PL 04/28/1959 - 30047' 1•
/ �
The rieeting �ras
pre�ent wera Chairm
ber Day was absen�.
�:rT��ar�G co: �tzsszo.a I�fF:FTIt"rG
April 28, �959
ca3.led to order by Cha�.a°man Segner,_ at 7:l�5 p,.m, Memb�rs
an Se�ner, City Engineer, Fontair.�, Lravik, ar�d Bennero ?:c:�,�
Tho first item �ras �hs reconsideration o� pro��osad ar8inanes �n z�r?nh uo
C26S (Cor,un�reial) and (Pu'ulic T�'acilitiss) for that area l,yirb? beikr�en S3s� �'1t,r���uo,
1lnivsrsity Avenuo, i�tis�i�sippi Street, and 5th St�eeto Chait�n3,n Segne�� si:���
that the previous r�corrrnendatian �?ent �o iche Council, und�r protcs� of on� c�r
more of the abut��ng property ownersQ .�t the fi.r°s� P].annin� Ccmur,is�io� hea..r�.t�u,
it �aas requ�a�ed �ha'� buff��r s�rip be lefic: bu� upan la�s� Councii ��tian, �ui`zcs�
s�rip (E?W2) �ra9 e'�� It saas r-eca.11ed �hat M�s. Shc�li�,y ob�sateci �o v�_�
buffer strip, at che Council ii�etin�; because it would dc� �alu�to �hei� pro���c�; �
M�, S�:elley statQd that they abject�d, also, becauso they were ngt boi.�ag ��u?c�
�ahat the pla� zo�ing �afluld }�e. Niro Fon�ain� sta�ed that iho bu��'for �tx�x� a�siu'?{b
�nly �,�e FG� (R�2) mult�.ple d�; I�Sr. Sh�Il�y objectcd to tli� fact �rl��z'-�
i�lrs. Iicf�t�dic s s proger't3r r�i�;ht be classex"ied a:� linht inc�ustria�.. The Pn ;? �i��:�
pa�.nted ol�.� that a firm wants to come in aaid buy Lot #�., Auditor�s Sub��_vzs�.4��
#�9 ( Hc�fstadt pro�rt�r) for a�3u3.ldin� Supply Cantsr ( heating� plu.�bin�, :; � 7 e,�
�tc� }. The f��r�:, of �he buiidin�; wou.'� d b3 used for s�.as un�er C2�.S 2cna:�?�,
�,•hil� th� rear c� tn� bui7.di.r� would Y� used for f�brica��.on pua nc���s ?.sc� c?.�t�.a,�.
f�.ed as ri�3. (�.:i.�;ha� �ndus��ia3.�. Tla� bt�ff'�r s�cs�.p �ould s�?^�� �o sh::i.s�.c� ��r�
trucks :i�z the ��e2� of the bui2ding, iror� +.,he Upland Add:i.�ior resider���. :s,:.°�
Ton�a�.e sta�d �hai a fabricatin� pZant wo�a3d be considsreci 2ight :in�us��� �a? �
aa�d t?�.t �th:is taou�.d not b� ths plaas �or it. Mro Shslley said. his ��,�.�� cc;��c:_:�»�
�a� �:o p��po�e tha� the r�striction oi R�2 on duplex dwe� be �ba��.�n��; ar�3
cha� �.� ��� a��is to o� zoned C2�•S, i�c shouid be for� a21 of the ira�ol�.r�cl pr°t��'?^Lya
��fro �e,;��r s�ai;ed tha-� nQ thou�ht �i+.� �roposed bu3.ld�.ng fQr 1�ot ,�i wou2ci <����. �.av�
�Y�cs;��h �arking ��ace; as�d th�t it i�:; definitely li�ht industri.a�� no� cor�m���e���.m
Tam Sy3:;ni�� Builder, stated ih�t esren though a planting s�rip buffer ��no .;ii_�ri�,:
be mo�d back, thc�re wou�d still be hous�s ar� tlpland Addi�ion �acin� co�nE�c�.���
pro�r�yd Mro SQgneT sta�sd that he sa� no Noin�i in tho orig�nnatl, �•t��.s�.�
r�enda�ion, as nresented to the Counci�.. Mr. Fontaine made a �r�otion that �h�
o:i�i�a3 Plan° Comnission motion, made on January 27, 1959a shoulri stand„
Sa�.d motion r�ads:
Benner ma�ioned t!iat aIl of that area bounded on th� north by Mzssissippi
Stre��:, on the west by Highway �b5, on the south by blst AvenuQ, Qr� �he
east by the a11ey between tt�h and 5th Streeta, includin� the p�.�ject�d
a11ey line and extendin� �o the south of Lot i, �.ucii�oras Sub�
division "`59; �aid a,rea consisting of Lo�s 2, 3, lt, and � of iha Rees
Addition and exeluding the preaen� City Ha7.l proper�y in Lo�s 2 ara 3s
Lots 1,� 2� 3� P�, and 5 in Auditor�s Subdivis3on ��9s a21 to be razan�d
