PL 07/14/1959 - 6689_ .N--y
/ �
f a1.�.
au�,v �., 1959
?:3o P.M.
lo Conaideration of reqnest by EErnest :�Iadsea, for exchange of one Zot, describ-
ed as being the south 92 feet of ou�lot 2, Rice Creek I'�.a�a Soui;h Adclition,
now desi�na.ted as park poroperty, for Lot 30 and the �ou4h 1q feet of Lot �i?
Block �t, Lo�nell Addition; and the designation of such Lot 30 and said pc�rtion
of Lot 31� as fu�ure park property; and re�oning �o I�2 (mu?tiple dw�
of the said sau�h 92 Peet of said outlota further described a.s bowlded by
TMnity Road on the west, 2nd Street oa the east, all ?yin� north of Missisp
sippi Street, within ihe City of Fridleyo Public Hearir�o
2, Considerati.on of Erco�e propoaed �eadowlands, 2nd Additian,, bounded on the
north by 68t.h Str�et, on the w�est by Jaekson Stree�, on the south by P�eada�rr-
landa Addition north of Mississippi Street, and on the e�sic by Abls Street�
aitua.ted in the north half of Seation llas T-30a R..2l�, Anotca County9 rlinneaotao
Public Near3sig o
3o Cons3.cieration of Lampert Lumber Caaapa�y praposed plat lying south oF Oaborne
Road' w�est oY Highw�y #65: said pla� consisting of the nor�th part oi the east
� 4b acrea of the �+eat half of the N.�10 4 of Section 12, T�30, R-22�, Anoka
COUnty, Mixi.nesOta.• Pub13C Hearin�e
Z�o Consideration of re$oning in ar�d adjacent to the proposed Rice Craek P1.aza
North Addition, fraa presentlp existing $oaiag as i.ndicated on the City oi
Fridley Zaa�.t� Map dated May 1� 19590
a4 To consider proposed reaoning of eaf.sting R�3,
lying w�est of Unlveraity Av�euve, the saare be
N.6�. � of the N.W, 4 of Section llt, lying nort
R-1 (residential) $oninga
b. To conaicler the proposed resoning of the south
mately, of the S.Wo � of the S.W. � of Seation
M-2� and R�1� ao that the east 200 feet of the
�aaat 230 feet o� the esst 1�30 %et vould be M-
anae of the area to the t�est, approadmately ??
M-1, and Nk•2 zonea9
ing that p�rt of the
h of Rice Creek9 to
19260 feet appro�ci=
119 froan R-3, M�19
same Would be R-3, ths
1 soni.r�gs and the bal-
0 feet9 vould be M�2
a. To consider the proposed rezoning of the NoEo 4 of the N�,}:d � of
Sectiasi 15� 1Ying easL of the Northern Pacific-.Great Northerm right�
of-s�ta,y, approzimately 200 Yeet north of Rice Creek, frosn M••1 and M-2
to P and R�1 districts.
All of asme being in T�30, R-21�, Anolca County, Minnesota. Pubiics Hearingo
s, Conaideration of amendmenta to the zonit�g ordinance to percni.t the installam
tion an3 operation of trai2er parks on the follart�ing described propertisss
a. I,ot 38, Auditor�s Subdivisi� 39s loc�tted gen�rally north of 37th
Avern�s, betueen Marshall Stxeet and 4he East River Road,
b, On part of ths south 396 feet of the nor�ii 72b feet of ihe S.E. �
of the N.W. � of Ssctian 12� the same being propex��y adjacent to
�he Fireeide R3.ce IIowl. Public Hearing.
6. Consideration af request by Dr. John P. Ke].ly� Mae KeLZy, George I�. T.oitz,
Ra�pm�nd Dusos�y, and L.A. Halversons fpr rezoning from R..1 (residentia7.) to
C+ol or Cr1S (co�msroial) of Lots 1 through, Block 13, F�.e P�t`k Addi$�tOA�
�he same being the lots on the xsst sicie of �.ich Sixeet N,E., soutih of bOth
Avenue N.Eo Public Hearing.
7. Corisideration of request bp Boyer Palmer� Yor rezo�ixig from residential �o
commerc3.a7., poa►tion af the I3ennott�Palmer Addition, � block east of IIni�ersi�y
Avenue� further descr3.bed aa b�ing Lots 1 through 5 inclusive, in Block l�� and
Lots l throiagh 1t inclusive� in Block 3, and Lots 10 and 21, a.n Black 13� Hyde
Park Additia¢�� and others as abov�a named, o� prapericy between 56th and 60tih
Avenuss� Un�.vers3ty Avenue, and the eas� side of' lith Street, ali sit�zated in �
the north � of Section 23, T•�30, R-2.�., i�noka Gounty, Minnesotao
8o Consid�ratiaal of request by ieonard Cochran, for rezaning from residenti.�]. �Go
^ R,�2� aad i'ra�m C_1 to light industrial� Lot 15, Auditor � s 88, ean�
bei�ng th,e pa�operty 1y3x�g betWeen Pierce Street and Central Av�nue.
9. Consi.deration of ttzs propoaed Standard Oil� south of Osborne Road, and
taest of H3.�hway #65, lyin� in the n�r�h � of Seation 12.
10. Further consideration of the Harstad-Aberg Property, on the mat� of resoning
and street extension dedication� described as bounded on the west by Ci�annel
Roada east by Hi�;h�ray #65� bet�teen Miesissippi Sf.reet and 68th Avenues Iying i�
the north � of Rec�ion 1�, T-30� R-22�� Anoka County, Minnesata. Notes April llt,
1959, wae date of ].ast consideration.
11. Conaideration af request by Cy
ixig� to I�1, Lots 8, 9, and 10,
I�►de Park Addition, situated
Note to Flannir�g Ca�runiasiou:
Koshi.en� for fram R�2� multlple dxell-
Block 28a and portion of Lots l, 2� 3� 83.ock 28,
in t%e S.W. corr�er of Uiti.versity and 58t�h Avenuas
Thers wwi.Il be a specisl meeting
feea� and furtiyer aonsideration ths employt�en� af a
aEx�t cx�►�x
on JuZy► 21, 1959, '�� coasider City pla�'�ing
as to ,flitu�e City Hall, as well as discuasioa
p�;anning cor�su3.tamt o