used *nntixeiy for },a'irk
s peke .
Mr. Barrow started that he had taak: 6n as, sit r ind iuur of the Rivtrvim.,w r rsaa znd hS
spoken with sevoarai of bast residents. Thos =jo-rlty of the rase "Imes were in
favor of th6 project but did have cortedr. gnastform Band /or probas�s.
Executive Director Anderson reported Lba;tit a uoeting ua-d bw'Iaa held Monday,
Augaast 30, :965, with the husinersmen e'srectly crnoeras€ed with the City Cgnter
1woject. It was their conten. -ion that tttey would Bite to farther esplor-v he poe+eal-
bility of establishing re prr ivate drvetcspment to r&daveaop the area. rAhgy
statod that in order to coaituct aa. feasibility study for thie company, th,xy would
rA*d the f i,11owi ng
1. Estimates of these price that would ba jo-,id them for their asroperty.
2. estimates of the price the laxpid would b4 rRsold at after oleartance.
3. Sufficient time rafter ties: ®e ec,timai teo bval beam zecaaived to incorpozato
if they so desired.
Prior to the submission of tines Part I Lppliaaation, Cuss Housing eeuthority Ms,st by
resolution develop a land disposal procrsdw,;:as,. Th* h4;- cCutivo Oir-WGtor x *rommondod
that, in order to ancoiLrap local private de %lops *nc, the hand bra scald giving
praforenco to owners displaced by U:7bwa Renawai ection in tAw City of 2ridlaay.
This would assure ilia cu=ant owner %daz fixst ippomiunity to rv- 7yurcbaso the
land. This preference would be li..itmd by a 70, 60, or Oil, day par«od to be
detrvrnaiaaad by t% Authority.
The businessman also ataated that try would wa at; saovorral of th* bnsildiugn to
remain as they are until ttwn new baildizr xaarea aarvc.tQdl to rasury little r,ncon-
vaniesacas and 1000 of 'ti RInaza during ttae intoriaa. :,r. .Lne"rzon rAtactaed asst "v
Chie W UU did eoncru ^ wide this roquqat.
Robert Christianson, apea&::n,!,� for the btu,z naNsr,awn, ita'tAd ;hat tbty -firer nary
pleased that they had been bro ug-ht into tho rlv -*w At this ti=t- He furtktr stated
that if they did form tbo sftfore -rw tioned cowpssaay tt?ay would rno,w waaat too rigid
control over the types of Shope esractead and AxaQt lcce!tioans. Chairman nvx,�%r
explained tkw type, of consml dish Cc=irnion would swr:a~rt, i.e. amply p&rleirg,
1naildJiW meting City Coda, re4ui.raraw etas. oto.
Dr. Trazona than stated hies pzoblow ooncerni ng his pro arty. HEN IYAd b:migiat gees
rsoidrant ial property with 'Lhc- nags iranao Akmm it would be rexon*dd Eo, eomzar-ciral.