from Re1 to C�2S, and �ha.t area in �he east 2 oP tha Norwood Adc�.�ion
bounded on the son�h by 63st Avenue, on the Fast by �th S�r2et, on uhe
north by the south line o� 63rd Avonue and the south of Lot 1�
Auditor�a Subdivision #59, reapectively, and on the w�sst by th� all�y
betwaen l��h and 5th Streets from 6lst Avenue and the projecfi.ed alley
1ir�e th�reoF to the south 1u7e of Lo� 1, Audi�orss Subdivision ,#59, '�o
be resonad from R-1 to R�2, undsr the condition that said�
tian is to consist of either dupleu or triplea type dwellings� or bo�h=
none of which are to exceed r�are than one and one-half stories in
� ..
C /
heigtrL or where aaid multipla dwel2in��_are constz^uc�ed cn� flcor above
the oihsr, ti�n fix�t f'l.00r sh�a�l]. be aet into the �rounri� so as to per»
mit approximately 5 f oot va7.1 e3rposv�re abov+� ground �,rade and/or root
13n�e �o be lcr�rered b� chaz�ing raof piLch so as to blend into existin�
ar groposed cc�mmercial and residential araa.
Motion was seco�d�d by Mr. Banner. Yt �w•as c�rried unanir�aus7,y.
�t�e� fa�r was next considered. Discussian rela� to ove�-�a21 p].anni�ag
�.n� £utar� atreet layrout in �hat area of the norLhea�t quartar of' the nar�he�s�;
quari�r of th� north �alf of Saction ?.�? T..30, RM21a. Several pre�ri.ous r�q�ae��s
had been �ade for individual plattirie d� 5711a.ZI. tY'aCL9. The �n=�;ine:�r si.ateei th.a�
Mr. Van Clevin Y�.ad msde a proposal far a subdivisic�t plattxng of 7.,t�� �}33, inti�
four Io��. Th.�t he wouid be willin� ta � necessary street dadica�ia� �o�
north side of �aid Lot /�13, �as determS.nedo
Daveloper was �;i.ven io unders�tand he couid build or�7.y on spli� al�err,��:w ].ots
oY 9,04� squBrQ feeL, or undividsd 3o�s oz" 3(�;OtjO squa�a fe��} h�caus� o�' �e����
drainfield ne�d. It ��.s atat�d tha� I�r. Zackariason had alxbasty m�c?� ��:���.ca�:• �o:a�
when �njam�.n Sua�eet wa� put throu�h pr��vi.ou�iy, and he is w�illind �t� r.�a!>� ffi
s�.mi�a� de�icat�.on on the south 7.ot ].�ne o� La-� 7, and south s� de of hi� ���r�:� �ro�
�erty line of Lot 12. Agr. Ti12or, La� 20� sta�od that in the origir.�. pia'G�i�� c��
i:his �.re�. on Art23ur SLr�e�� i'rom Lo� 2? throu;h to I,ot 5, thirty.��i��c �eet ���=c
t•alcen off Qor @ec�icai:ion of s�re�ts. The Engi.neer etate� ttia.t Mr. Lolliman � i���, 22 )
had �rsada a previ��s ffitreet dad5.catios� �� 3a �Q�� on Garc��naa, �r.d anc�t�-�er. 3� �e�su
on Be�jam5.�e Str�ei;; �.�.d that hQ did not t�• to dedica.� �n.y more o� t�.3� p�c�: ;�•'cy
�or �tx^ae��. Tizc3 En�ineer further st�.t�sci that he unda�°staQd Mr„ t�ior�l (Lo� 9� �,
was r�-�111�� to d�dica�te on either tr,e north or south side o.f his lot; pr��i����;
Z�nderD I.ou 1�, on tha nor�ha or Mitahall, Ti�� i6� �an the eouih� would a���,�, s���_1�.r
dedica�on� Caz•lson, Lflt 6, aaid Zackariaeoa� T�ot 7, �roultl 3ike].y g:�.�.�� ci�d�c��c��n
an �he sfluth aida for atraet�. Mr. Pri�dtes, Lot S� and Mr„ Wo.rrra�,, i,s,•� y, �ro�31t�
a"± 90 �.v�a dedica�ion on the sou'th side, if they did noi havs to �ive or_ �the n��th
sid�, as wo].].. Mr. Til�er, Lot 20, stated th�� he i'avors an e�st and,w�si �::A�ti�
Mrd Foterson, I�o� ].1t, atated t?aa� he was sure his nei�hbar� ii�irr. Moes �. io :�.�,
�rou2d be to dedica�s 15 fee� cn the Q�st side of �heir Lots 15 s�ra.d �.fi.
