PL 04/14/1959 - 30046�. � 'i � PLA►ti'i9ll�Or C�@iISSION M6£�TINO . gpril. ].Is, 1959 • Tuesda4y - ,,',�:�_ : y The meetinK xas cst].ed to ord�r at ?:30 p.m. by Chai��an, Pa.ul Segnsr• i�embpra prossn� �ex� J�sa Day, nonald I�'ontaine, Kenn�th firav3.k, ar�d the �,�i�eer. Merib�r I�.oyd �3enner was absant. � . � � ` The fi.rst ite.�a considerad �as ��Ch,e prapossd db�rg Plat, �or a north a�d south �2 faot �erv� ce road �tn tha souih end of the Obar� pe°opar�y, ar=d . passib?.e ��acatinr; of bhe �;�3� 33 feet af L'�cia l�.ne� at north end flf sa�c► s�r�e�, �'o�• �.n appro;�i.rn��s� clisfi.�z:ce ef 75 f�ei:• No one �as prosent to , speak in fmcar af p:t�. �� tin�;. Tor� Oresko-r3ch, otar�r of Lot 25, $u�ac:5'i.Cd !',hat inguirt�es shou3.d '�e n3c,n �.n t:�e ne�.qraoor'u�od to �et t?�s feeling oi tne r�ia�arity of �.�e pecpic^ �.� Lo u:I� pcssi.b�.o �:;3ins �o �:�eYa, as we�.I as to t5r. Obcr�. P.a.lph Schsn�..�:�.ri s��,ti�c'. #�ii�t iie sa� no reason ior payin� �or a road ease�2n� tY1a� ��ould be u�ale� s an� 3.xi:_coc.�-� sible, er.c�p� to a select �ek. M�.•. S�h?ui�man �.3so st�.t�d �r.,� �: � o^c� bet,�c:;r I�ts � a�d 6 seemed conve*�.e, �; �:sith bath' such lo�s sharwn� equs.11y c�2� cos L�. Psr. ScYc?.ncman z�ma;i.s,��d �1�� trr�.s �as t'�� S�SCDIlr,i tira i�i�. Cb�rg r�1 nc�: �.p,:e��:�� b�fa� e tlii� Car,�is aio.Z, a� thou�?� ho �ra� �h� developer who� ha.3 in:i_t:�.�:':c1 �:�{; ��rnli:�� p��^oF�o�s?., � n an�uiry �ta3 ^iud� as to wh4ther or nat an,q �::��,:�nt : r:au b�en :�ade ae p�orcis�c� ��� wn;� of t?:o�e eff�c'ted propsrty c�-n�r�. I�ir.. �ra hrgue, , ok�or of Lo� 2$, �skad �.f �he p�.•oposa? �auld h2va 2s�y vf��ct on i:�s, i£ �he road xoxo to �o t?�:.•ough. Ci�irmun Sagnsr rep?Yed th�t even��v�?7.;� t�n�2�:� r.�igiit be s�reet, sauer, an� �r3'te: assess�:pn�s. Mr. SchLn2�an �taf,ed �izat F;r. O�erp had a;raed, 3t a g�evious rsa��ings �o p�p fax� b1acF:'-�op�i�, c= �Y��� road. tir. Schu:.e�:.n inqu�°ed a� i�a �:haL• had hzppaned to th� con3nr.irv�tinn starced on thi� o.�'�r. i►:y�,� Smi�h, o+�-n�r c� i.ot 6� ��iviseci u� ��t Y,� h��� �_� .� vious3s agreed �a dQdicato i:he wosL 3,3 %eef; vf t2�.e ?0 ioot lera�t�z a�'c tha e�-.: o� ; uca.a Lene, to 'taaZp rir. Oberg; bn� such a� �r.en rsque�t�d ccu F.fl �c� e'_ir.-r:.�.� :� `. b�� h�.�; 3.n ths event that ths plat xas consid.ered fre�a an otrer�-al:! 3-��� po�.r�� providad Lucia Las� �aas �x�inded north��rd ta inf.ercept a��, Chznn33. :�:..��. 1.t w� ganera.11� s�re�d tha� p�sties insolvad wonld pre�fer serc�_co ?^r.act p�.r�.?." �3. to Hi� Yt�t�y 65a frem bl��h Avcanue to I��.s3iss3.ppi S�e�, i:f a sin�? ar 6� 'oa;: ,: xoad e��en�3on r�rth frcan Luc3.a Lane could b�nsfit a12 prope:rt=,- �r�m�:�� :� on �o,,:i �ids� of snch ro�1. Haaring u'as �t�m�ararily susper_d�d �o wai� for I4�. Co�c, � ;ir. idesL�s attoT�ln�. ?