HRA RES 1985-21 - 000137621 RFSCLUTION N0. HRA 21 - 1985 A RFSQ,UTION RDQUFSTIIVG 7HE QTY OF FRIDLEY TO ISSUE ITS $11�550�000 VARIP�BLE RATE DEMAND GENERAL OBLIGATION TAX INCREMENT BONDS AND APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXEQTTION OF A TAX IIdCRII�FP PLIDGE PGREET�[�7'I' IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Commissoners (the "Boara") of the Housing and Redevelopnent Authority in and for the City of Fric7ley, bTinnesota (the "Authority") as follavs: 1. The Authority has undertaken or will undertake, pur5uant to and in wnforniity with't�Yinnesota Statutes, Sections 462.411 et sea., the public imprwan�its listed in the attached Exhibit A within anc3 for the bertefit of the Authority's Redevelopnent Pro7ect No. 1. 2. It is necessary in the soimd financial mar�agernent of the Authority that bonds be issued to finance the above mentioned inprovements, and for such pur�oses the Authority herehy requests the City cf Friclley, rYinnesat�, to issue its $11,550,000 Vanahle Itate Demand Gener�l Oblir�ation Tax Incr�aent Bonds (the "Bonds"). 3. The Tax Increr�ent Pledge Agreanent attachec7 hereto and made a�rt hereof ' is hereby apprwed, asid the officers of the Authority are hereby �uthorizeci artd directed to take such ste�s as may 6e necessaxy to execute saiu ac�reenent, in substantially the form as attached, u�on approval ancz execution thereaf by the City ann upon the issuance of the Bonas by the City, and to carry out and fulfill the prwisions and requirenents of the Tax Iricrc�ner.t Pledae Iagreanent. PASSED AND AIAFrID BY THE FRILI,EY HOUSING AND REDEVEI,OPN1EbTT AUTHGRITY TfiIS 127fi DAY OF DEC��NBER� 1985 % i � �'�'; �`� � ' � ti�-, �/ �EV��,�'-�L. �-L;t2r�rC��� L1�7RE[i7CE R. C1�PMJIERS - QIAIRt�11V ATPEST : �'�'�i.:u Y'�� l � -�-., NASIM M. QURFSHI - DIREG�ll7R 1 1 � � «; �ui�, • �� . wa��Y� This Tax Incranent Pledge Agreenent (the "Agreanent") is daten as of December 1, 1985; is by ancl between the City of Fridley, Mirmesota (the "City"), and the Housing and Redeveloranent Authority in and for the City of Fxidley, Nl�nnesota (the "Authority"); ano prwides as follaws: R'HEREAS. the City Council has adoptec� a resolution (the "BOnd Resolution") awarding the sale of the City's $11,550,000 Variable Rate Uemand Geueral Obligation Tax Incranent Bonds, datec3 as of the date ef delivery thereof (the "Boncas"), to provide financing for certain public ini�rovements (the "Imgrovenents") made or to be made with respect to the Authority's Recsevelopnent Pro7ect No. 1; and WHEREAS, to pravide funcis sufficient for the tinely payrnent of the debt service on the Bonds, it is necessary for the Authority and the City to enter into this agreenent. NOW, THEREFOkE, BE IT RESOLVED in consi�ler�ticn of the covenants and agreements hereof between the City and the F�uthority, and pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.77(a), the City anc the Authority hereby agree as follaas: YEAP, ANDUIVrl' 1988 $ 20,000 1989 25,000 1990 35,000 1991 75,000 1992 125,000 1993 175,000 1994 215,000 1995 225,000 1596 340,000 1497 400,000 1998 565,000 1999 625,000 2000 1,090,Q00 2. In orc3er to �y the prir.icpal of and interest or� the Bonds, when due, Authority hereby pledges to the City, for de�osit in the Debt SeLV ice Account established by the Bond Resolution for the �ayment of the Sonds, «nc� the Authority sha11 �y to the City, tax increnents clericecl by the Authority from its Tax Incranent Firancing District Nos. 1 through 6, inclusive (excegt to the e�ent such tax incranents have been heretofore gledged to other purposes, inclaciing without limitation the Authority's 54,070,QOD 'I`ax Incranent Revenue ' Bonds of 1985, dated May 1. 