PL 07/14/1959 - 30051� — �..—.�a .�.- '�. �. � rtlrtuTEs �r��rnt� cc�a�:����o� ��z� TU�SDA� �Tuly �., 1959 The r��g�ari� wa� ca�.Io� �i�a o�aer �-� 7:30 1.�T=i�,, ��r'+.�h C'n�.irr:an S��!e��� uraL t�r��er3 �znci ��Ie�ers Fon•cw:t�e, Kra�.k, arc �'�de2 p-r�se;:��� i��eraber B�nr_��° :ras �.��e?� �,b �tf��1i .i.�1�v�l iZ�1;1 �� �C11V�.L1.�.�.Y�'V��fl Yif..' J� 1Gqlttra�/ Y�✓� 11.�.RtL�V� �'�4��Nii� �.V�S V1;4 LA`.P.G� �;��r�;c ��' o•�� �.t��Uy cassc:t�ibed �s ��ir.� -�.� so�.vh 92 :��s� o� Quulo� 2� P�s.ce Cs�ee:€ izr La. ;�c��.?'tik� Ac3c�a.'Ui4��y �:D�i de���;?�a�d as iJ��� �=C�e:��y7 �:a:�: �uu �0 u�c� ���_d �o:f:� ���r�� c�� i��i; 3�� �Is�cic i�, ie�:c�.Z �`��c�.�:.;.o��; wr_c� ��z� �,�s�.�;n�'ci��a o� c���% :�o;� 3�3 anc�. Sc � C9, �10::'G,'o.t3I'? 'J i' a�}�i j: � u"-.�.`".-, �'L�.iiLtl'E; �'.��:.i.'�� j��:'L`i�"Y'l��s c^�.T't� .� E�O:1:I.A2� 'u0 .�'i.'�`� �itIL�.ii:L��Cv ��.el ��ii;} o�: �a..i.d ^�z.��?? 92 �eeL ai �4:±.� a:��u�.t��� :.�i�,is i�.as a pub�i� Ib�a..r-'��;�� 1'1�''w !'R��RSL'sl ;m3,S ?��Sc'tl'i, 'GO G�C�:i�,�z3 'v'_�l�i.�;, is� ��1� � �,.`1 trp_r,G'_5'iu�.°2:;.i�y ';':� 3@;.�. i'�I2E'. c�,•i3C3V:-: .A.; ^ � �' -�.an•.. r• •� �j t a �;ii:,.;.��ec� �,�ar�::�n� �or pv:po��: o.� e:�4.,L.�:�.,� u..�.0�030�C'� �'o��:° p'�e�:� r�.1°a ;��^�r 4 L1 G 'xl� � : c.2itY 't,....Oi'V r:t1a.'ui:t;"s'` C.':i�7 `� ti'?�'C� �,�'la,'� x2� �i�� �" c Cii�CL ; 3.'0�'�i"�i.�r Q,>s28a � n='� 'i. 1� iavSu; '' � s��:?�?�d �o '�� i�u obj�c�t?.on i;o p��e,�o��d m�.'�ip�.e d::e?lino„ �'nere tr2s ��ts �?�� r�?°t-� sc3n� ��;o spe�t it3 op�c�s��i.or� �o �h? s cn���za�ra�:�.osao T!iai,io�. �?as �na.�Y�, b;� 5���� F�n� �.nex �La accep� t�?e e�h�3oe o� �he �z•�c r�escri.bed p��e3� as prope�i���. a.�c� i�� acca�'� �he� p�opose3 ?�ozenzr�g� S6'CDi1Q'L't� �aT 1�"l.i'a Kra�k� arfc� un��.t�.ou�� cv�ried,� � Ir�xi:g z��� �h� cons�.d�,.°�tion ��' r�sc�ni.n; ir� a'nd ddjaca�ai: '�o �h� pr�pasea � I�i�e Cre�I� Tr�.az�. Pdar�h l�dd:%�.i�n� f��m p2ese�?�I3� existix� zorzir.� as :i.ndic���3 �� t���� G�.���r af Fricli��' Zonis� i�Tap da.��d T�y 1� 1.959d �,� To cons�.de� ��o�osed �ezt�Yaz.n� o�' exi.s�:►.�s� �3� _��i�3.y and P�i� �flnas,� :�ping �a�st of iTni�ersx�� kd�nuss �che s� "�eiz�g i�ha� par� ox" �12� Not�. � oi �he NaW� � of Sec�ion �.�:� 3�pi.a�� ncr�h o�" Rice C�eaka �o R�3 iresid�ntw�) �exaz.�a b. To consid�a� �he p�a���er3 a:��.nc�ning a� Y,he south 1y2b0 z"es� apg�'o�i.� maie�,,y' o�° the S,�r, � ot �hQ ��SJ,� � o� See�ior� 3:E� z"�o� ft�3a T"1��-s p�ia2� and R�.1, so vl�at �;he easti 200 fe�� or" �he saYr�e would be Ra3,� �,t�.e wes� 234 faei; af the ea��c I�30 ��'� '��d be M�I �anir�g? and 'che balance of f,he arEa �o �he w+es'�� appraxlma.tel3r 770 fee�' woutd be T�i�2 z�r.ing. c. To consider •�he �� aposer� re�or�.ng of �h� N.�. 4 ckf tha N.E. 4 a� S�eLion i5, IYi.ng eas�: Qf i:he Nori:h�rn Paciiia �. (�r�a� Northa�z� ra.ghc�a�d�ag� a?�praxi.maie�.� �00 �ee�c narth of Rice Creek, fzro2n T���. and Th��y �o P an� R�-�. cl�svrici;s. 'lhi.s �ras a�ubli.a hear%ng. T�� T�ta.c��n e��.aa.ned thai: whe� ar�iaal. voni� t�a� �ona� a icr�.angvlar �ec�.3.or, �3as �oned �o� cor�rc? a1 a�d indus�rial uses and ��cha�� h� rsazz�.d 13.ke ga5.d sec�3.a� �°ezaned 4� :�es�aen�CSa2� 2'hez^e was Rr� ane pr°es�n� i� ���,t. �1 r�pposivio�s i.a pro�os�. A�'�ex� �i�ud� o� m.ap� ?nd discu�sio�j I�. �rav.