HRA RES 1982-05 - 00014042RESOLUTION N0. HRA 5-1982 � A RESOLUTI�N OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELDPMENT AUTHORITY DF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TO REQUEST THE FRIDLEY CITY - COUNCIL TO AUTHORIZE BOND SALES FOR THE CENTER CITY RE�EVELOPMENT TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT PHASE II WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority is the implementing Agency for the Center City Redevelopment Tax Increment District; and WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the City of Fr�dley have entered into a joint cooperation agreement; and WHEREAS, this agreement allows the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to request the City Council to authorize the sale of General Obligation Bonds to cover project costs of the Redevelopment district; and WHEREAS, the first phase of the project was funded by $2,2�0,000 of General Obligation Tax Increment Bonds of 1981, and WHEREAS, the second phase of the project was partially funded by $625,000 of C�neralObligation Tax Increment Bonds of 1982, and WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority has concluded that bond sales based on Exhibit A of this document would be in the best interest of the City for development of Phase II of the Center C�ty Redevelopment Pro�ect. � NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Housin9 and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Fridley that it is necessary and expedient that the Fridley City Council authorize the sale of General Obligation Bonds in the amount up to Six Hundred Thousand Dollars for the second phase project costs related to the Center City Redevelopment Tax Increment District which are estimated to cover the expenses as set forth in Exhibit A. It is the HRA's current intent to acquire these properties, but any and all expenditures will �e pursuant to the Redevelopment Plan and pursuant to the A9reerrwnt of Cooperation Between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the City, dated September i3, 7979, and attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhi6it B. Such bond sale shall take place before November 1 , 1982. � PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOBMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 27TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1982. � %�,/��, / �//� `�--`' � � �'�.�'t'�- � � `�.