�hsn Mr, Cox lat�r a.�rived, he sta�d �i�� NL•, �est �,��'� � t}k:� �.f prepo�ed se�.ce, r�d would serve t'na m��oritF oP th8 pr�ps��'�y c�:r.�r:, � t k�o�ald be fi�; but 33 i� w�.s a question of j a�t ber�fitt? ng or� ,� s h� .. , ti•rau3d objact. ��r. Se�er expl3ir�d �ha prav�ous diac•sssion am9. v1e<*�. i�� t-�,�:s sta�d that he thou�ht it �e to ssy that l�e was surQ A7r. k`est �.ould �� a'? c>�.,; ::-itn i�hat is best ior t;ho �hole az'ea. it c�as ag�ed, by the P�c..21t11.11<<'', Car�sr►i.s��ion, �v aet as�other ��ring �a�ie3 rot�cs steps a� abovc3 not,bd, and recotr��ra to �:� Cit���ouncil what ehoc�ld i� dono. . � �; � �; ���` `��ct -on ths ag$nda was cons3deratian of p_rogosed pra13m3.�r plat of ��>�,�bm diil!��.�1 OP bloCks 7� 8, 9: Zda 11� 8rid 12� 7�owe11 Add3.t,io� i',o F�Ci�dls� F�..*''�. i�ir. �'rad Isvy and d�t.orney Nsvl.l].e, rspresenting itecl�an aad Ridg9�,q►= s yatad that f�e y �os�a mai.nl;,r caa^erasd �ri.th atorea to bo p�t in tha shoppda� area. I+I._r. �sville sf.atsd tht�t t�sy vented t,o �uake sure of gett i n g b u i l d i a g pe r i n i �s for t�e shop�ing ceater. Hr. Isvy remarked Lhat it s�ras not so necessary �r.�1 �ha sauth easemeut, as sho�nm on plat plan, be retained, t�ut that it ��ras inps �� �ive t.hat Lhey hace ths narth ease�nt acces$, as shcr,�n thereon, to prop�a�d � �� .. . . . �.. a .. ,,,� . ;.: . .. .. :�. . ..,�,�....:. . .•ii�;:,� r„�� �'"�. • s•-•as area. Irlr. 2svy advised that Carlson»Le►�►it�e �'oald be wi.11ing to grant �cessa.-y ea��nment, sauthside intersecti�n as sho�m x�st�ard o:F Meraury Drive; thenCe, aorth to ��3.ve acces� to proposed t3rea. Gha3.rman Se r propo�ed t�b�at it m�.ght bc�s 3 �ri�e to exchan,�� such south ease�ent t'or the other ioot Rya� �� n� str3.p sonth of CarlsonyIaVins easement and a simi.lar 60 foot soutia e, �t� runnir.�; e�st► and xast� from the center� l.in�s of' t�.er�ury to rear lot 7.iz�`° ,� iutnre �;��,F� c�allin�� area, ssa�e to be blaCktopped. H�c. Neci]1.B stR that t}3e rat��o of paur�n� �sPace to store sp�rce should be 3 to 1, v3.th am�1.1�r4 $hopso mea�s, bakery� barber shaps� cleaners, shce repai='s, etc. (about �i s'Gora� in aY3.) to be s2rvi.ced fram back. It. �ras a�reecl� upon thv En.pin�erta recog�..�zEr,da-� tion� that propos8d plat be acaepted, sub�ac� to r�ce�pt of fi,ize 33 foot ea�e•� ments for atxeet purpo3es, as sLated �bo�s,�on 3outh part a� blocks l0 and 11� and b0 fbat easements no�h from thero (proposed b?�th} to propased sh��p��►� can�er. �;o�ion r.�cie by pir. For�taina to 2w^cept p�^oposal� �econded 'oy Kravy..�:, and carr3od unanimous3�YY• - Tho �hircl if,er s�:as consideratian oP proposed prc3limi.nary p� at of a subo::iv-�.: ic� o� that paxt oP Secti.on 2 an3 3, T 30 - R 21y coa�anZy kno-an as Cs•ai.g F� .