HRA 08/11/1988 - 29656Crl'Y OF FRIDLEY
('„AT,T, ZU O1�ER:
Chairperson Carnners called �,Y�.e August 11, 1988, Housing & Redevelo�nent
Authori�.y mee�ir�g to order a� 7:12 p.m.
�LL CAT.S.� :
Menb�rs Presen�: Lax�y Cateners, Virginia Schnabel, John M�er,
Walter Rasnussen
Menb�rs Absent: Duar.�e Prairie
O�hers Presen�: Joc•k Rflbertson, F�cecu�ive Director of HRA
Julie Bur�, Assista.n� Fir�ance Direc�or
Saanantha Orduno, Marr�genen� Assistar�
Dave N�anan, HRA A�torr�
Jim Hi11, Direc�or of Public Safe�y
J�m Casserly, 215 S. 11�h S�see�, Suite 200, Mpls.
Gordon Sangs�er, 7169 Rivezview Terr., School Dis�. 14
Jim Furyason, 6381 �+�; re Drive, School Dis�t. 14 -
Lou & June Lur.�.gren, 343 Kellogg Blvd. , St. Paul
RQbeex�t Silvernian, 2200 First Bank Eas�, Mpls.
Kevin Jensen, S�a�e Bank of Springfield
!'1 Alan Rouse, 1786 Henr�pin Ave. S., Mpls.
Jai & Shirrjae Suh, 12 Island Rflad, S�. Paul
Joe Ca�uners, 2233 No. Ha�nlir.� Ave. , Roseville
Bnzce Lund.gren, 7545 Office Ridge Circle, F]7d.en Prairie
Bruce Pe�erson, 7545 Office Ridge Circle, E�11den Prairie
Dew� Jahnson, 7545 Office Ridge Circle, IIden Prairie
David.Erickson, 7545 Office Ridge Circle, F1den Prairie
Willi.aia Foger�y, 12340 fiadisson Rd. , Blair�e
C�r�l Slavick, Arkell Develognent
N�.rk Clenens. Arkell D�relognen�
Ron Christenson, Bossard� Chris�er�son
David Kroos, Boamnan & Associa�es
I�'I'IDN by Mr. l�snussen, second.ed Ly Mr. Meyer, to approve �he June 14,
1988, Housing & Redevela�nen� Authoriiy mirsu�es as writ�en.
Mr. Robertson sta.ted. he would like �o change �he agencla ar� have "Tax
Iricrenen� Distric�s/Refund of School Levy" as the firs� i�en on �h.e agenda.
^ Mr. C.anmers sta�ed. �he HRA m�nbers had a
co� of a let�er frcan Jim O'Me,ara
� which was a follvwup t:o t-he HRA's earlier reques� �o him wi�h respec� �o �he
refund of cer�ain por�ions of �hh.e �ax incremen� fund to �he school
Ms. Burt staied tha� since the las� mee�ing, Mr. O'Meara had ccene �o �,he
Ci�y and revi�raed th.e borid arrangenen�s tha� were made wit:h the bonds �hha�
were sold ar.�d hvw they rela�ed tr:o �,his change in t,he �ax law. There are
�hhrree situati.ons �ha� can occur. C��egoxy 3 str:ated �hat if �he distric�s
are certified after �he last day of the bond sale, we will au�cuna�ically
have �o provide tha� mor�y lx�cac �o �he Srhool Dis�ric�. The reason for tr�his
is that we were mt planning on �hose funds when �he bonds were sold, so, in
esser�ce, we did rn� need �han.
Ms. Burt sta�ed situa�i.ons 1 ar.�l 2 are a lit�le bit different in tha� �,he
dis�ric�s tha� were certified previously have bond requirenents for which
�,lae increnen� was being pledged for the debt sezvice on those bond.s.
Ms. Burt s�ated �ha� due �o the fac� that a couple of �he HRA's major
developmen�s have m� gor.� �hznugh, they are mt gainir� the ir�crenen� �,hey
had proj ected. in on those proj ec�s; �herefore, th..�y do no� have �he funds
they origirally �hought �i.ey would have to pay �he deb� service on those
bonds. So, �hey need �o find o�her �urces.
Ms. Bur� s�a�ed Mr. Pribyl and s�aff's rec�anenda�ion, along with Mr.
O'Meara's, was �hhat �hey do make the paymen� �o �h.e School District for
n circ�mstar�e #3. Ur�forturrately. �ha� dollar a¢noun� was quite snall, $1, 674.
The reason for � is �hha� �,he �vo distric�s �ha� i� appl ies �o are j ust
beginnir�--�he Wirifield District and �he Shorewood Dis�rict. As of this
poir.� in �ime, �he Shorcaood Dis�ric� is not ger.�ra�i.r�g arly incr�n.en�. I�
will begin ge� incranent next year; bu�, again, tha� amount will be
snall. The Wir�ield dis�rict is ger.�ratir�g a snall amaunt of increnen�.
Ms. Burt stat.ed they sYwuld look back in a year on �he o� distric�s and
at tha� tame i.f t:he develognents are a li��.le bi� str�nger, maybe �hey
can come up with �-he op�ion of working in coopera�ion wi�h �he School
Dis�ric� �o ge� tr�hen sane more mone�. But, right now, it would be uriwise
for �.he HRA �o do any�hing like tha�-because �hc-y need the mor.� �o pay �,he
debt seYVice on �he borx7�.
Mr. GaYmers sta�ed �,hat, as he ur�derstood it, �-h�r j ust have a vezy small
am�unt �hey are under the law tro re�urn �o �he schQOl districts,
and �ha� was $1,674, and i� was st;aaff's and t:he a��orr�y's reca�¢ner�da�i.on �o
do �ha�. As far as the otr�her alterna�ives of returning money, those were
mt sta�u�ozy requi.renen�s but were discreti.orrazy; ar�d, it was staff's and
�he at�orr.�y's recaY¢Y►enda�ion �Lhat wi�,h. regard �:o �hose alterna�ives, �th.�y
would mt re�usn any moriey a� �his �ime.
Ms. Burt s�ated tha� was correc�. They have pledged �hat money to the
borxx�holders, ar�d they have an obliga�ion to �.he bor�dholders firs�t.
^ Mr. Casserly stated Nls. Bur� had suYUned �he si�ua�ion up vezy succinctly.
The poir� �ha� is being made is �ha� because of �he s�age of develognent,
'� �h� jus� do mt ]mQ+u �oday the amaun� of rever�oue that will be available.
Mr. Go�lon Sangs�er and Mr. Jim Furgason fran School Dis�ric� 14 were in �he
Ms. Burt sta�:ed ac�ually �-he $1, 674 was for School Distric� 16 . There was
m money for School Distric� 14 at this time. The Shorevaood Disirict was
�he only developmen� in School Dis�ric�t 14, aixl there were ru� bor�ds pl edged
in �ha� dis�rict.
Mr. Sangs�er s�ated he was a li�tle confused about �hh.e tuning arxl had sane
qu�stions abou� it.
Ms. Burt stated Mr. Pribyl had at�enpted �o con�act sane peaple fran Schaol
Dis�xic� 14 to go over this wi�h thsn, bu� was unable to do so before he
wen� on vaca�ion. She sta�ed staff could go over this in more dep�h wi�h.
�he School Dis�rict represen�a�ives a� ar.��her �ime.
Mr. Caruners s�ated tha� if �,here was scane issue on th,e tiuning and what
ir�renen�s should be taken in�o considera�ion arid which increnen�s should
r�t, he would suggest �-ha� sta.ff arrange a mee� wi�-h the Srhool District
14 Boaxd, ci�.y representr:atives, ar�cl Jim O'Meara �:o get �khi.s resolved.
Mr. Rober�son ar�d Ms. But� agreed wi�h Mr.¢ners' sugges�ion.
/'1 NDT�IJN by Mr. Fasnussen, seconded 1� Ms. SGhi�bel, to approve �he s�atu�oxy
refund in �-1ze �nount of $1,674 �o School Dis�ric� 16, and also to School
Distric� 14 to the ex�en� �here is any refur�d due to �hem.
Mr. Rober�son s�a.ted that a good stimunazy of �,he sta�.us of this proj ect
appeared on ager.r7a �ge 1-F which was th.e second �age of Mr. Nc�aman' s Augus�
5, 1988, le��er. The th.ree it�ns lis�ed were �Y�.e itens of f inancial
assis�a.nce �ha� Ntr. Lundgren says is needed:
(1) a let�er of credi� for $700, 000;
(2) addi� firar.�cir� in �he approx. amount of $2,300,000; and
(3 ) ir.�er�� or wri�e-dawn of 2 1/4% on a l�n of $'1.922, 7 00.
Mr. Rober�son s�:a�ed �hat fmn �he �ame in Jarwary when the let�er of credi�
wa� due, Cen�ennial Mortgage was �he chief financial underwri�er and had
ir��ed that if there was arly problen wi�h. �,he financing package Mr.
