PL 05/26/1959 - 6686;��-,�� � � AaBNDA � ;'•:t�� � ��.r?� -! i:: ,r_a;�y� I;�t, M�}r 26, 1959 Ta�escis�y 1. Ca�sidssat.iaat a� paropased w�•�aurth million dollar industrial l�,y�o�nt site to� Yan Bri Imroel�eat Camp�►! to be si.tustsd ou l�ai.n 9taceety aorth of' 1�LsaiseippS Street. 2• Caoasid�eicet�oa� of proposerd Ri.ce Cs�eek Dam Plat, s�ame bsin6 Parte o! Lote 1 a�d 2� Ravi�ted Anditor�e 3a�bdi.v3aian No. IOf aituated fn a�o�h +� af 3eo- tian 13s T•30s R-24� Anoka Oqunty; turther d�$arl.bed as lyirg bet�aen 3t,iasa�t Baulsvaurd on east, Central Avenwe on v�eati Cou�y Road H on north� an�d Riae Cres�c oa south. 3. a. Coneideration o� p�oposed ?�yriclale Builders� l�th Addi.tion� Iat 9 and perta o! Lat lo, Auditor�e 3ubdivision Aio. 155, sstuat.ed in sout�h � o�' Seati� 23, T-3�s R-21t, Anoka Couaty, iying south of State Ai�hWay 100 and i�ediately east ot 7tha b. Addit%nal aonsidaration for the petition oP vater, se�er� sad straet i�apo�o�rea�euts. � i�, Consideratio� ot propo�ssd easesaent or road dodication in Ost�n 3� Addi- tioad, involving acceaa to v�arious lote t,hsrein, aa�me addit,ion being bound� ei c� north by Nickory Dri�re' 70th Way on south� 8ast Ri�v�er Ro4d on �eat� and �orti�srn Parcific and Gresti Nort.hern traata on east, a12 lyirig in the aouth � ot Section 10, T•.3p, R•Zl�, Anoka County. � 5. Coaaeideratio� af poeed eub-divieiooa oY Riae Creek Flaaa� North Addit3a�, located ia aorth �ot Sectioa 14, T•3�s R•2lt� Anolca County, better d�eso aribed as ],ying bet�een T.N. 56 o�n east� Rice Cresic on soro►th, P�'ojecticn narth ot Mairt Street on �sst, aad North Section li� on nos�th. 6. Coneidsratt�irnr► o� psopoeed l.�arkvie�t Oake� 1st Additiou, situated i.a soath � aY S�ctiaa 24, T•30, i�2lts Anoka CountY, ],yin6 north of Higi�y 100 sud east ot Parkviev Hei.ghts Addit.i,on i.a Auditor � a Subditrisio� Ho. 25. 7. Fnrtt,sr canaideration ot the pacopoaed resoning to ca�msrc3al ti� arsa b�- � tttrosn University Av�eut,e and 5th Strbet' aouth a� l+tissiaaippd.• S. Cooaideratian od' sn ordinanae smending the plattfa� a� to increaee !►he fesa �lor ex�airatiaon o! n�v plat�. 9. Bequ�s� tor resoning traa reeident�ial to R•2, and fro,a C-1 to light it�dus- tri,q],, t,hs pacnperty lyin�; b�txeen Fitr�e 3treet and Cent.ral Atrernie; by Leoesard Coohran. 10. Coosid�rat3ots ot letter Yran ths Plaaterin� Ser�ri.cs Ccmps�a�s b7 Soy�r P�]�er, ' raqnssting so�ting !'rom re�dsntisl to co�ercial, porti.on a! Benoaet�Palme=' Addttioa� � bloak esst ot Uni.veraity Av�enue. �. R� � � a_ ]1. Ca�icb:'at►i.o� of' Wyman 3mithta Cert3ficate ot Sur�neya eame beiang portian af Lot llt� Hrookviei► Additiau, l.yir� bet+neen Luci.a La�e .on east and Higha xap/ 65 oa ths �at� tor buildis�g permit xithout caaapliance �ith platting ordt�ae. 12, Consideratian oi revised regoniz� oY ttze south 396 feet oY the narth ?2b feet of the aoutheast � at thg nortitest �, Section 3.2, eommonl,y kna�m as t;,he Pl�ts Brooks Pro rtq by cha�np;i.n�; the sconing of pa�rtiale therein f'r�o�► e C23 (Loaal Shoppdrig fi,o M.