HRA RES 1965-05 - 00014098fl�sS(]Li1Ti0�1 Nt3� F"F��y. ;�.�+� u�°.�
� A RESOLUTCON l7F TH� I'Ft7DTEY HUT;SIIIKx ;u�li� h`�iJE',�?dJi�y�'N'C nJ'4'=Tt�33Zx`z'
REt PH�1'OSF,II Pr1IiS,TPS aTL GCl�,PAt�d� �3rJ%P1's"�� ��RS7JF�f7T
iiHF.REASp at bi�e Authox•ity msetix� +�3 �Tu3,y �y 1�'i��, tha �u'Lhox�.t�
revie�ad the huild�rsg prajae� propoaad ➢r;� tho Ph3.11ips Oi2 �� as
rsque8tsd by tha Fridley C�tp Council� �s.@
WIiERF.A5� the �ropoaed projeet wou].d be Zncated �i thi.�at th�x �ro�aasc+r�
redsve2opment gxroject# uad
WHF,it�AS, the Au$horftq has no�t hau3 aufflclent t�me to p�eopass �
deYinite developmettt plan for the area� and
WHEREAS, the inxerests of' the gener�.]. a��mmuni�y �s s�re27. za� tha�s� a�'
Lhe �niharity atu3 thase af tha Philli�� Ofl Campaa�v � si stake f.ay �rie
proper deve2opmexrt oY ths areao
N(%J� TIIER.LFORE BE IT RESOi�VED oq �he F`7°�LU.Ay a30t2.91k1g snd Rsdeveiop�
mr,nt llutharfty, Frid].ey, ;fl.ruaeaata,, as x^olZowae
Io that, in the in�eriests a£ thW �ardsfr7.y �� s�.onaaaie davelop=
menL nP the area, iha City OPti�iul.s c�f Frlciley d�lsqr acl:wo:
on tha proposad Phil3Sps QLl Ca:apes{y pa�a,�ets� tur a �xaa iad.
� oY time 811FYS.C'i.Bll'6 YDF 'tYiN AllGt10IS'Y:�' G{Y �KNf tx aaund jud��
rnaat as to the r3�airability oS' the bui.Id3t�g pr�sp,rapb
2o that, ti� Authorl�y sr3.21 �a�b[e ��ry ��bort t� mrri�� at s
dePixiite recomffnanasiion a3 t� �tivs desirabii�.t� oS 'cha�
Philltps 031 Compa�rg pro�e«t w2�Bx rraapeat tu 4��� averw�l2
dsvalo�sat of itz� a,rea on or ��fr�rw ,lu�ic �� J.9b��,
ADUPTED AT TI?F. RH(irTS�.R ;�ETINf'r 0�+ Tffk� 1TRII1Zk,'Y FIC�ifSING �fi�!
$ a y ,SbClB 8,T'y
�ticha���$°�+�"er�`"�ia.�� "p
r�sa�rr�cr� rro� ��a 1��5.�6
� A RESOLf.'T:rON ClP TfiE FR,iDL1s"Y fi0li3TNG AtaD ksL�,"VwLC3P,�'ddT AtiTHi�idl9'Y
RCi: T?!i. GIFT HUUSE 3TRN:P Cih�SPANY t�f1�D ',�"�`,TiIRO BUIL17�Idti PEI'u1�iTS
WH@tEAB, at the Authority meaiing o� J'n7y 1, 19b�� Lhe Auihori.ty
rev3swed the huildfs�g parn7lt applioationa o£ Gi£t iiouae 8tamp Company
ru�l Mra achiro as requeetad by �he A'ridley City Cowticil,� asul
WHERF,h3, the applications pertain Oo atruct�srea within #,he propa9e@
urban renewal project aresmp end
WEtEREAS� ihe A�thority haa not had euf�'ic7.enb tiaae ta prs�pare ci�Pi.�
r�.te dr,oelopmant plana for Lhe �opoead �easg atrd
W[�REAS, the interests r,f' bhe general c�mmunitp a�s vell �ss ti�oea� af
the Autharity and thoae ot th8 pormiL spplice�nts a,re ab :utmlca 1�+ the
praper +davElopmen� of the $raasa
NOW THE'.REFORE BE IT RY.�SULIiF�I Dy tha ?ridley Ha�iag aml xiedewslnc�
msnL Author39,yx Fri.dlepf i�linneanta, sa foxlnwse
1. �k.hat, in th� inY,eresta� of tfis carderlyr and eaaatoraiu davela�r�
mmt of the project sreaa, Lhe City Ofticial�s of Pritl2ay de�
l�y acLinn on the abova ncuned b7il.Iding pes�rn:�t apQ_iisLtiot�tr
� for a pari.od oi iime� suPtiQi.eut for the Aut�-xas�ity Lo rnake �
eound judgm�� as ta the ciesixabi].i„t� t�f Gha propase�d
hui7.dlriR' P='a8Z't�o
2, that�, ?.n order to mtnimfae the �ucanveniena+d s�id �+canomia
loaa a�sf£ered by the apolicaet��, the Authpr3,'�y �r5."�1 ssxhr�
cise all pasoiUle etpemd iu axriving a� daa.�li�ts jud��
as to the propoaed oulldAng pzKrg�s�r
hDUPi"Ei3 Ax T[j$ F.�U� f�IEETINfi OR TFir. FRII1Lr.'�[ HC>US��iG ,�.VTJ
z�v$vrr��+x �.u1�ar��rx ox xx� �14'cK nnx a� ,nrr�� �.965a
�oi'R r , cre a£"�"'i,w��°
��txa a ar r�"'"°�`°'"`