Lundgren had proposed, they could make that up with some equity
par�icipa�ion from an equi�y pool. As the HRA could see, in the
quasi-acceptance by Cen� N.�r�gage, �hat was r�� included; �herefore,
^ what �-hey had all h,oped in �eenns of a f irar�ial �ckage had r.�t occurred.
r'1 Mr. Robextson stated �hat because �Yi.ey have m� made subs�an�ial progress,
i�-was m� only his judgenen�, bu� also Mr. Newman's and Mr. Casserly's
callec� judg�nnent, tha� even �hough Mr. Lundgren has made a sincere
effor�, he has failed ar�d �hat the HRA should �eennir�a�e their relationship
wit:h him and cash his let�er of credi�.
Mr. Rober�son sta.�ed Mr. Lundgren Y�as requested �ime t:o explain his posi�i.on
mo�e fully, �o explain his letter, and to speak �o Mr. Newman's Aug. 5
Mr. Lundgren stated he could r.�� coaenen� specif ically on Mr. Ne�anan' s 1 e��er
da�ed. Aug. 5, 1988, because he had rn� seen it before � mee� He had
r�o� received his c�py. -
Mr. Lur.�d.gren sta�ed he was disappointed tha� Cen�er�nial Mor�gage had no�
cane up wi�. �he size mor��ge and/or �he �r�icipating mor�gage �,hey had
assured hun and �he Ci�.y �hey wauld do. Ha�ever, �hey did cane up with a
mort�ge piroposal, and �he HRA had �ha�.
Mr. Lundgren s�ated he had explained �o s�aff �hat he believed �h.e �hree
itens lis�ed in Mr. Ncranan's let�er can be ��ained before he would close.
He sta�ed he ha.s asked for nine specific poir�s in his le��er dated Aug. 4,
1988, to �he HRA to find ou� where �,he HRA s�ood on certain things.
Obviously, i.f �he HRA was seeking sane mor�y, he had to ]tr.� wha� �he amoun�
was; ar.�d., depending upon how �Y�.e HRA would respond to �hese gar�icular
n questions, �hat amount would vazy.
Mr. Lurxigren s�a�ed. he believed he would need �o have scxc►e real evidence
�ha� tr�h.e HRA had �-he ability �o have land contr�xol, and he �hought any otlzer
develaper wi�1�. any ot�her mor�gage finn would rec�uire �-he same. He �uld m�
pu� a package }aased on tr�h.e timing of certain th.ings and then let it
si� for 120 days. They have ac�ual cons�ruction bids, and thc� have aleady
kep� �h.em on 65 c�ays. He mi�i� be able �o keep �h.ea a li�tle longer, bu�
only with �he sub bidder's consent. He believed he was vezy close. He
believed he had a proj ect �,h.e HRA �.nd the Ci�y wan�.s for �-his si�e: He
believed �here was m evider�e tha� he Y�ad ex�er�ded in any fashion, in tesxns
of money or �ame, �h.e exposition of ge�ting t,he �-hings th,a� were
Mr. Lundgren s�ated witlz him a� �,he mee�ing were June Lundgren; Rober�
Silvennan, his a��orney; Kevin Jensen, Presiden� of �he State Bank of
Spririgf ield; and Alan Rouse, one of his associates.
Mr. Lundgren s�a�ed he would like �:o have �he HRA discuss the nirae poir�s he
ha.s lis�ed in his le��:er. He did r�� expec� �,he HRA to say "yes" �o all of
then, bu� he would like an answer to each point, and he would like an
extension. He st:a�ed he did no� �hink the HRA would find arzy other
developer -wh� has worked harder on �hhis proj ec� �-han he has, but more �ime
was r�eeded to consunmate �Y�.is particular proj ec�. He was reques�ing an
ex�ension of 60 days. And, he �Yiought s�aff should be instructed �o work
^ ou� a develognen� ag.reanent.
� Mr. Robertson s�a�ed. tha� before �he HRA could enter into a develognent
agreemen� wi�h P2r. Lur�d.gren, �he HRA had �o have sane numbers, hvw �h.ose
rnunbers were going �o work, and �he level of assistarice �,he HRA could
prwide for �his p�roj ect.
Mr. Lundgren s�a�ed he appreciated that. He was no� asking for tr�hen �o
enter ir.�o a development agreanen�; he was askir�g then �o discuss and work
out a develognen� agreanen�.
Mr. Catmers s�ated he felt evezy i�en listed in Mr. Lundgren's let�er had
be�n discussed and gone over in de�ail before wi�h Mr. Lur�dgren.
Mr. Rober� Silver�nan s�a�ed he has been working with Mr. Lundgren since N6ay
1988. He s�a�ed he did r�t have all �he his�ozy of �he proj ec�, bu� he has
been follawir� �rt of it. Mr. Lundgren's Aug. 4�-h. let�er v�as responsive �o
th.e con�inued requests fran s�aff asking for his proposal. And, Mr.
Lur�dgren was saying what his proposal was based on Center.mial's canmitment.
There have been plans, ar�d Mr. Casserly has made runs on �he rnunbers. He
s�ated �he only r.aanbers he had seen which Mr. C�sserly had concluded in May
were no� feasible, were based. upon �he assunption �hat the Cii.y was goir�g �o
put in an $850, 000 parking garage. Tha� garage was not part of Mr.
Lundgren's proposal ariymore. So, �o 'the ex�ent �ha� Mr. Casserly's ntunbers
shvw �ha� �he proj ec� is ir�easible based. upon $850, 000 �kia� is m� goir.ig to
be spent, he would suggest �laat Mr. C�sserly go back and rerun the rnm►bers
based upon Mr. Lur.�d.gTen's preser� proposal.
,..� _ -
Mr. Silveanan sta�ed �ha� bo�h he and Mr. Luridgren had m� seen Mr. Ne�nan's
le�ter until 5 minutes before �he me�ting. Mr. Newman's let�er made
reference to an. �rlier proposal fnzn Mr. Lur�.gren asking �he City arnl �he
HRA if �hey would facilitate �h.e firar.icing 3�i helping Mr. Lungren wri�te down
�.h.e rate, there]oy increasing the amount. That was still a part of Mr.
Lundgren's wish, bu� �hey would uriders�and �ha� if �h.e City could n�ot do
that, if the HRA is ur�aillirig to partici��e, thEy would have �o f ind scgn.e
o�her source tr;o do �hat. The� were workir� on doirx� �ia�.
Mr. Silvernian s�a�ed �h� agree th�it i� has been a long �ime, but �h� have
been workirx,� on �he pxoj ect. They firlally go� �,he mor�gage ca�uc�i�nen� in
la�e July. As soon as �,hey get one se� of �r�aeters, �hey have �o fir�d out
wha� �he o�her �r�ame�ers might be. Based upon what �lze mort�ge cai¢nii�nen�
said �o �hen, Mr. Lundgren had written to �he HRA ar�d asked �hen to consider
those 9 pc�ir�s.
Mr. Silveanan st:aa�ed it was �rrec� �-ha� the Ci�y and the HRA have the lega.l
righ� t�o acquire title �o �-he property essen�ially after 90 days after
filing �he pe�ition and quick-take. Bu�, 90 days fxrm August 1.1�,h was not
October 1, arx3 i� was �st the da�e when Cen�ermial has reques�ed �ha� Nlr.
Lurad.gren have con�rol and close.
Mr. Silvernnan st:a�ed �hat a� �he mee�a.ngs he has at�ended, there has been a
reluctar�e on �he part of city s�aff �o cac¢ni� �o go aut and get the larid.
^ Unders�aar.r7ably, �hey wan� �o ]cr.�v a li��.le more abou� �he proj ect, bu� �he
Ci�.y has mt ever�. star�ed �the corx3enra�i.on procedure. They have asked. the
� Ci�y �o begin rngo�a.ations wi�h �he land avr�r to f irrl out what �he price is
going �o be, but as far as �hey kr.�w, �he City or tl�.e HRA has m� done tha�.
�, yes, �hey can pu� the proj ec� �oge�her in 90 days easily, bu� they need
�h.e willir�r�ess �o do it, and i� was difficul� for �he developer �o c�unit
himself �o close �he mortgage in 60 days if �h.e land is not going �o be
con�rolled for 90-100 days. Obviously, witr-hou� �he land, m mor�gage can be
Nir. Silvennan s�ated that regarding �he road locations, i� was his
ur.�erstamling �-hat staff has had det;ailed full working drawings for sane
time, ar�d saneone can estimate wha� �Yie cost of all the public improvemen�s
might be. Again, that was �r� of �he proposal, bu� they have r.�� heazzd the
Ci�.y or �he H1?A say, yes, tYi.ey wi.11 do tha�.
Mr. Silvezman sta�ed. the �aax �ymen� for $900/unit was wha� �he mortgage was
processed on, ar�d if �,he �axes are going tr:o 1� more, �-l�.ey should know �,ha�.
They have done sane s�udies and presented th.em �o staff saying $900 per uni�
per year represen�s �h.e marke�. 'I'ha� is goir.� to genera.�e °x" dollars worr�hh
of tax increnent, ar�d �hat is ei�her enough or r�� enough for th.e City �o
partici�te by writir�g down th.e land and doing th.e public impravanents.
