PL 05/26/1959 - 30049.
�� J �.
May 26, 3.959
The meeting was called to order by Cha3rman Segner at 7t30 P,M. Members
press� were Chairman Segner, Fontaine� and Braviko Member Benner was ab�ent�
r�ith Me�nber D� reporf,ed as havin� reaignedo
The firet item was the consideration of proposed indastriai ].ayouL aite
Por the Van Br3. Irnrestlnent Co�pany, to be situated on Main Street, north of
Mississippi Street. Mr. Brink and i•fr. Disher presented plans on their indua=
trial site. During plan discussion, Mr. Brink advised that thirty foot width
road would be sufficient for his firm, in answer to Mr.�s question as
to such widtho Mr, Fontaine s�ras of the opinion that such thirty foo� easement
mi�ht become a future dedicated strest. Upon t�lr. Maddy�s inquiry of Mr. �rfnk
as to a possible forty foot road� he was advis�d that they wo�ild raise no objec�
tion as to either road width, as the�r could move b��ildir� back, Mra �irin.k ex�
plained that firm would manufacture alumi.num bath fixturee and hardwaPeo Engi�
neer noted t,hat it wo��ld be advantaoeous not to put this easement thruubh as
stres� to connect with Main Street thorou�hfare, because of the traffie p�oblen�o
Motion by Fontaine, seconded by Kravik' that lay-out plan be accepted, th�
e�o�eption that the thirty foot easement be changed to forty foot width, to exu
tend up to north section line of Section 1.5; with provision for a fifty foot
culdesac rttrtd ar�y future area industry to have entrance only on ser-,rice roado
Motion �arried. (Fn�;ineer�s opinian is that thirty foot width rear
road would be sufficient s3Ze, inasmuch as the firmis representatives sa.�.d th�y
would do their o�m snaw plowing and maintenance work; and especiali,y as exis�
front Trinity Road is expeeted to be vacated by area developero)
Mro Hanson and Mr, Petit were present for the c�nsideration of proposed
Rice Creek �Dam Plat. En�;ineer, in a resume of oc�n�;��;�� at previot� �e+etings�
pointed out that firat original plat had been selected as firat cho3.ce; with a
later alternate plan with developer dedicating the auf�icient sidth for 68th
Avenue� as �rell as a later 3rd choice with only a aouth thirty foot etreet dedio
catioai and a culdesac ending on 68th Anenuee Mr, Hanson advissd tha.t they Would
eapect io put in water and sanitary aewer� with former to be iu..�.ed around Gar-
field and i�ay�es Street, and sewer to end on 68th Avenuee Mr, Hanson no�d that
�o�es expected to be eracted would come up to or exceed the standard of hames a10
reac�q in this areao He atated that thia site was not the most desireable �ite
for p].atting purposesa Mro Fantairte stated that he had no objection to site
develognent, but he felt that a,ny hame awner� facin� 69th Avenue, in thg event
of their Iater splittin� their lots, would be doubly assessed by reason ox" both
68th and 69th Averrues - insofar as same sewer was concerne3, The deveioper, in
explaining contemplated se�er laymout atated that�it would not erass 6$th Avenuea
Mr. Basquan, ].1t00 � 69th Avenue, inquired as to salability of the back half of his
1ot, presuming water and sewer were put through on 68th Avenueo It was pointed
ouL' by the Engineer� that this could be acco�nnplished by his granting a twenty
foot easemen� on his front la�, from 69th Avenuee to the person b�ying raar ha],f
of lot faaiag 68th Avenueo l�o FonLaine requasted �.nformation as ta the praban
bility of Iift sts�tion beir� put in, and the fact that developers themselves
Would be the ont�y onee using it; inaemuch as property below Creek wauid never be
developed, and de�ired to know who would be paqi.�g for auch liYt statian. Engi�
neer answered that only benefitt3.n� users would pay at this �ime; but in the
event of any property awners north of 68th Avenue Iater using same, the�r would
