PL 05/12/1959 - 30048�_ , .
:_, _ -.�
x�y �.a, 1959
The meetin� was called ta o�rder at 7s?�5 p.m. by Cha3.rrnan Segrter. I�
�rs present were Chairman �e�ner, the �npineer, Ks�avik, and Day. Mem- �
bers absenL wer� Benner and Fanfi►ains. �,���
The Yfrst item was cansideration of Rice Crsek Dam Fia�. A mfl�ion �aas ���, �t''
made by Mr. Day to se� a public hexring for ida,y 26, 1959. Secoztded by �
t�r. Rrav3.k and carried unan3mously. .
Ne�,� va� consideration of the L�rridale t3�,�ilders' i'iat. Publfc h�arix� ��,;a�'f�,,��
dat,e was se�c for May 26, 1959. i�iot�.on by Mro Kravik, secanded by t�r. Day�
and unanimous3,y carried.
The considerat�i.on of Carlson�s Parkview Oaks Addit�.on, was also se� for� ;����
public hear3.n� on Nlay 25, ].959. ��otion by t�r. Kravik� seconded by ffir. Da�*, � �
and carr5.ed unanimously.
The next con�idera�ion was the Van C3eve P1at in �.uditor�s ��n 92.
Thc3 Engi.nssr brisPly �xplained �hat all people ti.n this area had been natap ��
fied to appea`r a� msetin� to work out suitable proposed street. Mr. Tille��
Lsa� 20, is no'� 3.n a pasition .to make dedieation on existin� s�est 't�rexi�y ��,:�� ,;�
fflot easeir.ent. The 7�o113mans, Lot 22, d� not to make dedicatiank ..� �
i;}iey ha,ve alreac�y dedicated on Benjani.� Street and Gardenia. I�r. W�nk�cs �.
south half of Lot 2�, gtated that owners of Lot 25 ca•ald not make d�dicaw
tians because of building toc clvge to li�e. Mr, Tiller inquired as �o
how m�mer of Lot 2 was issued �rm5.t to buildo It wa� explaiaeci by ��i�
En�inesr that present P�.anniag Commission could not be responsibla fo:� dep
cisians mad�e by pasti adrninf.etr�tion. It was Yurther explained tha� r��.ar
of Lot 2 wa� issued a buil.ding permiL an Apri1. 25� 195$ on reco�amendation
by the Board of Appeals. Nlr. Segner po3uted out tYlat preaen�t Plannin� Com�
miss3.on has anly very recently taken over� and �hat if a�,ypne ia dis����s�
fied, they have a legal righ� to iile a complaint. There is nothing tho
present P7.anning Comm�.ssion can do about facta accomplished beFore.
Mr. Ti21sr sta.ted that he wants to see ttiat ardinancss are Pu]�illed b�fbre
ho dedicates land. Mr. Qs,n Cleva st�tec� that he wauld dedieats 25 fe�a� an .