Thc� have mt received an answer tr:o tx�at poir�.
Mr. Silvernnan stated the let�er of credit, wl�� was �he purpose of
th.e let�er of credi� arrl whe�her or rnt it has �en sezved. by t:he thousarids
and �housar�ds of dollars �-hat Mr. Lundgren has spen� on �he proj ect and his
� cat¢ni�xnen� �o �-he proj ec�. Mr. Lur�dgren has worked on �he proj ec� for in
excess of �vo ymrs, ar�d he coi�irnies �o show good fai�h �o con�iir�ue workir.�
on �he pmjec�. If �he le��er was �here as a good fai�.h deposit �o prove
that Mr. was goir� t:o �a.y to arnple�e �-he proj ect, he has me� tha�
�es�. -
Mr. Silvelman sta�ed wi�h respec� to proceedirx� wi�h develagnent con�racts,
�hey agreed. to do that.
Mr. Silvernnan s�tated tha� regarding the second mor�gage, �he presen�
develognen� con�rac� says Nir. Lundgren wi11 give the HRA a second mortgage.
They canrao� do t��at under �hhi.s firrarlcing proposal. If the Ci�y insis�s upon
a second mor�gage and is not going �o get enough money f rom the �ax
ir�crenen� �his pxvject genera�es, �lic� canr�� do �he Cen�ennial firrancing
Mr. Silvenc�an st:a�ed it was discussed earlier that tY�.is proj ect arld o�her
pr�jec�s have mt yet created sufficien� taxes �o pay �he school dis�ricts
and to help the borxis. Tha� was �rue, bu� �he real question was: Vr1as any develaper goir.�-to do it any quicker? Mr. Lundgren has pu� in two
y�rs woxth of ef'for�. He l�s full workir� draw�.ngs, full plans arrl specs,
a con�xac�or on boaxd, and a mor��ge can¢nitrnent, even �hough i� is no� �lie
bes� mor��ge ca�rQn.i�men� in �he world. He is still saying he wants �o do
�he proj ec�. They can proceed �o work coopera�ively with �he HRA ar.�d Ci�y
Staff, but sf �he HRA says, sorr.iyy, �-he pnrject is over, he did no� �hink the
^ Cib�i was going �o ge� a bet�er develo�anent, or any develo�anen� at all,
quicker �han �hey would in cont:irniirx3 t:o work wi�th Mr. Luridgren.
HOUSIlQG & 12��TE[DPL�'�L�FI' ALP�iORl'rY N�PIlQG, AUGUST 11, 1988
� Mr. Grnc¢ners stated �ha� if Mr. Lur�dgren is allowed. �o go fozward wi�h �he
proj ec�, he has to obtain san� kirrl of addi�ioral firar�irr� in th.e amount of
$2, 300, 000. WY�� type of protec�ion would �he Ci�y have if �hey au�horiz ed
Mr. Lundgren addi�iona.l time �o do �hhat, and in �he mean�ime, the Ci�y
started �:o take �he proper�t.y?
Mr. Silvennan sta�ed tha� was a hard �iming question �;o answer. Obviously,
�he City would prefer m�t �o the lar�cl un�i.l �1he proj e�t is to�ally
put �ogether. On �he other har�d, t-he longer �ime �he HRA takes before �hey
aaquire the iarx3, �he less apportunity Mr. Lundgren has to get firaricing arrl
�:o arrange �he equi�.y. It seened �o him �he Ci�.y has the oppor�uni.�.y, and
it was not inconsister�.� with other caYmnuni�ies �hat have policies �o take a
"blighted area" arad s�i.r up develognen� by aoquiring th.e larad in advance of
a develognent pr�posal. He did no� ]rnow if �hha� was �h.e Ci�ty of Fridley's
policy, bu� i� was ce�ainly a way �o proceed. I� would �ake a lot of
ur�certair.�.y ou� of the pr�ject fnzn Mr. Lundgren's standpoir�.
Mr. C.a�runers asked if Mr. Lur�dgren believed that wi�hin 30 days he could came
up wi�-h. sanething �o caver �h.e addi�ioral equity �Yiat is required.
Mr. Silvernnan stated Mr. Lundgren was certainly workir.�g on i�.
Mr. Meyer asked why aaquiri.r� �,he lar�d was such a cri.�ica.l poir� in �emis of
Centennial having an agreament con�ingen� upon �he land being available.
Does Cen�ennial always have �o have a deed in har.�l before �Y�.�y sign a
ca�itrnent? Couldn' ��hey just say, "upon aaquiring �he larrl, Mr. Lundgren
shall ge� �he mor�gage �i�men�°. . . ?
Mr. Silvennan sta�ed Cen�ennial requires �his to happen by Oc�. 5.
Centenni_al has catanitted a fixed in�erest ra�e at 8 1/4°a, but they won' �
ca�ni� it �s� Oct. 5.
Mr. M�er s�a�ed CentenniJal l�ws i� is going to �ake �.he HRA 90 days �o
aoc�uire �he lar.�cl, ye� �he� are sayir.� �hc-y r�eed �he canmi�anent in 60 days.
What kir�d of catmitrnen� is that? He s�;ated he �hh.ought Cen� was using
this as a play to ge� ou� of a commi�ment. He stated he was very
disappoir�ed in tr�he way Cen� has been s�rirlgir�g Mr. Lundgren and the
City and �he HRA along. He s�ated he suppor�ed eveYy�hir.�g Mr. Silve�nan l�s
s�a�ed abou� Mr. Lundgren and his good fai�h and credi�, bu� he was
disappointed in �e whole process of �h.irigs arx3 �ha� �his was a riever er�dir.ig
Mr. Canmers stated �ha� in all practicali�y, �,he HRA probably canno� get
lar.� con�rol by Oct. 5. He sta�ed �-hat or�ce before �hey were veiy close �o
owning �he proper�y, -but �hey backed away frcan i� when �h� found �he
proj ect was rn� going to go. The HRA was m� ir.�erested in aaning property
and beirig laradlorrls.
Mr. Casserly s�a�ed trhe pznblan was more serious �han was being said. This
is not a market rate mor�gage. This is no� a problem where �,h�y have
�.., ca�ni��ed futxl.s for a given period of �time in which �h.ey have gone ou� to
purchase assets. This is for an 8 1/4�S mor�gage. I� doesn' � make any
HOUSIl�G & 12ID�TII�OPT�Fr AU'�30R1TY MEETIlVG, AUGi7ST 11, 1988
� differer.�ce if �,his ccmmitr�nen� ran �o Dec. 1, Jan. 1, or Feb 1, because the
catmi�n.en� was n�� very mmningful.
Mr. Silvernian sta.�ed he was m� defer�dir� Cen�ennial, and he saw the same
prvblens �he HRA ar�d s�aff were raisir.�. He did su]�ni� i� was a s�aar�ing
poir.� to see if �-hc� can make �he proj e�� work.
Ms. Schr�l asked Mr. Lundgren �,ha� if he was unsuccessful in
additioral firar.�ir.� in �he amount of $2,300, 000 by Oct. 5, did he have a
con�ingen� plan a� tha� �ime?
Mr. Lur�dgren sta�ed, yes, he was workir� on al�erra�e sources of funding bu�
he was not prep3red �o discuss �hose a� �his �ime.
Ms. Schnabel sta�ed i� would seem �o her �ha� if Mr. Lurrlgren canno� ob�ain
�h� addi�iorsl $2,300,000 by Oct. 5, Cen�'s d�adlir�e, �ha� Cen�ennial
will pull its canuni�nen�, and Mr: Lundgren will be ]�ck a� square on+e.
Mr. Lur.idgren sta�ed his �ao al�ernate sources of furxiing would not rely on
�,he Cen�ennial mor�gage.
Mr. Fasnussen s�a�ed he fe1� �his has just gor.te on for �oo lor.� a time, and
he �hought �hc� should �ermirste the r.�ego�i.a�ions mw. As dras�ic arrZ harsh
as i� sour�c7s, he �hough� it was �ime �o call it qui.�s.
��--� Mr. C`asserly sta�ed �rt of �h.e problan wi�-h �he ar�alysis in �eenns of �xxyir�
tr:�o -de�ennir�e what is available is tha� �his is a�nstr:antly moving �aarge�.
Origirally, when �hey were talkirx� abou� taxes beir�g 51,350-1,100 per uni.t;
they were then �alking abou� a parking s�ruc�ure being in, sometimes
u�ilities are in, sametimes u�ili�ies are out, and public improvenen�s.
When the sugges�a.on was made �a� �he market rate would only sus�ain $900
per uni� in taxes, a� �-ha.t �ime �he dete�nina�ion was made �ha� �he
develagnen� be responsible for th.e �rkir� s�ructure, arad the taxes would be
reduced dawn to the $900 level �o �.iy �o make this project work on a market
ra�e l�asis. These are c:ons�an�t].y mwing kir�ds of thir.�s. I� vTas importan�
to poir.� out �ri.a� �hc� do mt do a r.iav run �very time they have a varia�ion
when sane�hir.x� is suggested.
