12/01/1965 - 00027319MIi)IZr HOUSING AIM �L 'Sq dt:'ri�i�i PMUORI'1a FI.a_°1ItC d a3w" wa 1, SSA
The meeting waz called to order at 80a P.M. at City hall.
Present. Ch irmn i Hicheard d$qrdvr, , Cowmissionere John Moyer, Paul Barrow and
Lois i4n11in, &z9outivP Director Allay Anderson, Counsel Wyman
Smith, and Pl.nwwing Consultant Dave Alborts representing Hodne
Visitors: Mayor and N'lrs. Willi= Ieea, MAyor -e lect Jack Kirkham,
Councilmen John Wriest, Glenn "Thompson, Councilman -olect Dave Harist
SBA representative 3aruer, W-d Robert 3ohaason, County Attorney,
Riverview residents Fir. Storla, Mr. All:,n Rundell =d relatives,
Mrs. Wafer, Mr. Hollenl*ok., and Mrs. Strob.
.Absent. Coamiesionar Robert Kendall
The mea,tin5 began with a brief introduction to the problem by Chairman Herder.
He stated that our original intention wa..s to carry out the Survey anA Pl =ning
Application studies, however :£a have nom rsoeived afi latter from the Urban
Renewal Administration in Chicago giving us fourteen days to prove local
financial support or the availability of lie dew al €undc will be terminated.
Chairman Herder then a£kal Mr. Stork,, a Riverview resident, for a brief sum
Mary of the situation in Rivervisa.
Mr. Storlaa stinted that the ar-aa is _vapidly tacomtng deteriorated., i.e.
several residents have sbm don. d thoir property 'six since Novem ber 1, 1965,
and several during late spring 1965 }. 11e Cy,�neml foyvling among M=ining
residents in, "Why ehould u-- pawl. more money into car homes with no chance of
regaining it?"
Mr. Ailan Russdeall, anothmr Riverview resident, 5tmted -chat he has had his
home up for Bale but with all the publicity from the flood and the Urban
Renewal project, nobody is interested. He waked if there waa soy chance
that Fridley could Taioe tares money within th.e fou`teen dayEa and suggested
that using the land for an industrial park ;joitld be worth the City's expenditure.
The futility of tho idea of 3n tnduetrial ;r=k in that arxfa was pointed out
to hire.
toss. Waafar, soother reoid.nt, statud?, that if Lho ex-<-L.�c floods again this spring,
r,ho would not repait her home but Tvuld abazidcn It. S.dae than asked if they
could sue the City for asllovia1g building p4rmits an `ats area. Wyman Smith,
City Attorney, stated that he did knot believe: the City could lie meld rotponsible
In any way. She th*n pointed out t_*:e dongrraa that Riverview Terrace Road psIBt-
sented, the road is so ra°^ron `.,twat two care vinnot uIr s in some area. school
Frye 2
buses use the road everydag end there is no rcta.iniasg rail. In the winter
the road becomes very slippery and e bins full o, children could very likely
end up in the river. Mr. Smith stated that -Lhe City ccrald be hold responslble
for improper maintenance of the ro&d '.but not for failure to construct a hard
surface roaad.
Mr. Rundell pointed out that they had bad no trou e until the City put in the
sewer and water systems along t1u river wid wa^ackod the natural river front4ge.
Ee wanted to know why the City couldn't be held responsible and vhat they wire
going to do about it. Counciizsui llright &-xvered this question by stating
that the new housing code would help by a.11oving the City to reatrict building
in the awes, by demolishing empty structures that presented hazards, and by
forcing people to clean up their areas. it was pointed out that this wouldn't
help the residents whose homes would be flooded again this year.
The possibility of the County helping to fi:?snce the project and using it for
a County park was discussed, 'Dave Alberta of Kodne Assooiates stated that
taw County could be considered as a patenttal developer but could not be part
of the 25% financial obligation of the City unless they gave money to the City
with no string® attached.
Mr. liobvzt Bollenbeack, another Riverview resident, stated that he hod found
a lot in Fridley and is considering moving his bore. Be 'slued if the City
would boy his pmzent iot from him. The to,>al amount of the move will run
approsi.rrnetely 0,000. Ilbis will be maney lost to him as his hose will be
worth no more wbon it is moved thAn the ori,glzal purchase prxce. Be stated
that he could not afford this loss, asIncimily whin h; cannot girt a sufficient
bank loan.
Mr. Barker of the Small Business 3dministrae2-on was then called on. Be staked.
that houses that have been damaged in floods are eligible for 3U yeex loans
at 3% for repaxxing purposes. Eta asked Mr. Hollenbeck what the physical loss
to his property from the flood had -neon. M2!. Ho 1lenbeo "s answsered $2 , UuO.