north side og his lot, i.f street were to go through frcm esst to w�est, b�w
tween.Benja�in �treet and Arthur Stree�. Miss Sakariason inquired.if there
mi�ht be a posaib�.lity of putt3ng a jcg in Straet between 8enjam3.n ar�d
Arthur. �The I'sngiaeer asked if aouth ha].f of Sakariason property ha�d beea
ao1d. Miss Sakariaaan replied tba�c they still reLain ?5 ��et an fi.ha Ben3aa
rti� si�e, �but that `��0 feet has besn "solci for purpo�� af build�ag one hom��
I�r.. �egr�eT pointed 'rnit that nfl one can ael�. a piece � f�unp�.att�d piece of
laad of leas than 2Z acrea. Mias Sakariason repiied tha� Attorney, Deamond
Pratt of [ironson-�rickson, had assured h�r tha.t said plat had been aleared
throu�h the Csty Ha21. Mr. Ti7.].er atated that he thought in viex of �i�e "
fact t�at Sakariasons h�ad alr�ady violated an ordinar�ces thsy shvuld be dbli-
garsa to a�aica�e 25 it., and cooperate with Mr. Vari C1eve. � /y
. MAY �-6 }g59
Mr. Mo�, Lot 15a e��d that l� had divided hie lot into two 2S0 ft. lvts,
and thaL he ie bnildi;�g in the northeast corr�er. Ae stated that he s+a,s w31I�
ing to dedicat� 2S.leet, but he was�.sure Mr. Mitchell, Lot 16D xould avt be
3.nterasted in sams. He also atated t2�at 2�Ir. Peterson xauld be �i.Iling
�o declicate on east sic�e o� Lat 3.�t. Mr. Preidtee statrd ti�at he cr�ma only*
ihe narth�tost corner a� LQ� 8= or � of tns lot. �9rs, ►v'v� re� stated �hat �hey
�1 own Lot q and 9/ut�hs oP Lc+t 8. They would like to have the ra�d go �hrcugh
north and aouth� bet�nsen Lota 8 and 9. ��so $'��d tha.t ahe did not
latow how the Zanders, Lote 3& lt, felt abaut dedicatior�. Mr. Ken �orin
stated that he kne�w Mr. Zander wauld be w3.11ing to dsd3cate Yor etrip runn�
nor�h and south� betwesn Lois 3�nd I�, arid si�i.lar dedi.cation on soui;h s3de
of Lot !t� clear on t�hrough ta Stinson Boulevardo
� �
;rirr. :�=inkier s�ated ihat he knew Tnx. i�itcYtsll would no� d�dicate on the wes�'c
side of his lo� (Lat 16). Mr. Van Cleve sai.d t�Ir. t�itchell thau�ht property
mi.�h� be condenm.ed, and that he i.s dePi.x�.i.�ely not interested in �hs st�ceo�.
Mr. '� .stated that hQ and Mr. M3tsor� (Lot 25) would no� dedicate sirip
rwining north and south on west aide of t,heir proper�ies. i�r. Ti.?.les s�cated
that }� la�w Mr. Costello (Lot 2�t) woiald dedicaic� on north side of his l��a
Mr. i�tae stated that Lot 23 had bo�n d.ivided in�o.�wo separate Iots, �hQ north
half belon�ing to rSr. Cro�r. Zf �ir. Crow were to dedicats an nor�;h si�e, the
ro�,d would came within 15 f�et of,his porch, The Engineer inquired 3.� the
tiiTorrels �ould be wiliin� to gi.vs dedication.on sauth side o! 7�0� 9. �
replied th�t they �rould rather have the street running nori:h and sou'ch.
I�lr. Ti1].er statPd that he would give dedication on north side of his Lot 20,
and that Brooka could not pive on norih side of Lot 2I. N[r. Tiller sta.t�d
th�t he did not think that platting •ahould be held up because there c�as no
provision made ior roads. Mrs. Lolliman staf�d ihat origina2 pla��ing �ras
i"or Arthur S�rest to �o through.
�e EEr�inasr stated that if awners oF Lots 10, Z1, 17, 28� 19? �.nd 27
wou3.d give dsdication on wes� aide of thesa .lo�Ls, they wouZd pass9.bly ga� �
ess� 20 £eet b8ck through vacation pracedings, provicl�d the owners to the
west wbvld giv�e s3.milar dedicatio¢�. Sakariason is �i7ling f.o give dedication
on eiiher south or north side of I,ot i2. Saka.ria�on staterl tha'� sh�
did not know i.f her paren�s wou].d be �ri].ii� to �ive d�d�.cation t� aor�h �ide
of Lot Z0. The . Enginr�er stated that i.f crwner . of %ot 5(Hra�m) were wi�:lir�g
to dedieate 25 fe�t (sout4�), �tresi co�Id go through, �o �rthur Strese with
ded3.cation frwn scuth half of iot 7. t�'• Broc�ss, LOt 21, �fluld na� be s�sil3�
in� to give on north Y�alf of his Lc>t 21. _
Engineer advised that no fur�her building permi.�s �rould be issued un�:il
atcx�eets are p2att.ed. Mr. Tillsr brought up the possibility of filli�.g in and
leveli.n� Benjamin Street. Mr. Segn�r suggesteci that the probl�m seer,.sd to
involve maixily Lot� 6� 7, 12, 23s ��5� a�d IS together. Fie also sta�es� thai
there ca311. be no fur�hsr �ale of lots unicit a7.1 ProPerty is pl�tted. Mr. 9an
Cleve inquired if it was pos�3.ble f.o ge� a permit for a�� ac�re plato
t�ir. Segner repl3ed tha� it was possible to buiid, but i� could na� be sold
ur�til p9.atted. Mr. Segner x�marked.�tch�.t 'he ���thov,�h'�'`r�Tie �cle cansideratioM
wsas a mat�er for all the o�msrs to ge� togethsr a�d work out a so�uf,3.:tm.