Mr. C�sserly st:a�ed, more impor�an�ly, �,hey have been looking a� o�her
op�ions and. �.he developer has been looking at other op�ions, and he has
brough� a rnanber af people in�o �he process. Th� had ra�kher an extensive
mee�a.r�g on July 20, 1988, when �Yi.ey were �old that �he project was going to
be shor� of ftiu�ds and Mr. Lundgren was going �o need same kir�d of subsidi.zed
in�erest ra�e. The praspec� was raised a� �ha� mee�ing �hat a very
in�eres�ing and very innavative fimncing schene be suggea�ed. It was�d in P�1r. Neyanan's le��er, ar�d i� was ir�dica�ed �hat the Ci.�y could
m� be nega�ive or posi�ive in �ernns of �ha� package b�cause it was pu��ing
�,he HRA in the posi�ion of issuing essentially a$9 1/2-10 million borid
issue and having that be g�rar�eed.. It was an interes�ing concept, bu�
staff could r�t see �he HRA� -�o get in�o �-ha� �art of �he fimncing.
�`i Mr. Casserly sta�ed staff sugges�ed, however, that � method. of firrancing
� has been done, and if �he developer could provide staf f with more
ir�omia�ion on haw �his would work, staff would be happy �o review i� ar.�1
presen� it to �he HRA, ber.ause it was �hought a� �hat �ime trhat �he mor�gage
anani�nen� was rx�� going �o be adequate. However, tha� infozmation was
r�ever received. Maybe staff was a li�tle bi� too nega� and maybe i� was
detennir.ied ]�r �,he d�velaper that i� was no� worth pursuirag.
Mr. Casserly s�a�ed several were h�ld las� week and �he prnblan was
�hi.s s�mple: The pivj ec� was $2, 000, 000 shor�, and �he ir.�eres� rate was 2
1/4pa utxler market. He just did m� ]tnow how anyone was goirig t:o be able �:o
make up those deficiencies. I� migh� be possible wi�h some kind of
ir�eres�ing partici�tion process which was discussed in March, April, and
May. Bu�, i� was r.�v August�, and �hEy are s�ill l�king a� po�ential
�r�ici��ion and �xying �o figure aut who is going �o firance �he project.
Mr. Silveanan s�ated he wauld �r�ur wi�h Mr. C�sserly �t�a� �his is a moving
�arge� ar�d was goir.� �o con�irnie to be a mavir.� t;aarge�. If rx��hhirx� else, a�
least Cen�ennial Mor�gage Y�as st:aabilized one of the mwing th.ings, and now
i� was �he responsibli�y of �,he developer �o go foiward and see what he can
Mr. Silvernnan s�a�ed that wi�h. regazd �o the inr�ava� proposal, i� was a
pz�posal �-1�.ey would er�ourage if tr�he Ciiy and the H RA f el � go�l about i�.
He would c�te fran Mr. Newman's let�er �o Mr. Rober�son dated. July 21:
'�oth. Jim (Casserly) ar�d I expressed in vezy clear �enns our disappoinbznen�
� in this proposal arid our belief �hat in �,he curren� poli�ical cl�ma�e and
wi�h our curren� deadlir�es that we are ex�renely doub�ful �hat ei�her the
Ci�y Council or t:he HRA would approve � proposal. " That was a pre��y
r.�a�ive sig�l fran �he Ci�.y. If it was a prop�osal tr�ha� was viable and the
staff ar.s3 HRA wanted �o pursu� i�, it would solve a lo� of problens.
Mr. C.nY¢ners asked wha� �he str;atus was on Mr. Luridgren's le�ter of credi�.
Mr. N�mian s�;a�ed the let�er of credi� matured. on Nlonday, Augus� 15.
Mr. Kevin Jensen, Presider� of �he S�a.�e Bank of Springfield, s�aated �he
Bank would be willing �o ex�end �-he let�er of credit �o give Mr. Lundgren
sane acldi�ioral time �o keep workir� on the proj ect. Th� have worked vezy
closely wi�,h Mr. Lundgren, and it was �he Bank's belief �-ha� there was
poten�ial for �,his proj ec� and that Mr. Lundgren can put �he proj ect
�toge�her shor�ly . If he did not f eel tha � way , he woul d not be a��he
Mr. Jensen sta�ed that regazdir.x� �,he July 20th mee�ing, he ha.d obt:ained a
real es�a�e a�torney to si� in on �ha� meeting. I� was th.e a�torney' s
reconanenda�ion af�er the discussion regarding -�he city participa�ion
proposal �ha� tr�hey should no� pursue ci�.y par�icipa�ion because of the
nega�ive reac�ion received fran city str:a.ff.
M3TIDN b,y Mr. Rasmussen, seconded by Ms. Schr.�bel. �o �ernnirate r.�go�ia�ons
^ wi�h Nir. Lun�.gren for �he develognen� of th.e Creek Shopping Center
proper�y and �o draw on the le��er of credi� wi�h the S�a�e Bank of
Ms. Sc�u�abel s�ated she had secor�ded this mo�:ion wi�h mixed. f eel ings . She
certainly felt Mr. Lundgren has been an extr�nely fai�hful person �o �his
proj ect, ar.� she �did not f eel he has shirked any resporssibil i�y to �he
projectr in fac�, he has been ex�renely in txying �o seek scane kir�l
of�ing. Bu�, �his has ap,peared to became a���ern mon�h af �er mon�h
where he just never seens to be c�ui�e able to pu� �.he package togetr�her, and
she felt �,hey were at a poin� now where �hat was j ust no� going to
ma�eri.alize. The $2,000,000+ seened like a large hurdle �o avercame in
light of Y� Mr. LurrlgY'C�II has worked �o ge� where he is �oaay. She did not
have any co�id�r.tce �Yiat �his was g�oirag to be a successful project in tenns
of fir�ancir�g. I� was with. �h.ese feelings �ha� she had reluc�an�7.y seconded
�he moti.on. -
Mr. Ca�¢ners sta�ed �here have been a lo� of feelings involved wi�hh this
p�j ect. All �h.e menbers of �.he HRA were impressed wi�h wha� Mr. Lundgren
has �-xied t:o do, and his sinceri�y abou� it; bu�, uur�ortunately, - i� had to
came to a h�d one way or the o�her a� same point in time. Regarding �he
le�ter af credi�, he would suggest �ha� Mr. Lunrlgren and hi.s representa�ives
con�:act ci�.y staff and s�aff legal counsel �o see if there was sane praposal
Mr. Lurr].gren would to make.
Mr. Lundgren �hanked �he HRA menbers for �heir ccenplimen�s. He s�a�ed he
ha� spen.� in excess of $1/2 million on tY�.is proj ec�, and he was rio� a
rn �; tter.
Mr. Silve�nan sta�ed �h.e mo�i.on, as he understood it, did �vo �hings: �o
�e�nira�e negotia�ions wi�h Mr. Luridgren, ar�cl t:o cash Mr. Lundgren' s letter
of credi�. Hc�wever, Mr. Ca�sne�s' ca�anent migh� be ir�erpre�ed t:o mean �hha�
�he second. issue was no� quite as hard and fas� as �he first issue.
Mr. Caiuners s�a�ed �he sense of t1�.e mo�i.on was �ha� �he HRA does intend �o
cash the let�er of credit, bu� �he HRA would be willing �o discuss any
pxoposals Mr. Lurxigren ar�d. his a�torney migh� wish to make wi�h respec� to
�Y�.e amount of �,hose funds.
Mr. Silve�nan s�a�ed
be -cashed on N.�nday,
of pxoposal.
�hat accozdi.r� to Mr. Nananan, �he le��er of cr�li� must
and �-hat did r�� leave much time �o work ou� any kind
Mr. CaYaners s�a�ed. he wauld assune they would cash the let�er of credi� ar.�d
cab�ain posseSSion of �khose funds, subj ect �o any proposal Mr. Lundgren mi�,t
war� to make in �eans of maki.rx3 any adj us�nents. -
Mr. Silvennan stated �here was mw a�hird par�.y �hha� had �o be iraser�ed
in�o �ha� discussion, and �t�a� was �he State Bank of Springf ield. If th,e
,..� le��er is drawn, the Bank is ou� $200, 000, and i� needs to proceed back
a�ir�st Mr. Lurrlgren. If i� was �h.e sense that �he HRA did no� need to
,�� have cash in hand immedia�ely,
leas� �wo weeks, i� would
and if �he credi� can be ex�ended for a�
give �hem an oppor�unity �o have those
Ms. Schrsbel s�a�ed. if a discussion were �o �alce place be�.ween Nlr. Lundgren
and/or Mr. Silveanan and citr.y staff ar�d the HRA a�torney, and there was sane
proposal for sane �ar�ial amount of �he money �o be returned, �hey would
have to cane k�ck �o �he HRA for a decision. She did no� �,hink �he HRA
wan�ed �o extend �hha� �ime period. for ar�o� days. The bet�er solu�ion
would be to cash �he let�er of credit, then have �ha� discussion in 30
Mr. Me�er s�:a�ed �Yia� if �hey do cash �he let�er of credit on Monday, �he
S�ate Bank of Springfield mus� �hen proceed against Mr. Lurldgren in sane
fashion which migh� cause a$200, 000 harrlship �o Mr. Lunc�gren. If �here is
an al�erra�e agreenen� later �o ratify l�s tx�an the $200, 000, i� seens �1zey
might be 9mposirx� an additioral bu.�rlen on Mr. Lundgren �ha� he, Mr. Meyer,
was no� contenpla�irig when he vo�ed on �.he moti.on. He was ra�t eager �o add
sal� tr:o �he waurld.