ax)4 b&d thezefrn'N :! Of $,1 116 C12T-:r'i .t Clt,'! CCMt -4'
plans, ttva zaegoL ?i Sly' haz not uSq yr,",L C 4 %z ul c T7 Sw T`ng
A'.? ",n�SAr ztj" vf3
,j°jaranLed t "waKSEt "GJ r' ,U.'G� =r. "Cwn° }+on"Ll b]e S.d'E'C.$::f = ^1} r`�":g;� b-"-"u 4'G a cFi^� &rCI I r,'C' -G[
ratber tl)cr a resid meial c. lc . a_ *a'r sf tl_�p 5tatc3 'chi-& ,h% lut�orx�,�
dc';*e Riot ah&ve ta'ls 47ldb.i -i` the gm'-3 "r ":-.: =.�`:i pr'-
Ca-After a ecr a5 disc "FEi30inR Jqc6yi �3a_ysr 'G-t&, ,. Ga »72 11-0°e t 1&w, €`.ity Council bw
advised that the HouB6 (.g ku: hcrPl.y ?;ocFs not -favorably rw,ii%w tht razoniri of ihan
property CA COM'ervscal prlpk =.�'i.g nt w'I.a Fime�: f..- t.bis b-+ -any tb&a4 i*s O
icmwedia,to futvra x bv:!l4ing ccig:Lt r,a sraoiL�d :^rit:v?tn the b;�un& -=y of tho redsre^¢lo,r'
meat area that does 1�t coincade xi h oii,y nlw�e. 3ovav -, -. the A%;L'hOri.ty
would vithdrev the (.'.j >ct1acae ii it cc ld aA :last no axreactu w ~ ,L!4 bg
put *n this land cui'il afteA thq Cfq-4r Gar.bkr pl. a is astsablinb*fL"
Dr. `i'rozona objacte:: ta, ihie mot,zon. i:ob. r R' rwat r ;r , state,l that if a,*
Autnabity wanted t:,.e coop�ratic l of area huzain�.uawf�n tb4 w-old ha'v . to r,. S Itawin
The motion 7.'&5
4bairSzjm Fardv,^ V-vn d.d. octF`d 'Jymign 'E••mitSd ;Q iT.`o"y=,=., a draft reoolut oa for thm
Anthority's re -view at thTir w-Mat r..b,%,�iar ms�ting; 'rats resolatLan sluuIct
incorpv \C'8to LMJ h 1S"-'. 1rozo -a In kktvhe,S czd 'i ib AYit."oritZ' "O objecli'urea.
PJM03'1 0j,' :ex �- r-QIV7b ev)l CITY Miu1'1'M
John xk'yer, c cammit ae of U=' .gppo.cat_d b4r Cha`x,nan Eeruegr at tLo C;aassLcefern ".a
meeting of . -zgzst 26, YczporveW on h:LB atvady cf SO- d-°kt2 ".r a1 :'girds
for fur -tha -c narratira cn tlia iity d_c42Nn,.at iou. T;y 6G i; cx'_ 'S..l E.'. 6XIa?±'.
dil,scussine wig with Tara Hodne of Aolro AsDocistes, !,o did conavi that f +:. slk-az
had fulfil ed hia vtt.;n way �:�tlo -itt, ze wa.ttasr rc-commendod th t thiE
adddidior"a.' expenditure be poatPoxnr.l +a'.: t_hi €a =tlm'e g'nd he rsviewea at ra. late daics
tie %e s4- 'Ua•t3.Gn Irarrants.
Mr. Ande'7xon stated that he would tY�le to gc- on :acc:va hr,,v. beirZ ia favor of U4
cxtutadi ara for the cdliticnml naarra*ive wa roan as po gible. t!r.
aodne s..so strongly x coca fascnd tnixc ncw far he followiru, ra«�cns:
it xou)i sage tirtax doing it now VMn a -b a, lat &r r,a ;e, vUd would hflp
raocaept'ncer of the 5 &: p Applic..,tien. 3tvh<s v r esac a< given for doi-V this now sacs
the ar.iitional ws:^rat.ivw will bi noerdet in cssa c,z' po�mlsibler lcgal �ictioss, Wal
that x: may have to biR Hone (-ve- katuatly r<yit y
The 0 iP;3Z:L o:n g4 Std '00 .x4s.1"ov"1z)r
I. It wra felt ifss:. S,ho 'S1,2,,G Lintz of who wrk may not va: erd iciasnt
to give ttv-, eoirait of `?o wetrk rasa tuaat Wes bsYei no guaxxanva thvT,
is `:i 11 i3F= couplate.
tom. nTIU1 S1unp'tiivP was �r3331 ^Cx s:fi v?T G'C f',:`i i. 1. a =a G:." 'w.kZaf' .'Y --# �'4?Tkt: ry.� thi-^ timr
o could €xa donea
Irs 4'.S
me f atEx; r olght
siJ,�g't t.