�tlLt. �,e�:i CHAIRMAN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY � FXHIBIT A Parce] �] - Lots 8-14. Block 4. Ree's Additioo to Fridley Park Parcel !2 - Lots 6-12. Block 2. Ree's Addition to Fridley Park Lapitalization Schedule Project Costs $qgg 85g Cost of Issuance $ 12,000 Sub Tota1 $510,858 Investment Income 3/4 year 10.5X 1984 TIF Receipts $ 23,033 Sub Tota1_____ Lapitalized Interest $487,825 2.25 years @ 10.5X $100,425 � Sub Tota1 $588,250 2� Discount Atlowance $ 17,750 TOTAL BOND ISSUE $600,000 � ; _._ �- � - •� � t �` �--- -- EXHIBIT B I�rart,�_rr oF cumtr,nrtu� ffT'iLl 1'•F Il.11il:7. F Cl.LLl'f�nl'.1_Z Al71HMi77 ANll M:\CI►ALLSY TI15 Af.tfF71[`T, �aAc �nd eetvcd lnto tAL 17th 4� ef . fept�+ber , 1l79. !7 �nd becv�•cn tAe ibo�to� and Redevelop�cnc AueAority �f [I�e Cit� of Fridln�, •,yuDlic eo:poracion or�ani:ed under tAe Lva et tlx Sc�te of Minorio[a havin� fu olfic• Se tAe Ciq of Fridle� (Aereio [eferrcd te as AuthoH[�). �nd thc C1t� of irldley, Anoka Count), XSnncsota, •+unitipal corpontion or�anfted vnder CFe lsvc of the Sute of ![innesou (Aereln refctred to as [!t�). _ TECITALS YriERFAS, cLe Au[fiorit�, pursu�n[ to Minnesi■ St�tute�, Chapter �62� haa desf�n�ted tTe are� deacrl+ed Sn EaFiblt A, •s � Aedevelopment Are�, �nd the AutAorlq �nd cTe City Eave •dey:ed and approved a Redevelopoeni }lro anQ Yrrjrct for sucT •re• (I+ereS�+feei referred te a� �Leeter Cft] Tto�ec["). vh1cT are on file !n the![ resyective officc�; m „ VMERGS. tAe Au[horlty T u dc[et�Sned [ha[ St Ss necrsaaz� a� � EeairaD7e !or [he C!t) to er.1s; !t !n comple:lns the Leater Ciq ",ojecL, �n: :he CSiy has oeterslned ttut su k�a�lftance 1s needed to ccaple[e the Ccn[er CS[) P[ojrtt� fo[ tht orderly •nd ecenxSc de�rlrpmzn[ o[ the Cft�, foi [he eli_Svtion af blSeht �nd fur ttie develop�ec[ of aEdltior.al rul es[�te tat bese; �d • t'HERLIS� by �Situt ot Ylar-sota 5 ututea, SrctSon L71.59, Sec[foe �29.D67. S�bdlvLlon S, Srctlnc �62 5l1. psr+�rspt.� (b), (7), and (!), SectSan f62.i45, Su6divlefon 1, parapraph (5). •rd S.+6di��lsion <, par+¢rapk (2), tfie IulTot![s and the CS[p have [he potier to en:er lnto a rocprra[!ve • ajreeornt foi fhe uliny •nd yeife�2!n� such Smpro+ec.en!t as req�lreE in ecrjleCing [he Certet CSLy lroject. l.Lti� ShE�.EFORE� fot and Sn corsSdera[SOn of [}a sutual eovenants �od apree.:ents hercSnaR a tonulnrd� ■�d otfier �aod and r�lwble consSCrratlon� [2e ncSpt and •ufficlmc) �t�creo[ are ficrcby acknevledged E7 escfi of the par[1.s 6ereeo, the Aut`orty and the Ciry do 6creby s�ree •s fcllcvs: 1. The Av[korlty, !o !tt o✓n ra:e, a�n71 p:occrd afth aad ec:p7rte the Cinler [1y P•o�rc[. l�c:od7ng ill Frcc�rLl�j■ t}.a! eay be --- -- - - --------------- -- �. . � .. , ,. . . t � . , � : � � � ! � r�erwcwr� [or �cqu1�IN.n, �� dlrc�l pur.luwr m!�y a�,ln.n[ d�aln e[ tAe ��cess.