Mr. Rasmussen s�a�ed he fe1� �hhis was a ma��er for staf f and 1 egal counsel
to work au�. This was m� a�ime to do arly nego�iating or amending of a
motion they-had already �ssed urranimously. If �here is a proposal �o do
scgne�hing different la�er, �hen �ha�. was the �.ime �o make that second
Mr. J�nsen s�ated �ha� drawing on the let�er of credi� migh� start scane
wh�els in mot:i.on tha� migh� be Y1ard �o s�op �hat might prohibit any future
discussions or r�go�iations. Tha� action to ge� �,he repaymen� migh� be a
hardship on Mr. Lundgren, �r1 �here might � o�her ramifica�i.ons.
NDTIDN by Mr. Meyer �o �t�.7.e �he letter of credit with Mr. Lundgren arrl �,he
S3:a�e Bank of Sprir�field in �he amount of $50, 000. -
Mr. Newman sugges�ed �ha� Mr. Jensen, Mr. Lundgren, and Mr. Silverman
ad� ourr�. �o �h.e hallway to discuss a proposal -�:o presen� �o the I�iRA.
Mr. C.a�mers sta.ted i� was �he sense of the HRA that �h�y would be open �o
sane discussions and sane pzoposals.
Chairperson Coauners declared a recess at 8:30 p.m.
Chairperson Can¢t►ers recorivened �he meeting a� 8:45 p.m.
Mr. Rc�bex�son sta�ed �hat in June 1988, �h.e HRA received a proposal ar.�d.
presen�a�ion frcan Winfield Develognen�, and in July, �hey received a
� proposal fram JLP. Mr. Casserly had prepared an analysis in July which
shawed �ha� with the ir�onnati.on �,hey had at the �ime, i� was going to be a
� defici� pzoj ec�. They did r.�� see ariy way a� tha� time �ha� th.e proj ect
would pay lx�ck in �axes what would be required for inves�men� up fron�. Th.e
HRA direc�ed staff and Mr. Casserly to work ou� scane addi�ional analyses
given upda�ed infornna�ion-fmn bo�h developers and �o ccane back with sane
firal coriclusion on whetr�her this was going t:o be a defici� proj ec� arid. h�v
much of a defici� proj ec� it might be.
Mr. Rob�rtson stated abou� a week arrl one-half ago, Mr. Casserly con�ac�ed
him and said his aralysis ir.dicated �,here mi�t be a d�.fferent niunber �ha�
migh� be involved in an acrquisiti.on of a kc� parcel. A� tha� �ime, s�aff
�ook �-he ini�i.a� to hire a consultan� �o get an est�mate on what �he
cor�denration pnxedure might 3� on �1�a� key ��el.
Mr. Robertson s�a.�ed he and Mr. Casserly me� yestezday morning with one of
�h.e develapers �o ge� scgne clarif ica�ion on �he proj ect. Mr. Casserly
finished �he arralysis las� night ar�d was ready �o give his-repor� a� �
Mr. (�sserly handed ou� copies of his August 11�h, le��er. He s�a�ed that
be�a.use of �he questions raised a� �he last mee�ir� abou� - th.e rnm�bers used
for acquisition and reloca�ion and because �he HRA was a lit�le
uncanFortable wi�h �hose rnxnbers, �he Ci�y's consul�ant was asked �o do a
vezy quick aralysis. The fi.xttures ar.rl reloca�iom m�nbers were averages. He
sta�ed the or� prop�rl.y tha� was significant].y different was �h.e Rapid Oil
property. Before, �h� were using aoquisi�ion and reloca�i.on costs of $705
/"'� and $725-and now �hey have �Y�a� down to $581. On �he �,hird spread sheet
- at�ached �o his let�er a� �h.e bottan of the page was �h.e rnmiber $776,500
($622,500 for aaquisiti.on, reloca�a.on costs, arsd various o�her costs plus
$154, 000 for ir�rastruc�ure, reloca�i.on involving wa�er, sanitazy sewer, arxl
stree�) . That was �he rn.unber he used �o determine how much �his proj ect
could sustain. He stated they would be getir� $350, 000 for paymen� of �h.e
lar�d. In order for the pr.nj ec� to er�d up wit:h 5776, 500, addi�ioral revenue
r�eci.ed during �he life of that dis�.ric� was $412, 000.
Mr. C`asserly stated �ha� if his suns were accuYa�e and �hey ge� 5350, 000 for
�he land, �,he HRA was going to have �o pu� in $412, 000, ei�her �hrough
special assessnen�s or sane�-hing.
Mr. C�sserly st;a�ed �-h,e second spread shee� was �hhe sau►e excep� in t;his
scenario, �here was a$400, 000 payment for th.e land, and if the developer
pays 5400, 000, additioml r�venu.e needed was $294, 000. The final spread
shee� shawed wha� happens if �here is a$450,000 developer pa.yment for �he
larrl, �hen �,here would be abou� $176,000 in �he dis�ric� over i�s life.
Mr. C�sserly s�a�ed he was sugges�ir.� �,his pxoj ect can z ero ou� and can be
desigr.�d so �here would be m additiorsl reveriue required by tlze HRA. 'I'here
were a wlwle varie�.y of �hhings t1�at could happen: (1) they could exterrl the
distsic� by a year; (2) �,hey could get a 1i��1e larger developer paymen� or
have a snall amaunt of i� for speci.a7. assesstnen�s; (3) th.ey cauld look a� a
little different ir�flati.on fac�or. He had used a fairly moderate orie a� 3�.
� Mr. Casserly sta�ed �here was also �he possibili�y �xia� �,he infrastructure
� might be less than $154, 000. Public Works gave him a range of
$75,000-5154,000 �o work wi�.h.
Mr. Casserly sta�ed he did not think before that �he develo�xnen� could
su��aain itself because of �he higher rnunbers he was usi ng. So, his
recar¢nemlation was �hhat the HRA proceed wi:�h the proj ect only if -�,he proj ec�
can be made to balar�ce which would re�uire r� ou�side HRA mor�--�hat i� be
a self suppor�irig develognen�.
Mr. Robexison s�a�ed �riat staff was convinced �ha� ei�,her develaper pro�ably
has �he whea�rai�-l�all ar�d exp�rience �o pu� �oge�Y�.er a°doable" proposal. As
suggest�l by Mr. C�asserly, �he desizable course would be for �h.e HRA to-pick
a developer to proceed wi�h. txyir.� to pu� toge� a viable proposal �hat
wauld essen�ially pay for i�self wi�h more specific c�uni�nen�s, give the
develaper a deadlir.�, and if �he develaper canm� meet �hat deadline, then
�hey would go wi�h�her developer.
Mr. Robertson s�a�ed that since both developers were represen�ed a� the
me��ing, �he HRA might want �o call on then for further clarifica�ions on
�heir �hi.rakirrig abou� �he pzoposal as reviewed by Mr. Casserly.
Mr. Bill Fogerty, Wir�ield Develo�an.ent, stated they are willing �o spend
monc-� on this proj ec�. He st:a�ed �hey have been vezy busy with ano�her
proj ect, but he fel� �h�y had proceeded �o do everything �he Ci�y had
required �hen to do. He sta.�ed tr�hey do l�ave a laank for th.eir major �enan�,
^ bu� i� was dif f icul ��o ge� �he f iral caiuni�men� f mn. �-h.e bank a� thi s�ime
for sane�hirx� they do r�� have yet. He stated �hey are dealirx3 with. be�ween
$11-13 per �re foo�, deper.d,i.r�g upon hav much mezzanine area will be on
�he secorx3 floor.
Mr. Fogerrtyy sta�ed �hey have a vexy hi�. quali�y, attrac�ive, develoisnen�
for �his site, and he did think �,hey would be able to put �he proj ec�
together wi�hin t:hree mon�hs. Wi� 45 days �h.ey would be willing to
pzopose a$50, 000 let�eer of cret�i� or wha�er the HRA deaned r�ecessazy.
Mr. Joe Cattners, JLP, sta�ed �h.ey were vexy enthused abou� entering in�o a
deiini� agreanen� for �h.e develognen� of the 57�h Place site. They have
been vezy aggressive in workir.�g for �Y�.e City and the HRA. They did all �ha�
was �+�; red 3� ci�y staff. They aggressively pursued aaquisition arrl ended
up wi�h 67% of the total gackage, leavir.� a couple of lo�s arrl a duplex �hat
is on �he n�rke�.
