HRA RES 1985-05 - 00013729� � � HRA RFSQLUTION NO. 5- 1985 RF�QLUTION Ail'.Q30RIZING �iE DEVELOPMENT OF PLANS FOR THE IMPRWEN�7T ADID Q�IAtaIELIZATION OE THE Tl�TNK HIGHWAY 65 AI�ID WFST I�ORE LARE DRIVF�/(�1TRAL AUP3�I[JE INTERSEGTION WHEREAS, the Housirig & Redevelo�inent Authority and City Council recognzzes that tYtere is a traffic congestion problan at ikiis inter:,ectioi�; and 47HEkF.AS, the Housing & Redevelo�znent Authority is antici�ting the developnent of the 100-Ztain Drive-In Property in the r!ear future ancl along witY. that ctevelognent an increase in traffic in this area; and WHERF�S, the Housing & Redevelojsnent Authority anG tlie Czty Council recognazes that there is a traffic flow problem on tl�e east siue of T.H. 65 in the Fnik/Lynae Drive area; and F1H�REAS, Short-Elliott-Hendrickson, Inc, perferrned the traffic study and recommendeu seaeral alternative solutions to the trafi-ic problem�� on both sides of T.H, 65 and a report of their study was presentea to the City Council on October 29, 1984; and WFIERE'11��, it is necessaiy that the City purcliase Lot 4, Elock 1, Parkview Y�'ianor Secohd Addition in order to im�xlenent roadway im�rovenents east oi T,H. 65 at Gentral Avenue and Hathaway Lane; and YJHEFEAS, needed street ric�ht-of-way or easenients shall be reqmred frorn Lot �, Black �. Donnay's Lakeview Manor in order to acconm�odate planned street improvanents and revisions west of 7',H. 65 soutlz af West Nioore Lake Drive; and WHERF�SS, a public hearing was held by the City Council on February 4, 1985 with interested citizens from this area and tY�ieir comments anci concerns were heard; and WHERE�IS, the citizens and the City (:ouncil reached a General zgreement as to the best alternatives proposeci by Short-Elliott-Fienclrickson ior street improvanents in this area; and wHEREAS, the Housing & Redevelopment Autl�ority concurs witkx these alternatives; and WI3FREA5, the area where these alternatives are �roposeC is within the Housing & Redevelognent Authority's redevelopnent cU.strict. NQnT. �3EREFORE, BE IT RFS�,UID, by tkie Housing & Redevelopment fiuthority oz the Citp of Fridley that: Fa9e 2— Resolution No, HRA 5- 1985 1, The Flousing & RedeveloFrnent Au�thority agproves the plans �reparec by � Short-F1liott Hendrickson for the improvanents on the east and west sic�e oi T,H. 65 at the intersection of West Ntoore Lake Urive/Central F,venue. 2. That the City NSanager is herebg authorized to enter into a contract for the Housing & Rec3evelognent Authority with Short-Elliot-I-lendrickson far the aevelopnent of final plans and spec�.fications for the intersection in f.his area. 3. That the City staff is hereby authorized to obtain the necessaxy easernents anci rights-of-way to construct this pro�ect and to use proper negotiation or the power of esninent domain zf necessary to abtain these easenzents and rights-of-way. PASSID AND ADOFPID BY 7Y3E HQ75ING P.b7b RIDEVII,GPMENT AU73�?ORITY OF Tf?E CT^1Y OF FRIDLEY THIS 142T3 I]AY OF MP12Q3, 198a. � ;- �� � ..e, �- (r,• (',e'.��,t.zk'�%Z'L�e. �. r�w��vc� aorr�RS — c�ar�v _� AZ�'FST: �%.�,�-�_�; � NASIM M, �URF�HI - DIRS'Ci'OR �