�. • t•;r. S. G. Foa,reon� biilder, and �`.r. !�ichard idil7.�s'd, o$ Hind�r Er�giiieari.ng� i�7a��e prese*�t. Tt� En�ar ou�linQa the p�aposa3., as to site layoni, c�r•�:in��e, con�ourss anri stf•eet gr��es. A�L.N. P�arBCn then px�essn�d ttso p��itions, s�r;n-:_i b;� peorle in th�� are4, a*zd rea�ng aa follo�as: F�.r::i pstitxon: . Vacation of south ?� �Tmy N.E� Yr�ra I�is�a.ssi.p� Ri-�r tQ L'�s�_ R;iver Ro�d `rith excapt�on af 6Q faot �.d��li to connt�ct prc�:�� A�d�n Way Ro�d and pragosed extent�.a� 3.n �ttached prox^c;d C�.:. �BC.. Se:.on�. ge�itiont Vacation az" ?7 ��y N.E. .Yram Miasiasipp3 Ri.ear ta �s� R:r��r Raad ar_d Alden Way Roads frada ?b �aY to 7? way� �1�fi�te!' rr3. � 3 . assist tr.a platting p�•ocedures r�nd wi13 ba required. 4bje�tions to proposal,.by svveral adj8.cen'� peropsri:y o�m���; �rs?�e tha� the p�ople in the ares sou�h of the Craig Farms do not wiQ� to cut raad tizrou�, but admitted �I�aic present road �.s inadequatt� to $erv� thaL- a.rea, nfl�r. �ir. P;�ars �n sY.atec3 that he ie wiu.ing to rough grads the etsoets, �c►ake n8cessa-r�y Yrater �rad . seyrer gayment provi.�ians, praierab3.y on a 20 year bond bg petiiwon, or in �Y_� astim.at,ed �aoun�G ior cost o� such utiiitiest� It was explzi.s�d, by th� ��r-ce�', that tho Gity of Fridl.e� dofls not carc to finance priva�•s dsve2aprn�nt�,' o� � 2G. y�aar uti2i�y borxl is9ue� so as not t�o end2nger City credit ratl.n�; t��.ai�asa Mr. P�ar�on a�,�►reed to put in a11 storm seti►►�rs, acaorc3i.ng �to specificzt�on3, a.z�i �rat up a two year ��xran'�y bond. it �.ras agrsed tfl set a ptlbl.ic h?ari.��g, u�on motion bg �'ant�ai,ne, soconded by Day� and carrisd tulaninouely. ' . ;�, �cG on #.he a,�enda-�a� d3scu$sian of pro�osed prelimi.naz�y plat o� Rice C?���k ` tiv�. P4r. Curt H�nson aad Mr. Fi�t� t�era � preseat to rapre3cnt Pe�it v ' r Constructicm Caapar�. It �ras stated, by•14r. Iianson, tbat th�y wewo ob �ctor, to aut daWn hi�h atz�et areas and fill low arese. An ;w� � . ar �� t ssea, etated t►�at the peOpl� in the vgCi.ni.ty lika t1�, y` . as �thef �..ra. l�tr. t�an�soa stated that ho had spent time �ith the p�oper�Y `�rth o� �$tY� -- Avenue� fi•o exp].ain �irat he intended tfl do aa to tins ct+avalopae� �. sr�curc .�a�e�- s "� t ciedicafi.ioas on t;t�e north sic� of 68th Avenue. Qns �a�Y p�^op�r'uy� a�zner � �� � � ., , , . _ , :. . �� „A . . ' . , �: . � �,,... . . ���- , � . .' ...:- �::. .. e „ , . . . . ,�� '�.t " ...�. . .. � . .. .. e . ,... . f"v>. :: . , '., : .