•1 and other partials thereiu frasn M�1 to G2S, eaid property beirt� tbquasted betxesn Hi�i�ar�y �65 anci Central Aven«e at rapp�ccximately ?ItO� Central Avenueo ' � Cammi.saian n _, a ^ ; �u � a� ; '�O PLANA:II�' CCd�,i�SSIQN MIl4tiT8S May 26� 1959 a. Cansides�atior� of proposed Lyndale Bu�.3.rlsrs, l�th �.ddit�.on. bi �dcli�ional conai.derata.on for the petiiczon oi^ waf�s, se�r, and s�re�t amprovem�e�ts, I�lr. Harv�ay Ratner� Seeretary of Lyndate Bui�.ders� �ras p�se�i �c pra�ent pl.at plan.. ThQ En�ineer explai.iz�d revised I,y�cia7.s Builders � P].at. On propo�a3. of sewer� �he Ez�eer po�a�d out that �his �dhale area t�i3�. be bg petition� and presented le�tar r�ques�;ing petition. ^ Mr. Rat�er sta�ed fi.hat e Builders wauld lie Lyndal payia� �rater hook�np ^. oharges �or that uncompieted parrt�,3.on of �aicer mai.n� and t�at Nir. alcxver ha$ ser�ar and �rater an, south af this aectioa in Te�nple Terrace. Mr. Rai� ner also sta.ised that th�ey wauld 1.�.ks tc start buildir�g consf.ruct%n �r1.�Y,h- . in the y+ear, by mesns of F.H.L. and V.A, Ioans; and that evalwatiaaa fi- �e had beea set at $l, 500.00 ari acre, with f�otai acrsa�e o�' ap�rox�- ��Y 9 a+ares. A motioa xas m� by Plr. Fon�si.� to accePt P�'� P� aa is, vith �000.00 to be set seide �'os park p�rposea. Seco�ded,bq 1Kr. Srsv3k. Catrried. Ae there wae ao one el� t.o be heard oa t�i.s ma�G.► f.ers Mr. Segner called hearimg to a close. � Harrg A. Sirciunan Secx�B�ary P�ning G�sia� - ,--,,. • of' F 6431 �. Cc � -ftice being Revis� �Q: 1 half � ��_�. of:` ---��'�, . :`�` ,_:�.r � •�ek Dam Pla� arts of Lots _1' �iuditor's . Su� Situated in'noY �'� ' of_ Section' 1 (��i'W':i:f;:£t.�., 't��t:�� ; �i�Y �, ����Y ���ij ��+' �i,���l��'i �.S:ab'�� •,� r�� t� Pi�.�ii��i�i`^tr CG3'�?''L5S is �e� L"��r �;il �n ��a�.� Lt�� �� �-,�.17. bu G r�.e� �:..+�; o:: ��f� l+I'a'C' I.I� C-�� ,.'�.� i,i r�� i�� v� +� �:.i Lhiv V� ��y I'awd..�. ���s I�T,�ny c;:� T�t�s�?^-,�'J �'�:�' 2�,� '?1��x �.?? UFaW ���z�?�:t. � �fl�" 'L'i:6 �',!.`.`i 0�� 0 :: ther� described as Iying be= -� e. `rs ���a-i �' � '�,".� i i;.a.. � ��li� r.�w�:: tween Stinson Boulevard on ������-- �^��-�� � �= ������ �'� �" I � � ¢ east, Central Avenue on west �� �,�, � i;5 L?�" � C1 v� �. ��?r� � y ��'�+`���'� �'w�-=��'" �� ���"' � Cqunty Ro�d,"•H„ can nortk�, �V'�.53.�}T2 ��C3a �`Ja e�� �.ri��.4.�srL� "1.3? iirJ?'LI% OiP�P^�,w �� � �:.' and Rice Cree� o� soutYi. r�x , � , R '� �p'cLi�;,� `'�L:.L''is r` � : : < `���? bI: �.