Mr. Joe Cataners sta�ed tha� at the last HRA meeting, he had talked abou� th.e
fa�� �hat if �he HRA v+ras able to pay cash for public �mprovanents, based on
$150, 000, it would make abou� a$300, 000-400, 000 d.ifference. If �-he public
impro�vemen�s were closer �o $100, 000, �he difference would be even more
Mr. Joe,uners sta�ed �hc� would reques� �,he char.�e t�o represent th,e Ciiy
of -Fridlc-y and �he HRA. He s�a�ed �h.c� have an excellen� winning �eam �o
^ pu� a g�ood pmj ect �oge�.her. They are pre�red. to do �he proj ect quickly
and trhey will star�d hy a construc�ion schedule of April 1, 1989, and be open
�, by Oc�ober 1989.
Mr. Larzy Cam[ners asked Mr. Joe Ccxnmers �o ccaiament on the ntunbers Mr.
Casserly had presen�ed where �he only way �his pmj ect vaas going �o work wa�
by condenning Rapid Oil and it for less �han $300, 000.
Mr. Joe ('.cnaners stated he would ask Mr. Bruce Peterson, his associate, �o
speak to tha� issue. -
Mr. Bruce Petexson s�ated �hc� recen�ly discussed �his sugges�ion of �he
c�rx3�ration of Rapid Oil. Triey have done a lot of work wi�h l�pid Oil
are pre��.y aware of what I�pid Oil facilities cost arrl wha� �hey are wor�h,
bo�h existing and new. They have done �hese kinds of autamotive
develapmer�s before. I� was �-h.eir opinion tha� what Rapid Oil is used �o
seeing is all �ie way fzcm. $8-10 per s�re foot on these snall parcels of
pr�perty. JLP really ques�ions �-he prac�icali�y of believing tha� withou�
just a real laat�.le tha� �hese cos�s can be achieved and tha� Rapid Oil can
be aoquired. I� was or.� �hir�g �o be buying vacan� lar�d, bu� i� was arso�her
�hir.� to be-aaquiring a busir.iess tha� is successful and making a prof i�. He
s�:ated they jus� fee7. �i,e Cit.y is looking a� a much grea�er niunber �n
�hese figures show.
Mr. Joe Ca[¢ners sta�ed �h.ey have worked wi�h Oil since day one in a
coopera�ive manner m� to exclude �.hem, bu� �o ir�clude � They feel i�
is a moral c�bli�tion �o acca�unoc7ate Rapid Oil. Thc� look at R�apid Oil as a
� favorable busiriess �ransac�i.on, ar.�d �hey have worked hazd wi�h ci�y staff to
ir�corporate Rapid Oil in�o �he develognent in a vezy c�nplimen�azy manner.
If i� requires a li�tle bit of ccanprcanise on where Rapid Oil would b�
located, �h� are willirx,� �o be flex,ible, bu� i� was a fact �ha� �hey were
in �heir presen� posi�i.on because Fapid Oil allawed then �o en�er into an
agreanen� wi�h an aption �o pur�chase. Fapid Oil was a private en�erprise,
and �hey Y�ave certain�s. He s��ed �heir loyal�ies would be severely
ques�ioned if t1�.ey were �o tell Rapid Oil �hey were no longer in �he
proj ec�.
Mr. Rc�ber�son stated �hat in the �st, both �t�.e Plannir.� C�¢nission arrl City
Co�ncil have expressed �he wish �hat, given a prefererice, �hey would like �o
see a r.�rrau�ano� oriented business develo�anen� on �his quadrant �ha�
se�s �he tone for �he sou�hern gatcaay to �he Ci�y, and to have as much
property value as possible in �t�.ere.
Mr. Lany C'.cn¢ners s�a�ed �ha� since Mr. Joe Ccaaners was a rela�, what was
hi� responsibili�y as chairperson o� the HRA as far as vo�ing on arry
Mr. 1Vananan stated the S�ate Statu�e referred �o a member of �he HRA having
sai�e kir�d of ecor.�anic ir.�erest in �the pr�j ect; ar�d since Mr. Canuners did no�
have any econanic in�eres� in the proj ec�, he could vo�e on any mo�i.ons.
Mr. Bruce Lurxlgren s�a�ed he would s�ress �hat regarding the �enant mix,
F� Oil v�ras only 8% of �,heir pmj ec�. He did r.�� �hhink �hey were that far
n� a�rt be�ween �,t�.e two concep�s. They recen�ly con�cted sane financial
� ir�sti�u�ions ar�d received sane favorable ca�unen�s. He s%:a�ed �he� are vezy
fl�xible. If �he HRA wan�ed more �tail sezvic�type terants, �-h.ey would be
happy �o discuss a terran� mix tha� �he HRA would desire. They were not
locked ir�o anyorie o� �han Rapid Oil, and l�.pid Oil was a veiy minor part
of the pmj ec�.
Ms. Schnabel s�a�ed �ha� having been involved wi�-h the Ci�y Planning
Car¢nission for a good rnunb�r of years before becaming a menber of the HRA,
ar�cl having been involved in a lo� of discussions on planning for �-he future
of the City of Fridley, as well as working on �-he Metro�li�an Council
direc�ed Canprehensive Plan, i� was her personal preference �hat �he
develo�nen� for �;he proper�y fell more in line with. tha� proposed by
Winfield Develognent. 'I'ha� was mt to say �1�a� �he JLP proposal was not a
good one, bu� she did no� feel �hha� was �he best selection for tha�
�r�icular site. As �hey look a� �he en�sar�ce �o �he Citr,y off �he freeway
and as it has been �he Ci�y' s desire for many years �o try ar�d. upgrade
evezy� along Uni.versi�.y Averiue ar�d give visibil ity �o �hhe en�rance �o
�,he City, �hen th.e Winfield Develo�anen� proposal bes� fulfilled �hose
Mr. C,asserly suggested �here be a siun of money required f ran tY�.e developer
to -be used for appraisals, soil borings, etc. He would sugges� a stmn of
$5,000. -
&�TION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. lrasnussen, to gran� exclusive
� develapmen� righ�s �o Winfield Develo�anen�, Inc., for 90 days (Nw. 10,
1988) for th.e 57�h Place Redevelo�nen�; ar.d, tha� ori or before Nlor.�ay, August
22, 1988, Wirlfield Develognen� �y �o �h.e HRA a sun of $5, 000 �o be used for
appraisals, soil borings, arld enviivrmen�a7. evalua�i.ons. If the gayment is
m� received by Augus� 22, 1988, �,hen Winf ield Dcveloganen� will have �he
bur�den of doing �he necessaxy appraisals, soil borings, and ernrirormen�al
evaluations sa�isfac�ozy �o Ciiy S�:aff.
Mr. Wir�field s�:ated he had rx� pmblen with this, because �-h� will have �o
do- soil borings anyway ar.�cl would be willir� �o share tha� infornnat,i.on �o �Y�.e
Mr. Nananan stated he wan�ed Mr. Fogerk.y to unders�and �,tia� Wir�f ield did no�
have exclusive ri�i� �o �he appraisals, soil borings, and envirormen�al
evalua�ion irsEornia�i,on. Tha� ir.�onnation becanes public ir�fo��►ation.
Mr. Larzy Ca�uners s�ated that since he fel� i� was in �he HRA's best
ir�erest for him �:o refrain fram vo�, he warrted bo�h developers �o kno�nr
tha� i� was also his preference �ha� Rapid Oil not be included in �he
proj ect. All the x�anarks made by Ms. Schrx�bel were apropos.
Mr. Lany Cat¢ners s�a�ed �he HRA certainly appreci.a�ed �t�.e work and expense
n pu� ir�o these proposals l�i both developers.
Nir. Robertson st:a�ed th.e ques�ion abou� �-he HRA using �ax incremen� furids
foY the construc�ion of �he Civic Cen�er parking ramp was put to Mr. Jim
0'Nl�ra. In Mr. 0'Meara's first reply da�ed July 25, he made an asstun��ion
which p�oved to �be in error in �e1ms of the �ime �he bonds were sold. He
correc�ed tha� in his August 5 le��er in which he sta�ed: "I� also appears
r�ow �hat frhe concep� is �hhat �he HRA's cos� under this program would be
fwxled a� least in par� fzrm excess pnxeeds of the 1985 tax. increneen�
bor.�cl. "
Mr. Rober�son s�a.�ed �hat af�er revi�ivir�g �his apini.on with Mr. Neyanan, �hey
both. believe �ha� (1) yes, �Y�.e HRA has �-he basic legal au�hority �o
cons�ruc� triis �arking ramp; (2) yes, �,he HRA can �y for �-hese expenses ou�
of tax increnen�= and (3 ) yes, �,h.e expenses can be f inanced through �he
issuar�e of a tax exenp� ir�crenen� bond.
