HRA 04/14/1988 - 29652QTY OF FRII�LEY
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(`AT,T• TO (�.2DER:
Acting Chai.rperson Meyer called the Apri1 14, 198�, I�ousing & Rec�evelo�nent
Authority meeting to or�er at 7: 05 p�. m
Members Freserit: Jahn Meyer, Duane Prairie, Walter Rasmussen,
Virginia Sc�nabel (arrivec7 7:15 g. m. )
Members P,�.sent : Larry Conaaers
O�ers PreserYt s Jock Robertson, Exec�tive Direckor of HIaA
Rick Pribyl, City Finanoe Director
Jul ie Burt, Asst. F'inance OFf ioer
Dave Newman, PIlZA Attorriey
Jim Casserly, 215 S. llth St. , Mpls.
Daniel S. Coglan, Advanae Companies
Lou & Jtuie L�mdgren, 343 Rellogg Bled.. St. Paul
Alan Rouse, 17�6 Hemlepin Ave. So.
Revin Rouse, 2200 First Bank Plaoe East, Mp].s.
Janes Linooln, Centeranial Mortc,�c�e, Southbend, Ina.
�"st��l�_ • vsit�=_ � ' ' :_�lf- s���/?� :����1!_ �! � �_ :_�a �M �1� 1�4�-
�OrION by N[r. Rasmtbssen, sewnded by Mr. Prairie, to approve the l�arch 10,
1988, Housing & Redevelogne.nt Authority minutes as written.
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Mr. L�algren introduced Mr. Jaraes Lincoln from Centennial Mortgage in
Southbend, Incliana. Ae stated I�Ir. Liraooln was the Loan Off iver and Proj ect
Coorclinator. Ae stated that sinc� the 1�Iarch meeting, they have executed the
agreement with the HRA and have maae an application for a mortgage
�arnitment with Cer�tennial Mortgage ira Southbend, Indiana. Centennial has
retainea the MaxE ield Research group to update thei r st ualy. Maxf ield has
indicatecl that the update will be oompleted in three weeks or less and has
indicatecl there is still a strong market. Centennial has also engaged
another fiva for appraisal for the project which will be done in the same
time period.
Mr. L�dgren stated the Fridley Pla�a Associates group has cat�ed 31 sets of
arawings ancl specif ications to be printed at a oost aE a 1 ittle wer $ 3, 000.
Rrause An�erson is working on the project at the preserrt time ancl is in the
prooess of taking new sub�ids. Those are expected to be available in 2 1/2
weeks. Rrause An�rson has indicated that because af the intense interest
^ in the projec�, they expect to get better prices than those obtained in
�! _ _ ��_ ��a�� ?�1�_,�)�r�t��� z�1��s� '_ 4�� �1�� M�� ' _� !_ '
Deaember 1986.
Mr. Lundgren stated a meeting was heldl with city staff at 10: 30 that morning
attena�a by Mr. Robertson. Mt. Newman. Mr. L incol n. Mr. Rev in Rouse, Mr.
Alan Rouse, and himself. Three complete sets of drawings have been
�el iver� and an appl ication f ilecl f or a bui.lding permit with Darrel Cl ar k,
the Building Inspector. Z4�ey are schedulea to meet with staff � Wednesday,
May 4, at whidz time they expect all the preliminary �ost irrEormation to be
in han�, anol they will then be working on the details anc7 f ill ing in the
skeleton of the developne.nt agreement. He stated much progress has been
made, things are going well, and he did not see any "glitches" at the
Mr. Robertson �atecl at the meeting that morning they worked out a rough
sche�du].e. He statec� Centennial Mortgage askecl for, and Mr. Newman has
drafted, a letter wnfirnning past HRA acti� in giving notice of option to
Mr. Lua�dgren for the property. Mr. Ltmdgren neede� this letter for the flUD
�mderwriting on the mortc,�age. �at letter was del ivered to Mr. Lundgren
this evening.
