HRA RES 1986-09 - 00013777' RFSQLUTION NO. HRA 9- 1986 RFSCg,UTION OF THE HOUSII� AND RED�'f7E[,OPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FRII�EY DIRECTING WNDEMNATTON AND DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF CIItTA.Qd PROPERTY BY PRO(EEDINGS IN FSSINENT DOMAIN ON LOT 1� BLOQ� 1� SYI,VAN HILI,S� PLAT 7� 248 MISSISSIPPI STREET NE, FRII�EY, MINP7FSOTA IT IS HLRFBY RESOLVED by the Board of Comniissic�ners (the "Boara") of the Housing anca Redevelo�.ment Authority in and Lor tt�e Citp of Fri�ley, PYinnesota (tYie "Authority"), as follaas: 1. The F�uthority, on June 12, 1986, enterec� into a Contract ior Prloate I:�veloFnent (the "Develognent Agreaaent") with Uae Fridley Plazz Fssociates Linited Partnership concerninc3 �evelopment of certain property iaithan anc arounG the Authority's Tax Increaent Financing District P�io, 1. 2. Pursuarat to the terms oi the Develo�me5at t�greer�ent, the Authority unaertakes to aocjuire certain �roperty thereir� spxcifieG as the Develo�;ment Praperty, ii r�ecessdrp via the exercise of tne Autl-iarity's �ower of ei«iiient c'omain. The Bceiru hereby fincls that the acqui�ition oi such pro��rty 1�1 the Authority pursuar�t. to t7iE �evelo�ment Agreer�ent, o:l�ether by re Joti�,tian or �ursuant to the exercise of the Authority's l.ower oi eninent domain, is ana ' would be in tkie public interest pursuant to zhe �urposes oi tl�e L'eveloi�rt�ent Agreernent anG the goals of the Autharity's Nloc;iried Peaevelc�ai�ent Pl�u1 iox its Redevelo�rnettt Prc�ect P3o. 1. 3. The Eoard hereby authorizes tkie offioers anc ac�ei�ts of the F,ut1?ority■ at tYie direction �f tkie Executive Director, to convEleracc such efforts as rnay be necessary, incluctiny private neyotiation aru the irLStitution cf g�unent cbnlair_ �raceecungs, to acquire said �roperty as ciescxii�ed l�eiova, su��ecL LG tY!e Develo�;er having completecl to the satisf�ctior, oz tl�e Director of the Authority tl�,e conaitions contained in Section 3.1 (b), Subd. i-iii oi ihe Levelopnent Agreaaent. Lot 1, Block 1, S�lvan IIills, P1«t 7. Friciley, Ninnesota EURTHIIt BE Pi' R�SOI,VED that tYie Aousing anci ReGevelo�ment FSuthoriLy's attQrney be specifically authorized to take possessioi� pursuant to NfSFS 117.0�2 aric; to take any anc] all other action necessary anG aesira,ble to carry out the pur�ose ef this resolution. ' tage 2- P,esolution P7o. HRA 9- 1986 PASSED AY� ADOFI'ED BY THE HOIISING ANP+ REL)EVII�OPP�t7T �U'�IQRIZ°Y OF TIiE CI1Y QF ' FRIULEY THLS 10753 I1�,Y OF JULY� 1986 � ,�'� ` � ti-�} f \ iJ ATPEST: �/jJ c-un � ��,��"�� • NASIM N1. QURESHI, DIkECPOR ' � I1�ItY Q�Nd�`7ER5� Q3A7RMF�IQ