Mr. Y�Ii�t.ct�1l stat�d that he wa,� aguin�L givin� aaqq d�dicstion, �xxcg�U on th� nor�ho
Mr. kTinkler si�a�od he wou2d be unable to maks ar�y� ded :c�tion due to house �.oz,a�ion.
Mz°. Se,,qner poin�ed out that i.t is not wise t4 put in s��r�r and �rater, �iti?�sut
stree�s to sezvic€� them; ar�d hesrin�s are al�rays heid in advancs, to se�u�a peop3e � s
permisaion. Thi��ty foot easements are no� maintained by �ityo Ther� �,r�.s al.�o a
di8cussion on th�a po�sibility of g�tting Arthur Street t3�rou�ho Tho c�uestion w�s
bx•ought up as to ��ho would pay for the bui.ldin� of the�e raads or ro�.d. I� was
explained that �ha property owner� would have to p�y x"or the roads. i�r. Kravik
made a motion to aarry this disCUSSioT1 OVO!` until the next meeting, so iha� �h�
Planning Comma.ssian can Iaok over the property� in peraon, and makt� further recom�-
mendation�. P�lotion seconded by Benner. Carried un�zimauslyo
The second it.em on the �genda �ras then conaidsrad. Consideration of proposed
Lyndale aailders t p�.at, 7.ying within that area botmded by ChsM Lsrlea b��h Avenus,
?�h Strset, and A�adi.son Street, was pre8ented a�nly for gurpoae of P1a:�nin�; Commis-
sion fami].iarizing themsel.v�es with area, for Iater consideration.
Item three, considsra.tion o! preliminary p�oposal Por Yan Clev+s, aP subdiv�-
sion into four lots, of Lct 2�, Auditor�a �ubdivi�ion 92, s�ras presented also, for
PlanninR Commiaaion �o look over� Wi�en aa�ae ie presented for consideration.
� Item liv�e, reconsideration of the r�location oP 68th Avonue in the RiCe
Creek Dam Addition? was tablsd. Member Day presiou$�,y adviaed that he had
looked flver area in question, and �ras apposed to acc�ptanae of pa�opased park
A area, as ind3.catsd on plan. '
Item s�tx an the a�;enda was f urther consideration o£ a hsavy duty trat'fic
road to serve industr,y west of P:sin Strseb, between 53z'd Avenua on �r�e north, and
I�3rd Avenue on ths south. The Fn�3.neer poinied out that it was imperative to inp
�tistz•y� that we hav�e a heavy duty rs�ad. After a len�Y�y discussion or3 location,
costs, etc., o� road, t�lr. SagrQr s���gested Lhat we tatte the twenty��o�.ar foc� aer�rice
drivo on the east aide of P4ain and put in a twa Soat cancrete obstruction m.oie -
Ieavan� forty �'ea� remaini.n� and extend5.n� aut ico tho �rast aidm �f not� e�i.eting
I�la.�n Str�et, Mr. Fontain� mmde this into a ma�Gion, and it �aas seconded by
Pf;r. Kravik� and uxianisnous7,y carried.