Mr. Rnbertson �ated the rn� key aate was approxi.mately May 1 when they
expect the market �uoly to be updated by the Ma�iela group. By the May 12
HRA meeting, staff i� requesting that the cleveloper ancl the f inancier
prepare a rather thorouc,� progress report an what they have accompl ished to
date. After that, the key date is the end of May when they will get some
� indication iriformally an the financing. In order to expedite the process.
Ceriteranial is not going to g� throuqh a preliminary coimaitment ancl then a
f inal wmnitment proaess. 73zey are going right to the process where they
will make esser�tially a f ina]. conanitmerrt wihin this 75 day timef rame. With
that, they hope to g�et a firni �runitment at approximately the same time the
letter of credit is due, whic� is the end of June.
Mr. Newman stated that at the last meeting, the HRI� direc#ec7 staff to try to
bridge the gap on financing. Staff dic7 have a meeting with Mr. L�dgren and
his oonsultants whicfi was follawed up with a�i.scussion with Centennial's
legal cotmsel. In talking to the people at Centermial Mortgage, they were
eno�uraging in that staff believecl a oouple of olifferent alternatives could
be �ed to pravicle a tatal financing packac�. Staff was also enoourac�d in
that they felt there were some aven�s they could explore in securing the
HRA's i�erest adeqUately. �ose were the two major issues that had to be
resolvecl, and staEf was so enoouragea with the answers that, based on the
FiRA's clirection at the last meeting, staff extendecl the option for an
additional 90-day period.
Mr. Meyer asked what role Rrau�e Anderson would play in the whole operati�.
Mr. Ltuidgren stated they will be the g�eneral ooritractor who will produae the
c7rawings exactly aocording to the glans ancl specifications for "x" amo�nat af
dollars. They will reoeive no interest or o�wriership in the projject.
(Ms. �r�abel arrived at 7:15 p. m)
: �,1,� ��_ _;���?iL_,��a�!?�� �_� �%� 45F u��?�!1 ��_ ' � �
� Mr. Nleyer asked if the HRA had any role in reviewing the plans and
specifications in the �ual wurse of events.
Mr. Newman state� that as in all thei r devel oFanent cont r act s, a pr ov isi on
woulc� be included of when the HRA woulc7 have the right to review the
oonstruction plans.
Nir. Meyer stated if the glans ancl specif ications are reao�y now, he would
1 ike the HRA to see thea.
Mr. Robertson stated three �pies were sutraitted to the City that morninq.
Mr. Meyer asked Mr. Lincoln if he had any aonuner�ts he would like to make.
Mr. Linwln stated it was very nioe to be in the City of Fridley. He state�
Ceriteranial is excite� about the project. It seems to be a very viable
proj e�, but there was still a lot of wor k to be cbne. �e appl icati on was
in and all their people are working to get things done to meet the
timef r�nes. �ey feel aomEortah].e that these timef ra�nes can be met. They
will be in wrYtact with t�ir. Ltmdgren who in turr� will ir�form skaff and the
� on haw things are �oqressing.
Mr. Meyer stated this was all very heartening news to the HRA, and they
oertainly hoped things o�ritinuecl to go well.
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Mr. Robertson stated that at the last meeting, the HRA authorize� staff to
pr�eed with draftirag a developnerit agrec�nerrt bas�ed esser�tially on six items
outlirnd in his April 8, 1988, m�no to the HRA:
L 5400,000 write-down
2. Landscaping mairatenanae agree�aerit
3. Developers guarantee reimbursement of City oost �
aonstruc;ting utilities ii r�a start aP c�nstruction
in 1� months.
4. Financial stateme.nts to be reviewecl by � attorneys.
5. $1. 2 mill ion total oost a� publ ic i.mpravene.nt c�onstr uction
� �
6. HI�A provides mini.mtan landscaping of 595, 000 in Rioe Creek
Road right-of-way.