�- .��;;�a 3`�...."1;�,� ��;.s s,�;7.C�; � .,:'C '2. Consideration of proposeri �,Cz'2�GC�t u,� �;,7':L?i..; k;3'�Yw"wc i2 �;u'�^w'�J3�. y3GU.�.��T�.'r4M �i? G�: �,�., ti naLot 9 andparts4of Lot10;:�iivi2...[. t��al�.'.Z.E; C''s1 T�i,�...'">��;� �ii7'-.;.�'`u',� £c{?w� ';�sti C3?1 _2��.+{°1��;�, r?":d Auditor's Subdivision 'No. 155, l.�� �'s°t3��' �"1 �^�).wEa situated in south one-half ('/z i , of Section 23, T-34� R-24�- C, , . . a ,.,, ,.,� ., a ,. ^- r'.,^} �,'+� i `# y,�- ° t +', , , oka County, lying sou of �"�"'.�.��.E'� w.z"'3 G�. T�w U�3�.++7''r:L �.a; ' i.�c.».C3 � Ci,�'s,, � r�. �� �:�.� �; � w. �.t'1n ;� ,,�r, j,� i+�' iy � i e, e. ei � i -� c 7�'>t State Highway 100 and uri- �.G's?; ,��7w � a.i3 � �".. �' ��u <�� � L.�.i'�3;� � .a=.....c 'sT �.. mediatel east of 7 �±�! " � ' � y �• �� � 7.i.s s�.t�i?�v.-'"au :�.:.1 wWiti'�sl Ltx"e`����� � � as� �.� .zC�`u?.v � '„r, 3. Consideration of proposedr,�j�,� F��?i�� Fii3�tT�C�1. ��'�i'v;�'� "�y.i.�(; �(?=�+�,:,'! t��' S;:•�;;� r;?.�i1�.- Parkviaw Oaks, lst Addition .�r �,�� 4 z7t.�. �t1;Pl£e��.�,,'���.� ��.c� v n:fA � ut''. � situated in south one-half `of. Section 24, T-30 R-24 Anoka -• • County, lying . north of High- 'r=S:idL'.y �i �.�ii1 �.� �i'�����;C�. t�c'�,.�°�L�7�.��? C�=��:� ..i.�L � 1 ::.'v.; ^;,'? •. way 100 and east of Parkview U;�3'G-�C� ...:1 NO��i:�l O�Iv�i�^� Qw~ ��C'u�.C�: ��.�; `�.'-��f�' E{—'�;a fieights Addition in Auditor's �.� � , � •-< � 3-, � � "` a�� ci T- � '7 � �a �,^-� � ' Subdivision No. 25. �iv �5.. 0 iI'.tu�j �-.�'Z ..� Oi �fi �:� -�ab 3.;t:.,,i i�� r..r:��. �: a, � �...�."ji�? �t�T ti4::;1.c%±"Lir,c".S tq G'`..!'.3. ti:?.�•'1 :3.;3 F;:s��.'�'iGM' � f°.r �'ii��t.'::i.�.�?_C;:: S`.t5:f �;a c: 4. Consideration of proposed easement or road dedication �����i..Y ���,.�i,� �i �,�� ���w�� ��yv��� v ��" y �c ����u��: � � i-� ,,�- f -., q �• �. r�', ; a- c�? in Ostriman 3rd Addition, in- , . � volving- access to various lots �3 Z}S'��?�W? ,�i��� ��C�C�:!•'�i�-6i!= :� 2Z��'�� ��.�+c; ���'��� �'� ��''-�'`�� ` � �' therein, same addition being �i"L�?; �ci[i? �.G�'? �,�.�i3 't?� :s"'.�; bi3t;2,1,��i�.e GY'i Yli7�-u'_`i �??f �i's.a �_�.i�`�' 3t? bounded on ihe north by Hick- ��.'iiFJ3 ��'`vi� �.,;�,�,s �'F3 uF'Jt;'i.;f3y ��.r G Rl't''�:�' �i'.C3�',� G3i ?:c :'�;,� �,s4�� ory Drive, 70tM Way on south, , a. ,� �, .- �.� " .� - i . ��, � East River Ro�c�on west, andjt3. �'w�. �»`:�'.3 G:"U''..4n,e� %�t�?''�'�1G'�w"i3 t'�'�.C�� �:t• �c"''!'°; `.a."i 'i'�".�"�, ''�. No. Pac, and Great Northerri �Cl�.v�? �i's]::��2���` �'�` u; C�,1�3� ��,� '1"���3? a��-'��„� �ls�`�.c. Gvt�;��,�'4 tracts on east; ;all lying in i south- one-half of Section 10;' � � r � ^y �� r � �, ,� � i�. „ • .