HRA RES 1986-10 - 000137791 RFSOLUTION N0. HRP. 10 - 1986 RESCd,UTION OF THE BQARD OF COMMISSIONII2S �F R�3E FRIDLEY HOIJSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY APPROVING AN ADDENDUM TO THE �NiR211CP FOR PRIVATE REDh'�7II,OH�7IIV`i° BY AND BEZSdEEN THE FRIDLEY HOUSII� AND R�� OR9EN'i' AU�IORITY AND LAKE PDINTE INVESTMENT 00�9PANY� A LIMITED PAR`iNERSHIP IT IS HER�Y RESOLVED by the Eoard oi Coinunlssior�ers [the "Boarcd") az the Y:ousing aiid keaevelo�sneiit Authority in and Lor the City oi Fridley, Mirinesota (the "Authority"), as folla�as: 1. The Board, on I'ieceriber 12, 1985, approvec� a 1ro�osec Contract for Frivate ReGevelopt2ent (the "fiedevelo�.ment Agreanent") by �f& L�etween the Authority anci the Lake Pointe Investnent Company, a Limiied P�rtreerahlp concernin� thc- reaevelo�ment of certain property within anca arounc� the A�athority's Tax Increir�ent Financing Distrlct Pdo. 6. 2. Since such a�proval, the Authority arid the pra�tosec: reaevelo��ers have founc it necessary to create an Addenutm� to i-he Realevelo�nient F�greaiseiit wl�icl� reflects the conciitions imposec� by the constr�ctian of certairi improvc���ents tc� the intersection of Highway 65 arrc� V7e�t Moore Lake Drive. 3. The Boara hereby approves the AddenaYm to tt�e P.eGevelor�nent Ayreemei�t anu ' authorizes the Director anci the Chairman ef the �utharity to execute the Adden6w��1 to the Redevelognent AGre�;ent substar?tially in its preserft form, but with such rninor amenctleiits, c7eletions, or irsertions as such officers m�ir -c;eem recessary ar ciesirable, as evicience� by their execution thereof, ��a tl�e Boara hereby further instructs such officers, u1�on the fall execution oi the Addendurn to the Redevelo�meiit Agreement, to tal;e suck� acticris as m�y be riecessary to effectuate anci imglenent the tenns thereoi. P�SED AND P�OFPED BY THE FRIDLEY HOUSII� ANB PEDEVELGPP�DIT AU'IItU1:iTY TYIS lOTH L1a.Y OF JULY, 1986 / /� �, ) , Y� ,� c!¢�^t� � " �'� ZEn^'e'�Y'�. L�AW�CC R. (bNll�7ER5 - CT3F,SRNIADI ATTEST: �� ����" NASI[�T t�T. QURESIiI - DIRECdt�R �