Mr. Robertson s�ated Mr. 0'Meara fur�her sta�ed in his August 5 le��er:
".:l�owever, �hose prior bor�ds have significantly more lenien� res�ric�ions
i�i-the several areas I ment;iorred in my prior le�ter, arid we feel hopeful
�ha� tha� can be clone wi�hou� any pmblens. "
Mr. Rol�rtson s�a�ed �h� will probably need Mr. O'Meara's assis�ance �o
guide �-hen in subsequen� ac�ions. -
Mr. Robertson sta�ed Mr. 0'Meara had drafted a resolu�ion for the HRA's
considera�ion (ager�cla-page 3-F) . In an�icipation of �he next i�em
(Considera�on of Bids for Cons�ruc�ion of Plaza Ramp) , he would point ou�
tha� �he r.nmiber urxier "1. Reci�als, (f) " should be changed fmm $785, 000 �o
$840,000. -
Mr.¢c►ers asked why Mr. O'Nl�ra had s�ta�ed in his le��er that if �he HRA
wa� ge��ir� ren� fran �.t�.� office buildirig, tltiat raises ques�ions about �ax
exemp� f irar.�cir.�.
Mr. C�sserly st:a�ed i� had �o do wi�h t:he percen�age as it rela�es �o �h,e
de�� sezvice of �,he mor�gage. If more �hhan 10� is used for priva�e
busir�ss, �h.en it fails �he pri�ra�e purpose �est. He did not believe �,his
was a problen in �his ins�ance. At �he time �-he bonds were issued., �he
fonnula was 25�, arx3 �he amoun�-of ren� �h�y are paying was a vezy mnall
sun, arid r.�� urider any ci�unstar.�es would �he amount the office building
was Fe.yirsg suppor� any more than 25� of �he debt senrice on �ha� issue.
Mr. Cba4ners s�:ated this also raised �he ques�ion (regarding Mr. Newman's
August 2, 1988, letter, agenda page 5 i �hat if the HRA refuses �o
subordirs�e �he s�or�d mor�gage or if �h.e HRP, refuses �o give �he office
buildir� �he refurx3 being reques�.ed of $81, 000 under the Lease Guaran�ee
F�irxl., would tha� have any bearir.� on �his proj ect?
Mr. Nerranan s�a.ted �Yia� in all �heir discussions, i� was simply tha� since
tr11ze Ci�.y would be leasir.ig 9,000 sq. f�. f�nn �h.e office building for a year,
� �h.e office buildir.�g wi11 agree �o waive ariy conden�tion claims wi�h. �h.e
cons�ruc�ion of �he r�np.
Mr. Rober�son stated it was staff's recaructerida�ion �,ha� �he HRA adop� �he
re�olu�ion mvve fozvua�l.
NDTIDN by Ms. Schr�abel, s�onded by Mr. Meyer, �o adopt Resolu�ion No. 2�o
include �he Fridley Plaza Parkir� l�np-wi�hin �he Tax Increnen� Dis�rict,
wi�h �he amerxx�men� to 1. (f) �o reflec� $840, 000 worth of es��ed cos�s.
N.t�TIDN by Mr. Fhsnussen, seconded by Mr. N1�ier, �o accep� the bids f or �,he
Fridl� Plaz� l�np B�lge�/Bids. Augus� 7988.
Mr. N.f��er sta�ed he had looked wer �he plans arrl specifica�-a.ons ar�d, in his
opinion, tr�h.ey were we11 done and veiy c:omplete. Th�y seened �o reflec� �he
�ype of con�rol �he HRA has �a.lked abou� �a� �h.e archi�ec� make �he
ul�ima�e decisions.
Mr. l�snussen s�a�ted a ques�ion he had was regardir.� security in �he ramp.
^ Mr. David Kzoos stated the lighta.r.� level inside �h.e r�np would be the first
co�cern for security, and tha� was adequately cavered. The o� �hing
�allted abou� a� a previous mee�i.r� was th.e consideratioa of sane pain�ing
inside �he r�aic►p �o increase �h.e li�it level. This was an iten �,hey were mt
able �o ge� in�o �he base bid package b�cause of the �iming, bu� was
certainly sane�hhi� �hey could do in the fu�ure. In addi�ion, �,hey have
�alked about placir.g securi�y c�neras ir.�side �he ramp wired �o �,he Pol ice
Departrnent, so that was an op�ion. He s�ated they do have one camera
located a� �,he 1Qblay poin� �o the lower level, bu� there are no cameras
ac�ually placed in.side the ramp �,hat are wired to the Police De�rbmen�.
N1s. SGhrabel suggested the possibili�.y of cameras being placed at any point
wh�re peaple would access �he laver level of �,he r�anp. She, �oo, was very
cor�er.r.�d. abou� securi�y in the xamp. She s�a�ed-as a woman, i� was a
�errible thir.� to �rk and be afraid. �nrl, no mat�er where she parks, she
is afraid. ��
Mr. Jim Hill, Public Safeby Direc�or, s�a�ed �he HRA members have �o realize
�t, obviously, any�khirig is possible, but �his is Fridlc�, r�ot Minr�eapolis,
ar�d �hi.s is only a or� level raanp, not a multiple level �np. 'I'here will be
high vis�bili�y throughou� the ramp. There is a main en�Yyway into �h.e
buildir.� so �here will be cars comirx,� ar.d. goir.x� cons�an�.ly, so �h.e need f or
securi�y was much less than it would be for a mul�iple level ramp. He
stated �-hey wi11 certainly take all �he securi�y �hey can ge�; hawever; the
big problen is �h.e mar.rpower �o wa�ch �1ze moni�ors. Was �,he Ci�.y or �h.e HRA
^ prepared �o hire addi�iorsl emplvyees to watch �-he monitr:ors?
� Mr. Meyer suggested an al�eerra�ive of shriek alarnns in lieu of camexas.
Mr. CX�raners str;ated it seaned �o be �he sense of the HRA t.ha� �hey would like
�o-make sure �,he securi�y is maximized as much as possible. Th�y were
approving �he bids as presen�ed, bu� if it was going �o cost more �o
increase securi�,y, �hey would like �o look at �hose figures.
Mr. Hi11 stated �here was no ques�ion �ha� security would be increased. �o
wha�ever level �he HRA wan�ed �o �y for i�.
Mr. CaY¢ners asked Mr. Rover�son �o work wi�l�. Mr. Hill ar�d �he archi�ec�s �o
work � sane �tions -for securi�.y, �o brirx,� kaack ap�ions and costs f or
reviEw by �he HRA.
N1s. Schrabel s�a�ed there was still �he issue of i.f �he r�unp opens only in�o
Ci�y Hall, did it mee� the cri.�eria for �h.e use of public, or must
there be access to �he adjacen� office buildir�?
Mr. Robertson s�a.t.ed there is a sta.irway that is available �o �he office
building, ar�d that does mee� the cri�eria.
� -
Mr. Nananan s�a�ed �Yia� based on a discussion witr�h Rober� Silvemnan, Mr.
Lundgren's attorrrey, he would recamm�end that, cor.ditioned upon �h.e HRA staf�
receiVing a certified check in �he amoun� of 525,000 on Monday, August 15,
and fur�her c:ondi�i.oned upon Mr. Lundgren and �he HRA exchangi:ng full and
canplete releases for any and all claims �hat ei�her garty might have
agairbst mch o�her, �he HRA will agree r.�� �o take any fux�her ac�i.on on Mr.
Lur�clgren's let�er of credit and �hat �he HRA will release �,he letter of
N�TpJN by Mr. l�snussen, secorx3ed l�y Mr. Meyer, �,hat �he HRA agrees no� �o
take any fur�her ac�ion on Mr. Lundgren's le�ter of credi� and �hat �he HRA
will release Mr. Luixlgren's l���er of credi�, based upon �:h.e follawing �wo
corad.i�i.or�s :
1. The HRA s�aff will receive on N�rx�ay, Auc�ust 15, a check in
��he �nount of $25, 000 fmn �he State Bank of Springfield= arr7.
2. Mr. Lur.idgren and �he HRA wi11 exchange full and canple�e
rel�ses for any ar�d all claims �ha� either �rty mi�t have
a�inst each other.
Mr. Silveanan s�:a�ed �his was agreeable wi�-h. his clien�, Mr. Lur�dgren.
Mr. C.�¢ners s�ated the menbers had a copy of a le��er fr�n Dave Newman �o
Jock Rabertson da�ed Augus� 2, 1988, s� tha� the awners of the Fridley
Plaza Office Building are asking �he HRA �o subordir�ate �heir second
mortgage of $39,999 to the firs� mortgage which th.e buyer of �he building
wi11 be �aki� ou�. Curren�].y, �here is a first mor�gage in �he original
principal amount of $1,500,000 to which �he HRA's second mortgage is
Mr. C.o�raners s�ated �he Office BuildirxJ has also asked �he HRA �o au�horize
�h� release of funds held in �he Lease Fund and Purchase Fund �o �he
building avr�rs. There is approxima�ely $81, 000 in �he Lease Fund, and
approximately $i6, 000 in �he Purchase F�r�d.
