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PL 03/03/1959 - 30043
PI.,F�liI�ING COP�l: a�10h t�RIIyG �.�'�CH 3. lg5° � I�eting was c�11�d to or�e�r at 7:45 �,��o �.=:i'�h Ck�.i��n So�n�r gresidin�. � N'�bere preaent D�,y, Krav3.k aizd Gity £�-��;:zna�� eri-�h r.�bers Fontaine and Epr.ner absen�, The f3xs� item consf@c�red was '�ho P.R�i't��E� PR;�:i�L^:�P�F►i�Y FLAT 0�' PARTS OF L0�": '7 ANA By AUDITORoS SUBAIVI5IOP3 �h` 94 I.Y'TNG t��� TIiE NQRTH AND S�UTH STDE OF 53+�' AV�UE, NOftTHEAaT, BL�.'4JELN Jt�I-iIvYSGI� l��i� k'i�T.,f�'iORN STRE�"tS, TO BE KI�O'+�tN AS 9'HF SWANSTROfi�SS ADDTTION. r�ro Mulharde� u�1c� A�r.. S�ansfixom were present fi�o outline -their proposal, A�r. r�nd t�se b!aliey were g�•esen� and gava 'che3r approval of the reloca�ion of the 50 foo-t cul do suc wz�th shrub terrace for prof,eation agains�t soil erosion. l�ir, k�:i.11�:.am Shiold� �ras pres�ni �o discusa eccess ability, but hac3 no objectiana to �lie propouod p].at. Nrc. Rqy Iianson, ormer of Lot 5, tias presen� wii:h no objECtions to tiho proposad plat. Mo�ioa wae made by Kravik, seconded by Day, und carr3eda �;o •rccom�uend approval t.o Council, Hearing olosod. The second item considered was ��he Pt�.UP45E� PRELINiIAiARX PLAT OF' DAHI.B�G DZVTSTON, laeing a propos�d subdivision af Lot 1, Auditor°s Subdivision # I08 lying be�ween 75�h Avenue and Gr�ondaga J'V;C@�'ri «G$'l, oP Stins9on Boulevardo Mr. Dahlberg was presen-t �o explsii� his at•i.encpt at socuring th� necessary easements required by the Planning Corzmi�siot� report of rebrutiry 17. Mro 4li11iam Flannexy, owner oi Lo� 6, oxn,.PSSC�d hia willingness t.o make t,he necess�ry dedica�ion �xtending Eae � f� o�� �� thu:t Street over to the Mil1�r Property. Mr, Oscar 3ohnson �rr�� ri� esc��-t �i,o �xp,: os� hia willingness to dedica't:� the eurne por�ion of his pra��r�ty for ��:� oc��; purgosas. Na�. I�iller, owner of /-1 �ot 2! Auditoros Subd3vision #�.a8, �ras p�usont and s��'�od Lha.� he waa egainst street dedica•�a.on i'� om t,hQ Idorth sido of his %ot 2 rand th3.a proposed plat by reason of the f�ct t,ha� such e�uer�n� c.=ould causo new homsa to be bui.lt up whieh would deprecia�a thQ �il.ufl oi h:�s horv and �rould make �ne 8ssessmenta greater than the valuc�tion of 'clzo p� caen�t lat as �reil. N�r. Segner stated that without A�. Mi.11eros dedication the �Lroe� ��u�d bo a dead end and the P].aar►ing Coauaission �ould not �o along with �,ha�� Tr� . 