HRA RES 1984-20 - 00013947' RESOLUTI�] NO. HRA 20 - 1984 RFS�,UTI�I APPROVING P,ND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH HEARLAND REALTY INVESTORS, INC.� RF�PEGTING 7.HE HOLLY SHOPPING (�TFrER It is hereby resolved by the Board of Commissioners (the "Board") af the Aousing and P,edevelognent Authority in and for the City of Fridley, Minnesota (the "HRA"), as follaas: ' 1. Recitals and Fxndings. A. The HRA has heretofore established its Center City Redevelopment District and has adopted a redevelopnent plan therefor (the "Redevel�Fxnent Plan"). The ob7ective� of the Center City Redeveloiznent Plan inclucle the pr�notion of neww development, the revitalization and redevelopment of existing develognent, and the providing of assistance by the HRA toward the realization of such ob�ectives. B. The property knaan as the I3olly Shopping Center, loc�teci generally an the northwest corner of the intersection of University Avenue and Mississippi Street is located within the Center City Reclevelopment District. � C. The present owners of the Holly Shopping Center, fIeartl�nd Realty Investors, Inc., a Minnesota corporation (the "Developer"), and the HRA are mutually interested in upgrading the T-iolly Shopping Center and proviaing traffic and greenway improvenents in the immediate vicinity thereof. D. The University Avenue and Mississippi Street intersection is conyested and in need of additional right of way to make traffic improvenents to allow better fla,� of traffic, and there is a need f-or additional right of way on Mississippi Street along the Holly Shoppiny Center property. E. The acquisition by the HRA of the abcve-mentioned right of way woulcl cause the Holly Shopping Center to lose needed parking spaces. An abandoned gas station is situated at the southeast corner of the Holly Shopping Center site, and the HRA, in accord�nce v�ith the goals of the Redevelognent Plan, would like to improve that property to bring it into more productive use. F. The acquisition of the gas station property would allo� the HRP. to improve that property, to provide indirect benef-it to the ad�acent I-I�lly Shopping Center site and to campensate the Developer for the loss of the parking space occasioned by the expansion of the riqht of way of P'Lississippi Street. 1 G. Attached to and made a part of this resolution is a groposed Development Agreanent between the HRA and tkie DeveloFer which prwides for the making of the public improvements described above, together with unprovements to be undertaken and completed by the Developer to the Yolly Shopping Center itself. Paqe 2-- Resolution No. HRA 20 —1984 ' H. The Board of the HRA hereby finds that the improvements and transactions outlined in the attached Development Agreenent woul� promote the qoals of the Redevelopment Plan and are authorized by the HRA's authority under l�linnesota Statutes, Section 462.41 et seq. 2. Approval of Development Agxeenent. Having duly fulfilled the requirement for public hearing per Mxnnesota Statutes, Section 462.525, the Board hereby approves the Development Agre�nent substantially in the form attached hereto and hereby authorizes the Chairman of the Baard and the Director of the Housinq ard Redevelopment l.uthcrity to execute the same on behalf of the Authority, with additions and modifications as those officers may deen necessary. 3. Authorization to I3RA Officers. Sub�ect to the final approval referenced in the foregoing para_c,raph, upon execution and delivery of the Development Aqreement, the officers and employees of the HRA are herebg authorized and directed to take or cause to be taken such actions as may be necessary on behalf af the EiRA to implernent the terms of the Develo�Znent Agreenent. PASuED AND ADOPTID BY 7iIE HOUSIIVG AND REDEVE[,OPI�7Q�7`3' AU^1HORITY QE' TI3� CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 137H DAY OF DEC�PIBER, 1984. ;""`� , � ,-� - J � i�/ ���� ��n�'�� �� � �/!/.�' y,�.(%<<---_ cxr.u�r�r� — _ — ,��=�-� � - �-��'�.� -- DIRECi'OR � HO[JSITIG AidD RIDEVEI,OPMQ�'1' AUTHORITP