in �urn be asseased Yor their proportionais part of lift station costsa It
would be possible to install a sma].1 individ�zal sewer treatrnent unit to take care
of the thirty-t�to Iot o�ners on this p1a�, inareasing up to fifty individualso
Mr, Nansen also atated that they would pa.y for street assessment on Ha,yes Street,
whereupon Mr, Segner made inquiry as to when ae�rer would be installed on 69th
&venuea The Engineer replied that in ihe event of enough petitions, includin�
the �%veloper�s petitions for the thirtyytwo lots involved, i.nstallation could be
made ne�t y�earo rir. Petit wished to know if City would approv�e oY ces�pools if
lots were of lar�er siae. Mr. indicated that in case of cess�ols,
189000 sqo fto is required, and in the event, the developer could only erecfc s9.xP
tesn housea on �Ghirtydtwo lots� ioith the alternate sixteen Iots to be built upon
iater when sewers were inatalledo fie further atated that he was favcrable to the
proposed nlat providin� that the thirt�r�t�o future home owners would pa,y their
sharev ;iotion by Foniaine, seconded by Kravik� to accept plai plan as is9 with
5� (�'"1000000) to be �;iven for park fund. Carriedo
^ Proposed road dedication in Ostman�s 3rd Addition was tabledo
Mr, �rnie I�Ia,dsen was present to discuss the proposed sub_divisioas of
Rice Creek P1aza, North. xe explained that there is a small triangle seetion
north of said plat, which is zoned residentiala It s�rill require rezoning before
becoming record of plann�ed plato He suggested that Flanning Commission initiate
rezonirig of thia portiaai. Attorney, Haward Crabtree, repreaenting the Loeke
interest, waa psesent and ag;reed to such rezoning; which rexoning will entail the
preaent induatrial and camnercial area aouth of the north line of Secti.on 1lt,
bein�; changed to reaidential, and the balance north of this Section line in Sec4
tion 11 beir� changed to heatry industrial and comaaercial, for the balanee of that
portion naw sho�,m as reaidential. Mr. Madsen atated that he had e►� with the
Righw�y Department on tt� matter of etreet right�aoWay, �rhen the origi�al plan
was propoaed with a�ifty f'oot service road beir�; euggestsd in the event of a
later negd. Ho�waver, the Highway Department now believ+e that they may want an
additional forty�five feet, whieh would eall for re-working of plat for sueh
road re-locationo He further stated that he was to n�eet with the State Hi�Mray
Department again at a later date. Chai=man Se�r advised that the preaent matter
for requeat af re-approval of preliminary plat, subject to resoning, �o through
regular procedureo Mr. Madaen stated that he �ould bring in final plat within
thirty da�re, and which plat will shar aatual r�seded road determinatiarlo Kravik
moved tha,t plat be accepted with atipulatian that Mr, t�iadaen contact Hi�hway
Department and re-adjust lot to the required set-back for hi�hw�q to cawply with
the contempla.ted ri�!ht-s�ray. Seaonded by Fontaine. Carriedo
Furti�er conaideratio� of the propoaed rezonix� to commeraial the area beP
^ t�reen �!niversity Avenue and 5th Street' south of Mississipp�, No one s�aa present
in reply to Mr. Segner�a question as to the preaence of anyr�ne wishin� to be
Next� was consideration of an ordinance amendin� the platti.n� ordinance
to increase ths fees for examinat3on oY ne� platso Data as to sunilar char�es
b�r other neiphboring cities waa presented. F.n�;ineer painted out that it wa�
su�;�eeted that such fees be set at °10000 a lot� r8gardless of plat siae, at
the April 28th Flannin� Commisaion meeting, with Mr. Se�ner out that a
�10000 fee would work out to be muah less ihan that chaz��ed by other cities and
village�. Mr. Se�ner read the comparison sheet to Attorney Wyman Sraith.