1�orn k'oulmerr, owner of Lo� 39 Rudii�.or°� Subdivision # 10�, w�� presen4 to express hie �though-4s wi�h reference to easemenic shoti�n on p3.at as exis�tin�;, hut hacl ].acked knoc,�ledge as to whet�er �he oasement had been �ranted to �he C�,��y o=_� so��o other abuic�,in� property avner a � Mr. D�,h].berg advised that proposed ded3.cai�io�� for streets aould be givari t�om Lats 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 of �uditor'� �ubd3.visian # 1290 Nr. Segner, C��r�sn oP tho Board, reques�:ed tY.�. Nii].ler t,o seeure sppraieals oa t,he selling pz�ice QF �.ana ana nou��s �a�-^ similar conditions both �rith and w3thout u�ilities. �.y madQ a m.otian �o �a.ble ihe disauasioa and set a sevond haaring as o£ ��he 1?th of I�arch, sccc�dod. i�y Kravilc and carried ur�imoualy at which time Dahlbarg could bo gxvec�c�d to havo procvrod all the neaessprT easementa. � � Z � Thi nnct ita� 000eidayd ti+os� th� PROP03ED PRELD4IITARY PX.A? OF t�T�i-BqAiD�A�iZ� ri ��6 �oo�lc `ddit�3+oia� b�f,o� a Po�'cPcasd eu�bdivinial� o! Lots li and 12, �ndit�oo��• " 9ubd1�►irsio�► � 10� 'l�ing Saa't o! tLs Es�t Rivrs Iio�d� 9o�st�h ot aa�o 8tanwt. I�. 8o�n'd�c wea po�'esent and a�ttlinsd his p�opvsad sit� ly�aat t+o�ti�e wi�h � oo�tc,qac �ap ,and p�opos�d atrNt �rad�s. It wsa nnd�catood tbat � 1?y a1�odc 1 pce�'t1� x�,'�► 33 �t g�T �t si°�' °s'�t, vvnld ao� b� bnilt an notil.li!'t�d bp► t� H� �P���� �► 12 laot ut3lit,�r � yitLlo ll�irao�nt Ciras� M�d a�0 toot �se�eat c�Lsid� !bs wrs sr�a drainit� f� a�� and a eimi].ar �A 'loot eaerornt drainiog West l�o,n R1�tb St� s+ss t o b� d� d f A a t� d vith tlse �mdesat�anding t�sst Lots 28 and 29 ot s� �i�'s 9u�bdivl.� ii 2"� to be d�dioat�d !o� strest purpose was alre�► c�n►ed �► Me. Hobrd�ews� and apf�or a,n�d r�anld coemsat in wit�h �8a�o Ave�ue Mro Baur�asvat �ocp�'osssd hia d��ir� �o pq t6s nansl S� !o� Park lses by means ot csah aad stat�d t,�at t�hess lota vaild b� sold eithe� b: FHA a� Va e�nd utility esmrov pqymsnts Daci� as ho�s o10�� v�� oo�pletado Notioa b� Dqy to sp�ove thia plst� asooa�d �' l�ravit and arr3�d ynan3maua3,y; hearie� waa t�ea cloaed. Th� ne:t items ao�a3�dsred vae tiie considsration at a reqt�stwd �oain� l�an &-�l (R��idsntial� to 8•3 (Csn�ral N�7.tiple DM»i,ling)� t�br pa�oP�T looat�d llo�t�h a! l�tiasiss � Eut o�' Liaia ieno and blseti of �am�el Road lma�n iA3 THE � PROPi�ATt� itr.� 8andsra e�olcabea�g �+as p�ee�r►t 4�p.arin� on b�b�al! ot �ea4 Iavesta�at Co■pss�, snd gsw an antline as to ti� t,�p� o! apart�s trhioh tr�d be �i].t i! th� parope�ty ras r��a�ed to R.•�o l�, Joe 8andall, 12�0 l�tissiae�ipp3. Stseet xas p�aa�nt to d'sayuss t� Q�al fi�l.ing ot ths rsai�n'� sm�ranndin6 tbis area a�a� vit� �e l�adc :�3oiy 1� Mississippi Str�s't� l+I�o Ralph Scbouna�snr 66J�,� I�oaia l+�s l�iro t�roo 8�la�� � 6�d►0 Luo3a Iao�, li�o Joao Qaa14, 6bA. Chsm�l aad Mra I�1a�d O�d3�y 65�0 %ro�t I� a11 spo� against t� p�oposod r�sais�e T� �nea�1 v�all p3otar� ns t�at tbis as�a i�ss bs�n R�1 (R�sidant3s7. � tor �q► 7esrs .