HRA RES 1965-10 - 00014104f?•r°,�.,�„r,`^.'t'��ti,l"C�t 3�t.. Pi£�`. �. �.�:?��'�, ��;�:��.'"R sii
�1 iiESOLL'TT�I�! A1'1'N.GYIiSCr i�F�I7 i'�i0'�"IT�:LIJG k'a�i( 'isii�_ I's.1d.{.:�'il(1N �;k` A Ii'��f1'i1u�
�.UPtimRACT F(7R 1LlIPSNIiSG AUVANCk i'GK BU�tV�X� tL111� 1':..''=tua FC�%i. �JR}sAa1d it�:�",:�S:w
AL i`ROJF�CT UNll�`.:[�. TITLE I QF TiiF. F1UU.`�YP+%a Nu'P UP ��31+"`,2a � k?1k..tilliL�iy �v'[iAS�
w �+Pr C�TiJTfU�GT NQa t4INN R� 6{� �3Y F�Ivfs :3k.'.i'bi�N �RIIiI�'�7[ Ii4iJSi.� !L`�iD
EtEllk�'�:I.CIPAI�:NT AUTfIQ13 ANll T::E Ui�ITk�L' 5T�'L'iS UF' �+�IB;RTCA
iiflFRi�:AS the United :itates ni' elmarica (here� at�I3ssi tYie °Govexr�mer�t°'j
has tend�red t,cr Nridlsy kans3ng anr� Reciew��.a�een� kutharl#�y^ (haro%n �
the "Local Public A�ency��} a proposod Ccrntra,ct �csr ��lannin� Adrance for
yurveys and Plans for Urban Renen�al Prr, j�ct ruidnr Tit].e X ai #.he liau�iug
nat ot 19k9, as emertdod, uradar which ttsa Gaverrtment wauld malc�s an adt=&nee�
of Fflderal 1lands �o tho Iacal i�tblia h�r�zwy Lo atr� in Finsneir� th� e�a�
of ceriain surva�ya and plar►a in a�iori �Y an urY�an renaw�7. pm�e��
daet,g�►ated f�rojaat Aloo 2SINN R�3G (c ir_ the urEx�s: z�ssawal arma. dec�cxw�,ted
ia euch prnpo5ed Caritt'act; arui
t:HIItERS the LocaZ Yublic 1�,vency has gi��a du�e eunsider��.:i.uYa io rk�
P='�Pacsed Contraat:
BE IT kF:SOLVED Si Paul Bat�owr as Po�1,xm=ee:
SecLion��zm Tiw propnsed 1';ontract faz� , l��,x Advance far Swrv�ys mnd
Plsns for Urbnn ]isx�eaal I'ra3ect wnder Ti:�l� x of �ki� Haucr�
ing Aat oY 1949, ae amexxi�$, de�signated �on�rae� �� ril'NN R-}� 4e}y t;�siat'aa�,
of Ferta 2 aad II, uuder ax�d sub�ect Gn ti�a teraw and condi4�.an» c�f �.�f;ach �Y�
Governmen0 wou,ld maka sn nr3�+nce oi Fedara7. iCur�cis to the T.oca7 Prxbl3c A�enoy
to afd it► finesaoiqg the coat at oerF,ain sur+�-eys anc� py.r�r►a iox an umiaaar reuaur
al pro�ack deaignaied Prpjset �1av i5I1VN R-3fi (c} � si'tuata3 in the C3.2y� a�P
� Fridlspr, Minneaota�, is hoxaby ia. a17. re�poots apprurrodu
Scetlaa 2„ The Chsirtm.z and Yice ::tr�3rmaa a5' the Iaoal F'ublie Ps �c,y
3s hereby autiior�zed azui rlireat.c,wi txi aace�cute� aai,d prapaaed
Contrac� in two counterpartss an Uehalf uf �,°�<: La�a�3. F�ublic .A�ena�y� �r3c tki+a
5acretasy is hareby uuthari2es� and diractr�d �c i�apresa and atteai th� �xi�-
cial Beal oF the ixa2 fv3s13c kgency on eaa�x suth aawrt�arpar#, ans3 tc� ior«
ward euoh caunterpar�a to the 'riauaiug axYd ficuse fl�i�,anco AGenRSy Pr�r e:�r.utiu�
on YrehalY oY the Governme�xtr together w�it:� �uch nthsr �acumetst�s r�la�%na to
tha approval. aad c�cecutioxs thei�aa£ aa wa71 �.rs t� *�hi.s fteeo�u�l,z o�a as u�;,y "ts� x� �
quired by the Govern�asn'�n
Se � Th�z F�cecutive Uirec$or of the Autharit�* ia P,�r�s� aat�arsrixc�st
to tite rec�uiaiiiase, �ogeihar wiE.h nncessar,5r suP�rar�,i�u
documents, wi'th the Gorroxarn,�at, fPOra ta�e 2o ti�ner ae adue�aae .�acis aa°cs x�}a�N
ad� requestiag paymao�ts ta be n�a.3o an �.ascc�uYit oP 4�kus w3var�ae provic'.�l for 3�¢
the esid Ctzutaract, end to do an� gerform a11 a�h� bhSn�a anci �cta r�,c;v,irec�
to be daaf�e a¢^ pertana�sd iti nrder t.o obtafri auclX p2y-men'tsu
c`'ug���a This Itesa7ution ehriLi ��kR �tiect imaediat�a
ATkiPT'ED AT A t;�I3TIY� U�' 'FiIli FiZillLk.'Y HQFlSIAiG ATUD it;.11k.'YE7.�)F�i,E�
Ai�THGRITY �B[ 'P}!E 2�.Si' AAY QF JUL�r 1'9S°�„
t't.,'`.eh� Hk+ad��' , �Cttr�3.x'mA.+;, �
Loi� t�btLl..4a, Secr�t.:sg .