+r� .aw+ents and tl�htr fnr eenstructl�.a, �dw(nlatrattoa o[ eon�IrutU..a of �11 sf thc wrcr�vr� I�p�.w�+..rotr, lncludfn� rnt.rinp lnLo dl necriser� �c`vlce aM cons[rvct[o� conxracts; �clectln� tAe dcvelopnr �t clx plan atcer the tit7 W� h+d tbe oDP�rcuntt� to re•fev and �o�nc; , and sAa11 do �11 tfiie�s tequlrcd, neccsaarr or deair�Dle to l�ple.ent tAe kse]utlon �pprovSn� cAr Gn[er Ucy lrc�ect �nd co reeplet� tlr Lprorc+cnts tAereby erdered, •t the e�rlic�c postlDle d�te. All thln=� Qone 6y thc 6uthorfty �urswnt thereto rMll 6e Qonc fn comp!lance vith the requSrenent� �nd re�ul�tlons is�pesed upon the Authorit7 by Kinnesota St�tutee, Sertion �62.i11 to �62.711 Snc7usive (the ?Sunlcipal Nou�in� �oE Redcveloymant AeC"). • 2. 1Te Authorit7 w� teque�t 'Ae Cit� to �d�ance [und■ [o t6e Authori[y to coaplete tl�e project puraua�t te tarajrayT 1 herea[, upon vrltten �uscifScKioe of such fundinr and •pprovd of the CS[r• Cpoe eoap]etlon o! [hose pm�ect cosu fw Qed b� [Ae CScj, CAe Authozit� i6i1] eAcuI�te the eoss� thereof and cerC fy [he ume to the Cicr ■o th�t tre CSt7 r+) Proceed to �scess iho�e co•ts vfifth v1I1 be ��acased, purauant te KSn�ecet� Sututes, Ch�pta. L:.. �? •��cL eva.t r..., w s;ac�crl Ey t:.� C![� �iall Dt dcraed loancd to the'Aot�orl:� a� of the C�:es tfu[ web non-�sseased eosts �ere •d.anccd to the Authoricy �nd �r�ll be re-p�id b� "c •, �... tLe Authoriq to the CSt�. . �. %envStAstsn!Sn� iht ptovftlocs of Para�rayA 7�bove� oothfn� ���11 yrehSb2t the CS[7 frx eatin= [be l.eprwrenta, •s srqu3rrd D� [Te prclect purauant to Fa-a�r�ph 3, oa be`.alf of the Au_A�rSt�, prcilded t5at CTt Au[rorlCy request• [tt C1[y to rrke lhese lcpro�.rrnt� and [At Cit� �yree�. So tfie evcn[ tfiat the CS[y e�1es ttese S;ro+rceats� the Uty mq prxeed to �ssns thoer eotts v}ScA vSll be aeseeseC, purs�a�i [o Y.Sn.eeoC• Scatutes, Ct.apce: �t9. �. She A�thoirq shall fellea a11 necessary proce3urea •nd rzrcute all docu:en[� as requ7red !y tre M.un:���al So��1nj and Rc:cvrlopsenc Act for �n� flnancln= tl.at 1[ sq e.:ain tor tTe pro�cet. S. 1Te dty uy p]c'pe ta: lnetr�n�i to the payeent e! the prSn:ltal ef and lntcsesi on b•nd• ist�.[ Dy 7t ta lfn.vrce �ll or part ot the •_' t I � ( . � � • y' .' '�v- «�* .� •` . 1 S � , ' � l 1 � . �- i . � � f i t . �f i � p.n[cr City lmJ.c[ Mrw n�u�•s[cd co do w 6r a rewlutloe of tAc Autl,..rlc�, an.i ilw• NrLa► �.mf.•rnd un ciw Clty IwreunJer slmll k anfarc�ab4 /y ibr Cit) e[ anr A.Mdh�,ldrr. in thc ercnt lhac [he Cllr io�s l�+uc an7 W�dc !a afd oi [Fr ProJ.:et: •. YMe Authorit7. Pursu�nt to TtSnneso[a St�tuce�, feccion i62.Sl5, a�rll follov �I1 necceaarY procedurr■ �od etewtt �11 documen[s dete[cSned 4y ihe Clq to De neceia�r) !or tFe [ollec[lon, �rRra►a[Son, and tran�fer of t�: incrcemu [rom tAe Cent.r Clty Projec[ in tl+c �alnun �mount permi[ted by 1��, une11 �11 bonds S�wrd b� [he G[y