HRA 01/05/1966 - 00027306F`RIDL1' ��uszlac r�3raD �3an�,�rEr�al�4�,�T <hU'i':IOIt21 =i itiFr,� �a17G� ;.� •- ,1"tS.[J3aA3J +" =,a �,��� The meeting was Walled to orclur at 8:45 P.N9 ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Richard Forder, Commins- doxtera John Meyer, Paul Barrow, and Lois Mullin, Exaentive Director L+lizwn Anderson, Planning Consultant Dave Alberts of Hodb.t: A sociateFa. Cormnizrs:ioner Robert Kendall arrived later in the meeting. APPROVAL OF 14TIMTFB - DF.CDff, <i �,�6 Mr. Barrow made a motion that the minutes of the meeting of December 4, 1965, be approved as road. Mr. Meyer seconded the ruytion. Upon a voice vote, thore being no nays, said motion 7ansed unanimocsl_y. BILLS AND COMNtUNICATIONS A bill was received from Roger Jobwmn for ' '01,530•50 for the final write -up of the engineerisr; inspections for the City Center Project Dootimentation. Mr. Meyer made a notion that we pay the sLatement as received from Roger Johnson for the rxrative report on the City Center project. Mr. Barrow seconded the motion. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, said motion passed unanimousJg. EXE MIME DI MOTOR IS REPORT Mr. Anderson gave a report on the L-rial bai €_nce of e:rpendituxes for study and analysis for the Ci;y Center and University tventrr 'Projects. Mr. Barrow moved that all outstcnding bills be paid c,4xuat to Hodne & Associakes. Mr. Meyer seconded the notion. Upon a voice voce, there being no nays, said motion passed unan.twausly. OLD BUSINMB Mr. Barrow made a motion "to pay half of IIodnc's outstendi.ng bill, reprosenLing his University Avenuft statement of December 17; 119' ".5, cad the City Conger Feaeibility atatetren'. of December 15, 1965, avid 'clue balance be Mold until final approval of retort. The final payment uo contingent upon receipt of a lien waiver for services rendered." SI'hia motion nnrt seconded by Mr. Kendall. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, saia motion passed unanimously. DISCUSSION ON RMIOTI(M OF OFrICI&L Rr7CORV9 No action was taken oi, the matter of retention of official records. The Executive Director taao raquoeted to (,rt an oxt rticn (rout Loga1 cox_Sol ar 11 �o the legality of custoazal placement of o f Wal recordo. Mr. Anderson vas also directed to inquire if the Fridley CK; ink would bavve available spare for retaining these records. 1 •1' I IIN Mr. Batxow made a motion that the meeting be adjorn ned as there was no furthor business. Mr. Meyer seconded the motion. Upon a voice *rote, there being no nays, said motion passed unanimously. Next meeting: January 12, 1966 0 0 Respeotpully cubmihtea, Lois Mullin, Secretary Fridley Rouo9ng u Redevelopment Authority