- .,-.:., .,.. „ , . . . ' ir- .. , . . t ..y: , ' � , . . . .. y� � . . , . expa�ased tta opgnion that thsse o�rs txouZd just as eoon h�tve �v�lopsr b�,y il�ir ho�aea. H�nson advised that he �a nnsucr.ess�il in sec � r�ecessary street dedi.cations. Meaber Fon't.aiae sta.tsd that he �ra,s oppos��+���� a�caeptsn�e of pFOpasad area dedicatsd for Park p��'Poses, because it �9 so �p�43a �levai�ian atyd �art3y nndAr s�ratsr� ar�d that he did t�ot think there vauld be �r�g� ti?1 at - thae� bfgh areas to properly lill in tY� lcr,�er araa� as �ha�rn on oon€twr. Mr. �'OA� tai� also ab�ectad to developer layitzg aut 32 Iots on sttoh a small piece.of ground. i�9�c. Ransan lat�ar statsd� he was iai.iiing to p;o hack and again dtiscuss, �rith the propsrty a�rners, fi�e possibility oF a d�dication for straet3. �:ation by Kra�ik �:zat action be tabled ta allox 8eveloper time �o sacurQ sac� strQet dec�_ca� tions. It was secorided by Fflnta�ine� and ur�animousl,�r cr�rri�ed. T'iYth f.t,em on the a�enda �as consideration of F'inal Va7.3ey Viet� t4a.-�or pI�'�. Mr. I,en tti*inston �rae present� repressen�inR himself and 14r. }3ratt, as developers. The Ln�irneer presented the past histot�r o� ths praliminary pl�.t� and de13,q in � secuzing F:.na], plat. Mr, Bus'risy and F4r. Qnam� abutting propertp o�mQrs, were atso presen�. It had a3ready been previousl,y establi�hed that xn ordes io �;a��� access .to Bratt proparty, dua to tses�ass on grop@rty bslon�;i.ng to both Mr. B��sho�r and P�r. quam, Ci'�y ha,d inten�'ed to pavs road all the xay down tr., hi21s unde�� previous �nini.stra�ion, end this aciriinistratioa Wa.s to insfi,�11. �iorm se�:�r d��.-� ths hilla with Ci.ty to pay for 2 and t�r, }3ratt to pay �or �. Bo�h Mr. ��zsr.c�q :x�ci Mr. Quam objected to the fact t3zat �aeh of ttu�a have baen 2ssasssd £or 83 fee �� � b2acktop3 uridor pP.st adr�inist?�ation, as k•sl.l aa tor se�aer arid w3t,er= �.11.e�11.� on � zi�ir �oper�y. It wa,s finally �resd to agprove of, pl�t coveri.n� I,�ts 2, 3s �t: �� ?, an1 8, (e�oc�usive oS'} 3�t l, for which no building perc�it cou3.d b� issued, -��.th Cx�y and aIl paraons involved to �•ork out �n agreement, �;har�bq tnis road cou�� hecoma a pub7.f.c road. Arrf 3.a.ter doveZcap�nent by Bratt ia Lo �e .3.ncli:�ed �.r. s��s� u d�d�.cat3on and s�orm•sewar$. I�otion � made by FontainQ, to accspt plat a.^= y�� wi�h exc�ption of La� 1, bs3ng eeconded by Dqy, arid carried urani.n:ous2y. Con�idepatian was next givsn io stre�rt renaming in the Carlsor��I,a,9i�e Sy��cG,n Hille Addition. It wae a�reed that the section of 3tarli�ht Road e��sr.�i.ng s:uth, from exi�tirt� eas� and xest Sfi.arlioht Blvd. �o existing �ta�s�.lan Re�d �and proj �ctin.