for [Ae p�y�ent of �ro3ect eou� of vhich ��fd [u lncreoenes have been pled�ed y�r�uant to [hi� atreeaent anA tLe lnteres[ t}ereon, Lrve b�m pald Sn full. ►. TM City ahall •aree to pled�e +nd �pply �11 tu Sncrcaeet� ., ieceived f[om tht Au[horl[y pursu�nt [e [h1� ajreemm[ to tLe p+smeo[ of s�ch Doodt �nd the fntereec LFereon. e, SLe Authotity +nE tte CS[y �grre to file vic6 the Molu , Coun[� Aulttor onr f�117 esecr�•a c�p7 0[ [hc •Qneme-t• � �:c:1led Icr So T�c��raTe S. vt1cA �`vll conatltu[e • - tLe reSursc +nE �u[�orSxa2fon of the Aut5or1t7 �nd the d[� [o [hr Counry l+uditot and Trcecurer. to cacpute, enlleet �nd ar�crta�e uid tax 3oer.senea So •eeortanet vlth Y.fr.nesota Sututes An�ou:rd, Srction �6I.505. 6. All noticrs� re�or[s or deoanCs rrq�lsed or �ercit[rd [o be jlven under ihis ajreenen[ sLll De Sn �+r1tSn= a�d s}all be decoed to be �Svea vtirn dell�ered pr.co�slly to 007 offScer o[ [he part) to rfilch no[1te Ss beSnj s1vm, e[ �co depvslted 3a [t.e Ln:ted States ea11 So • se�]ed taveIope, v1tl+ rctfstet�d or ttt[f!1ed u71 postage p�epared thereon. 7. Th1■ �gsermcnt shall aere!nate upoc crp7e[Son of projret and p�;i.cnts ef �n) ot11L'lcnc crteieG fnto � tM1e CS[j �nE tbe !1u[For1q fe t�rty:r� out [he Gcntsr dtr Prc�eoe• I� 41T`�f55 tidCxEOF� [hr partlts Y�eceto Aave uused thls instrux�C te bt tulr eaecucor �c ef [6r day +^d ycu (ltst aS��e vrtt�en 1 —} :L� � : . . . � �:' �� • Y t . . � ' ¢ • � . . _ , ! � ti s . • i � ' 1 # . . CI17 OF iC10Ll7 . ��.��r�� l l ,� f � t�1.4_��l�C_ — --� tu a,yor aen � E" J -.. l�i . . �.-1. � ic. Mana�er NDL'Slfr A�D lEDF1'FL 4f���lL"fHORiSY � OF fRi Lf lII�YLS 7,/� J � V �-QM�t.ti/ �r _� It. cn,irpers� /�/) �i Al'D/ f!•�:C.^_� t� / _ � lu kxecutave Direcmr '�' � _ I � FRIDLEY, MINNE50TA OfFICE PROJECT-TIF BOND ISSUE Land Acquisition and Cost Legal, Fiscal, Administrative Less: 1984 Tax Increment Receipt Plus: Capitalized Debt Service (Offset by Investment Income) 5498,858 12,OD0 �510,858 23,033 ;487,825 $100,425 $588,250 � Discount Allowance E 11,750 BDND ISSUE $600,000 � � FXHIE�IT — 1,OD TAX INCitFM[tdT f INAHCING PAGE 1 OF 2 GOMPUTER RllN FOR FRI[iLEY MN — fJFFiCE �IF PROJ, iiE:P7 SERV7CF f'LANNING F�Aa� VAl.UES--YEAR 19E32 HArE VFaLUE 144�0 MILL5 90.000 ASSESSED VAL.LI�S ASSUME %AGF INCREASFS AS FOI.LOW; 19F35 THROUGH 2O00 --- 3% 9/ 7/B� �� A , 00% REIiUCTICIN IN INGREMENT AVATLAE+LE F'C1R CiFE�T SERVICE IS 5HOWN A5 "OTHER EXPENDITURE �" PROJ, CAF'TURFLi -------------REVENUF---------------------- ---------EXPENPITURES--------- NFT YFAR AV(000) AV(000) TAX ]NC LANI'� F,ALE OTFIER PQNi�S TUTAL CAPITAL OTHER TOTAI. F'ROCEEbS ] 9Ef � ] 9 f�13 1984 I 9 El5 ] yt36 1 9137 i�ae ] S'f!9 1990 1991 199� I 95'3 149�+ i ���s 145'h 1 497 1998 0' �70 81t 4335 f)bQ R176 913 94Q 968 ','47 ]0�7 10 `� ti �ovo 1i�3 11ib 1191 , 1?