HRA RES 1986-02 - 000137681 RRGf1T,UTION N0. HRA 2- 1986 REiUi,[J'i'ION AU7Si0RIZING SALE AND RE[�i7VAL OF STRUCPURES AT 5747 CQ94ltAL AUFNOE N. E. WHII2F.1�S, the structures at 5747 Central Avenue N.E. has been acquired by the HRA for the purpose of prwiding right-of-way for future road improvenents; and WHII�EAS, the tenants wi11 be relocated and the structure will be vacatea on or before April 30, 1986. NOW, �3EREFl7RE, BE IT RESOLVID the HRA hereby authorizes the City oE Fridley Puhlic Works Dep3rtrnent to advertise and receive bids for the sale and ranoval of the structures at 5747 Central Avenue N.E, and to have the site graded to preg3re for tYie future road unprwanents. PASSED AND ADOPPED BY THE HOUSING AND REDE�/EL01�7ENT AU7f?ORITY OF THE CITY OF FRII%EY THIS 13Zf3 IY:Y OF b'fARQ3, 1986 r� �l I / !� � / j�l� � /� K.� , �r' �i'� b-,�� O 1 �lL7�WRF�ICE COMl'�iERS - Qi11IRMFIN A'I'r'F`GT : ���� "1 �^E-�"'""`i' `.• NASIM QURFSHI - DIRECiI�R '