HRA RES 1985-18 - 00013753' RESCd.UTION N0. HRA 18 - 1985 A RFSOLLTrION OF THE BOARD OF aDMMI5SI0NER5 OF THE FRIDLEY HRA APPR7�TING AN ANIENDED DEVELOPMENT PGRFF�U'�' BE'iWEIN 7.S3E HRA AND FRILx.EY PLAZA ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND LOiIIS R LUAIIJGREbI IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners (tlhe "Boaru") of the Housing and Redevelopnent Authority in and for the Ca ty of Fndley, Minnesotz (the "Authority") , as follaas: 1. The Board has heretofore approved a�ro�oseci Contract for Private I�velognent (the "Developnent Agreement") by ana between the Authority and Fridley Plaza Associates Limited Partnershi� and Louis R. LLmdgren concerning the construction of an approximately 242 unit, 12-story residential rental facility to be located generally on the southwest quadrant of the intersection of i�ssissippi Street and Umversity Avenue in the Caty. 2. Sin� such approval, the proposed developers and the G tX Y,ave deterir�ined that the proposed pro�ect should he scaled down to an approx�mately 115 unit, 6-story residential rental facility. Accord�.nyly, there has been preFared and presented to the Board a corresponding revision of the above-mentioned agreanent (the "Develognent Agreenent"). � 3. The Board hereby approves the Developnent Agreement, as so amended, and authorizes the Executive Director and the other officers and employees of tlze Authority to eacecute the Developnent Agreanent substantially in its �iresent form, but with such minor amenchnents, deletions, or insertions as such officers may deem riecessary or desirable, as evic7enced by their execution thereof, and the Board further instructs such officers, upon the full execution of the DeveloFxnent Agreement, to take such actions as may be necessary to effectuate and impl anent the ternls thereoi. PASSID AND ACOFPED BY THE FRII%EY HOUSING AND REL7EVL'S,OPN9ENT AUT�SORITY THIS 12�I ➢AY OF DECEMBER, 1985 / � � 1 � � � .(`'�'�yu.� ,%12a�".0 LAWRFI�TC� R. �Ml�RS - Q3AIRP�AN ATPEST: � C ��� u� � � � �`�� NASIM M. QURFSHI - DIi2ECPOR �