� �au�h to Univerait�r Ave�e� shall be k�a a8 6ltth l��nue; an� the v�me �ou�,h pflr�ao;� of sa�.d 5tarligh� Raad, beginn3.ng at east and �esterly i�agrl�^1an r�oa� e�cten3i.r.0 soutYr�as�erly tc II�iversity Av+enue ahall bo kno-� as Mc�rcurg vrive �3 such c�:_x_�;� of street namss•sh�,7.3. be passod bg Council resolutiaa to ta� e�Yect a� t�re:,oEora descri.bsd.. �iotf.an by Day, secon�ed by Kravik, and unan:,mous],y carri�d, Seventh an the ager�da Ka,s fi.o cox�i.der pvesible re-zoning of Lot I�P. frora :?l to R2 of property o�ned by �Iauric� Sur�"ace. Due to i3lnoss of ac�rnec, t�e Er.o �r��� presen'�ed requeat and gave reasons for ea�,a. Mr. Wright, o��ner of Lot 2,w, anc� �Ir. ��tollettes c�ner af Lat ltPC, by adjacent t=A� �+ere gresen� They sta�ed t��at the " x� in tbe area vere opposed to a�r type o� multiple d�rsilings, IL ��s �., t�e Plttnn� Ca�aission� to set a publia hear3.ng for �.pa�. 28, I959. �:� . � ��._, ?hie �as follc�red by aonxideration as to t'ut.ure etreet im X� ts oa � Maia Strset, dne to ne?�2Y P�Posed induai�.r3.es caafr�g iato t�e Citg t,�d their � � 3d !or heavy dutY Pa've�. , It �aa a,�reeds atter �aa�e dieau.ssiaa,' �hat I+�a.in � Street should eventna],],y baco�e a pes�anent road, aud boring tests, a9 requssJed by the Snginear to pazyei.t proper road dssign etre�gti�s to det�rmira su�'f�cient � . ��r�� � � - ��. �.�-:.,�.�.�.-._. . . . a _ , � . � � ' � w� � ,R � pavea�ent tbicicr�ss �ith coat�s ot s�aa� to be partially borns by suah induetry, and roa� aonstruction coate shoul8 be paid for mai�n�y by benafitting industries. It vaa egraed tp set hearing in t'utnre, att�r additiana7. inform�tion ie obt.ain�d by the B�gineer, as to s�en ench induatriea m�y be expected and �peci.�ications anci desi� dra�ing ar8 caapleted. . u1 �I�ext� on ths a�er�da - t.o coneider ahange oS proposed 30 Poot service road par$llel with Main St�eet f.n Mad�snss South Fl,aza Addi.tion to tha krost si�e of such bloaks and par'a71e1 with rai3road ��ra,cks. Mr. t�ads�n tias a,�esd to put �.n safd road aL his awn expense.. There was na ob�ection �o t�.3 chan�e. � Idext� Rabert W3.I.son, a�ms� a� Lot 2-. Section 31t: eppesred before tho Cor.azittee for a builcliqg aer�cit �or a stacuctura to be erectad on a?� �oo� 1o�..J 135 feot deep, facin� east on Hlain Street; s�hi.ch btcildin� permi� had becn prew viausly denied him, due to there bOinP, no eccess to auch proper�y from tt� nc>r�h �ide of a 27.0lt foo� easement, so:�th of the Ber].im Add#.tiQn. tie acivised tha-:� he was wil.lin� to �rant the necesaary 13 foot easement from his siBQ of thc pro�x•ty for the north (east a.nd �e�t) digtance 303 feet �est to the May Therres pro�r�y; thus in turn, alsa relocating tho proposed buildi.ng Eite aroa, an ad3i�icn�1 I3 Seet to the sou�h. This ��rould make Lhe pro�rty o�rner's line w3.th�.x� 21� fe�t of his ot�rn pr�s�ntly existin�; house. �. Tho pormit for suah prop�r b��iidi� ere �tiian� would bo in violat�.on of platting ordinarice, which requires th�t �th� to�3.1 aa.