HRA RES 1982-06 - 00014051RESOLUTIDN N0. HRA 6-1982 A RESOLUTION OF THE HDUSING AND REDEVELOPI¢NT Al1TFIDRI7Y OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TO REOUEST iHE SALE OF CITY PROPERTY TO THE HRA FDR THE DEVELDPMENT OF AN OFFICE BUILDIN6 LOCATEU IN PHASE II OF OF 7HE CENTER CI7Y REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, tha FridLey Housing and Redevelopment Authortty has approved the contracts for the deveLopment of a 35,000 square foot office 6uilding to be Loceted in Phase II of the Center City Redevelopment Pro�ect; and WHEREAS, the office pro�ect wiLL require the acquisition of a certain portion af City property to deveLop the pro�ect; and WHEREAS, the Authority has previnusLy approached the City Councit with pre�iminary pLans and purchase of the required property and have gotten concept epprova� on the project. N�N1, THEREFORE BE IT RESDLVED 6y the Housing and RedeveLopment Authority of the City of FridLey to formaL�y request the sa�e of the folLowing described property by the City of Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority: The SoutherLy 40 feet of Lot 12, BLock 2, Ree's Additian to FridLey Park incLuding the westerLy 3.63 feet of ad�acent vacated aLLey right—of—way; aLong with the Northerty one—haLf of the adjacent 64th Avenue right—of—way. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE HOUSING AND RE�ES� OPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY DF FRIDLEY THIS 1fiTH DAY OF SEPTMBER, 1982.�� /f 1 ; � , � �,,, � � 2�.���-�._ '-��,�_� CHAIRMAN _ HOUSING AN� REDEVELOPMENT AIITHORITY