HRA RES 1984-02 - 00013923� : �,. �� •., , • :�:: � a� A RF�Q.VIZON FSTABLISHII�G TAX I��'RFMr.rar DISTRICT NO. 5 WITHIId RF�BVffiAPMENT PRQJECT NO. 1 AI� APPROVING AND ADOPTII� A P%�06ID TAX IAXRII� FII��fl1CII� A,Al�7 �OI2. BE IT RFSOLVID by the Board of Cwnmissioners of the Housing and P.edevelopment 1luthority in and for the City of Fridley, P�Iinnesota (the "Authority"), as follaas: 1. It has been proposed that the Authority esta�lish Tax Increment District Pdo. 5(the "District") within its Redevelopment Project No. 1 and adopt a proposed Tax Incranent Financing Plan (the "Plan") relating thereto pursuant to @Iinnesota 5tatutes, Sections 273.71 to 273.78, inclusive. The proposed District and Plan are attached to and made �rt of this resolution. 2. The Authority has performed all actions required by law to be performed prior to the establishment of the District and the adoption of the Plan. 3. The Authority hereby determines that it is necessary and in the best interest of the City at tkiis time to establish the District and approve the Plan an�' to request that the City Council hold a public hearing relating � thereto. 4. Sub�ect to the apprwal of the District by the City Council, the District is hereby established by the Authority, The property included in the District shall be the property described in the Plan. 5. �e Plan is hereby approved and adopted by the Authority, sub�ect to City Council approval, as hereinafter provided. 6. The Authority hereby requests the City Council to call a public hearing to consider the establishment of the District and the approval and adoption of the Plan, to cause notice of said public hearing to be given as recuirecl by law, and to take such other actions as may be requirec; by B4innesota Statutes, Section 273.74, Subclivision 3. Zt�e Executive Director of the Authority is hereby directed to suhmit a cog� of the District and Plan to the City Council for its approval. 7. If and when approved by the City Council, the Authority shall cause the District and Plan to be filed with the Minnesota �nergy and Economic Develo�ent Authority. 8, Upon approval of the District and Plan by the City, the Authority shall request the County Auditor of Anoka County ta certify the original assessec3 value of all real property within the District and Plan, and each year hereafter to cettify the amount by which the assessed value has increased or � Page 2-- Resolution No. 2- 1984 � decreased fran said original assessed value, to certify the proportion which any such increase or decrease bears to the total assessed value for the real property in the District for that year, and Eo remit to the Authority each year all taxes �id that year on real property in the District on the c�.gtured assessed, all pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.76. �� � PASSID AND ADOPTID BY �IE HWSII� ANi7 RFDEV�G Pt+�I��T AI7THORITY OF TFI� CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 127Si DAY OF JAN[JARY, 1984. � � � � � .n � : k_'/ i �'��= � .�-l�!t�t�� i�—�'�7 v +^-� �--_": CH117RMAI�I ��-�-� = -� HOUSIPIG r'1idD RIDEVELOPtJIEP�T A[JTHORITY