After a lens, -thr E CCL-1.i:aTa, t_'. Mcvye: aeked F,:. :bOln' if hs- Youl € -.`ck the rxparte
that if they S're -to n7',bmit a ropa-,t zhet rill Ptand up J"El evvzt, 'FS l'il
eatimt6d cost slurficicr,t. i`.w. llod.lee � d to do thif ;, ,mod Lag.- Ptudy war abled
Padixg S fTtRttGBr di t.L'.9 t <10 0 i .� ,. t aBG i :lam.
UNFINiISM BUSIBESS -_ UNI 121 -311Y Pr.OUB `P S & F zEM f.'efkW CsT MMA.G�T
Chairmzai Harder, at Vie 2i- ;vioua ne�rwing oC AuXabt 26, ia'65, wac, dixeetod by the
Commicesicn to erecv.te %e Univeraitj Frojeet S & P Third Party Contract "between
- URA - //H�odne, AS3ocia& ez. Ths contract 0.�ss sign -,I Iry Chaim an H®:a'*�.:"",� and
attested by is Maalls.n, Seuretary.
NWJ Sf;SIM1;*:iS - 2i1YEReiIN 9 & P APPLI'vaAiION
The oontract is :e'rxmt-k.-d. ibeva by ltva by t1ty CoreMirsnion and rrtpresentatives of
Hodne Associates. Mir. Rodney clmT'Meed the contrsat by stating +J%-at the costs
covey only using the lard for park: Bart =, tar. Voyar moved that thri Authoxi' 'y
s.ocept Draft 3, Riverview area 5 & P Application and di -,ect aar MEOCutive
Direclar to =Q -osre the othoz po.p�rs .or $arvsittsl to the City Council.
The moticn was seeoadv l by Mx-. M -ndall and passed -um uni.mrnasly.
Mr. Anderson &sked *ja Co =ikrrio. is €s rrsa;.ution rMq'U&stirg the 4ity Mzw r
submit tk� the Highway lepartmeat Lhz x .icc road plans as soon sa porssi?ale.
He than gave the backgrounrl info t oin .ae€Aing lax. eo Uiis rear -set. Chairmmn
Hazdatr then instructe-d Yr. Anderson to a Gcij -:east 're City jSanagz-r to 1°a-rloas q� the
plans nor a„ as sown c.cs pc�r i olw .
Mr. Hodne €statmi that ha will give than Cerra i eaiCrs vam;ikly progreso reverts on i
three study amen. llhea;o rotxxts will irclud oar: progs:eaas to dntaa and
where we will ba at eefinite Umo intervi�lo. Fe ftmthsr srtastvd that he will
'slave a gragAical. ill zt.ra%ica ra>*:y far uPaio G`='xizaNmn Tay S€sptembcr n.
Mr. Hodne stated ths% tb ^v City camtee S & P Application wfll lwc preparv"d and
ready this veekerul.
Chairman garde,: than x-- &Teazted Wyczxm Smith to pre;
xara t2a¢ ottaasx supporting dccxa
moat& for the City Ceewsx.- and the Riverview 4 & P Appliestiors &* .z0on a-q
R`f]STIMS - BOND t5s
Chaixzm Fordor read a 1&P% pr*LA€ m ha head dne tttd to the City Council
that to bond izseurf 4.:o h;ld at V , ea-.e Nirse as tha general Qlecltlon.
?sir. Xcuidrall made a xokiora UW, bh* Ohaizumz3 be attar riwAA to sfnd tin, awraorandum
to Lho City Corm-ail. Mr. Hemp seoondad. Upon a -,Oce v°ota, thery balne no .lmys.
said votion oaxviard urAni= a*.e?y.
There being no flu -thor t1,T a €xc -- -s, ra" . Xa,ysE «de a =tiorj that t`u? meetir ; be
udjeuraed at 12:r; j P.M. `t` raction aze Seconded bq :yua. M -allin awl pw Ded
�iesp octifully submitted,
100i is ''ulna
1e'cro tary
FridlaY %CIUSir -9 & P*deVO 0P Vlet A.utherity
Next meeting ,ill 1* hall l3earLwday, ^spt="n 6,
TO City Council, City of Fridley
FROM. Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority
RE Community (Development - Renewal - Improvement) Bond Election
The Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority is sufficiently
adv,nced is its work to be reasonably confident that three redevelopment projects
are feasible and that Federal grants will be available to the city to assist in
these projects. The projects are;
1) the University Avenue project,
2) the City Center project,
3) the Riverview Heights project.
