HRA 01/12/1966 - 00027308FRLDLEY EOUSUG AND REDEVELOPLYLNY ATILHORTT. J.NWARY 12, 156: RG" CA11 MEM8ER5 PRESENT. Commissioners Richard Herder, i'zca£ T1arrow, John 11eyer, Robert Kendall and Lois Nuiiin Executive Director Allan An6ersou Thomas Hodne and Dave Alberts APPROVAL OF MINUTES - JANUARY 5, 1966 Mr, Kendall made a motion that the minutes of January S, 1966 be approved <s received. Mrs. Mullin seconded the motion, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, said motion passed unanimously, Br= AND COMMUNICATIONS - BIDS ON FHRA FURNITURE„ Mr. Anderson reported that eight formal bida have been placed on the iur0 t(xr:e Mr. Kendall made a motion that the furniture: be sold to tihe highest bidder. Mrs. Mullin seconded the motion. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, said motion passed unanimously. EXECUTIVE_ DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Allan Anderson stated that he had accepted a new position as the Stste Director of Housing and Redevelopment in the department of Business Develop- ment Manesota), REPORT ON FILE STORAGEg Mr, Anderson reported that the Fridley Bank was pressed for storage„ 'it could store the FHRA files as a completely dead file. The City however did have an old storage file which could be used by the FHRA. Mr. Barrowa made a motion that the Authority designate a file cabinet in the Fridley City Hall as the depository for records of the }lousing Authority and that access be made available for legitimate reason apon written request and that approval be obtained from any two memLers of the Board, the key to the file cabinet being kept in the custody of the treasurer. Mrs, t"lin seconded the motion. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, said [potion passed unanimously. HODNE REPORT. Mr, Hodne reported that the planning Commission has .sked Hodne Associates to draw up a 701 Comprehensive Plan Contract, Mr. Hodne expressed appreciation for the opportunity ro worse foi the Authority and the City. He was disappointed some taatgldai^ ae owpllshment coajd not ere received. However, he thought m,ny of the slaidlea miuld ,wove to be os r 1u'r, In the future n FRIDLEY HRA MEETING - JANUARY 12, 1966 ZW,,;' 40 Mr. Meyer moved that the FHRA commend the unergetic aad imagivat;,ve planning service which Hodne Associates has rendered to the Authority in the Feasibility and Survey and Planning phase€a of tht various pro ects in the City of Fridley which have been examined to date for urban Renewal development. Mr, barrows seconded the motion. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, said motion passed unanimously. Mr. Anderson stated he did examine the files and research material and be is satisfied that 80% of the work contr,gcted by Hodne Associates with the FHRA had been completed. Mr. Barrow made a notion that the final report from Hodne Associates be approved. Mr. Kendall seconded the antion, Mr. Meyer moved that the remaining half of Hodne Asaociatels outstanding bills representing the University Avenue Survey and Planning Statement of December 17, 1965 and the City Center Feasibility St- tement of December 15, 1965 be paid upon completion of final Federal audit and receipt of additional Federal funds. Mr. Kindall seconded the motion. Upon a voice vote, there being so nays, said motion passed unanimously. FINAL REPORT There was general agreement among the Commissioners chat the findings and recomendations concerning the Feasibility and Survey and Planning Projects should be sent to the City Council in a final report. Mr. Border said he would write the report and send it to the Commission members for their approval before presenting it to the City Council. ADJOURNMBNT Mr. Barrow moved the meeting be adjourned, Mr. Meyer seconded the motion. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, said motion passed unanimously. Next meeting February 2, 1966 at 8:00 P.N1 Respectfully submitted, Lois Mullin, Secretary Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority 0