1985, ano except to the extent that tax incranents to g�raora�ti 3 of this Agreenent, othenaise plefiged), in amounts sufticient to �y such princiFal ana interest anq, � necessaty, the Fvrchase Price tt�ereaf (as aefir�d in the Trust Intlenture respecting such BonGs), wheri uue, and, to the e�ctent such tax incranents are ever insufficient f or such purposes, and the City, pursuant to the Bona Resolution, aovances City funds to provide prcmpt and full Fayment of the Bonds, the Autharity agrees to reimburse the City for such aa'vances from such tax increments, when collecte�� by the Authority. With respect to such tax increnents receivec� by the Autharity in Page 2- Tax Increnent Pledge Agreanent any calencar year, the Authority shall p3y the same over to the City pursuant ' to this Agreenent on the assianption that the Eon�s bear interest at the rate of 1D� per ar.nwn, but to the extent that the forec,oing asswnption results in excess increnents for interst on said Bonds in the Debt Service Account at the canclusion of said calencaar year, the �nount of tax incr�lents requ�.rea to be Faia to the City in the following year pursuant to tPiis senterrce shall be reauced by said amowit. 3. In each calendar year, the tax incre�nents which the Authority sha11 receive iri that calendar year frcm its Tax Incranent Finarrcing District No. 6 shall be applied in the follaainy priority: {a) First, to �y tiie princip�l ar:d interest �yable in such ca1 enuar year on the District 6 Bonds, and for this pur�:ose. �ny prior reaemptions of the Bonds shall be deaned to be a redemption of the Uistrict 6 Bonds only �f an�i to the extent that such redemption is made with proceeds of the District 6 Bonds which were not eacpended for the purposes far which thE District 6 Bonds were issued; (b) Seconol, to pay the amounts payable ir! such calendar year cr� the Authority's $5,603,755.80 Limited Revenue C.'a�ital Appreciate Tax Incr erent Note (the "Capital �lppreciation Note"); (c) Third, to pre�y the District 6 Bonds, to the eA-tent that such Bonds are prep�yable in that calendar year; ' (d) Fourth, to pre�ay the Ca�.ital Appreciation Note, to the exterrt such Note are �re�ayable in that calendar year; (e) Fiith, to compensate fc,r ary shortfall of tax increments pledged to the Bonos �ursuant to gsragra�.h 2 hereof; (f) Sixth, and finally, for application to any other xrurpose whlch tYie Putharity, in its sole discretion, may determine. 4. An execute� coP3 of this Agreanent shall be f�] ed with the County Auditor of Anoka CoL;nty, as required by Minraesota Statutes, Sectwn 273.77(a). 5. This agreement shall become effective u�.r,n the actual i�.suznce anc� delivery of the Bonos. IN WITNFSS WHII2EOF, the City and the Authority have causec7 this Agreesnent to be duly executed as of tYie day and year first above wrxtten. CITY OF FRIIH,EY, NIINNESO`IF Its Nlayor Its City N��nayer , FITTFST: City Qerk (SEAL) i'age 3- Tax Increnent Pleolge Agreenent ' ' � FIO[TS G AND RIDEVELOPMENT A[1�I ki IL+t [�ND 'HE��CITY C�Y�` I��r MI ��' �/'(,,G�,�.�n.�,i�' �. ���Z�H,�,c�% Its Chai nnan By _ _ Its Secretaxy 1 1 ' �. ;71�4�7e1 Re: $11,550,000 Variable Rate Demand General Oblic�atian Tax Ir�craaent Bonds of the City of Fridley, Minnesota Pro7ect Expendltures: Tax Increnent Financing District No. 1 (Lundgren Pro�ect): Land Aoquisition and Construction of Parking Facilities Tax Incrc3nent Firanciny Uistrict No. 6 (100 7Win Yro�ect): Soil c�rrections, street imprwenents, walkways, drainage, lightir.g, ana lara�- scaping General Pro7ect Activities within Redevelopnent Pro�ect No. 1: Street and inter�ction imprwanents, walkways, lighting, soil corrections, drainage, and landsca�,ing Subtotal Contingencies (apitalized Interest Debt Sexvlce Reserve Creclit/Licquic]ity Cost/ PlacanEnt Fee Is�uance Costs Undenariter's Discount 2DTAL B�ID ISSUE $ 1,200,000 2,440,000 $ 3,420,000 $ 7,060,000 147,799 2,313,101 I,732,500 121,100 60,000 115,500 $11,550,000