•e�. of 303 �Ceat by ?9�t•5� feet be platt►c�d.� Kaueit�r� due to tha pi�ysical na�ure o�' this rc33r xea'L�aard sectfon, and due fi.o the. un3.ikel�hoad of this area ov�� b3=� _�g u�ilized for baildings, the Plannin8 Co:�missipn reco�m�nde�l tha� such p?a�t�;i�:g requiremen�s be s��aived; and suggested th�t ot�nex r�quest a waivar of m�r.i.mu.� 3ot sj zes, to th� Board of Appeals. They also reco�end that the m�.r.i.r��-� i�„ foa'� s�res� be acceptad. ido�ion by Fontaine, seeonded by Day, and unani�ous:ry ca7,ie�. The nex� ite� of discussion was tha proposed pla�, sho�aing Cly�.e Sche� e::• prope?^tp. Re a�vised that iri the lzyout of ro�.d si'r.s (Laura DrivB), he had n� alternatxve exc�pt to sho� turn arounci at end, due to sLrea.�n ia the rear os hi� Iand. The P'Lanning Co�ssioa felt that possib�r auch culdesac co�ld be con����ctod an with a similsr one� south of Schera_ prflgorty; but �he F.rtuinQ�r 2dv.isad �?7.rt ��lu.s �ras not feasiblo, due to toPoP,�'api�' and saf.d area being sanec� on a'!1. �YL�Q �a.d3s for "CC�anerCial". Ths next discusaion xas on the propased futuz�a �parks of F'ridT.ep, Afte�r ��tua�ion was discussod� it wa..� a„�r+eed 2nd recar,�ne�ded th?t a co;�prehsnoive o�erall eurvey is vital�,y �cessarq� fbr. fut.u�e planning. �,x'. FonLai.n� ma�e motion to p.cce t the recomc�endation, aad to lv�i.� the cost �or such s��vice, this �►ear� f.o �5�.00. ,., : �4otion vas ma�de me�i�'•i� st�journed at � �,.; by Rravik to adjourn th3s meeting, secondsd by Daq, 22s30 P.m. � �� � tne a � : OFFICIAL .NOTIGE , , �µ � r CITY 'OF �"Fil'D'�L�YY ; - '. ` � PUBLIC HEARING �' � '�j BEFORE THE � PLANNING COMMISSION . .� TO WHOM TT MAY CONCERN: � Notice is hereby given that ' there will be a Public Hearing '�I�Z� bj(�=(,'�y', before the Planning Commission � � f �,,���� of the City of Fridley in the City ,�' ..� Hall at 6431 University Avenue`` i N.E. on Tuesday, April 14, 1959, �L�� ���� in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the consideration of the '' ]»fpZe following matters; �� �5��� 1. To consider the proposed pre- liminary pIat of a subdivision ' of that part of Sections Z and . ""' 3, T-30, R-24, bounded gener- ally on the sauth by 76th Ave- ; ,� � nue, on the west by the Missis- sippi River and Apex Lane, on the north by Albany and on ; j the east by the East River ��.g7�,'13 �3c'�1`� '��.,a'.�'rz.' �'�..��, �9E2 3��i�'� C�3�� '`;.r .i Road. j,�� fp� 2. To consider the proposed pre- ,`j���,o� of t3ar� �o-:�.�"� s�� �'ridle� iYa t�� �:�.' ;` ��l liminary plat of the Rice Creek � �� �,����� � ���,�� �� ���� � Dam Addition, a subdivision of i��^'�'Q' � v � �. � "° � ��+ parts of Lots 1 and 2, Revised ��j p o�o ;��,�, ��� �q��,,���'�'�,��� p� ��� Auditors Subdivision No. _10, � '���'� located generally east of Cen- '; tral Avenue and south of 69tYi ; ,Avenue. 