�ad tb� abo�n individ�a].� together vit,h othear reaidsnts i�sd bought ha�e in t�i� er�a vit�h t� tbst t� attia tr�a�].d r�ee►in A,1 aad therePoore � t�y aauld not *a alo� vitb t� requ�st for s�soaningo �so Qordon tiraa also paroaetit, a� o�o�a� ot th� � 3t� qus�tiono I+bti�a xas sad� .hp► D�arY to Poatpone satio° on r�qass'� at tbi� �t3r� ssooaded b�r 1Gravilc and carri�d unanimoualy Wi�h the s�o�roddt.iao otit �tiil hav3ag to go to t�s Cownoil ai'tea� vhi.ch hearin� vaa ol+os�d. The ae�ct itam ooaeid�c�d vae 'to ooasid�r l�i. SIPP�L43 R�RU83? l+�t �G FR� &.1 (R�3ID'�NTLL) TO &� iLIMTTED 2�TI.TIPZE �w8LLI1�) laa� t� pe�t� o�! Lot� l � 7, �odc 10 8pa�3nQ Hcook P�rk lying Maa� oP 9pei,e� 8�v�o�c r�t�orr�d to sa ths �ipy�s]. AcoPs�''t8� �• �P'P� � P�t '� �� ht� pedpv�,d 1,a�t. ��iQnsd l�he laet . that Mir. Sipp�1 t�rd be�o�o�t �s a �oi1s t�'Z vbiob p�o�vsd to b� dr� s+it►h ao pest at s loot d�hs. 8oai�d srb�e� spw�t�d 1�1rre Sipp�l to peovida a ail� 7�yrait of ar�a� bulldit� p1ao� oiti� a�badc sad paslcioQ �s�a sho�+ao i4o 8egpaa� sa�g�sted tbati t�6� abdt� � b� f�b�.�d ver�3i t� a�oiaaary aaps ar. secared-all aqb�es oonaWa'�d. � �1 . �. � � Y ?hs swoct it,eia liss iD infoa�al dieaia iron bsfiii�N1 li'e d� Nne ��d Ho�::i • M�ed�a�a i:[ t�r�d to a P'�OPO�BD � ilID1`R DBUICJITIq� � TA6 �NfJii E�ISTI� ��p �OO�P BAS�T 011 JJIlCRS� STR�P� 90D'�H �' MISSI88IPP2 TC �'T'r �IYE. � p�allcq �� oonei�a ot Lots xt to �j0 inalusiw� BSoa�c 4� �'loa�aa� P�lc A�dit�i�on 8�ot3,on Li►e I�r. � l�a. Ao11��pr xers pa�'�qat �nd di�a�d t�lris dNit� f�v l� � po�eMOt 30 loot eas�a�e►t San�t�6 !lt�a� I'�ssiarippd. .cn Jacicson t�o th� int��iot� o! Ha�wtt Ddri�n ocnvea�t�sd iato a st�ee►t laa� t� pwrpo� o! La� too�sa to tlwN lo�a in asid �oak � L� uPon xhiah no r�sid�cao� � looat,�df � tbie t�q vaa.ld b� willin� t�o Qedioats an addit�i�al LO loot � stsip ao � i�l�at ti+�. ot a►]a.. �oh loter, eoaithto�d Y�o� Lots 3D to 2�2 iaolasi�s, �ieb rss ail tbat ao�uld ti� �a�sd, � t�o looat.ion ot their t� oa tat R. �gi� �Sai�d '�hat �u ilad alr�ady contaatad i�1ro �w 80t1�f q�e o� %O�ts 16 to �'�. in�ol�tsi�►+�, alodc � vp�n vhicb Iots ! 16 and 1�� 18 aud 19 La�r� w`'r alrea,� .loat�d; t,tbo �og�soR�d to 1�ai7.d this N�r oo Lots ��ad xl �md �LLa� 1N �as alao villia� to d�dicat� a siailar 10 !'ooti stsip ta�� � avcia� e� a rW tooti ro�d peo�tidin6 aea�r vas cAa��d bsctc e13�i't.11� to ali�dr�at� a aharp 90p l�m�'a aoto B�aewt� �ri� �p/ rsitiag t�u uavat �5 tao'E !l�ont buildie�t �Rb�ot l�oe � l�ots. l�o aa�.taa ao�uld bs talao4 at t�i.s t�3a� awd a11 ��a t�n �atist3b as to t� n�ed !or replatt�in� ia this aatteoro Mot3ou waa a�ad� to tabl� t�a diaaaa�oo b0' ga,�, a�4oM1�d �y I�Y and oar�risd vnanimo�usl,y. T!