10/13/1965 - 00027364Sll.tDIE UOUSI1 v AND RR'e.-a9`9Ary44AT,Q1 lia--Eu im — 3CTOBNa 13, 1965
The meeting was called is cwd r at 0:25 P.H.
Present: Ch iroan Richnod Harter, Commiutic;na= john XG;;.^row, Paul Bar acv,
Lois Mullin, .` pd i...ccutove Direezor Allan Anderson. Cozmiozioner
aobert Kendall erriv d later in thn meeting.
visitors,: Doylo Mullin, V R. P1oma1, U. C. Rkrringtoraf and Five
Alberts of Ro&x A ccociates .
Abuent: lone
AP&ROIAL nP PIXXM LRS - TEri c- OF 00120?R9 6,�65
Nke . Mullin made a motion T_ at Its minaatea cat the r meting of Octo ar 6, 1565
be approved aa renal. Mr. Mayor seconded -da<o motion. Upon a voiQe vote. thorn
being no nqy, eat motion passed unanimously.
b- --- --
1 . &nderecru stated thst he had rece0ved a telaptw= call from Oroccc co ,
Williams mad Ausocistec on October 13, 1965, indicating they are atili,
interested in doing the we-uve appraitzu is and a transient e to y for too
University Avenue and City Center Project Areee.
Mr. Anderccn stated that a Mr. Bliat of the BRA had been in the Authozity can
October 7, '8965, to examine the books azd v0s Altaopgh
the overall repart wag favorable, there we;:* two ar5no of work t&A mast 10
4. Establish a ra el inn &seem, for miacc ll eoa �a:plslir m i.e.
office auppliea, Ott., rathar than 'cho general journal as Dow
being ueo .
2. Keep time costa for Authority ewyJoynas indicating amount of
tiut spont on each paojwci.
A formal letter indicating Mr. Lunt"° find ngs will be forthcoming from thwe
DRA. in the near future.
The following aotings unze stiended by the Eveautire Director and/up c.:.•, lwrw 4
October r -- Nit1Vaite�zri,�a. Avr*cintion
Oc!.ob r a Gera ohnn?tte rev d ncp
October 12 Dia,pict 14 School Board
October 12 St. Villlao*z ht ah
Octobar 12 m Lionza Ciab
nQcs' z 2
Mr. Andoreon listed the e €enta lLadj7k -, up to h-- deb to on the eddzzct- _ao„xap!a.
"The CGPM asked tai to vaTae arrange ents to 12&ce the rAdreosogrsph made
available to them. I spoke tirith Hr. Br=all and he said it was if
there wma no charge to the City. The CCYTR orma in on Saturday sznd t•ere
allowed to use the machine. were axe throb to Loop in mind in coat'
nection with this:
1. 2 "one precedent had already Lis met a110-Ang the use of the
maahiato by non-- political ,soups.
2. There _e no firm policy cstablishe& by the City Cos..scit
grittan or oral.
3. An luvitatior vas :also extended to TOMN givirZ them aqua.! tine."
Mr. Barrow made the ooment that this has lothirg to do with the @e thari.ty
and is sairIly between zhD Citin -ens for F�, idlay Disaster Relief
the C,ty of Fridley.
MMOTM =MTOR °S R15.sM _w ia@ IT TION SCP FL.011FILN, m » ZS y Tv
Mr. Anderson stated that he will send a letter to who City Plarxni-z, commisaiOL,
and oth" City Commsittsas inviting them to attend ea factual p -cesoata ^boa in
?rimu Reneasal on WednasaM, Seytemewr 20, X555, at 7:OU IRJ
ChaLrm= Harder called for €a recaase at 5:45 P.M. so Mr. ftllin could tarp:,=
picta"s of the members of the Co isaioa for ra brochure. The wrzetiug tines
reuureed at 9.05 P.M.
SFW IAA con, 4I5'PS EtrSt ORIP - BOD170 1i$OCI$D1iiG
Davo Alberta of Hodne ssociatco p;es4 need tlz;a ghat; o for 310 probed u o* l
Brocirare for the Commission'. ieviaw. After the Commission had r-ade svv=,Iral
minor changes in the 'uoxt, the plates were approved.
The discussion than turned to the printing -bide receirod. YF=. Albert€ rcdWnt�c
price quotes from O.H, Dah eu Printing Coc:parT and H.A. Ro ro prvrati compez. 4
on cgasxaUties of :,uJ 6, 5,001j, and 7,013'} roohlireg- Ls O.R. D-"hl "n za the
most reasonable for "1,000 - rock =en, it vao decided to have them io thn work.