3. To consider the proposed pre- �°�' �����'� ' � �'�`'�'�"�"�'� �� °�' � �� `�� liminary plat of a subdivision ',� �:�,�°�, ��;�^�n. gj.°�, ��;�'�,�,�y�� �,a�,�' �„ of Blocks 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and ' 12, Lowell Addition to Fridley �" � ���� ��"'�"�'�'�°� � �� �� ° ���'� "��`� Park, located generally sauth ,�gy� ���,+ �;�c� �, ;�°�t r' �,o�? �,��',,�, ,:�,�,� � � �',�, �'�;° of Mississippi Street and west of University Avenue. �� �� �� '���`� ����� �� �''�`�� Anyone desiring to be heard �� ��� �;;��°�, �,,�y� �,t,��, with reference to the above mat- ; ter will be heard at this meeting. ! PAUL SEGNER. �e� �3�'0�30�`w��.�., R9;w��.3,3�81r.ii`�' �l,e`�s'� �2� GENERAL CHAIR,MAN '� D�1A1 A��."��O�iu 3�U��'!/jL��.i')A O� PLANNING COMMISSION April 9, 1959 � � 1. � b o T+;E4i��� �id���Ci�� a'�+t���i�� �t>�t ;e�3 CJ�aa+etal�„�' e� G$ C'�.a��ca� AV�?t��: '�6J#�a �1w�u�:, �� To c�ide�c �e p�e�c��si g�e�.iat�iri�y plat o� x� S�diviaicx� of Block 7��� 9 r �.� n 3i g 3std 12,� LC+WQ�.�. �$$'�:i+f�3 �O FT�.t��L-''�' �'�1�� �QCN�'�� Q�l3�'a'��a.� ��� of �.s��.���.lp�i S��c�� �� ��e�� c�f �T�.iv�ya.��� �rs.��b3� o �a,�rc�a�4� ����.�� �� �� ���3 ��� ��:��e:���� �� �,�..� ��;-:��^� : �a.��9 �.��°:� �¢�.�. %� ���a� s� ���� ��i,�.r:c.a .��i�� �����'� �'�'�,���',�i� ��:t�.'"a�.:.;��.:;,� ��_' �� :�'���-�a � ���� a=� �'' ���, '" ��� „'.��'s �►����;�'�. ; a��a�'�.�. 9� b �,��� �� a � _ � � ACT� ��.�'Y PLA�3:��itiC- C�3���ISSiOi� MON'THI,Y RE1'ORT APttII. 1959 PZAl�'NI?dG C�'ihliSSiON 0o Re�e Meet g8 Noo 5p�c3.al Meet�.n�� Prel�nina.ry Plats Reaorunsndatians Favorabla Urtfaeorable Pending Finai Plats Recorranend�.�ions Favorable Re�ectEd Fending R�zoning Requ�sts Con�iderea Fa�rarab�.e Rsj�c�erl Fending P`LA2'S AICD �L�TtTTSi4�tS o. ego riestzn�s No. spa�i.al. �ia�t3.n�s � Prelir�.nary F�,yts Consi�c�red .�� a�arab?�e Re jecf�d Fend� BUiIJ)ING BOARD Ie�o,�� of cases car.sic�ered FavorabYe Rejecteci P�nding � BDARD aF' APFr'.ALS No, of case� cons�d�x°ed Fav�o. ab'I� Rejectad Pendin� Tii� � THI� i�OVTH T�iIB �A MOI3TH L.►lS2 YEAR TD DATE �.,�..�.._..�. ....�..__._..., 2 l � 3 E� �C 3 0 3 2 0 1 I 0 3 0 I � � c� � � 1 � z � � � 7 ? � a � � � � ? ? � z � ,� :, ? ? � ? 4 � ? � � 2 25 23 � 7 �3 6 0 �.8 �� 3 2 �� i" 5 0 1 2 G 0 � �t !� 0 a L,�.ST YLAR TO DAT� �_.�__.�.�._ BUI?�DII�`t� SfiA:VDkI�iIS COi�u �IT'PEi, Noo of cases cansict;rc�d t} ? ?� Favorabie � ? �t R� je��ea t? ? i� F�nding 0 ? 0 Note: Con�idara�ion a��o giv�:� by P��.�znin� G�rr,��.ssion �o: 1'roposed �",ain Stree� indus�ria.l �ou�ing �v�catian of 58th A�renus �z� '��h S��^��t ancl i�x?d �:�~�a exch�� Re�n..