Mr. C�►ers stated as he unders�ood it frwn Mr. Newman's le��er, �he
Pu�chase F`und. was z�ally r.�� of any value or use ��,he HRA. The Lease Fund
was a li��le differen�. In his le��er, Mr. Newnnan had s�a�ed �hhat �he
purpose of �he La�se F`ux� is � provide to the Trus�ees a fonn of securi�y
�o ensure tha� �he building owner makes �imely rental payments on �,he
�rkir.� lo�. While �he Ir�den�ure of Trust was no� clear as �o whe�her or
rar�t �he HRA-can the disburs�nent of furids fran � Fund for �he
purpose of making delir�quent rent:al paymen�s, in �,he pas� when �,he HRA
a��enp�ed �o use this fur�c7. for �t�.e paymen� of delinquen� parking lo� ren�,
�he Trustee ref used to re1 ease �-he f tuids to �he H RA.
Mr. Canuners stated he had � prablen witr�h. the subordination of �he second
mor��ge, and �he Pu.m.l�ase Fiu�d was sametlzir� the HRA really clid no� have a
righ� to anyway, but he not know if he agreed wi�h. the release of the
Lease Furx3. He did r.�� have er�ough ir.�o�xna�i.on �o make a good, j udgenen� on
Mr. Nc��an stated he has read portions of �,he bond doc�unent per�aining �o
th�se fu.nds, arld it doesn' � specif ically s�:aate tlzat �he landlord has the
righ� to �hose furids.
Mr. Nesnanan s�a�ed staff was lookirx,� a� �hhi.s from t:he perspective tha� �-he
of�ice buildir�g is in trouble, and �hey would like to acconactoda�e and help
then as much as possible.
Mr. 1?asnussen stated he did rx�� like �o see �-he HRA release funds of any
ki�, arxi he �aould abs�ain from voting on any motion tha� would release arsy
NI)TIDN by Mr. Meyer, secor�ded by Ms. Schr�abel, to agree �o �Yi.e subordirati.on
of �-he HRA's�second mort�ge wi�-h t�ie Fridlc� Plaza Office Building and �o
agree to �-he relmse of funds held in th.e Furchase Fund in the �nount of
$16, 000 and in �he Lease Fund in �,h.e amaunt of $81, OQO �o �h.e avners of �Yae
Fri.dlc� Plaza Bui].ding.
^ Mr. CoRUners sta�ed he �hought �.he way �his has cc�►e up a� �hhe last minute
jus� before �,he closing on Nlonday caused him �o be very skep�ical. He
HOUSIl� & R�EVIIDPT�Tr AU'gi0� , ALT�[JST 11, 1988
^ stated �he HR� should have been �old earlier arrl
given �ime �o look a � �hi s
more �horoughly. It was r�o� fair ar�d m� appropria�e and was m� �he way to
do busir�ss. I� was almos� like a leverage�-kir�d of �hing--ei�her �,he HRA
rel�ses �he furs7.s or �Yi.e sale wi11 fall a�rt�. As�in, he was no� against
subordina�ing �he second mor�tgage or �h.e release of �he $16, 000, bu� he was
agair�st �,he release of �.he $81, 000.
Ms. Schrabel s�a�ed. if the HRA was �o �urn down �h.e motion and no� release
�,he funds a� thi.s poir�, �-he sale migh� fall �hrough; bu� then, it might
r�t. I� might er�ouxage th.e owr.�rs to came �o �.he HRA wi�h a s�ronger case.
S'he - shared Mr. C�¢ner' s concern, ar.rl she was ur�omfortabl e wi�h. thi s whol e
thing. -
Mr. Fasnussen s�ated he was c�pposed wi�hou� more irsEornnation.
Mr. Caa¢ciers s�a�ed if �,he HRA does r.�t agree �o subordina�e, in order for
�.he owners �o close on �he propert.y, tr�hey are going �o have �o pay of f�he
mort�ge arrl pay �he HRA $40, 000.
Mr. N�anan sta�ed. �he HRA had to realize �ha� if the building wen� into
foreclosure, the HRA could lose �he whole amoun.t.
Mr. Newman s�ated �tiat, as he unders�ood i�, �h.e HRA was looking for
�'� ve�i.fica�i.on of �1�.e amoun�s, �-he source of funds, ar�d �he origir�al agreanen�
for �hose futxis.
Mr. Ne�anan s�a�ted he could turlerstand �he HRA's concerns. He did �hink,
�haugh, �h�a� same of �he questions tlze HRA was raising were separate fran
�he issue pertainirig �o �he svbordina�ion of �hh.e mor�gage. The building
owners cauld close in escrow, but he suspec�ed �hc� would have a hazder �ime
closing if �he HRA doesn' � indi.cate any ir.rteres� in subozdira�iirig �.he second
Mr. Fasnussen s�ated he jus� did r.�� �hink �he $40, 000 was going �o make or
break �he deal.
Mr. Robertson s�a�ed �his was an irlfornna�i.on it�n. He sta�ed in order to
p�ceed with an econanic ar�alysis, s�aff was in �h.e process of ar.alyzir� �he
four i�ens 1 is�ed in his mano ciated Aug. 4: (1) �he tax I. D. ntunbers f or
�he parcels which �hey inter.d �o use for �.Y�.e develogcien�; (2j a description
of �he �,ype of assistance �hey will be seeking f ran �he H RA; ( 3) �he
developer's es�imate of wha� �hc� believe the marke� ra�ee rea]. es�a�e �axes
will be wi�hou� the use of any assistar�ce; ar.�7. (4) evidence of si�e control.
Mr. Robertson s�ated �he ques�ion tha� was raised in July v�ras �he financial
abili�,y of Arkell Corpora�ion. He had included a le��er of inten� frcan
^ Fl�ui�ec Praperties �o en�er ir�o negoti.ations �o becane �-h.e co-developer or
owr�er of Arkell Cot�;ages.
^ Mr. Robertson stated Ms. Carol Slavick and Mr. Mark Cl�nens fran Arkell
Cogp. were a� �he mee�irx� �o answer any questions.
Mr. Rcabertson stated i� was staff's reca�un.enda�i.on �hat s�aff work with �he
de�telopers betcveen now and �he Sep�anber meeti.r.�, arid upon favorable review
by �h.e HRA, staff will draf� up a d�velognent agreanent. He sta�ed he had
included same si�e plans of �,he proposed layou� for �he �vao loca�i.ons in �,he
HRA ir�ornna�ion �cket a� �he mee�i.r�.
Nlr. Irasmussen s�aated he would like �o request more infonnation on Equi�ec
Mr. Rober�son s�aa�ed Jim Hill, Public Safe�y Direc�or, had raised the
qu�s�ion about whe�her s�ornn shel�ers would be pravided on bo�h si�es.
Ms. Slavick s�a�ed stornn shelters would be provided a� bo�h. si�es. They
have 92 uni�s plar.�neol. for bo�i. loca�i.ons, ar�cl one uni� on �ch si�e will be
a ca�anunitr.y center with a basenen� un�.erneath. it.
Mr. Hill sta�ed �-he Ci�y has s�ecificata.ons for s�onn. shel�eers, ar�cl he would
li�e �lzen t:o check into �hose specifica�ions.
Mr. Ca�uners stated tr�here has always been an access pxnblen on Hillwirrl R�d,
ar.� he did no� l�x�w if �,here was a solu�ion �o �Yiat prc�blem or no�.
^ Mr. Rflbertson stated �ha� regarding �he �raff ic and access concerns, tlne
access �o Hillwirrl Road wi.11 be improved when the intersection a� Highway
65/Old Cen�ral. is improved.. S�aff also feels that because of �he age of �he
�erants (55 years of age and older) �1�.e� will m� generate as much peaJc hour
�raff ic as �he m�nal tovanhouse teran� mix would.
Nls. Slavick stated �he purchase agreanen� for �h.e Hillwirnl pmper�.y has been
sigr.ied ar�d wi11 be pu� �ogether �he raex� day. Ewezy�hing has been agreed
upon by bo�h par�ies. -
Ms. Slavick sta�ed �hey have a$300, 000 es�ima�e on soil correc�ion casts on
the Rice Creek Rc�ad property .
Mr. Raber�son stated th�y an�ici�te havir.� eriough ir�fornnation for �his �o
be-an ac�ion i�en at the r.iex� meetir.�.
9. ES'I'Il�,TES:
T�'I'IDN by Ms. Schnabel, seconded. �i Ms. �snussen, �o approve �he following
es�ima�es: -
Talberg Lawn & Landscape - $4,580.36
Solidifica�i.on, Inc. - 2,293.92
HOUSIlVG & 1ZID�VIIIJPN�3� ALfl�iORI*!R N��Il�1G, AiIr�JST 11, 1988
;�^'1 10. CLAIlKS (1785-1795) :
MOTION by Mr. Rasmussen, seconded by Mr. Meyer, to approve the check
register as s-��nitted.
Chai rperson Ccnaners decla red the July 14 , 19 8 8, H ous i ng & Redevel ognent
Authori ty meeting adj ourned at 11:20 p.m.
Respectfully su}znitted,
Ly � -
rriing Secretary
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