Mr. Robertson stated that esser�tially the way this was structurec7 was that a
write-,down of $400,000 is turne�l over to the olevelopers at the end of this
y�r upon suffitantial oompletion of the exterior of the luilding. �iis year
they will pra�ea with the tatal construction of the lanclscaping and the
� ri�t-of°way of the reaonstructed Riae Creek Road and then over 15 years,
�:[i �1, �: _ •t?�� �i1� .��'i�+i��1 ; _�►1� �as 44' �i��� _�� ' �
,�"`� there is an assessae.nt payback of 5600,000 plus irsterest which atnounts to
approxunately $665,000. A1so, he should note that the �eveloper has filed a
petiti� to waive the assessment hearing.
P�lr. Ielewman statea the IiRA was provicling 5400, 000 in assistance and that
assistanoe was esser�tially divided 7� to the shopping center and 30� to
the racquet club. That was by agreement between both parties. The
assessme.nts will also be apportioned on that same perventage.
Mr. I�e� stated that at the last HRA meeting, NIr. Meyer was asking about
the aanotmt of assistanoe and haw it relates to soil correction. Staff is
not requiring the developer to pravide substantiation for the a¢no�mt of soil
correc�ion work. �iey generally do riot do that. Staff has no doubt that
the �eveloper is g�ing to incur far greater than 5400,000 in aosts for soil
oorrection, public utility aosts, etc., and to require thea to oome in with
doam�entatiQn makes the proaess a little more c�uabersome.
Mr. RTewman statecl that with the assessmerit agreement, they anticipate the
total imprwenerrts to be $L2 million, aP which $665,000 will be as�senents
paid by the adjoining property avners. As �rt of the pu}alic improvements,
the HRA has agreed to d� aertain landscaping treatments along the public
ri�nt-of way, �� that the landscaping will not be less than �95,000. Also
included in the mai.rrtenanoe agreeaem t�as that the property awr�ers
wi11, aver a period of time, agree to maintain the rightrof-w�y. A� part of
the i.mprawanet�ts, the HRA would be putting in an irrigation system. They
�.•1 will agree to provide water to that irrigation system and use it for
wai:ering the properties.
Mr. Ner�man stated or�e thing he aonsid�ered to be a minimal risk was that f rc�n
the oonstruction standpoir�, the HRA will neecl to do its work at
the f ront end of the proj ect as f ar as the ric,�ic-of-way imprwane.nts. '�iere
is always the very renate risk that the HRA would gn in, cio the work, have
the work substantially completed, and then, for whatever reason, the
developer w�ld r�m irrto so�ne problens and not be ala].e to start the project.
Mr. Newmar� stated the developer has agreed that if they do not start
oonskruction within an 18 month period, they will reimburse the HRA for the
wst of the public impravener�ts to the extent the HRA is not reuol�urse� fraa
other sources (state aia f t,uids, special asse ssment s, etc. ). If the
cieveloper has not sul�stantially completed the exterior of the building
within the 18 month perial, then they will be ohligated to reimburse the HRA
for tnrewvered expenses. Again, the allocation is 7�/30�.
Mr. Newman stated in the clevelopment contract, as in all the HRA's
development c�ntracts, they provide that the developer stabmit the
oonstruction �c�mnents to the i�RA for review anol the HRA has 30 days in
whici� to review the c�ocuments. Historically, they used to use a 10 day
period, because of the timef rames developers have, but the �iRA raised
conoerns that 10 days was not an adequate amotmt of time for review becat�se
of their having only �nth].y meetings. It was a question that the developer
rai�ed last week, and staff's response was that the review for this purpo�e
� anol qualifying for assistanoe was a prooess separate �a aistin�t from the
: r �� �;_ ' �� �L�_ �1�ui�#�!_ _!� � !s 45�' �!�� �,_ ' i _ ' _-Z�
^ revi�r proaess by staff for the issuanae of building permits. The c7eveloper
can oome in, sut�nit pl �s, qet permits, and commence const r uct i on ; but in
or�r to qualify for assistanoe under this contract, tlne HRA is going to
need to review the wnstruction �amments ancl give their apprwal.
