HRA RES 1985-06 - 00013731� HRA RFSCLUTION N0. 6— I985 PROVIDING PRELIMTNARY APPROVAL OF THE ISSUANCE OF TAX INCRII��IT REVENUE REE'UI�IDII�G B(X�S OF 1984 OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORTTY OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY; AU`IIiORIZING AGTIONS OF STAFF AND NEGOTIATTON OF A BOND HJRCf1ASE AGRF.FMF.N7� WHEkEAS, the City of E'rxdley (the "City") has crea�ed pursuat�t ta ttinnesota Statutes Sections 462.422 through 4(2.716 and 273.71 through 273.86 certain redevelognent pro�ects known as the Center City kedevelo�ent Pro7ect, Noore Lake Redevelognent Project anci Nortkf Area Pro�ect (the "Pro7ects") ;�nd WHERF�IS, within the Projects are five tax incraaent districts created purs�nt to the foregoing statutory authority (the "Districts"); and WIIFI�E',AS, ta finance or re�znance public redevelo�nent costs for certain of tYae Pro�ects, the City has heretofore issue� three series of its General Obligation Tax Incr�nent Redevelopment Boncis in the respective ac;grEgate principal �rnounts of $2,075,OD0, $625,000 and $600,D00 (the Outstandir�g Boncis" ) ; and GdHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopnent Authority of the City of Fridley (the "Authority") and the Citp are desirous of refunding �the 6utstanding Borids ir� � aovance of the.tr maturity to re]..teve tkie Authorit�� and the City or" restrictions on the ap�lication of tax ir�crements arising due to the Outstanding Bonds by issuance of the Authority's Tax Increment Revenue Reftmoing Bonqs of 1Q84 (the "Refunding Bonds"). which boncL shall be �ayable solely from tax incranents arising fr�n the Districts. N(W, �IEREF'ORE, BE IT RES�,VED, by the Housing & Redevelo�rnent Authority oi the Ca.ty of Fridley: 1. Zhat the issuance of the Refuncling Bonds are hereby preliminaril y approved; 2. �at the City b2 and hereby is requesteQ to proviae appropriate staff fcr the purpose of providing financ�al inforrnation, includin9 pro�ected tax incre�nent revenues, existing funds balances �nd other financial data to O'Conner & Hannan, as bond counsel for the P.efunding Bonds anc;P7iller s Schrceder hiunicipals, Inc., as undezwriter for tl�e Refunding Bonels; 3. That such staff be and herel�y are authorzzec on behalf oi the Authority to negotiate with the undexwriter tl?e texms of a Bond Purchase P.greFrnent ior the Bonds, s�ab�ect to final zpproval bp the Authority; anc 1 Page 2— Resolution No. HRA 6- 1985 4. 'Ihat such staff be and hereby are authoxizecl on beholf of the Alithoxity to � provide such other assistance and inforniation as may be reqtaire� by such bond counsel ana undeerwriter for �urposes of the propos�a refunding. PASSID AND A➢OFPID BY THE HWSII3G ANTi RIDEVE�OPh�7T AULtlORITY UF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 14gI I]AY OF MARCI3, 1985. ATPFST: � � �,� � � , �� -��. �`,.. � NASIM M. QLIRFSHI - DIRE(,TOR ' � � � L/ ,i J� �� �zr..�� ��x��-��-� � LF+�IRIIVCE QONIN�EIZS - Q3ISIRI%iAlv