H�aring closeclo . . : .. - �
��t i�em bn the. a�onda� xas cansiderabion af possible futu�'e roads �ast af �
1� �between East River Roaci and thES 2�ississippi Rivers north of 6��h tJaSr�
7�rin�; in the �vuth half . of Sectioa 1S. �'• ���� explained that map was ixfw j Q��,
correct, and that P�lr. G er tzen propar ty ( L o t 1 2), w i t h t h e e x c a p t 3 o n o f a r t e
corner� real3.y be2ongs to Mr. Johnson. I�L Was remarked tha� th�.s area is � _
difficulic ona, �o �rvrk out str�e'�s, dus to a number aY small easemen'is �.n the \'�
area and some �ma�1 1ots. The land has been brokea up so�tha.t it is diff3cult ��
to give everyo�e accsas to ares. 2wo utilitp ea�sments exist betw�oen 7,o�s 12 �,,
8nd 15a wh3ch are currently used as t�ro separate roads. It was sugp,es�ed, at '�
la�t hearin�� to r�ove u�ility po1�s to the back o� these lois, There is a ���.
i�.l � 1 �„ � �,
r�Mrovr (�.0 ft.) ?oop �asement araund I�ots 2$, 29, and �Oa � y ;, �`
,�� �,��,
- MAY -� 1959 � %
�h:_z; ; �
�I Se r �tated that it'n�.p,h ba poss bla ta .put rcad f,hra�h o:� �aseaasn�\
� � �. � �
- betw�en zo�a .iz grn; s5; but t� 3 a.ots n r�at �;2, � �oo sm�.z �o ao �.- �
�h3rig on a 1Q fbnt �asement. Hc� alco s ted that Air. ��ud,�;ren, had pravious3y �
of�ered to ��ve all 'th�tt wae neco�ssxy i�o give ,u� a i�0 foo� Qas�r�n�. '�ir. Bra� ,
3.ey bs�ou�ht pZat of has property. �irs. `Carlsoz�, Lot 3�., af.a.'cad that ths�y i
yrere tri�.in�; to dedicat.e l0 fsei �.oi�, t!:� �ou�h s�de oP theit�: px�operrvY. ^ ;
I�r. I�ords La� 30� ata't.Qa that t'r.erc �as no 7.e�a1 aasarrent a].on� I,ots 29 anc3 �0. 't
Abstr�ct has bee:� search�d �d�,e sho*�s r.a existing e�emen�, bu� D�le ;
s�af.ed that he wrould �ive ease�sn� �sked #ar. i�.�. Jo:insan stat�ad �h�.� p.� !