� �,,F '�" ; ,, t^ „ ,t,. T-30� R-24, Anoka County. C}�?v:J.Ct�W �3.i+...�'. tJ�.' � C�;.;cc.. �tt.� -C�3.. 7 ai0�„ ti�. ;:�.��.:. �a•�.'..�. 4. Consideration of prapRSed 3�`"'`� ���1"`'�i� �,'?C�+.'� '��.t3�i, ��Cci �� C�'. xi2 31flX`u�El C:1�'�i2�,', �:f.� :3a; Lt�C� sub-division of - Rice_:. Creek �..�i1 �.�„� i��t}; i�.;:���_,� �,;,z�?;� �vt�k�.ls;f'; �a'Qi;i;L-'.,:' £�°^:: :�vC� a'�..5 Plaza, North Addition,. located��j,�s� '��'��3'�a�: i,�IJ. �s�J G?"T �c'i.�vy �1C� Ct�`�C:� L'�P3 �f7tl'ug3� �3a'A� in north one-half � of•^Sectian 8C �:tLT':� 1�G2'U�3 G� �•3.�:,;.� T� �i;,�� :'G i3"r'2 t� .��� �,�� ���'''i.:2 ��CiiG'.,'i 14, T-30, R-24, Anoka Gounty, ,� better . described as lying be- �-�W ail 3'ifl?''�'�w twQen T.H. 56 on East, Rice Creek on south, projection � ����:C113�:; �Ca �� �.E2�."E� '�T.Li+�� �"�.'��''�"G?iC9 '�',O �i3ti ���t�s1 �.�riorth of Main Street on west, •and NoTth Section line on u" ��"`�' �'����-'��' north. .. _ . PsaU� ��GP�R� C�E;�iE1�rs:� G1-���'�.�;.Y Anyone de.sir�ng ; to . be heard' ., , y.. ,, . � with reference to the above mat�i �'s�F''-t�lT�'dG C�1'L�'='S�(�:`'� : ter will be heard at this meQting. PAUL SEGNER . V �� ' � GENER:4L CHATRMAN " PI;ANNING COMMISSION PUBLTSHED: May 21, 1959 -� . _ . __�,�r. _, �%�� �� ,� � /� .S �1 � ' t ,�'QU��")! �,C�Ap ``�-.��` -.___.._..___...__.__..____.._._._.----._--___._.._..._.�..._..._.. _._.__._.. _ . - ---- .._ .`� ��� � � � �.� � l�� 118 i �� I2O r , ,, , , � /�4 �Y T�l �! � � � � L � ,� ? � � �, � :� � �t'� SC �,� , ��Y-� t �, a �Avl��'�, � �� � ���� ���� r � 1 d � a � • �..�` � C.�� ��� ;� + _- ..__...- - _ } �,� Z.. � � � � �.���� �� ��o�� .�'J . 1 �.� Q � �� �-� � � � � <�� � �: �; � �t�` 4._ � ► � MAY 2 6 1959 # � .._...._.._... , .. vo, ���►�:� ���5�`� ��c �� . '�� � `� �M � � � � � � rr � � � �/ / 9 s�� :,.,� �; � I s ' ti 2 �� � � � � �� � i xAN�R � � Z.�N 1�R w � � r �_� � � � � � � 1 f i G�►vv �Rt� o7�s � � �rvo�t���. 3 • �o � 8 i � g �qvw; . � ` �t �a� ��t ... _� � W._._. _ _ �O � � _ ��� .. _v� _ ..�... _. _....__ _. � � r.._ . _ W �.�.. � . �,� � �� �} � ! 9�J �.�: � � ' � � t ! ��r?ei�'L.+,,.. � � r�,, ! � ,�'s E �'� � r�+ � � � . �fv-' � i ..._............_V....__�..�...� , i / �,� �� �-°_�.... � � ' � f1 � ' � � ; ��� + �.�_ . _ � _ . ___ _. _� _ � ► ��� �.�.; � _ � . ---. = r�:�_._..._. �, _., , t � ;,r ' , ._; ...._.._.._._ �...Y. :� �- .3....,.�_ __....__.�. ........... � ..., . __ . � _ ..._...� .�' � __ _ .�..._. .' � � �� .... _ _..... � � .._.�.._... t $ i ?`i:.c.L �, � � � j `� , � —�---- �- � � A � ��' � � , �:.?_ �' �� �� � �� � � , � ► �, � i _ ������ �41'L 1U t.�;° �..._.�._� _._.._..._._....__.�._,.....�.,._.M._....._..... .�__._--- - 0 MAY 2 6 195t� '