� naoct matt�a� aoasida�ed not oa ths agenAs vaa t!» P�d H� R1�Oi8?. �agine� r�ad to t�s Board m�eenbera, a lstt�r reo�iwd b� 1leo iri�ant za Ot�m�s tf�ro� 1� Pribula o�n �hioh t�hs Co�noit l�sd esch r�o�i�red a oarbo� oa�o �� letter xas a requ�est to ope�ate a nursery on I+ots 39 '��► �i2 0� �a� Ri� residentieil o eo� rea�d J1tto�nsy Eohl+�a �• op3n�+oa Road �.oct 6 nav :onae �g�na ,/1 xhiaii atsted tt�t 3t snd vi�sn ti� m�rsexy did go 3a t�$ t�pr oould nil nars�t'� , s'Eook only t�tith no� ba�cd�rare� toata� PoP, �4T� bwr, loods �t� po i�d3ats aatiio� t�aa te�Cen by t�2�s 8oaacd Membera e�oa�pt �to tyqwst t�at . Wmo Pl�m ahould bs o�ntaat� t�o ass if' bs � ae�r obje�ions to t6� ��7 �6 located ad,jao�nt to tt�o ilfth f�his in miad a natioo vas aads � 3�p�o� tio tabl� this �atteac� ssoo�dscl by Dapr and carried ua�aimauslyo �isxt it� aonai��d Waa tb� SaRVIC� ROAD 1!� Ht�T I�UF�iI11G. l�inMe ad�►�ard as t�o las� Ca�une�l sation oa 100 foot building eetbaak� wst l�aoe Maiti 9�i�t as i'�qwst,�d pacric�us],4 �'7 ���6 Coaomiaaion aad �d !b� s 3D loot �"�'l+0� road. Be adviaed that t� Planaiog t'w�omfaai.on wa to oo�uid� aal.iort m ail l�ati build3og s�tbao�ca b�twsn l�4th �wnae on l�in St�reet �nd t�at er�a 3t�dlat�,� . Saatb o! l080 � 100 on tta sane str�eto . M�b�ars d�id�d t�his natter vould taks tins tar !1�'tiNe �� �md tabl�d s�l,o� � a�a� d�ai.on nntil s lsteo� dats o n ��� � i�! 9�t►� Ot. !� Of 80�i001 8Qd �'�1 j�'� �!�l�. OOtli��� ��TN q�Td:rA �il�s j�s�i� �► �L�.C�1 Bt E��[�OD� S0�l00�. AlO�tOC'��� � OOII�lY'8i'i�OA Oi �3Od�l3� ��r �•��Oo l�Ir, Ssgne�r P�lt con'tsat aho�uld bs mdde with P�rka & Pl.a�►�s Bosrd tyLt.ina to t.�e C�.'b► aoosPt�6 � as3Ag larger partion of Meat l�looa�e Isioo area in �aoot�s �.:�� s o! Ci'b► P�'oP�Y ��8 dedioated Pb� sohoo�. Pw�Pos�o 'S6ia aiattear wea �� ed for lat,er ooasidaratiano � � > M�b�s tiuo retur�sd to conai�eration oP pre�ioualY �� P�� at�d aiad� re�ms�dat,i,oas ea folla�ra: 9wanstaraa� �iddit3�oa DaY�lbsTg llddition �S� �OP�Y �lka9 � Prib�la Re�oning A Tahled far sas�snt �va7. �PPs� Paroaur�t+�s Tabl.ed until sit� aap and build� P� Apgroved � A�bsio �earin6 � Cawm�l TabSed aotil Oi� b�► Pl� � a� P,3o I+�, i� Pluen Sro vas contaat�ed Msroh S� 1959 and ssplons'Eion 6iiro aa t�o tha p�oposed �ser9 caut,er with the areotion of ao b�ildin8 oar eales ot ot�a� inc3dentisl it�emts ot.hbr tbsn aure�y stodc and l+�co Fltm sdviad lw �ad ao ob�eation to s�h rsqueat �being fatrQrabl�► cooaid�do �� �