The naxi it,em �ras the can�ideration of 3xchan�;a o� school and Ci.ty �ro��i�;�
3n tYie v3cini�y of tioore Lakao A disaus9ion was h�1tl �o find out whe�h�r or no�
the school dracaz.n�;� t�aere c3ra•.� accordin�q to scal�. After a careful s�uciy of �L�a�
�chool dra�rin�s, it was decided that tiiere was no ob3ection to the t3�ada of �C.� c��r�
��r; providsd the school �rant nacesssry �hirty foo� easemants and schQOi moves it�
propra�'cy line back on P�onroe ctreot to 60th, and th2n on di��;onal3;l �o b1s �; and
Qui.r�� St�et (61st StreQt to �o �hrou�h}. The Piannin� Com�iission is �p�c��ed
to t�s vaaation of �qth Stresi, as sho�stn on school drat,r�.ng�. Th� abov� r�ai��ion�d
�asem�ni;' moving of prop�rty, and opposition to 59�h S�raet vacatic�.� �,��
� put in�o a motion by I�r. Fontaine. It was �econded by Mr. Kravik, and u;3animo�s3.3r
:hs nsxt item was the consideration of selection of car�su�taaiisti
�ir. �e<<;ner sugaested that "�OOO.Ofl bs �oted for, to employ planning can�al���„ Ti,
�as su��e�f.ed that a nwmber of these �irms ba allowed to come in te �igc� t�� Ca.nmie�
sion an idea of what thsy think and what they do. Mr, Faatairle se�geste�i that a21
cc3mr�i.ttaes �et to�ether far a meetin�.
A discuasion was held about a cer�ain fee per 1ot for pl.att3ng
aervices. It was poinf..�d out thai there ie a great oleal af time and Iabor spen�
for �hese aervicee, by the En�ineer and Administra�tion. Mr. Kravik mada a mot�an
that ;�10.00 a lot9 re�ardless of plat size, be aollected for platting sarvice�o
� Zt was aeconded by t�tr. r ontaine, and unanimousl,y carried.
There was a discussion an the prob].em oF sarid washing into Moore Lake, on
61st. It was sug�eat.�d that the road be gracia�d off and�
with otep-drnm� or curbs put ino
There �ras a sma7.1 discu9a�.on re2a�Civ�e �.o foncing and�out th8 Maore
^ I,alce ball �ield, grading and Ieveling Mi.�slssipp3. in p1.�ces, .�rlvar� Hil].s p3ay-
ground inf3eld� al�d 8seding thQ outfieidq
The nexE discusaion xas relative to a det.ective agency to give escort sc�rv�ice
to merchaats, and provide night patrol at ezpenae o3' usera. A motion, by �1r. Fon�
taine, to aet an a�en�cy fee oP �25.00s � a�5.44 fee for each additiona7. man.
� The City is to isaue identificatien carde to eaah licanaed operator, �rhi7.e xorking
in Fridlsy. It �raa aeconded by Mr. Kravik„ and carriad wzan3moualy.
^ There was also a discusaion an �asoline milea€;e allo�r�nce for City e�zplo;�aes
usir:g �heir cars for City jobs. The allawanc� now is ?� esnts. :�lr�. Fontaine
rnotioned that thie be set at 8 cents. Tt was seconded by I3enner, and c�rr�i�d
unaraimou�],q� for such recor.,,mendatian io Council..
The meeti.n� was adjourned at 11:04 p.rn.
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ffio�:iaa ie� he�e'b�,r giv�zt Lhat �.b�e�e �i33. b� �a Pubiic
�3ag be�e fihe �ialuZi.�g �c�tissiox��. o� i�e ��.�y of F�id�.m�►
izx �be �City �?,1 �%. 6431 iixxi�3i�:g ?�.vexnib LQ.g. tm Tues3�yr
A�il ?8, ].959d 3a i�he �oun��.l Cha�er wk ?:3f1 P.1�. for °�he
c4��.+de��i:iou o� �iZe �t�3locAr-.:nc� �taiL��:
� pxopa�ed �e-�iaq �;om A�»�. �o tt�� ��i�ed
�t��;.�p3c� ��3.3ng v� T+fl�: a-Ar 2r�d Rcv�io� aAudicor�
8ui�di.vis�.on �. 2; . loc.�.+:ed c�► �:he a�s� side o�
� �a���i �,vea�e ��h o� �.ce +Cr�k.�
�ro�a ���.r3z�g •�.o be 2�eaae�d m3�h sef�re�� �.o �a.�
�iao't�'e asa,��es ��.31 be I�e�rr� �ai. �:h�s ateetsaix�+g.
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