� of e�rtain Sy�.v�1 I�12 s�x eei� Add3.tional shopp:i.ng ar�a in Gar? son i�a�ine Add�.tion C�ianging of commercial r�u�� in P�or�h Plaza frora Trini�y �o RaR, 7.9 2 ,� 5 1 0 22 19 � 1;3 � �} 3 � 12 � �.2 ia 1 tl 2 � a � � ft 2 Q 2 i � � �a , � � 1 A, �'ork Done B�r Of�ice Force �:� 2. 3. It. 5. b. ?. 8. 9. '� 0. EP�f3INBB12IMa DEPARTMENT Preliminary and Monbhly Reparts CoanPQ.3.ing and Writix� up E�e�ring dat.�, �or Jr. J.C, Year 13ook Conforencea� ref. Aeria7. Surveys �or t3reas involved Fregara�E7.on of r�r City Zonin� M�,p �ya�ter anct sanitary sewer inspect3ons iiuiiding and u+'�3li��r inapeaf,3ans Coa'ita,�ts on variaus �.ndus�ria�, sites loca�ions Attend�nce 8v P,.S.D., P�annir� Cc�.ssivn, and t�orkir� up rev�,sed raad improva�:�n� program 7ht�t� uP �-959 ro�,d prograr� sgecifica�ians �. Cantrac� �'ro Qc�; Fx�.dl.ey Fr�rk Parkviet� H�i�,hts Moor�e Lake �c ti31'3.8I1 IL7.�.19 Borzn,�y .Addition R3ce Gk. Terr. ��? Cantraat No. W&s�.5 i�ai � S 1�' & S �$ w F,� s �.5 t•r � s �5 Counci3. moe�ir�s Conti-...._ �'.� L�metti & Sons A,. Car1SOn & Sans Lam�tti .& Sons I�tti & sons T�am�tti & Sona �B�Ci Tf►td�s �Z�Qt�' ii►S �Campi�iion 95� 75� 30� ��� �.�p Co�apleted st�Qe� rspairs �nd patci�ng »�5 �on black�op (3raded Ta�mad�e, iTan Bur�nj Ab�e� Alc�n tda�� and ?3r� Aven�e Excavatscl, repa:iared� �nd r�pla.ced th±�ee �a�er ser�.ces G],eat�ed out appro�.mately �i�ht blaelc� sanitarg sewer Rebuil�c �Clu�ee mari hoie iops,, and repiaced same . Re �Pai��a .. e�.ght c,r�i�r metsrs, rea�.nstal:3sd eigt��i maters Placad n�sty»�hr�s ne*.� �ra�r metsr� Rep�ainf,�d, rep�ai.aisd, aad rapgaceci faur�een si�.reeE signs Placed approx3r�a�sl,y eeven�y 1,oads b�,ack cii�rt on bla�r s�nd �Qas / / ! � ��; � , �/ , ����Ijf _ +� � •i • ♦ ✓ s 1 s TYPE OF C011�STRIICTIOId ResS.den��a1 giesid���at Garages A3. �s�°ations �C Addit2ons Mn1�3�ie I?�te;ll�s Cc�erczal �s�ri�l �.ea.p�a� Chiachos & Schoo7.s 8ospital.s s��� • •i�- /'1 ��g Hea�a:�g P].umb3z►g �.'� ect,riea3 Re3xdon v� Residen��al Ca�a�os A1�oz��i.4ns �: Add, Na��iple A�ra1� ings Commercaai Industx�3.a1 I�nicipal CI�rches & Sr,hao3.s Hcspit�ls 83.g�s r� CTTY OP' PRIDLEY, MINNF�O�A OFF'ICE OF BIIILDING INSPflCTOR TOPIC — MONTHI.Y RFPURT TO CITY �'�AYdAGER .m, . iVtIMBFR OF PEi�IITS I33UEA __ _ - - _ _ ��.r�w� A� A�St� 37 �.3 8 1 3 0 0 0 7 0 57 55 8]. 23 9 i 0 0 0 1 0 0 � � . � 1'H�s n�+n�i i+�s! � � Qg TO DATE TO DATE SNCA�ASE ._..�..� _ ....�.� ..,�..,r„_ �b Y8 i9 a i 0 0 0 22 0 �� 233 312 �8 15 5 3 0 0 l 0 �3 � 0 121 � �. 17 7� �� .r � FSTIMATEA V'ALIIATI6,1S OF BUILDING PERMITS ISStiED rn�.rr+�..�. .��. rw.�.�. �5�6��8g6 13,40�'� 15s12A 28,5�2 0 0 0 1,572 �b�.'7,261 11,?20 l,gb8 4 0 � �S,OC�a 0 0 �,545,39? 23,474 55,950 33t120 ���4 g9,435 0 0 9,553 �62, 325, 279 1� �.9, 226 3E� �,318 92 150s000 li6st,�0 0 45,000 0 0