Mr. Newman stated they are trying to keep this a simple agreement. He hac�
not incluc�ed an assessmerit agreenent. The reason he haal no� was because in
reviewing this anol in looking at the values that are projec:ted and looking
at the size of the development, they are extremely c.onf ident that the
buildings wi11 be oonstructe� in oonformanoe with the cbc�une.nts.
Mr. Meyer �atea he would just be cnnoerr„ed that they not enal �p in the same
situation as they aid with the 100 Twin Drive-in property where a
aevelopnerit has not occurred, anc7 in the process mill ions of doll ars have
been e�ended.
Mr. George Appleba�n stated he was one of the c�eneral partners in the
project. He stated there was an extreme amount of site work to be done
prior to pulling the builc7ing permits. They want to p�a].1 an excavation
permit first and clear the site. The ponding ar�s have to be constructe�
before the existing clrainage and ponaling areas can be drained and vacatecl
er�tirely. 7hat woud also have to be suhstantially clone be�ore the building
permits can be pullecl. The Health & Racquet Club has about a 14 month
aonstruction period, of which 8-9 months are needed j ust to enclose the
shell, so that has to be t�der construction at the ena of June at the
� latest. '�ey should start c�etting tenants i.nto the shopping center yet this
f all.
Mr. Meyer statecl Mr. �n haal statec7 that it dicl not seem reasonable to
require doc�unerrtation for the r�eaessity of soil improvements; yet, it will
clefinitely be r�eoessary on the part c�' the developer to have soil borings
done prior to oample�ing the glans and specif ications. He thought it would
be worthwhile to ask the developer to sukmit o�pies of the soil bor�.ng tests
as a vourtesy. If they are going to the term "soil correc:tion" in the
wntrac�, it mi�t be appropriate to have copies of the soil correction
Mr. Newman stated he had no problen with the developer su�Ymitting copies of
the soil c�orrection tests to the HRA, a�d he was sure the developer would be
willing to cb that. He jtLSt wanted to get av�ray fran the developer having to
docauner�t actua7. expenses.
Ms. Sdnnabel stated that regarding the 18 month oompletion of the exterior
of the building, when did that time begin?
Mr. Newman state� the time be gins upon e xe cut i on of the dea el opment
agreement which should be within a few weeks. Ae dia not foresee any
changes in the agreement. If there were any, they would be minimal in
nature. If greater c�anges are requested f ram the developer, then they
oould not act an it until the rr_xt HRA meeting.
�'"� Mr. Robertson stated they were �oposing to have the �ntract ac3�ninistered
: �_J- �; _ �_��?i,,�� ��)avi � z �l�� !i 45� v�.� _ �;_ ` ' � �
n by the City again as has been done in the past. The HRA has two options on
hvw they wish to reimburse i�he City for this contract : (1) on a monthly
basis; or (?J in one l�anp s�mn.
Mr. 12ick Pribyl e�lained to the HR�1 that it was much easier for city staff
if the reimbur9eme.nt was on a monthly basis.
E�en thouc,� there was some conc�rn on the gart of the H1�A, the members
agreec7 to reimburse i�he City for the aontrac� on a monthly Y�asis.
� by �1r. Prairie, sevonoled loy Mr. Ra�mmu.ssen, to clirec# the Chairperson
anc� the Executive Director to enter into the develoFxnent agreement with
l�oore Lake F,ssociates.
N[OrION by Mr. Prairie, seoonc�al by 1�lr. l�eyer, to authorize the City Co�cil
to prooeed with the $L2 million imprwener�ts to Rice Creek Ro��, ST 1988 1
�a z
, ��� r�_LT_ �1 � - ��,� J _ •_� �--�._ J__�'u: sd_ T_� •_� u � �1 _ i.zt
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Mr. Robertson stated that at the April 4, 1988, Ci�y Co�ancil meeting, the
Ca.ty Co�cil a�roved a�pecial use pennit for this property. In granting
the special use permit, the City Council aske� that the HRA seriously
consider providing some assi�tance to Mr. Ritterman for improving the
outsi� appearanoe � the building. 7�e proposal is to Qompletely renovate
the eastern and southern elevation, giving it the appearance of a new
building, and substantially contributing to the improve� appearar�cQ of
Central Avenue in this vicinity.
