HRA 03/12/1992 - 6368-A HOUSING AW REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1992 7:30 P.M. ■ v kN p �•� • • • .1m. 9 CITY OF FRIDLEY A G E N D A HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1992, 7:30 P.M. Location: Council Chambers Fridley Municipal Center 6431 University Avenue N.E. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 13, 1992 ACTION ITEMS: CLAIMS AND EXPENSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 1A INFORMATION ITEMS: STATUS OF JOINT MEETING WITH CITY COUNCIL . . . . . . . . 2 RICE PLAZA UPDATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 3D MISSISSIPPI STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4B OTHER BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT CITY OF FRIDLEY HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING, FEBRUARY 13, 1992 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Commers called the February 13, 1992, Housing and Redevelopment Authority meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Larry Commers, John Meyer, Duane Prairie Members Absent: Virginia Schnabel, Jim McFarland Others Present: William Burns, Executive Director of HRA Barbara Dacy, Community Development Director Paul Hansen, Accountant Jim Hoeft, HRA Attorney APPROVAL OF JANUARY 9. 1992, HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES• MOTION by Mr. Meyer, seconded by Mr. Prairie, to approve the January 9; 1992, Housing & Redevelopment Authority minutes as written. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON COMMERS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. RECEIVE BIDS AND AWARD CONTRACT FOR LAKE POINTE DEVELOPMENT MAINTENANCE PROJECT NO. 226: MOTION by Mr. Prairie, seconded by Mr. Meyer, to receive the bids and award the bid and authorize execution of the contract to Innovation Irrigation in the amount of $25,945.00 for Lake Pointe Development Maintenance Project No. 226. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON COMMERS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH ANOKA COUNTY AND CITY OF FRIDLEY, MISSISSIPPI STREET AND UNIVERSITY AVENUE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT: Mr. Commers stated the HRA has discussed this in the past and has given its approval. There are slight changes in the 1992 estimates from 1990 of about $14,000- 15,000. HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MTG., FEBRUARY 13, 1992 - PAGE 2 MOTION by Mr. Meyer, seconded by Mr. Prairie, to concur with the City Council's approval of the Joint Powers Agreement and to authorize execution of the Joint Powers Agreement with Anoka County and the City of Fridley for the purpose of completing the Mississippi Street /University Avenue improvement project. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON COMMERS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. CONSIDER CONVEYANCE OF EASEMENT TO ANOKA COUNTY, 280 MISSISSIPPI STREET (DAIRY QUEEN): MOTION by Mr. Prairie, seconded by Mr. Meyer, to authorize the Chairperson and Executive Director to execute the 40 foot easement to-Anoka County at 280 Mississippi Street (Dairy Queen). Ms. Dacy stated that Mr. Hoeft has brought it to her attention that technically Mr. McLinden as the County Administrator does not have to be listed on the easement document, so the document will be corrected. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON COMMERS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF 1992 HRA BUDGET: Mr. Commers stated sets forth the two meeting on January subtract potential and to allocate on, maintenance items. that Mr. correctii 9, 1992. fees for Ly $2,500 Burns memo dated February 7, 1992, Dns that were suggested at the budget Those two corrections are to Springsted in the amount of $30,000 for Rice Plaza Shopping Center MOTION by Mr. Meyer, seconded by Mr. Prairie, to approve the 1992 HRA budget as amended. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE,.CHAIRPERSON COMMERS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THIRD AMENDMENT TO LEASEHOLD AGREEMENT AND FIRST AMENDMENT TO MEMORANDUM OF LEASEHOLD AGREEMENT: Mr. Commers stated this is merely a housekeeping item with Columbia Park Properties to correct a legal description error in describing the lot line around the northwest corner of the parking ramp on the east side of the Municipal Center. MOTION by Mr. Prairie, seconded by Mr. Meyer, to approve the third amendment to the Leasehold Agreement and first amendment to Memorandum of Leasehold Agreement. HOUSING &_REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MTG., FEBRUARY 13, 1992 - PAGE 3 UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON COMMERS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. CLAIMS AND EXPENSES: Mr. Hansen stated that because the City has a new computer system, the printout.for the claims and expenses is different. The operating billing expenditure is not included in this statement. That will be included in the February statement. Mr. Hansen stated he would like to add two claims to this list: First Trust - fiscal agent fees - $727.52 Peter Patchin & Assoc., Inc. - appraiser fees - $1,186.57 Mr. Commers stated that he noted the new printout does not reflect check numbers. How does the record reflect what checks have been approved? Mr. Hansen stated the new system is set up so that after approval, the claims will go into the system and the checks will be typed. Mr. Commers stated he still.believed that for the HRA's minutes and records, there should be some way of identifying or controlling which checks have been approved. Mr. Hansen stated he did know the check numbers that will be set up for these claims that are to be approved by the HRA. Those numbers, including the two additional claims, are 2190 -2197. Mr. Hansen stated that from now on, he will record what check numbers will be put on the claims and let the HRA know those numbers at each meeting. MOTION by Mr. Prairie, seconded by Mr. Meyer, to approve the Expenditure Approval List as of February 6, 1992, check numbers 2190 -2197. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON COMMERS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. RICE PLAZA UPDATE: An update on Rice Plaza 1992 rent for informational purposes only. 8. REVIEW PROPOSED HRA NEWSLETTER: Ms. Dacy stated there will be a 3 -page insert with different style print in the upcoming newsletter pertaining to HRA items. HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MTG., FEBRUARY 13, 1992 - PAGE 4 Mr. Commers stated that in the article, "How TIF Works ", it states: "In 1988, the City of Fridley's City Council and Housing and Redevelopment Authority adopted a policy of returning to the school districts that portion of tax increment which is a result of school referendums." He stated he was not aware that the City had ever adopted a specific policy. They have practiced that, but they should not give the impression that there is a concrete policy. Mr. Burns agreed and stated that the wording will be changed. 9. PROPOSED 1992 TIF ACT: Mr. Burns stated he believed the Act is intended to rectify inconsistencies in previous law and make it more user - friendly. Jim Casserly and Dick Graves from the Minneapolis Community Development agency are recommending that the cities get back their LGA /HACA and cease to be penalized for lost LGA /HACA as they.set up new tax increment districts. He believed economic development districts have been taken out for the metropolitan area and the old renewal and renovation district that was added to the Tax Increment Law in the 1990 amendments has also been taken out. Those are the major provisions of the Act. Mr. Burns stated he believed this is essentially a Minneapolis North Metro Mayors' Development Association, Minneapolis Community Development Agency, and AMM proposal and seems to parallel the interests of all three groups. He stated he was Chairperson of the AMM Housing and Economic Development Policy Committee this year, and Jim Casserly wrote this year's TIF changes to the AMM policy which closely reflect the proposed changes. 