PL 05/12/1959 - 6685�; li :, t�. .L ss Sa A�aExnA �►�rr��c ca�ssio�t ��rn�c May �.2, 1959 Tuesday 0 �.. Canaidera�ion of F�ico Craek Dam F1at, and se�tir� datQ for u pnbl3.c hearing. 2. Can�ideration of Lync�ale Bui2ders� Flat� and sQt�in� date for a pubZ�.c hearingo 3a Consideration of the VanCleve Flat in Aud�tor�s Subdiv�.sion 9�. !t. �:cnsid�ration of possib3e future roads, west of 1i.ne be�saaen , ��a�t F�aver Rc�ad ar.d ihe �issi�aippi R�.vex�, north of blcth �l�y, �J3x1� �.52 :t$e . South h&r.2f Of S6Ct? OII 150 � �„ �onsada���tion of Carlson�� Parkvie�r Oaks Addition,� in tha seu�;h h�I.f' oi Section 2?�, and sa�itir_g date for pubZie heax�ing;, � PAUi, S .GAT�'..,� GENER�L Ciit�iTRi�.AN PI,AN?TIAiir CO�L�i±SSIQN � � � o�xc� xoTZ�� c��t oF ���r PUBL�C H6R,RiT�i4 BL'F'QRE � PtiA��21TI�K} C(��S�ION .�.._, — - TO ir'H�*� IT 1�IIAY CONCERN: Natice fs tu�rek+�r gzven tha,� th�:ra wi�. ba �. m+�e��ng oi the P�.anni+� Co:ranissian oi �lie Ci�y oS F�,idley�x 3.n �he C�.�y Ha33 at 62�31 LTniversity Av�nue Iv.E., on 2uesdza�y� Mey l�s 1959s � the Ceuncil Chaanber a� 7=3a P.I�i., Por the purw pose ot: Considera�i,oa of �o�s�.ble propo�ari �.•aaccw2�s in �hat ar�a we�t of Es�t t�iver Road and th� :2ississ3ppi R�.tac�r= bo�:nded on �hz south by Lo� ��r17 and on the north by Lc►ts f�12 �r.d ,�25, aZl iyin� in the �oiith +� of �eation 25, ?a�nshi.p 3�s Ran�e 2?�� Anr�ka Goun�y. As�yone desiring to b� heard wi'�h reSe�nce �c the abo�e matter Wi.13. be hea�d at �his nties��?�go PdUL SEG2IER OEI3E?3AL CHA.iiiMAl� PLAIV:VZI+IC3 CO��TMIISSIO�T