HRA RES 1965-09 - 00014102�
xFSQi.axfaca nrua b��i� �2'�;�,
A.itiS(?i,U'i'T.3iS AI�F'.i'QsTiPv� Al"lU rRCrV'IDING FOR T1t�� ]a,:,E'�CUTION UF' �3 3'I�OI'S}..5�,�3
Gt�TITH.ACT FU}i i'I.AIGNING ADYANGk� FOR 5Uftz/sY5 �7NU ?'�.AR� FUFi E1F�3AN }tt�NL'i:AL
F'N.:k"iP,Y:T UNLER TITF.E I UF TF.L tiOUSIitiG ACT 4':' �.�i,�.^�r A�. A.�i�idD�� fS[1M.}3F,I�ia
� GJNTFiAC'C tdfJ> i+iiN3r R-35 �FS }. IIY Ailll 1�Tt+i'.k,IV k RI�7�� Y.UU5ING ANiT
IiEDEi1SLiDFi�IT.�`�i1T AUTHORITY AfdA Tlir Utv`i7'E� STA'£'„.R� +JF Ai�iF.��iICA
I:HFitEAS, the United St�ates of Ameriea t,h�r�3r: called the "GaWernma�eL")
ham tendered to Fridle-,� Hausi�tg and I%edevalo� Au�Yxoritg (hex�3rs ca;llle.c�
the " Public Agency") a proposed Cor�t.rrict fc�r Fi,n*,in; Adva�7c� aflr sixr�
v�s and Y].rms far Urban Renewal rra,ject undgr `L'itla I nS the Houe� Asi�
at 19/�9� as amzsteled, under mhieh the i;orre��ur,�aiL r,�ulxi r��' a€in adva,nce oi
Pad�ral tbrtda ta the Zocsl 1'ubli.c A�enay ta aica :in xarianeir.g tha casb af
cea�afn aurvaya and pl.ans ia prsparation of' �rA terixsn aex�Enaal. pro,�ec�t
nated Yrajsat Noo tAlt�ml �.35 (FS) ir� th� uz°b�si r�nuwaJ, arees daeas'�.t�ad an
auash pa�oFoned Ccriitraa� f and
1dF�AS tha Lves1 Publi.a Agen.ay has �iver. due consideratian i�o sr�d
P�Paeed Contra�:
BE IT RP:SOLYED HY John Maye�r as Ya11_a��:
SecL on „ Tha propoas3 Goa►2ract Por T'].,�xni�r� Advsric�e for Survaye, �ui
� Plsne for Urbars I{e�newal Pf��met undcr TitlaqI af' tha fiaue-.
Sag Act oi i9k9, 8fl $i�7ld�.� CIgEj.�l&t.� CDR'Y�I'AbG't+ NOn �1� �J�f ��5� ��i�s CQri�
atating oY ParLa I amd IIj vnder and $ubja�t ia the eorme ansi conditicrns a�
xhich the GoTernmeatt would make an mdvAnca� �F F�Cai Yunds ica +the Local Rak�
lic Ag�ey to aid in financing the coaL oi ceri,a3n � suarv�3ra and plazs� a�ar mre
wrbea reneeral ptrojacL dosip{�ated , rajaa� 1So, bf%l�it� R�5 (Fu): situated in th,�
City of Fridley„ Miaaeeota� is hereby 3sx u�.i raepa�ts approved„
Sectian 2m The Ch�irman anfl Vioe� Chairu+�s oY th�e Loca1 ]'uU7.i.e aVgenc� ie
hereby author3.aod end directed �En axe�cute sa3d �raposed co�s—
tract Sn twu cwnterpsrts oa tiehali: of the T,ocz' ]'uhYia Agency� r�nd ihe Secm
ratary ia har�sby authorizad andf diracted to isapra�sa and atteab the oFfieial
ee�l oY the Lecak £�ubltc Agency an oaoh such cai�te�cp:u•G and ta foxwraxd suci�
aounterpat�t+s to the Houaing and Ha�.e F3nar_as Agariay For mcaeu�ian on hehali'
af the Government„ to�ether with such other cinas:mente r�.ative ta the apm�a.
wal and execu��on theraot aa well as #,a thi.� 1� as aley lje requirad
lxy the Goverr�+t q
5 an a The �cecutive DixecZor of �ia� huthorit.y is hcret�}* antliori�ad
to fil,e requieit%s�a, tagether ur�.th necesear�r suP1���B
d«3umants, �dLh �he Government, Sxro� time ta � ae advance fuads are�-
ed, rer�eeting paymoata to be u+sdv on aaooun& r�f �,hu addaz►ce prnv3.ded gox i.n
the said Coniract, ea�i to da aad p�riarm sll. o�,her �t�is�s az�d aats requirect
ta ba �ione or perrc:mea in oraer tA obteip aucln p».yra�nteU
ra�; � �
� �t�:.`,or.uT'=r��a :rer� ��;t� a.�G�.�g
5eetion ka T3us Resolutiam sha�.:► iz���: r��;ea;v 3a��:ciiaLely.,
ADOT'TED AT A P�tH.�;TING OF T}!E FkZYllLiY liC'Ua:�xiG e131Ii �i.t?,ll1:6fF:I.�31"i�;S�l'P'
raia Hu113n. sear�,iar�
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1��.!.L�:lti?„L�. i'T6Y�.CtY'a f,;�'�.E'II.i�';