10. CENTER. ONE CORPORATION PROPOSAL: Mr. Burns stated this is a proposal from Center One Corporation to construct a 90,000 sq. ft. shopping center in the southwest quadrant. Jim Casserly has done a preliminary analysis of the proposal, and the bottom line is that the proposal does not work. The project generates between $1.8 million and $2.1 million depending on what discount rate is used for present value. The project would generate about half what the HRA would be spending, and there is also the serious question as to whether they want another retail project at this time, especially in the southwest quadrant. Staff is recommending that the HRA not encourage this proposal. The HRA members were in agreement with staff's recommendation. HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MTG., FEBRUARY 13, 1992 - PAGE 5 11. JOINT MEETING WITH CITY COUNCIL: Mr. Burns stated that not all the Council members are able to meet with the HRA on March 12, 1992. The HRA and Council really need to have a joint meeting soon because the staff is working hard on a strategic planning process for housing. Before they get too far into the planning process, they need some more general guidance from the Council and the HRA. He stated -staff will continue to try to schedule a mutual meeting date. Mr. Commers stated that regarding the Maxfield Housing Study, he wondered why it is so different in Fridley than it is in some of the other communities in terms of rents and vacancies. There seems to be a big discrepancy. It might be interesting to think about doing something si r ar to what the Anoka HRA does-in-terms' of some of the subsidi with rent supplements. Sometimes, in order to keep buildings up and the rents at a market rent, the Anoka HRA will supplement the rents so the owners.will keep their properties in good repair rather than letting them deteriorate. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Mr. Meyer, seconded by Mr. Prairie, to adjourn the meeting. Upon a voice vote, Chairperson'Commers declared the motion carried and the February 13, 1992, HRA meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Respectfully s mitted, , yn Saba Recording Secretary a I v NQ�OMO01U.wIt. a 0 I z 1 B7 a 0 P tt7 N 0• .+ N 'O Q . . . ! O 1 P . Crj 8 4 0 MCD. 4 A 4 V; i7 w i Q i NOOK NIMONWO N a! It IL P a'0;In �0N M 1 1 ' ai PJ i 1 1 f I 1 1 1 ! 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 1 I z > ~ 1 i WWWW ~ 1 i WU+H H �I -t-i- 0 z 1 14 wfooL g¢¢ F H(AOOW }} W D I WZf¢t��J��iJJJ.J�L�}QOw�.�R!G.ii.G. ¢ iL ml B�MMRM 1 U I WOWH ;_iJ,J I W1 wczzaccccc B fL 1 A 1 LJHQ7771- 1-i-F- Q 1 i w I I } N I 1 a 1 i z NI ! \ 1 i A M I I O t ! �.UWI a�(0�-a00C0�y000 L N 1 i0 1 C7CdNNtNtlNttlCdlVNN in z m\7 1 1 U N I i w I 3 2 1 1 U z 1 1 O ! t LL cz I i \ L 1 1 Q 1 1 1 i 1 i i 1 1 1 amv10 1 i A a a a a I I H tG i~ANi~M 1 1 W �tiw AAAA I I QZCLdH 0000 I I H¢wHL.LO000 I I UMrz0)LL02 === i 1 tOAw1- 0 NJURUU)L) } 1 w i }- 4 i.- )— 3 ~i l- H t- t- H t ¢ I M. (a:):) wwww 0� i z i LC 00)- -AAA= V) O I F z>-L) J }zzzz M S t L" 1 Hw CCwWwww i- i 0 1 hiJ¢¢wJLit4.a O : i A i (aunxzWAwwww a ¢ 1 z 1 ief- HOXWHAAAA I w 1 HCWZCCXZZZz O Z 1 ' 1 LL CL L QMU L H H H H W I ! x 1 ! Cd LL i i 0 O I i OJw i ! 0 11 hi 0 W I i M E W 1 1 A I i CJ PINNPJNNCdNNN Q z i Y w 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ N 0. cam i UF- 1 NOMNNNNNNN &OW I W 1 NNOaaaaaaaa WO= I z A 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ce LL 0 1 U 1 aJ N M M M M M M M M M 1 I-A TOP. FRIDLEY H.R.A. FROM: CITY OF FRIDLEY ?I- RE-- BILLING FOR OPERATING EXPENSES FOR JANUARY & FEBRUARY, iniK AND JANUARY & FEBRUARY 19OXADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES ,I- ADMINISTRATIVE BILLING: [AN JAN/FEB ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONAL SERVICES 27.26200 JAN/FEB ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD 504.50 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE BILLING 27.766.50 0.00 27,766.50 COMPUTER BILLING: HTEnBM INTITIAL HARDWARBSOFTWARE MINI-COMPUTER (1992) 14,505.00 HTEnBM ANNUAL HARDWAREISOF7WARE MINI-COMPUTER (1992) 1,630.00 TOTAL ANNUAL MICRO-COMPUTER COST (1992) 703.00 TOTAL ANNUAL MICRO-COMPUTER COST (1991) 763." TOTAL COMPUTER BILLING 17.601.44 0.00 17.601." DECEMBER OPERATING EXPENSES: CORPORATE REPORT MINNESOTA BOOK -`92 FACT BOOK' FLOWERS - RASMUSSEN DELIVERY SERVICE DECEMBER MANAGEMENT FEE - RICE PLAZA ELECTRICITY - RICE PLAZA NOVEMBER FILINGS WITH ANOKA COUNTY SNOW PLOWING - RICE PLAZA ADVERTISING - HEARING TIF 4TH QUARTER COPIER ALLOCATION UTILITY BILLING - RICE PLAZA SIGNS - FOR LEASE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES FOR DECEMBER JANUARY OPERATING EXPENSES:- PHOTOS