Mr. Barrow mdc a motion that roe eulor1y0 jRr. kgderkaon to baay 7,1300 corAos
of this brochrsa as cortactad showing the Print in teo colors Mid tso coves
in two colors and t-ho rest bl .cfz on white %v; a cost o' - 1365.00 for vha 7,01-K)
copies. The spproximt -s date of completion, foldeel and deli vt�ret, irF.11 h,2w on
or bafore 22 Octolsez °955• T,s Ewtio:a z' meson ed by Y-S. Mullin. V.
voice vote, tna -- lazing no +ajz' t.^id „otioz" ca ri�"d i m-an3roli-„ly.
A come st5ton L,ms ruche! so YC ti .se brac!".2re -4 53°z2txuld be L en*%. f'E rat G2".t% -0
or bna % znte Purl. Aft&,- some dir�cv sslon, it - as decided that tY,�-zz 3
';nov;'h d4ffnrerlca ir_ P-' ice It uia'P.eiy%' Uwe ,'ro;hureo lri lk
Mr. Never asked o:4-out the defl�V�y in rao2iviKg tLe Zdditnaan -1 City CenMZr d0012-
menitxtlor— He stated '+`hvA, for a petlod of Three wr ^,Lw.Fa'.'e'° !1r. i:oine a.rd MAX.
had urged the Coma ecion Go app)-cn;e the additional Stating
that i� w-as absolutely vital to have this as moon az I;ovsibla. are Cot -I-Oaa -%xx
gave approval to go ahosd with the J&. c-e mz�ko T16pra and e— odaz�
has not as yet contacted c ogee 5oh3iaon to nfevai him to go ahead with he
shone. Fxe csueationed wlip-t tiro delay teas. irL-. lbea is st5tcd that he ;Could talk
to Mr. Bodne on Friday.
. Barrow, Chairran of the Lap& ➢iFyupooz Suncom"ttes, stated 12"�ti t
committee msmb;—L-s wili a-at na=t umok for a discussion.
Mrs. ITul Lin stated thLt `zfie e°i wor :;al vmn riot in L"inai f=--u yet xgz t
would l:av-e it ready ty Gotftcr 55 co it Could Ix- cttacled to the ''=.0 erg of
the Mee tkng.
Mr. Lnderson p-- econtefY a cap vh veing the proposed g¢a �t,at.ion 1lacem-znt in
the Uni4vrsity Project rxea zL- a letter from Tom Pods IAa map i dica ea
that tbo gas stations %-:Ul conflict with the proposed service road xslana.
It v s srggestod that a letter be cent to the City C= -=oil for a ceiinitl_on
of by they have approved buildir, parrait3 (if ttaey harm for service stoticzzg
that will conflict wide the proposed service road eln_na of the kathor`ty .here
the City Mated they were in favor of the Earriee do4d mane. Ch<lirmsa -, Eerdcr
directed Mr. Anderscsi to coopose and &end thie letter.
Per. Bat -row asked if a cleswer 51—catch of the =.p end a coley of t= letLfi c' atjH,
ba attached to the minutes of the meoting.
Iew BUSINgs -• R 4iLUT.101'r NO. A 9,9§5- 2u
Per. Anc?erson eskG4 the Coaaaiusion to sppz outs uccolwtson No. pr3U 569,--20,
as rozolution co13ccrxnkAg the Acquisition of Reel a",pl,rty. Stating thct as
aretnolution of this type la required by the k.�L before k,!,Ry o M- apyp ovea c
S & F Application. 't "ire vau same dieous ,iear_ a<e to a claueT- ohwald
be i erted :n the resolution statin4s the - vl.coa ic!n rights of p--rVOF.2's
In the ssnVCM1 game. IIr. 9sn& v €ono ,tee directed to crsntact !,Jr. V-�a-aka Ste`• z
in thivx re &=d. use resolution thruld 'Fr_ m-ecdy fOr aP& »�s &l_ o -n F'�-id 7
octotaT 15,, 1965.
I3 Lrry}[?�kT.w.4.,iE.k'QU�tli
Ka'. D&-XCid ffigggerteae that E:?'e r4'C"T:'"%:.siokl &3k fo-P a �-Zeti_Pt{"'u`ath tto r;!;,
t0 vla>t YIba '"LS5 "zee wi l 1.3 t.s? h'CKK. Po lun ge-" C'�
Other tFi3.m- xL,g LEY - : i` ?'Gkjo Re. 44aiEx?,1.."on ?3ar�. "i aivectk Ga� tgv tG
Vet Tap thin 'ff.'s Or fo?' Treiu:py, O.^.l:4,'.b',r s �� n h at � W1 .TfG
Ma !
Le aca was o Orther y6»e, Mr. Myer n n pKism Owthe aw
be adjourned J,@g,a.aa»tl was el by Nv. Bakvav ccy z
LM hallim, Secretary
AmJy 2bmsinS ay e = Authority
Verb scheduled teeta will » « Wednesday, a&&=m,1SS at 9323.