HRA RES 1981-06 - 00014057n � � � RESOLUTION HRA � - 1981 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE MOORE LAKE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND FILING OF A PROJECT RPPLICATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY WHEREAS, It is desireable and in the Public interest that the Housing and Redevelopment Ruthority of Fridley, Mtnnesota, undertake the Moare Lake Redevelopment Pro�ect as outlined in a report titled "The Moore Lake Redevelopment Plan" and dated fe6ruary 26, 1981, and WHEREAS, Tfie Houstng and Redevelopment Authority has determined that the area described tn the above said plan s�tuated in the C�ty of Fr�dley, County of Anoka, and State of M�nnesota, �s that area proposed as the Moore Lake Redevelopment Pro�ect area; and WHEREAS, 7he said Redevelopment Pro�ect area is blighted and deteriorated due to economic obsolescence of commercial and res�denttal structures, poor soil � condit�ons, development patters, traffic and parking des�gn and unsightly general cond�tions; and WHEREAS, The Housing and Redevelopment Authortty has determined �t is necessary to undertake a Redevelopment pro�ect for the purpose of removing, prevent�ng or reducing blight, blighting factors or causes of bl�ght through any work or undertakings as are allowed by MSA Chapter 462. 421 Subdivision 13. WHEREAS, The Noustng and Redevelopment Authurity has cons�dered the legal requ�rements of relocating displacetl persons and businesses in the Moore Lake Redevelopment Area; and WHEREAS, The Hous�ng and Redeve7opment Author�ty has reviewed the Finance Plan and Acquisit�on Plan and concurs that said plans are tn conformance with state law and overall ob�ect�ves; and WHEREAS, The redevelopment of the Moore Lake Pro�ect area cannot 6e accompl�shed without governmental assistance as provtded under the Mun�cipal Housing and Redevelopment Act, Chapter 462, and know specif�cally as a Tax Increment �evelopment Pro�ect; and WHEREAS; The Moore Lake Redevelopment Plan will afford maximum opportun�ty, consistant w�th the sound needs af the City of Fridley as a whole, for the redevelopment of the pro�ect area 6y private enterprise, NOW TNEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSING NND REDEUELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA: 1. That the f�oore Lake Redevelopment Plan �s approved and adopted by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, and said plan will be financed by tax �ncrements and such other methods as may deemed necessary and desireable; Page 2-- RESOLUTION N0. HRA 6 - 1981 � 2. That the Housing Redevelopment Authority shall insure that all relocation shall 6e in accordance with all appropr�ate state and Federal relocation requirements; L J � 3. That all real property acquisition shall be determ�ned �n accordance to the cond�tions of the Tax Increment Plans for the district as required by Chapter 273.74 Subdtvision 1 of the LaWrs of the State of Minnesota, 4. That application be made by the Fr�dley Housing and Redevelopment Authority to the City Counctl of the Ctty of Fridley for approval of the Moore Lake Redevelopment Pro�ect, in the manner requiretl 6y law; PASSE� AND ADOPTED BY THE NOUSING AND REDEUELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CI7Y OF FRIDLEY THIS 26th DAY OF MARCH , 1981. LNKKY I;UMN 5- (;HN1KInkN HOUSING A REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 0031A/1131A