would gi�ro 1.0 fQ�t but no r�orc, boc�use it would in�,e��"ar4 with iv.s �araKeo I
No on�a �as present fram La�c ��� i�ir��. Cax�son inquired abou� iY�.Q passibiliiy oi
�;a�ti�xtg mare land irom DuvaL progerty owne�rs af Lot 27 from norLh sid�, :far
necess�ary 34 ft* additional, �or �asa�nt. Mr. S�gnar �sked if they :rere w3.11w
�; io pay for mora prop�rty, i.f a.i: could,be acci�:�a^ed. i�ir. SQgner stat: d �,ha�
sztch easerfents �h�.� on m3p, ��'en if no�t si�otan an d�eds, and that th�ao a�ners �
probably have a righi �o shu� off access ico ou'�a3.dsrs, should they so desire. ,
yrr. Se�rtor inquired oi T�Rr. Forc1 and PArs, JoIuzsQn if th��r �:auld be �.Il� �Go �
�ive on norih, if tf�r. Bol.lin�;�x� would a�rea. t�r. Ford repiied t�av ease�» i
ment on north side vro��ld run tt�c► close i;a f��us�s. ��z`s. Carlsan sta.tc3c� that
�Y:�y werQ Y�3.11ir.� to �1ve �as�men� on �ouyh o� ea� v�ids, bu� not bo�n�
11'�•� �.j�gr Ey,t3���d E?�'jQUt. �'.Y2P, possib.iZ3ty of puttin� road �hr�u�h 3crasa r�:ar of ;
L�r�an (�ot 16) properby, runnin� nQrth anri south. i�Zr�. Carlsen ��sp1_�.ad ��.at
�hey �rou�d oon�ider fiivin� sLrip �or said roaci, if it did no� spoii �lzeir ��t. i
T+ir. L��rson in�u� red i.f it would be xas�b3o far t]�e City to �urchag� l�d fro�
��m�r of Lo� 17. �ir. �ep,ner oxnl�i.nod that it would b�: pos�ible, be��L suc:h p:�
^ curame�� w���ld be asse�sed �,ryni.nst b�nef�.�tin� o4m�rs. i�ir. 3rale,y ��:�c�i-rQd �.:' ,
r� �.•�: was po��xbZe to• selZ lot� 9�000 sq. f�. in si�og assuu-c�,ng that somc� day ��
��ater anci �e�a�r �ould be pu� in. Zdr. Se�z�sr expiain�d �that b�.zildi.n� �ermi�s
� z>ro�t7.d onty be '3�sued �Co every I$sC�30 aq. ft.; in aiher words, every o�cher �.o�,�
i;r. Sra7.ey �tat�d tha.t between Lo�� 11t �d�l�: there -3�u1'dibe no accessi wz;d t�
a.r.qu3.�ed whQre road would go throu�ls. The Eriginasr replied thaU at p�ovi.�us �
� mseii.z�, Mr. �aud�en had stated tha� he is wi3lit�; ta dedicate whai; i� asededo ,
t�� Snow� rQ�rasont3n� I+�'. Sandgre�ss stat�ed tiiat Mr. Saud�r�n h�.d not bEer� �noti� �
£�.�si oS he�ri�, duc� ta tha fact �iaat hs lf.ves 3n Minneapc]ie. ifs�'. T�rso�, I
� I�ot 16, statsd that at la3t mae�ing! road was �Eo go' thraugh ac��uss S�ud�re�z
py aperty + about 5fl or bo �'�a� a..cra�s Pront of lot �d tt�en aaras� Lo� 16. �
. Yi�-�. Saud�nron �ranted accass Lo Ri.ver lot�. If raad �oas �%rough c� 16 end 3l�
i�. wi1�3. atill Isava no 8cc��s to R3.ver. i�r. segn�ar s'tat.ed that .�'• SSUC3�ren . ;
��:i21 have to plat land, and bri,n� plat in far apparoval. Mr. 4naR� aekad about i
tho po�si.biZ�.ty of pu�tin� road S.�n on north side of Lot l�i and on up to ths �,
�ast l�.�er Road. Mtr. Segnsr repiied thmt it cauld��� �o through iyecause of �
housQ and �a���a cm Z,c�t 27. Mr. 5r3gnsr su ;ges�d a p�asi.bility af gettin� %
o�n�r o� Lo� 17 �a donaf.c� 14 �es'ty �.nd be�,yin4q other ���ed 20 ie�t. I�ir. Se�a� j
sug�ested thQ �03.2.o��ing pro�asat= Movo u�iliL-� pale�. on south lin° o� zot 12 i
a.�d na�ri�h side �f Lo'� 3.5 • to be Ti'�OVOt� "i;,0 �tACIt �.�.21� Qf '�Yl2'A9 �.O'i`,8 on La� i.2 snd s
no� �,h li� of �ot ].�, Plu� an �ddi�3.ona1. 2$ �eat on �outh side a� La� �5 �o be
�s��n fa•r road to exfi.end b�c4c 7.00 �ee'� a2.cng �at lia, and cut, dia�ona'�.'�y' scx�o�s
i��•t Z5 to the F,as�t mide of Lni� 16, southeasL maros3 Lo� 31. '�e taoulcl �at�e
IO �e��t alon,� �cu�h �idQ of i,�ta ��.s 30, 2nd 29: with the as�um�ation �haf: �te
c�.� got ���f?cie�2L amoun'U o� l�nc€ +ro;:i o� o� Lot 17 to ge� riQh�aw�.y.