Mr. Robertson stated that at the time the HRA agenda was pregared, they di�
not have the �st estimates. He receivecl those f rom Mr. Ritterman that
after�n. Mr. Robertson distributeol thea to the HRA meabers.
N1r. Robertson stated that in his cover letter clated April 14th, Mr.
Ritterman stateol he has budgeteol approximately S 60, 000 to renovate the
off ice, rep�ir the roof, �int the exterior of the buildings, and repai.r the
fencing. The next two pages of the exhibit showec7 an estimate for
renovating the exterior � apgroximately $130,000, and the rest was for the
interior at 597,000.
Mr. l�obertson statecl staff had just re�ived those cost figures that day,
but he still r�eeded some directian frc�n the HRA at this meeting. As pointecl
out in his meno to the HRA dated Apri1 7th, the HRA has prwidea assistance
in the past in the form of a seoond martgage. 7l7e most conventional thing
n would be to do somethir�g similar to that �one for the Shorewvad Inn.
�_�;�b _s� �_�� �i�L _����v���+ ; �!�� 4� u!���M�� : ' � �
^ Mr. R+�Y�ertson �ated Mr. Dan Copl an was at the meeting representing Mr.
Ritterman who could not be at the meeting. He stated the property was
purchased in April for approximately $240,000; and with the exterior
�mprwenents anal the interior impraovenents, the total val�e of the property
woul� k�e approxim�tely �450, 000.
Mr. D�an Copl an st atecl Ac�v ��e Comnp�any was a two div ision c�ompany a
(]a A general aoritractor - they specialize in insurance reconstruction;
i.e., disaster reconstruction, fire reconstruction for mobile homes,
standarc� resi�ritial hanes, a�rn�¢aercial property, ancl their major clients
were in the c�urdz and sc�ool lirie. A major clier�t wa� the Archdiocese of
the metropolitan area.
(2J Advanoe Carpet and Floors - this divisioaz was newly fornned in N�. 1987.
�ere they direct all their busir�ess towar� the �nercial �onstruc;tion as
a subcorrtractor in carpeting and floor ooverings. One of the reasons for
mwing fr�n 1800 Ceritral Avenue was for expansion purposes. �ey neec3 rown
for the floor �vering division. Since they clirect their focus towarcls
building co�ractors, they neecl a shawrocen for their clients. It wi.11 not
be a sha�roo�n for the general pu4l.ic. They have to carry a large inventory
of carpetirag and floor wverings. The reason for the aano�t of inoney being
put irito the iriterior of the Yuilding was to project the quality that their
custamers expect to see. A1ong with tlzat, they are redesia}zing the ir�terior
to go al�g with the quality of the exterior so they can project a good
image to their c1 ientele.
^ Mr. Robertson stated that at this time, staff has not discussed any dollar
aaotmt in terms of HIZA assistanae. The closest analogy was the Shorewood
Inn renovation. �hat was a total market value of 5506,000, with a second
mort�ge of $70,000. �ne proportion for a sec�nd mortgage has generally
l�een aro�md a 10:1 to 5:1 ratio.
Ms. Schnabel stated the redevelo�nent proposed by Mr. Ritterman woulcl
certainly be a maj or improvement to that site which has 1 onq been an
The SRA members were in agreement that the HRA shoulcl provide some
redevelane.nt assistanoe to Mr. Ritternnan for the Midwest Van Builc7ing, and
they directed staff to proceecl in putting together some figures on the
amo�u►t o�' assistanae with similar ternis to what was done for the Shorewood
Inn property.
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Mr. Robertson state� as the HRA was aware, when the County has tax f orf eit
land, they give first o�nsideration for the of the land to the cities.