DUES - AEDC - DACY POSTAGE LUCHEON NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL REGISTRATION ARTHUR ANDERSON REGESTRATION - BURNS, DACY DELIVERY SERVICE SIDEWALK SALT INSURANCE - RICE PLAZA TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES FOR JANUARY FEBRUARY OPERATING EXPENSES FRIDLEY OFFICE PRODUCTS - 3 RING BINDERS TIME TO TRAVEL - BURNS - CONFERENCE MAR 28-APR 4 JANUARY MANAGEMENT FEE - RICE PLAZA ELECTRICITY - RICE PLAZA SNOW PLOWING - RICE PLAZA - 1-25 BID NOTICE - LAKE POINTE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES FOR FEBRUARY TOTAL EXPENDITURES 83.00 83.75 25.04 21&54 309.72 15.00 115.00 207.36 175.09 121.75 (3.51) 1,345.74 (1,345.74) 0.00 5.15 265.00 122.82 30.00 625.50 80.00 9.15 10.00 3,968.00 5,115.62 (1,154.26) 3,961.36 17.90 338.00 461.27 67.42 115.00 55.35 1,054.94 0.00 1,054.94 52,884.24 (2.500.00) 50,384.24 * A $2,500 CHECK PAYABLE TO THE HRA WAS DEPOSITED BY MISTAKE IN THE CITY ACCOUNT. 2 r � J Community Development Department HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY City of Fridley DATE: March 5, 1992 TO: William Burns, Executive Director of HRA FROM: Barbara Dacy, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Status of Joint Meeting with City Council It is my understanding that a joint City Council and HRA meeting will occur on Thursday, April 9, 1992, 7:30 p.m. at the regular HRA meeting. Topics to be discussed by the Council and the HRA are as follows: 1. Agree on tax increment financing policies 2. Identification of goals and priorities and review the Housing Plan process We are hoping to achieve 100% attendance from both groups for the meeting. BD:ls M -92 -150 3 � I Community Development Department D HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AiJTHORITY City of Fridley DATE: March 5, 1992 TO: William Burns, Executive Director of HRA, FROM: Barbara Dacy, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Rice Plaza Vacancies Jim Kordiak has contacted me regarding the possibility of potential tenants in the former Norge Village dry cleaning space. The City Manager asked me to conduct a cost benefit analysis of what it would take to refurbish the space and how quickly these costs could be amortized over a lease period. I will have that information at Thursday's meeting. Darrel Clark, Building Inspector, arranged for a contractor to provide us an estimate on refurbishing the tenant space. The space is in very bad condition and has not had any significant improve- ments since Norge Village occupied the tenant space originally. Our original estimates to repair only this space approximated $10,000- 15,000. We believe that it may be twice as much as that. Again, I will have detailed information for Thursday's.meeting. Also, we have authorized Jim Kordiak to hire Signcrafters to clean and repair signs for the former Children's Charm space and Metz Bakery. Also, the sign box for T's Hair Plus will be cleaned and replaced with a clear plastic sheet. Total costs for refurbishing the three signs is $1,067. As Jim notes, the signage will improve the appearance in front of the building. Two signs are empty, and one of the signs advertises a tenant who is no longer occupying the space. Because the signs are fixtures, they are the responsibility of the property owner. BD:ls M -92 -151 3 -k J Community Development Department PIANNwG DmsioN City of Fridley DATE: February 19, 1992 TO: William Burns, Executive Director of HRA FROM: rarbara Dacy, community.Development Director S.UWECT: Potential Tenants at Rice Plaza Jim Rordiak contacted.me today regarding two potential tenants to lease the former'Norge Village space in Rice Plaza. One is a health spa (exercise business). The other is a video store. They were looking for five year leases; however, Jim seems to feel that they may agree to a shorter term lease if the HRA pays for refurbishing the Norge Village space. Both are interested in the same space. As you recall, in order to do that, it may cost as much as $8,000 - 10,OQO. In our recent, budget discussion, the HRA was not enthusiastic about spending. that amount of- money given the redevelopment objectives of the site; however, a new tenant in that spot would improve the financial status of operating the building. Jim