x',•�. Se�;nsr suff�ested a ta�.!c wiih o�aner of Lot 17, and su��sst,ed �eflgle o� ar�a
� c�n� �,o ts ., s with t�ir. Sa�.ddren, I�ot 1�, �xid t,ha� ca11 meetin� Lo pr�`�e that
. t�ter� t�*ar� not ab3aCtian� t.a prc�pnsal. ties�rir►g Wf13 c2osod.
, . �y
� � MAY � 1959
� )
Mr. Lee and I�lr. 8ern dohnson xera pre9on�: to discuss propoaed Builder�e
Supp7y Millwar�s ? Buildi� �}�1an and archit.c�at s s dcawit� aP proposeci
futnre buildi�r� �*as pTesented. 24r. �ep,ner replied, in answ�r �o buiidir� �4
p�rmiL $oning, that the sonir�; chan�;e �aas not yet c�enpletecl. A pending a�.
gublic he�r3.�g before Ccuncil Mea�in�, and required pazblications is first
sf,ep. Mr. ��;ner s�sted thab miniwum i3.mme would bg three ar fovr
��oeks� bu�t 'mas:irntun cauid be 90 cl�ys. ff,r. I,es described� in detail, t?is pro»
paaed building; �o be ut�.li�ed for caUinat mak�ga 2ina�.eum, re�1 est�tea
en�3�rt�erin�� draf'ti.n�� etc. The�e �aanld be daubZa do�rs in fron�, and vea��
1.�tcirtg sygtem �a heln eli�ain�ts m�chinery r:oises. �.'tz�y sirr�s�ed tho x'act
�:hat th�x w�nLsd .t�us buil8i»g to be very 3�tr�.ctiv� �ritla l�r:d5cagin� i� f�ont
area, and r�a�er3.a�1 deli.�ery pas?dn� {�Toul� �� � � r�ur o� b�.�3.1d�} w�.�?z cu��o�
mer gaxking �t side. iAr. ,Lee st�ted thai �aiE;Bf?1`v plan ailawed h3 fe�� ir�
sic�e stree�. :4r. r�� repl.i�d that th� ox�dinan.c� �a�ovi.c���s For 80 f��� °rom
a�.l abutti.n� sfareet3. 'rir. Day re4d �"�e zcn�.n�? 7.� �as �cr Cit3r of I�°rid1.;�;�� It
waa �Cho�x�aa�;, �ay IIr« nay, that, area ca��3.8 Le �oned C2«l; and if No, ��.w� c�;zld
�e used as is, *�ri�h �.3 �ooic �l�.ow�ce fr�.� si;r�e�. i��. Se���r r��p�.x��
tlzat L-hey �hou3d pre�ent plan �� tY!� Coancil for hear�,, and sia�ac� �,h�z��; i �. •
t•rouid no�L be ou'� c�f order fur a�e�bzr o£ FI-�7.n�; Co¢r�iss�on tfl s��c ��
n:: �xf.r�, ; o
f;l� i�ext cnnsidera�'.�on csa� u�s�*r<�,,.;G� d? spoS23., �3'ab1�m. iiinn�a�:� is :��wi_1 r�
ior.;er �;�x�r:��� � r�Ust,� sesrra�;e �o ez��� �1:�� x� lines fx•orn ou�sid� �°��so '���i^ ��
Fn�in��r ���?_�ir_ed �ha� we ca �a� ��ave ax� 1�.cens�d se►�a�e dis�sa�. r,��?�:����.:�
