HRA RES 1985-02 - 00013725, RFSOLUTION NO. HRA 2-1985 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING OEFICIAL DEPOSITORIES FOR THE FRIDLEY HOUSING ADID RIDEVIIAPMEN'P AUTHORITY IT IS HEFEBY RESOLVID that the Frzdley State Bank is hereby designated as a depository for the funds of this corporation. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVm that checks, drafts or other witl-idrasaal orders issued against the funds of this corporation on de�aosit with said bank shall be signed by two of the following: Clerk-Treasurer City Nlanager Finance Officer and that said bank is hereby fully authorized to pay and charge to the account of this corporation any checks, drafts, or other withdrawal. arders. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all transactions, zf any, relating to deposits, withdrawals, rrdiscounts and borraaings by or on behalf of this corporation with said bank prior to the adoption of this resolution be, and the same ' hereby are, in all things ratified, approved and conrirmed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any bank or savings and loan may be usec� as depositones for investments purposes so long as the investments comply with authorized investments as set forth in P4innesota Statutea. BE IT FUKPHER RESOT,UED that the signatures of two of the f-ollaaing named City employees are required for withdrawal of HRA investrnent funds irom savings and loan associations: Clerk-Treasurer City Nianager Finance OFficer BE IT FURTHER RESOLVm that any brokerage firm rnay be used as a depository for investment purposes so long as the investments comply with the authorized investments as set forth in I�linnesota Statutes. PASSED I�1VD ADOPTID BY THE HWSING AAID RIDEVETAPNIENT AU3'HORI7'Y OF TISE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 14�€I DAY OF FEBI$IARY, 1985. .,i �,�ti � i-'-. Gl �}, d�� = u� L�-i,c,c--" Lu�IdRET7CE F.. CdMMGR: - CHAIP,MAtd � ATTFST: r �� � ��....-.-�- NASIP9 M. QURESHI - DIRECTOR