�7 Q :?�6 797 Et? 1 H4h E�7: 89i3 9�6 95�+ ��'i33 t013 7 O�F4 ta�s zio� 1142 i 1177 S�SL n 0 23033 7169U 73I3 E3 0 "if>t;{:i 78�Ftit3 E30Ct�0 833i5 0 �El�;i H El4 f, (3 viiE,o 93�334 ��-r�f 9�'7:i�F 10�76� 10';E?i36 i.siv�o 0 h00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 bD0000 0 23033 71b90 738(3D 7613`i 7f3�+�Ci E308 i0 433315 fl°;�53 8846t3 viibo 93934 967vi 99734 102765 insao� 0 JIOBJB 0 n 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 n 0 n 0 0 0 0 600tltl0 18.`,19SQ JSOgJB 1175Q 0 0 n n 0 a 0 0 0 n 0 0 a 0 0 a 1��J0 PROGRAM COPYRIGHT EHLERS ti ASSOC„ INC, 19t3� t i f E 1!! PROGRAM 611F65 DATA Li IYF 3'�' 11750 JSOBJB 0 0 a tl 0 p 0 n n 0 n 0 0 0 0 J�il]n� JEJB�JO —�zaesa 23033 �ib��o 73080 7h135 7$�+SE3 BOf350 fl331`, �sf;sa 8F34bCi 91160 939�i�+ 96791 9973�E 10276 i ins��h � � � EXHIHIT 1.00 PAGE 2 OF 2 CUMPUTER RUN FOR FRIL7LEY MN - OFFICE TIF PROJ. 9/ 7/82 FIRST INVESTMENT PERIO� 9 MONTFIS - RATE 10.SOX RF.V� NFT INVEST OLD MAT � ----NEU---- ANNl1AL YFAR REC EARNING 9 TOTAL DE6T 5 TOTAL YEAR PRIN P R I SUR/�EF COVER� 19�:.' 1983 Y964 1985 19�6 1987 1913EI 1987 1990 1991 1992 1943 1994 1995 i99e, 1997 1998 JBO�JO —staesa '�30d3 71690 73f7H0 76135 7B4S8 8 D 8;10 03315 85853 8�46� 91160 43934 96771 99734 10�765 lO5Q�6 0 45004 4591 351 831 11�0 17F10 1304 1�97 18�'3 2947 2113 �027 2'77:{ 235U 2437 3L79 508 �`.i 0 -46577k 2%b:!4 72041 74711 77255 dQ.�.46 �.� 1 J�i 04612 87676 91415 93�73 95961 995l,4 10�'084 10`.i�U2 10956� TOTAL PRINCIPAL 600000 TOT INTR R 10�500 771750 TOTAL P AND I 1371750 LAST YERR 2000 FINAL PRIN PAYMENT FIRST YEAR 198� TERM 17 YEARS AONG YEAR5 7350 AYE MATLIRITY , � 12.25 snozsa 19fl3 -k65774 19F14 27624 1Y85 7�041 19i3b 74711 1987 77�5.i 198f3 80�46 1989 EI.�SJ�L Lyy� 84612 X991 8767b 1992 91415 1993 93"_'73 1994 95961 1995 99,`�64 199b 102084 1997 10520� 1998 109565 1999 100000 a D 5000 5000 toaaa 10000 25000 ?J0�0 2:i00U zsoao 50000 saouo 50000 inono 7500� 75000 10U000 is�sa 63000 60000 67475 7195D 70900 84050 8�225 796U0 76975 99350 9N100 80850 1U3600 iaizsa 93375 iiosoo PROGRAM COPYRIGHT EHLERu R ASSOC „ TNC, 1982 IIIIIII PROGHAM Ci11F65 s7�soo -528774 -4037G 4566 2761 6355 -46D4 -71 JOS� ia�oi -7935 -927 71i1 -4036 834 iiaz� -935 37,35 -7�39 .41 1�07 1�04 1�09 .95 1.00 1,06 1�14 �92 �99 1,U8 96 1.01 1.13 �99 [�ATA Ii I�F fA' OPER, INCREMENT RE5ERVE CITY EXPEN5E DI5TRIB, OR MILL AVi000) � J72JOO 43726 33Stl 7916 10676 17031 12427 1.^3S6 17368 28069 2U133 19307 �6418 223fl2 23:15 35p42 34107 i00000 100000 1110UU0 100000 100000 100000 1000U0 300000 1000U0 500000 100000 300000 ion000 100000 iauoua i000aa ioa000