The City of Fridley is being askec3 to provi�e the land, an �npty lat, to the
ACCAI� for an urban hanestead. ACCAP plans to take one of the hames along
East River Roaol that has to be wndemned because of the widening of East
River Road. �ieir total cost to mwe that house to a foundation they will
build on this lat and bring the house an� lat up to oode was approximately
�"'� 525, 000. 7�iey would then aonduct a l�tery for those candidates (famil ies )
, ...
. � s, �� ��'�--.�a�:����+ � �._ � �1� �+?�' u��?�M �� '� �
i"'� who qt�].ify for a hane in or�er to get a f�nily i.nto a first-time home.
ACCAP will handle the entire proceedings. An agency of the City (City
Co�cil or HRA) is neeoled to take the title f rom the County ancl then take
the appropriate proaedures to turn tlne property wer to ACCAP.
]�Q�T k�y Mr. Meyer, sewnded by lHr. Prairie, to apprwe the transfer of tax
f orf eit property to ACC�,P to be used f or a pub�l ic purpose housing progra�n as
part of AC(�,P's Urban Homestead Program ancl to direct staff to take the
appropriate action.
� �> M� �l�� • � � : n� ��� ; ,! �� ��4_ _:.��l� __�
Ntr. Robertson statd that at the last HRA meeting, the 13RA had requested that
the bids for Lake Pointe maintenance be divided irito two areas: (1)
mairatenanoe without irri�tion; (?J irrigatian only.
Mr. Robertson stated that on page 4-C of the agenda, the operation and
mairitenance of the in-place irrigation system was $1,400 of the total
maintenanve cost o� 533,350.00. This bid was prepare� by Talberg Lawn d�
Landscape, Iruc. , and staff was recommending that the �RA enter irito a
o�rrtract with then for 198� Lake Fointe maintenanoe.
�--� � by Pa1rr. Prairie, seoondecl by PRr. Rasnt�sen, to enter into a contractd
with Talberg La�am & Landscape, Irbc. , for 1988 Lake Poinke mai.nkenanoe.
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Nlr. l�bertson stated that as the HRA menbers were a�vare, there has been some
winter erosion that neecls to be re�i recl and reseeded. Will iam B. Nlill er,
Ina , has furnished the City with the lawesk q�te for this work of $7, 500.
Staff would reoo�nend a�roval of this work.
� by Nlr. Rasn�ssen, eewndecl by Mr. Prairie, to reoeive and approve the
oor�trac� with Williaa B. Mil.ler, Inc., in the amount of $7,500 for winter
erasion regair at the Lake Pointe site.
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¢_�lMrl�f4 M - -- -
Mr. Robertson �ated the original desic�n coritrac� for Ernst Associates for
landscape desi� servioes was $9,225. This was the first diange order to be
sutrnitted by Ernst Associates, although Mr. Gene Ernst had stated in his
�� March 25, 1988, meno to Marls Burc� that they have put wnsider�b].e more work
:�_b ���►?iL_.�J�sr!?��i s.�.�!� 45! �!�?f_ ��� ..� �
� into the project for an overall total of $I7,728.75. Mr. Ernst was
reqesting that he be oompensateol for an additional $3,100 af his total oost.
Staff reoonanenc�s approval � this change order. Nir. Ernst has been very
faithful in supervising the work anc7 in making sure al.l glant materials were
installed to specif ications.
�IQ�T by Mr. Rasm�ssen, seaondea by Mfr. Prairie, to apprave (1lange Order #1
in the �no�mt o� S 3,100 to Ernst P;ssociates.
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Mr. Robertson statec� that NSP has an existing overhead �wer line which
crosses the east sic� of the Lake Poirite develop�nent site. Development
plans require this lirre be relocated ana that it also be buried. NSP will
relocate the line at no cost, but cannot do the work until they are
furnished with a 10 ft. easemerit along the east and north property lines.