�:o�s. a� t?^.� pre�en� t�e. It t�a� a� sa Fo:�.nt,ecl ca� tha� scr,aage h�d �_:°s: .�,�;�slyq',,,� �,�
���n c;�:Mperi iZ sp�:��.f'ied m�.11�'t�3.GS� �,+u� i:Iti.$ �lls tlinl.�l.�od by ��f3 i3if -c :��� �� �•
r�Sn�zc Z:orks la�� ycar, c:ue �o s�zncl con�n� from cess�oo?: .%,r. "�=t;�� L:� ��.•�� I
L;.;� a'1�7.?9'�J.CF!"!S: ':'I1f� first; ��r�s� t,o su��ast to Lhe Couricil th�� ��:�y :j :c?�L �� , i
ia�:�i�3 e:'urrt��, licerse viola�ions. �3 3econd was to consult an �n�-�r:y�:� ��s ti�i; a
�:^o��em of di��sa3. �n uiscuasa.o�, i't was d.e�ide� ich.=�v CiLy �z����.d ��rTf �c� �,
�>�� ccm,:�or:o i:o prov3.d� this ��rvice, a��c� Iir. Kravik thou�h�c :ii: s:�ou? c� kt� sir� �Q�,�,
':._� to Ga�rtc�.l that ail s�tr�raes �cnn�rac�or� ai;cu? ci grovide ��zr�a.c� �1s� �s�M�.c•�
vi��� covei��..��, a� to �I�vre �uch �zs�o�a]. fi�.•rr �tQUld diwpo�e o�' ����.�e,�
rlr.r2� Si�7'.G t��3.uGU8S�.011 Wi3:i
��3� t th� �.�4��aio :^�a��e na
n�� of ��at 23. it t�a�
r:z�uzinp ��st �ri LoL� 1.,
� �:�:,c%�.vide f,'���.= �.r I�L• s o
:r���an� z�a� s3t for l'�,y
th� Os�t:��as� Adci�.��.on e�ser��e:-��. m�ie
accee;� ae�.���n �at� �3. anc� 22, d�e
poin �Qd r�v � tha�: a rr�ad couZr� xao�: bs
2,� 3, and Yt. t?�rnera o� p2^opc�t;� ir
n fi,hs nor�h �nd 3outh 1�aL a�' L�ts 2
25, 19�9.
i�.,nc;i�28�` r,;,`u.? ��f :.I G�tl�, h��
4;.� �C,�,c.i¢4�'•pQ ':.�SE L�L� .{inw`� v . .
pt:v tiihi•nnF�i2 i`e:� ��.TIL^-,
� ti1i� ��'e;�. �;�znf. tQ
2 an� 23 � ?'a �lic
e .,�r i 7. "� ♦ e �v �2t:`�` �/1�'• �,
!L•1�•�r��r carx �� t.��rw��ion ��_.� th� aa�_n�, �f Pcate il� ocit� s pro�or��� I�.r g°� �
�tu��ed tha� �.� rwd been �u:.�•e cl���, �� Ac�te Brook3 that Cit�r ��c�«ld ��o•�• :�;�ca•a�w� ��
izis �nrius��°i� _r..l'o�r��yo ii31 ora3 �.;:nc�, p�.s�d by Gout�cil! dosc���bQ:� ;��:�.f�.c
'ic�4 �� �n�d for ���a�.�.or cari�, wi;th ,no incr����, a�.? a-��d� :�i.�^. ��°a���� a�n��ci .
to 'r.avc i� r��zo�3�d for �:o;.^A spa�� Po� trailo� camp. �ast �'laru�in� C�mm.i���.on
aai�i Counc:Ll re�zanr�d � o prr�viae an equ�i. amoui�t o� �ropcs�ty �o bs r���r���d .