has investigated the background of each of the proposed tenants, and he feels that they would be solid companies. An immediate decision is not necessary, but Jim seems to feel they are interested in our site. We should discuss this at your earliest convenience. BD:ls M -92 -109 Vi nnn, nnnOoo The Kordiak Company 3948 Central Ave. N.E., Minneapolis, MN 55421 788 -9651 781 -9375 3 -B n Real Estate n Property Management n Appraisals n Income Tax Service February 21, 1992 Barbara Dacy Community Development Director Fridley Municipal Center 6431 University Ave. N.E. Fridley, Minn. 55432 Dear Barb, I have received estimates from two sign companies to clean -up or replace signage on the Rice Plaza Shopping Center which, as we have discuss, would improve the appearance of the front of the building. Presently the Cinnamon Skin Tan sign is damaged, two signs are empty and one advertises a tenant who is no longer there. As you can see from the information I have attached Signcrafters bid is lower then Crosstown in all but one cam. We are only responsible for three signs and Mau will pay for her own. She plans on using Signcrafters and each companies estimate assumes that they are doing all the signs at one time. I would recommend that we go with Signcrafters to include T's $296.00, Childrens' Charm $75.00 and Metz $696.00 for a total of $1,067.00. 1 am recommending the more expensive sign for Metz as both companies recommend it. I am told that the pan sign will insure that the bulbs are far enough away from the plastic to not damage it, it offers appearance and better visibility. Please review the information provided and call me regarding authorization to proceed. Terrie Mau is prepared to move ahead but will hold off her sign repair until we decide what action we will take. Sincerely, 4"im Kordiak 3-C d f e�C`1n r)e-L✓ -5'/9 h5 ..CT j -S 1,oys,do ✓ Ts e- ls,c d L-V S,15h Q C cT o o icy C $ 07- Mar -92 RICE PLAZA 1992 RENT- CHILDREN CHARM 250.00 250.00 HONG KONG KITCHEN 877.02 791.83 1,668.85 MY SISTER'S CLOSET 672.30 672.30 1,344.60 CINNAMON SKIN TAN 5,600.00 900.00 6,500.00 RAPIT PRINTING 1,076.00 1,076.00 2,152.00 8,225.32 3,690.13 11,915.45 TOTAL 8,225.32 11,915.45 11,915.45 YEAR TO DATE 3 -D J 4 Community Development Department HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY City of Fridley DATE: March 5, 1992 TO: William Burns, Executive Director of HRA FROM: Barbara Dacy, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Mississippi Street Improvement Project According the attached correspondence from Anoka County, Anoka County is anticipating an early to mid -July bid opening for the Mississippi Street improvement .project and an August 1, 1992, start date. I will be notifying affected property.owners in the near future regarding the project start date. We had. originally thought that Anoka County would start in the spring. However, that is not the case.. BD:ls M -92 -152 MINA,E Sol' February 24, 1992 4 -A COUNTY OF ANOKA Department of Highwa }s Paul K. Ruud, Highway Engineer 1440 BUNKER LAKE BLVD NW, ANDOVER, MINNESOTA 55304 612- 754 -3520 Mr. Elliott Ruhland Minnesota Department of Transportation Metro District 2055 North Lilac Drive Golden Valley, MN. 55422 RE: SAP 02 -606 -08 Mississippi Street (CSAH 6) at University. Avenue (TH 47) Dear Mr. Ruhland: Enclosed, please find the following information for the above referenced project: 1) Original plan set (signal plans omitted). 2) A copy of the Engineer's Estimate. 3) A copy of the pavement design calculations. 4) A copy of the storm sewer calculations. 5) A copy of Resolution Number 87 -13 requesting Mn /DOT participation in the project. 6) A copy of the Plan Review Sheet required by the State Aid Office. 7) Redlined plan sets from previous Mn /DOT review. This submittal is a follow -up to the March 27, 1991 plan submittal and incorporates all previous comments. Please note that the traffic signal system plans are being prepared by Mn /DOT under the direction of Gary Ries as contracted with-Edwards and Kelcey. The signal plans are to be included with these plans for a single letting. _ We hope that the process for a cooperative agreement can begin. We anticipate a early to mid -July bid opening with a project start date of August 1, 1992. Please conduct the necessary reviews of the attached plans so that we can achieve this schedule. Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer 1 • 4 -B -2- If you have any questions or need any additional information, please let me know. Respectfully submitted, Douglas W. Fischer, PE Design Engineer xc: Elmer Morris - Mn /DOT Metro District (Oakdale) „a&lor �WioEn`rde dmh /1MNDOT 4 M4R- -' -"32 MON 14:4!5 T I MCO CONST . TIMCO CUNSTRUCTICIN9INC. GENERAL CONTRACTORS / CONSTR'UMON MANAGERS March 9, 1992 Mr. Darrell Clark Building Inspector city of Fridley 6431 University Avenue Fridley, SIN 55432 Re: Renovation of Vacant Site 236 Mississippi Street Dear Darrell, P- 01 per your request, we have prepared a preliminary estimate to renovate the above referenced site to a condition ready to lease. The work required would be as follows: 1. Complete demolition and removal of all partitions, f loorcovering, ceilings, mechanical and electrical. 2. Repair and replacement of perimeter drywall. 3. Acoustical ceiling for approximately 75% of the overall space. 4. Unfinished rear area for storage approximately 25% of the total space. 5. New carpeting and painting in the front area. Paint all walls in rear area. No floorcovering in rear area. 6. Provide new exit corridor and exit door per code. 7. Mechanical per attached letter. s. Electrical per attached letter. 9. General conditions and contractors fees. -1- 9421 WEST RIVER ROAD - MINNEAPOLIS, MV-; VESOTA 55444 - 424 -8444 3 MAR- 5 -52 NON 1 4= 46. T I MCO CONST P _ O2 Following is the approximate cost breakdown for the required work: Demolition and removal $ 50000.00 Drywall $ 2,500.00 Painting and floorcovering $ 6,000.00 Exit corridor and exit door $ 1,000.00 Acoustical ceiling $ 2,000'00 Mechanical (per attached letter) $11,546.00 Electrical (per attached letter) $ 51000.00 General conditions and contractors fees S 5.000.00 'dotal $381046.00 This estimate is a ballpark estimate based on site inspection by our team of experts and verbal instructions-from the City of Fridley. Actual costs could vary by plus of minus 10$. Assuming a 10 capitalization and renovation costs of approximately $40,000.00, it would require somewhere around a two year lease term to recover the costs of the space. Realistically, when considering additional leasehold costs that would be required by any potential tenant, a three year lease period would probably be required to make an agreement amenable to both the City and any potential tenant. If you have any questions, please contact me. to be of assistance to you in this endeavor. Sincerely, Timothy E. McKee President Timco Construction, Inc. TEM /sjj -2- We are pleased MARC— a -92 MON314:4T TIMCO CONST MAR -5 _92 THU 1 4: 5= G I L- 73EP -T M a c H A N I CAL FAX TRAUKTTIL DATE: EAfESZ / (Inc =us THIS TRmsmTTAL 38==) ndM: � EESSAGE: R _ 03 ,MOTS: xf sou did aae Yecelve all COPLOS plea le notify seadex at once. s TV 3 MAR— 9 -92 m0" T I MCO GONST - 03/06/92 11:42 2 612 421 7214 LEHN ELECTRIC 214 E, Main St. + ANOKA, MINN. 55303 Maroh G, 1.992 Tim MUKes Timoo OonetructiOn 9921 West River hoed M-+le . , MN 55444 Subject: 286 His oirsippi Street. - Fridley P- @4 LEHN ELECTRIC P.02 The following 1.0 a prellmit urV lareAkdOwn for the proposed electrical work for tenant finialting at 230 Misaiazippi Street, Fridley to include the following; ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING RESIDENTIAL- 00MMER0IM AUTOMATIiONt 5 PARKING QATES 612.421 -2026 Dema, and removal of the uld existing conduit boxes. disconnect switch, VanOID, liglit fixtures ato . r, xIt: lit p;C . 15 - 2x4 4 tube layin fl"Oreacent fixtures with enorgY saving WlagtO Arid I-MMIM 4 - 8' open tube strip With onergY etaving ballaat:e and IAmps Fr.11. ] i ght s with bat•t or-y 1•►t clk-111) 2 Smargency l ights=a with lia tte ry backup 2 - Single pole raw4 A -0 -JAS 12 Duplex reeel, tacle+ec I - GFI receptacles on roof C; i =ui t i a And osltxu aUm of -L 1 -• S tan roof t:np HVAC tali t y Bat hroon, e+xhs k'At fAn i - 120V electric water hcater, 1 - J--box with 1200 circuit at:, jd> ok1ti ©f the epaoe for future tenants Qi Sri Alao imc ludQA; Ble►ct,rai cal permit, and •fe►e'4 Sales tax DOnao 1 i. t i ors Temporary 11 ght i ng BAS BU4