In the agenda. �ge 7�1, was a map prepared by Sunde Engineerirag showing
wl�ere the easemer�t would be locatec�.
Mr. Robertson �atecl any action on this easemerit would have to be �ritingeryt
upon apprwal by legal Qo�msel.
� by Mr. Rasmu.ssen, sewndecl by Ntr. Meyer, to grant the 10 ft. eas�nent
for NSP �dergro�cl power at Lake Poin�te, subject to special legal counsel
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Mr. Robertson statec� this was an information item only. At the last
meeting, H& S A4phalt had asked for a change orc�r to increa5e �it prices.
Staff had been advised by Mr. l�Tewman that there mi�t be some legal. questi�
as to whether or not �it priaes oould be changec7 without a rebi�oling of the
whole project. �ere was the alterr�tive that H& S l�sphalt o�uld continue
the o�rrtrac� at the original bid ua�it prioes. %That staff did was allow a
payment for r�nobilization. �nat has been oons�aated, and the work wi11 be
finished within the next wuple of mariths.
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Mr. Robertson stated this was an information itea only. He statecl a fence
woulcl be installec7 along the s�uthern and part of the eastern bo�mdary of
the Nature Ceriter riot only to help preverit the c�unping of tr ash anc� clamage
by four- wheel drive velnicles and motor bikes, but also to preve.nt poterr�ttial
dla�nac�e to the pond. '�4iey reoeived a favorable bid on the project and are
�Cr��. �:_ �_�� �1?�_��)�v�� �4. �)�.4!� �1�f�4 �� �_' �_ w_ : :
sti11 within the 5350,000 total budget allocateal for Springbrook Nature
�ia����:_ � 1 �L� :�r _�� s�� •_ a� « =� .� _� ��_
Mr. Robertson statecl this was a similar situation to the Miclwest Van
Building redevelopnent, although this projeck has not yet proceedecl to the
Pla�ning Co�nis�sion or the City Co�ci.l. He had included a sketch of the
progosed project on agenda page 11-�. �.'he building will be locatec] on
Hillwinol Road approximately where the real estate off ice and burnecl-out
builc7ing are in the northeast quadrant o� the area. �en Ms. Cheryl Stinski
brou�i� in the proposal for redevelogaent of the property (half of it will
require a rezoning), she also inquired about HRA assistance. He had told
her he rneded a letter stating what she thought her costs would be. That
letter was on ac�nda pac�es 11 and 11 A
Mr. Robertson stated this was an i.nformation item so that the HRA was aware
that Ms. Stinski would be approad�ing then for some assistance. He statecl
the I�RA can direct him to proc�eed with this project som�hat along the same
lines as what will be �ne for Mr. Ritterman's project. The n�uabers Ms.
Stinski has sukanitted will have to be verified, and the project would be
Qor�tingent up�n City Co�cil appraval of the rezoning and varianae.
Ms. Sc�nabel stated that sometimes maybe the HRA should ask f or what the
extenuating cirami�tanoes are that makes HRA assistance ��ssary. In ather
,r.� worc�i, what is the harolship? She stated they have not done that in the
gast, but maybe it is something they should thi.nk about ancl consider cioing
in the f�ure.
Mr. Robertson statedl N1s.
anyone wmes to the HRA
statemer�t of hardshi�
� • C:GAIMS (1731-1738) ;
Schnabel's suggestion was a goocl one--�that whenever
requesting assistance that he/she be askea f or a
MOrION by N[r. Ra�mussen, secondea by ldtrr. Meyer, to approve the check
tegister as subnitted.
�z � _ �l��ivi s�
M�IQ�1 by Mr. Meyer, sewnded by 1�1r. Prairie, to aoljourn the meeting. Upon
a voic9e vote, all vating aye, Vice-Chairperson Schnabel declarecl the April
14, 1988, Ho�ing & Redevelogaerit Authority �eeting adjourned at 9: 05 p. m
Respectfully suvaitted,
� L Saua
R�oording Secretatiy