Co�rs:n€�r�i�.e ?:t ¢ra� decidad �tr.a� t:,e�e��:s• ehcu�.+� coa���c� N"lt. Eroc�;bs ;�s:� �a�l�;.
viZ�.wR iR"ritiLLi� d��ie � ' � - -
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MAY �'r }ggg
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�Ye �x� diacussion aavered n+aed for a new City Hall, ae per m�no mai�-� au U
t� Crnmcil i3embers, due to rapid conditions aaused by the fa�t
City grcxath. i��r was discus�ed �four alte�natives), and it �ras sug�est,sd
that Plann3np Carr.►ission t�embers Cive t?v.s consideration,� and �rhaps come
up with ides,� in the waq of this future planni.n�� by ich� next ma�tiriga
I�e��ing Tras �djaurned at 11:30 �.ma
pia�nning C�rani.ssion
MAY 2 6 }959
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Oa�e of the items which � ar�e also sup�osed to take up this eveninR,
has to do with future pla�n:lt�g for City iial7. gctfvities. ih�e to ihe rapid
ov�erocz�c�sd�.n� conct�.tions caused by the Past Citq growth, there i� a r�ed.
for additianaZ personn�l and oFfices. �
There appears to be several schools o£ thought re3.ative to such pZan,� One plan wauld ixYVOlve the talcia� ov�r of the present Shores�ood
Lounga�s and with minor revisions� con�ert the same into our futuxe Ciiy Ha1I.
Tiiere sre already a nwnber of room� Wh�ch can be used or fuLher sub�
diva ci�d into offices. It is centra3.l,y 3acated, with a large parkin� area
to the north, which seems to m�ke this a suitable locatione
TYse present City Aall area co�ald then be utili2ed for off�-sa1Q l�.quar3
as weil as an on�s�2e bar; and because of its location and i�s c�.ase proxi�
mity to our fu�ure industria7. arez, ii is felt th,3t liquor receapts c�u�.d
be subs#,antia2Zy increased.
�aLher thou�ht weuld involve � Qrec�ing a new, up vver oiu°
present equ3.psnent sho�, which roaf be�tns could suppar� the necesszr�► h�avg
fioo� �rhich wo�7.d be requircd, Such structure would �hen hause �he p;,�sent
Fare Depar�ment� anrl in exchaz�e, the existing Fire Dopar�msnt area wou�d
be side panel,�.eri and roafed anz� used as a large Councit CY�mber, wi�h su� ��
able nea�ssary revisions. It won3.d thus ].eave the preserrL Cowaci3 araa uo
be furthes canver'ted isito other necessary �Citq Aali off3.ces.
Due La the struc�ura � of th�: p-r�sent C�.ty Na11 snd the lack af necessary
s�ructural su.ppor�, it �sould r�o� be feasible to add az�r addi.iiona7, sto��y io
�Ytis existing bu3lding. �
: In the event that the equip4nent garag;e xas so modified for the F�e
1�par�t�ment, it would tnean that the doors would mos� likely Yace �he south;
ancl fire trucks would not be �p as advantageous a pvsition as at present�
when gu7.ling ou� an�o Iiighway 56� �n ths event of a f�.re alar�re.
� third thau�ht is to dispose of the present City Iia1.i structure:
through the bid methady retainit�; perm�.ssion to use s�ame, �til a compl.ete
neW structure coa�2.d be erected on tn� nor-�h side of Pice Creet;s im�edieate3�y
east of Highway �t Pi'ovided wre cou3d pro�ure this Zand area fraai :�lr. Ate].son
at a reason,able price. Hs mi�ht be pac�v�iled upan to donai� a Cer�aiY3 amount.
of ths lendi to be added to that which wou3.d bo purchased by the City.
At� eSfor�t �ri1l be made to con�act Mr. Nelson, within tha ne� fe� days,
relative to suah land procur�nmen�. In the meant�ae, it is sugges�?d t�at
each of tlle Pianning.. Co�ssion M�atiers give p�rsonai consideraticm to sil
�hree �roposed chanAess or perhaps come up � soma new idoa.s� .%n the t��,q
of �his � future pl,anning, ,
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MAY 1 2 1939