&!r. B, ker stated that they could w.^anewTe to include a little money in the tranra-
action for moving erp&naas but not *7,0 -u on a $2,004 damage lows. Hr. smith
and Mr. Wright pointed out that the lots should also to considered physical
loss beanuaQ before the flood they were worth money and noir they are worth
noshing. ir. "darker stated that he could give no definite statement at this
time, but encouraged residents to apply for loans and the applications would
be given every consideration possible. 7hes general feeling among the residents
was that they could not afford a second morta%ge on their home anyway as they
'.mould probably end up owing more then the 'homes vereer worth.
Mayor Me stated that the City did not have any uncommitted funds to give
residents for moving purposes✓. Thu residents than sskUad Vx, Kirkhm what he
intended to do to help then.
Ur. Kirkh€ua stated that ha had =da a augac,stion but tkwy hadn't Ukod his
idea. Mr. Bollenbeek sail' he felt &. hod a moral obligation to thaw
1a3,W 3
,si`S`enta az he wt-o tit ge'tingUS2.arA Cii+.3 ,,rzl, tt"s only forlaible
plan toczaable, defeetarl. a1r. Kirkham stc »id t'l=t his ori& nal ideas had b;ae,n
to trail, the reoieceitu t&x =seslinquaat lath for their curmnt lots and that he
would try to help with the roving s::ir-nsc -a, t+.;s question eras raio*d wb:!�th4Tr
this would not require, another frond eleati.cffi. Mr. Xir12= replied that he
did not know. He uas s.alt4d if the residante not beforo tho City Council asking
for moving help would he ba their requeat r_aad for how much help. He replied
that he would prolaobiy back fnem brat would give no definite st teewnt a.; to
the amount of money, just that he usad tbe vard *,heslp'.
Robert Johnson, County Attwney, statrd ta:xt the County would be willing
to help in anyway possible,
Chairman Herder pointed out that tbie would not solve the problem as tbrare
,sere many homes that could not be moved said "mstsiag had to bo done about
them as the mainteiumce cost to the City every spring is vtrry large. He than
asked Yr. Kirkham if Ito +woW d be in favor of &aothe: bond *laction in tha
near future for RireerFiew if the coat could be ebtreri by the Riveraiew resi-
dents. Mr. Kirk would not take et comnitatnt at this time but said ba would
be willing to meet with the Housing Authority to dirscuaa the possibility of
another bond election.
The meetia*,g w" set for a:30 F.M. an Decerl'bar 3, 1465, in the Housing 4clthority
Office. It was requested that Xr. Alberts have a deriled list of costs and
Mr. Anderson have a list of available tax- delingrent lots.
AB'i'ROVAL OIL Yt D.U` 33 - 1%E0URIG C5%i1rJMS'1EI3 2?I_ 14G�
Mrs. 1.vllin mad-Q a notions tInt the minutes of +her seating of Yo- e'rb*r 23, 1965
be approved as received. M. BaxTota s*aondrd the. motion.. Upon a roles rove,
there being no nays, said a.otion „esee,acd u_n.:siice.cusly.
Letter from URA - The letter from the Urbsn Rsrawal A.dsh- Listration
the o during special uvating wan officially received.
Social Security Taxes - Kc. nderson stated tbaat in a tel€phonee call to the
Minneapolis HRA, he Yard laoraed that the FICA taxes were to be paid to the Stats
and the State would forward harm. Re raid this Mould be dome.
OUIXUI: lzoli Win - 11tc. Anderson atated that the additional funds from
the Ur'A= enewalRenewal Adminaetx�;tion isould be z9fused and that an uput----dxts
billiag from Hodne Associates would be ragrested to chose out the books.
Hodne Associates was told to ceaze work as of D; cember 9, 1965.
pa�p 41
��rtd t��;gt w F.r,`.ar:cr� gt�d ;ao�6. p.n.s lid ieixo,:�d wino Uxzbe�n I;e`�r ^sal :sdz�n_stya.-
tion $.imt oiL. h -ooahu wo.tId Iiz : ".".p^ y for n finial atud5 % -Stror Pece*mbezL- 15, 190'5,
8cs tion - Mr. AWIS -rasoa mubmivtel hiB roc+i tion as the eoutive Director
of the Housing Authority. No action er.11 ba tdken vn it £l, X965.
Mr. Mayor reported that Pogor Jol=o:n aLould be fLaished with the additionsl
documentation on City Center by U?cesabax 6, 1965.
A &special meeting of the Cotsm-i-Isnion is celled for iriday, December 3, 1965,
at e:3�; P.M. to discuss another %iverviow bond election with Sir. .Kiri b am.
fAaleiLR OSM
to there was no further businese, III. B2rrow made a "t:on that the matting
be adjourned at %.30 P.A. Imo. Mayer eeconded. Upon a voice ;rota, there
being no neye, said motion ptzeed t na+nipim,aly.
Respectfully submitted,
Lois YmIlin, Secretary
PridleA *orwingr & F,edeveloptsnt Authority