The purpose of this memorandum is to advise you that our present
estimate4 of the net costs of these three projects to the City of Fridley is
$968,400 and to recommend that you call for a vote from the people on a General
Obligation Bond Authorization as part of the general election of November 2, 1965.
We wish to stress that the above figure is an estimate based on our
current research and planning. A more definitive figure will not be possible
until our studies are complete and actual project proposals are made. The pre-
sent estimate, however, reflects the upper limit of the net costs that can
be reasonably expected from the proposed renewal areas now under study.
The earliest practical determination of public support is necessary,
however, in order to delineate the project areas. We must be in a position
soon to make firm commitments to the property owners involved concerning whether
or not the public will acquire their property for redevelopment.
The Authority is confident that the studies will be completed in time
for a thorough review by the citizens of Fridley so that voters will be able
to make a knowledgeable and rational decision on the merits of the Authority's
- 2 -
We also wish to point out that the studies indicate that any devel-
opmeac undertaken could be staged in such a manner as to minimize inconvenience
to the property owners and that the sale of the bond authorization could be
spread out over a period of time. The initiation of any project, of course,
depends on the concurrence of the City Council and planning Commission with
the specific recommendations of the Authority.
August 30, 1965
,ev. Gerald Keefe
St. William's Church
792 Mississippi
Fridley, Minnesota
Dear Father Keefe:
It has come to the attention of the Fridley Housing and Redevelopment
Authority that there is a considerable amount of public misunderstanding over
the activities of the Authority with respect to St. William's Church property.
We would like to reassure you and the parishioners of St. William's that church
buildings or land have never been considered as candidates for urban renewal.
Such a suggestion is not only unrealistic but completely contrary to fact. The
Authority has always considered St. William's Church to be an outstanding contri-
bution to the improvement of the University Avenue area. All of our planning
studies have been orientated around the church property as well as other permanent
facilities such as the Moon Plaza Shopping Center, the Fridley State Bank, and
the residential neighborhood. The purpose of urban planning is to develop upon
and preserve the durable existing properties for the mutual benefit of the entire
To be sure, all of the Authority's working plans indicate the existing
church property but only in recognition of its over -all importance to alternative
development studies. This is done in order to evaluate all proposals so that
conflicting property uses can be anticipated and, hopefully, discouraged. At no
time, however, has church property been included in the relevant study areas of
the Authority. Inasmuch as the detailed studies are still in progress, no decision
has yet been made as to the feasibility of an urban renewal project. In the event
that the Authority does recommend a project there is no possibility of the inclusion
of church property in the project area.
The service road concept recommended by the Authority is perhaps the
source of some of the current misunderstanding. The Authority made its service
road recommendation on the basis of extensive study and consultation with safety
and traffic experts. While the service road affecting St. William's Church is
not in the renewal study area, it was the judgment of the Authority that the
concept had many benefits for property owners bordering the service road, the
neighborhood served, and highway uses in general. It must be remembered, however,
that the service road pattern is still a plan and no definite road alignments
have as yet been made. If the concept is accepted by the community it is very
doubtful that church parking areas would be in any way diminished.
� s
Rev. Keefe - 2 - August 30, 1965
The Authority considers our past discussions with you and other members
of the church as bean& very constructive and helpful. It is our intention to
continue this relationship in the future so that the result of our work will be
to the mutual benefit of the City of Fridley and St. William's Church.
Finally, the, Authority appreciates the interest you and other parish-
ioners have shown in its work and we wish to encourage a continual appraisal of
our progress. Our members are available to answer any questions that you may
have or to discuss the renewal studies in general. Please feel free to call on
any of the members or to visit our office next to City Hall.
� Z74Z
Richard Herder
Sohn Meyer
Vice Chairman