Mr, Smith explained that in Plymouth, such over4a11 char�es are charp,ed to dev�e�
lopers. Hember Kravik au�;gested that fee shouid reasonably cov�er City cost8, afm
ter determi.nation of what such costs are. t�ir. Segr►er felt that City
Attorne�r should �;ive a legal descript3on of a71 such p�oposed pl.ats, and tha,t
there ehould be an opinion of the City ]3oard, snd that such servioea shouZd be
paid for without City havin�; to resort to �;eneral fundse They should be on proper
form with proper procedure for plat approval, a su��ested miniMUm of �100oA0
per plat, with a maximum of °250.00, unless apecial engineeri.r� services are re-
quired. Mr. Smith said that 3n his opinioa�, such plat coata should not be charged
to the c�r�nunity� due to it raising existing milt rate. t4r. Segner suggeated
that this it.e�a be placed on the a�enda for next P'J.annins� Commisaion �eting� so
Cmrunnieaion membere can tell what services actually co�t,
FngirLeer pre�ented a letter and site Is�yoont from Mr. Leonard Cochran� for
resoning lraa reaidential to R-2, and fro�► C�1 to Mol, certain portians of properm
ty lying betaoeen Pierae Street and Central Avenwe. Cxhran was present and
/� atated that he xanted rezonin� for poesible erection of earth�noving equipnent
storage buildiAg. waa set for June 16, 19590
Aeat consideration was a letter tram the Plasterin� Service Compa�y, by
Boqer Palmer, requeatinf; �onin�; from residential to commercial, portion of
t3ennettoPalmer Additions � block east of Univeraity Avenue. Mro Palmer presented
propoaed plat to PlanninF C�mmisafou' and public hearing was set for June 16, 19590
Ne�ct� was consideration of 1��.yman Smithts Certificate of Suiwey, sauae being
purtion of Lot 6, 2nd Revision, Auditor�s �ubdiviaion 21, lying between Lucia
Lane on eset and IIighw�y 65 on the west� for buildin� peimi.t without co�npliance
with plattin� ordinanceo Mro Smith preaented a aketch of previously proposed
plat, which containa Lot 6, explaining that there had been previous discusaian
about runnin� a north and south service road throu�h on west side of said properm
ty; but a Mr. Babinaki has atated that he wanta to build on this portiano
Mro Spith further explaiasd tha.t the Surney needed P7.anning Commisaion approval
ia order for buildir�; permit authorizatiou by buildin�; inapector, and that he
could amortiae aome of the many asaeasmenLa on property by doing aoo He atated
that he was sure his plan �ould not up-set any Yuturs planr�ing that the City
mf.�ht do in using it� and he would p,o alaoonzg with What the P'lanning Co�aisaion
decidsd t,o do. tie xae agreeable to a 30 foot dedication for a asrvice road.
Fontaine mov�ed to accept survey. Seeonded by Kraviko Carried
Tde Dett Conaider'8tl.On xas Lhe p2'oposed Pa�'kvie�r QAke, lst A�dditiozt, ttith
developer,�ir. 8"�ert Cariaon, presenting plat plan to Coami,eaion, and poir�ing
out the �Xcessive variation of e3evation an such prop0rty. The Engi�eer stated
that the Colu¢nbia Hsights School Board xag desirous of obtainin� ten acres of
pro�rty adjoining on the west; and that the P].annin� Commission havir� preaiousl�
visited this area could understand the passibility of a road in�o
thi� area for the school, without undue loss of Iots to Mr, Car�son. I�r, CarZso?:
felt the school should provide for their o�n road dedications. It was alsa poin�cv
ed out that the road could �o throu�h on tne �aest side of Carlson proparty, wiih
possibZy loss of only one Iot betwoen Lots 8 and 10, and extending west��as°d fro�n
a p�oposed strcet, bein� in center of proposed pla�e En�ineer ou�lined a probab�.�
proposed north and aouth road i�nediate�.y west of such p3.a�, up to a paint which
would be 3n the appro�ci..mate vicinity of narth line of Audiior�s Subdivisior� 2So
Mr. Carlson pointed aut that whereas school property is usually levelecl and flat�
tened prior to builcl�g, such road would not be as beneficial as the proposed
road betsaeen iots 8 and 10. Cc�rnaission suggested to Mr. Carlson that three Lo�s,
8, 9, and IOy not be built upan at the present time, duo to po�sible 3ater use
for such road dedication, betweon now and the end of Z959. If such road �aas no�
needed, propert�r would revert back to developer. Mr. Carlson then exp3a�.i:ed �he
probiem of drainage, with Lhe possibility of a pipe line runnin� south a..n� west
thro�h Auditor�s Subdivision ql�, to cortnect at i�oore Lakem It was decided t��at
this problem should be looked into further by consultant�, as to such f�a5ibil.i��
� and cos� estimate. Kravik made motion that approval be made af proposed preliru�
nary, with following provisions:
1. Developer to supp�y street profi.3.ea.
2. Developer to provide and pay for water and sewer, as previous
Parkview Manor P1at acceptance, with City to blacktop atreeis,
but storm ae�rer to be put in by petitiano
3o Developer to temporariTy hold up Lots 8, 9, and I0, Block i�a
until first of the year, for purpose of possible xroad estende
ing over in future progosed school property in Auditor�s Subo
C13Viei011 25'0
1�. A 5� cash contribut3an for future parks.
Motion seconded by Fontaine. Carriedo
Rezoning of Peter Brooks property, loea�.ed in the north ha2f of Seciion 12,
was next considsred. Mr. IIrooks expla3ned his desire for rezoning change. I�
was expia3sied that this propert� resoning was actually an exci�aAge of two sections
of land for the purpose of ehanging a aertain area as desi�;nated on attached
sketch fro� C2-S to Nt..l, and to exceed the existing square footage bp not more
than 2s00C1 square feet. idotion by Fonta.iae that tranafer be acceptedo
Seconded by Kravik, and carried.
geith Harstad was present to discuas and p�eaent the Van Cleve plat, located
fn the north t�a].f Section of 2tt. 1ie indicated that a11 property awners in abut-
ting areas are xil.linR to �ive 25 foot street dedication, upon the asswaption
that Arthur Street Wi.11 eventually contirnie through south�rard, and that deeds for
such dedfcatiaz�a are now being made up to be preaented to City. Mr. Harstad
agreed to provide a ria�e for the eaat and weat streat, north of his pro}�sz°tg
lxne, and to ha,ve �he final plat made up and presented, wiih 5� dedication for
future parks. Niotion by Fontaine aad seconded by Kravik to accept plat,
Mr. Richard Steiner presented a proposal for a superette daa.ry atore, to be
located on Highway 65 and 63rd Avernze, adjacent to the Texaco Sta�ion. Zaning
�ets all requirements, and superette wili be erected in set-back lin�
Texaca Station, with prov3.sion that Iater relocation might have to be made.
Deciaion to accept plan as shoWn, and a�reement to set building back as far as
posa3ble �or parking purpose� was adoptedo
P�Ir. Jensen� representin� the Jensen Mote2 now a3tuated on Central Avenue=
was preaent to request rezoning fram �1 to Commercial, an area adjacent to
Brookview Drive, ior the purpose of erecting a large motel sign. He has an option
on small lot on the northeast side of such Brookview service road, and it is his
wish to put up a sigi3 to attract aIl south bound traffa.c on T�ighs�a,y 65. Mr. Seg�
ner advised that there �ou7.d have to be a public Mr. su�gested
that Mr. Jensen �et a Special Ose Petrmit; but such permit bein� good for on],y one
y�ear, t�ir. Jenaen stat,ed that he would like to b�r property to eliminate the one
year praviaiaai. He would like to purchase said property, but wiahed an assurance
� that he could secure perniit to put up such s3gn, if purchase were made. The Engi-
sbeer point,ed aut that any sign over I2 sq. ft. requires property t,o be rezoned
for either comnercial or industrial, and �[r. Jensen�a proposed 8� x 12� r�Ipn
would call for such rezonir�. Hr. Maddy talked about ths poasibility of the City
b�ring said lot to extend a service road through, and tha,t it might be fmportant
to attain this property, for acceas by servf.ce road to Highway 65. 8ravik made
motion that City take steps to acquire Lot 3. Seconded by and carriedo
Aeceptatsce of zoninp map wag next considered, and upon a motion b�r Fontaine
to recom�aend acceptance oF such map to Counci]., seconded by Rravi.k that they
pass pro�r ordinance for such zoning regulationa, passed u�n auch map shawing
revisiona of May 1, 1959. i�totion carried.