HRA RES 1981-10 - 00014076�
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WHERF�S, the MI�slnesota Government Data Practices Act, Muuiesota Statutes,
Sections 15.1611 ta 15.1698 as amended, requzres that this city appoint
one person as the Responsible Authority to adninistet the requiranents for
collection, storage, use and dissemination of data on individuals,
government data, and swrmriry data, within this city and,
WHERF,AS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority is concerned with the
responsible use of HRA data and wishes to satisfy this concern by
�nunediately appointing an administratively qualafied Responsible Authority
as required under the Act and assigning duties to that person;
1. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Fridley, Minnesota,
appoints Nasim M. Qureshi, HRA Director, as the Responsible Authority
for the purposes of ineeting all recuirements of the Niinnesota
Government Ik�ta Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes, Section 15.1611
through 15.1698, as amended.
2. The Responsible Authority may designate a HI2A employee or employees to
assist in the adminrstration and enforcement of the duties of the
Responsible Authority and to be in chaxge of individual files or
systems containing government data and to receive and comply with
requests for qovernn�ntal data. If the Responsible Authority agpoints
a designee or designees, this appointment must be in writing, and the
city council shall be provided with a cogy of the appointment. If
designees are appointed, the Responsible Authority shall instruct the
designees in the requirements of admrnistering and enforcing the
Minnesota Govermnent Data Practices act.
The duties of the Responsible Authority and designees are as follaws:
a. The Responsible Authority shall keep records caitaimng government
data in such an arrangement and condition as to make them easily
accessible for conven�ent use by the public, Photographic,
photostatic, microphotographic, or micxofilmed records shall be
considered as accessible for conveniPnt use regardless of the size of
these records.
b. The Responsible Authority shall establish procedures to insure
that requests for government data received and complied with in an
appropriate and prompt maruier.
Page 2— RESOLifPION HRA 10 — 1981
c. The Responsible Authority ar designee shall, upon request by any
person, perntit that person to inspect and copy government data during
� the normal business hours of the city and at places provided by the
Responsible Authority, and if the person requests, that person shall
be informed of the data's meaning. The Responsible Authority or
designee shall provide copies of government data upon rec�uest. The
Responsible Authority or designee shall require the requesting person
to pay the actual wst of mak�ng, certifying and conpiling the copies.
It the Responsible Autharity or designee is not able to provide copies
at the time a request is made, the Responsible Authority or designee
sha11 supply copies as soon as reasonably possible. If the
Responsible Authority or designee cietermines that the requested
goveznment data is classified so as to deny the request�.ng person
access, the Responsible Authority or designee shall so inform the
requesting person orallp at the time of the request, and in writing as
soon thereafter as possible, and shall cite the statute, temporary
classification, or federal law upon which the determination is made.
d, The Responsible Authority sha11 prepare a public document
containing his name, title and addrass, and a description of each type
of record, file or process relating to private or con£idential data on
individuals retained by the city. Fornls used to collect private and
confidential data shall be included sn this document. The Responsible
Authority shall update the public document annuallg and make any
changes necessary to maintain the accuracy of the docume�lt.
e. The Responsible Authority shall establish procedures to assure
� that all data on individuals is accuzate, complete, and current for
the purposes for which it was collected; and establish appropriate
security safeguards for all records data on individuals.
f. The Responsible Authority or desi�ee shall prepare sunmary data
from private or confidential data on individuals upon the request of
any person, provided that the request is in writing and the cost of
prepazing the surnmary data is borrie by the requesting peron. The
Responsible Authority may delegate the power to prepare the summary
data to the administrative officer responsible for any central
repository of siman�ry data; or to a person outsicie of the city if the
person, in writing, sets forth his puxose and agrees not to disclose,
and the Responsible Authority reasonably determines that the access
will not compromise private or confidential data on individuals.
g. The Responsible Authority shall prepare a public doc�unent setting
forth the rights of the data sub�ect pursuant to the Minnesota
Government Data Practices Act and the specific procedures in effect in
the city for access by the data sub7ects to public or private data on
h. The Responsible Authority or designee shall allow another
Responsible Authority or designee access to data classified as not
public only when the acess is authorized or required by statute or
federal law. The Responsible Autharity or designee when supplying
� government data under this provision magT require the requesting
Responsible Authority to pay the actual cost of supply�,ng the data.
Page 3— RFSOLi7!'ION HRA 10 - 1981
i. The Responsible Authority shall, when appropriate, apply to the
� Coimnissioner of Ac�nuu stration for pexmission to classify t�npotarily
data ot types of data on i.ndividuals as piivate or confidential, or
data not on i.ndividuals as norrpublic, on a tenporary basis until a
proposed statue can be acted upon by the Legislature.
�. Upon request to the Responsible Authority, or designee, any
individual must be informed whether he is the sub7ect of stored data
on individuals, and whether it is classified as public, private or
confidential. Upon fuxther request, the individual which is the
sub�xt of any stored private data on individuals shall be shown the
data without any charqe to him and, if he desires, shall be informed
of the content and meaning of that data. The Responsible Authority or
designee shall provide copies of the private data upon request by the
individual subj xt of the data, and the cost of provid�.ng copies shall
be borne by the individual. The Rasponsible Authority or desigttee
shall wmply inmiediately, if possible, with any request made by an
individual under this pacagraph, or within five days of the date of
the request, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, if
inmiediate compliance is not possible. If the Responsible Authority or
designee cannot comply with the request within that time, he shall so
inform ti�e individual� and may have an additional five days vnthin
wkuch to comply with the request, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and
legal holidays.
k. If an individual contests the accuracy or completeness of public
� or private data concerning himself, and notifies in writing the
Responsible Authority describ�nq the nature o£ the disagzeanent, the
Responsible Authority shall within thirty days either correct the data
foimd to be inaccutate or �.ncomplete and attanpt to notify p3st
recipients of inaccucate or incomplete date, including =ecipients
named by the individual; or notify the individual that the Responsible
Authority believes the data to be correct. Data which is in dispute
shall be dlsclosed only if the individual's statenent of disagreenent
is included with the disclosed data.
4. This resolution implanenting the Minnesota Government Data Practices
Act shall ranain in force and effect until modified by the city
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