�.k ��a.de a r,3o��ian �to acc�g� rezo�in�i as �fi�.�c�� �.n i�:� a, b, anci c aho�re. Seca�dea n by �i:�,, �a�U�.aa�� ��d c�.x��.eri �ar��nous�.�r� ti�� i"� Gonsiaeration aras gi.ven �o Erc��s proposed Mea,c��landa� 2nd Additiaa (pua?lic hea�). Mr. Olta.e Erickson present.�d pZa� p1.an to Flanni»� Conmussiar�, and ex� pZai�d tha� park dsdica�cian a�reement ha.d beon made previously� at �che i�im� �he • ��eadowlands� lst Additian was presented fo� approval. In tY� discuss%on of st�ee� n2�s� �.� waa pointed ouic b�r the En�inee:� chat said st�aets would �ie � w��h �he F�rc�okv�� Terraee Plat -� nar�h of �he proposed p1at� in cooperation wiih �he Pas� Offi.ce for easier ruaat.I deliveryo tir. �ricksvn stated tha� he wauld pu� in w�ter? sewer� and $treets. There was no oppasiia.an to �he abone considera�ion. Af�e�� cliseusaion of s�ree�is, Zot a�.ses? and park at�sa, i�E was mutioned by Mr. Fontai.ne �o acc.�pt pre3.imina2y pia� a� submi-��ed. Thi.s was seconded b�r T2r. Bandel� and wnani�ousl.,y carr.�edo The nex� �ansicieration was the La,.�gert Lumber Car.ipany proposed pla�? � sou�h flf Osborne Itaad -� wes�c of Hi�hNay rtb�� alo� �ri�t,;n the propossd Standard Q�.I P1a�. This was a public hearing, T�1r. Ray Carlson �ras presen� f►o expi.aY.ri '�hat I,at I.� of progosed plat has been sold �o �he Standard Oil Compar�y and that Zots 2 and 3 w311. ba sold at � la�er da.�e; 'E'r�-g bein� the reason for reaonin� request. �ui2ct*rg plans were sha�m £o-r Loz I, ST,andard Oa1 S�a�ion} wi�h a 304 �ofl� se�p back 3n fra�� of . tha bui.ldin�i f�om thc� h�.ghway. Mr. Carlson explained tha� iche ssrvice raa.d is alread�r paved} and �ha.� dr�2a�e is �ta,ken care e� by cu3vsrts a� each end of the road. I•ir. Kravik r�oved �o accept �he propoaed pla�� and reeammend� ed �pp�ova�.. of build�x�g pe�mi.t far �r� S�andard Oil Campaan�y. I� wag $e�onaed by Mr. B�.de1 and carried, N�3 h*as the considera'�ion of amenc�nsnts to the zoning ord�.naaee i,o permn��..� � i�he insta3.].atian and opera�ion a£ �, trai.ler parlc on part of the sou�h 396 feat a-� the nor�h ?26 iest o� the S.E, � o�' the 2d,��I. � of Section 12� same being ac�ja��t �o �he Firc�side Rice Bo►a1 ( P�:� Brooka propex�y) . Mr. Segnar explaaxied tha� t,his consa.c�eration had beer� pre�en�,ed �;o in$ I�1.annir�g Cor,m�.�sian �,� a previous daf,e, and �Limt it involves an even exchangs of proper�y for use of a traa3er caa►p. It requ�ee razonir�� as prosent Ci�y Ordi.n,ance de�cr�.bes a limited araa tha� can be used for �railer camps. Mr. Segner furf,her exp3.a�.ned the action fi,akea a�c the cur- re� sess3.on of the M'innesata S�a.te Is�.slature� in regard to mobile ho�ne� (refer to �op� af CIIAP�R 562�«-H. F. Na 639 � amendments in re�ard to m.obiie hom�es). He also expI.ained tha.t the aef,ion und,�r consideration �as �o so amend the F'ri.dley T�a�1er Camp Ordinance� in order to rezon:e above �nY•i.oned prope�y1 wi�hau� in- areasit� the number of trailere in the coa�n�nni.ty. T�ir. Fontai.ne mmned to aceep+� th,e proposad re�oning� uith a recoramsnda�ion to make ths necessary amenciments �o the Fridls�r Trailer Carap Ordinance. Seconded by Nlr, Bandel and carried. Next, was the consideratian of a request by Dr, John P. Ke71,y� Nlae Ke7.1y, Geo�;e F. Loitz, Raymond Ausosky� and L. A. Hal.veraon� for rezoasin� from Re1 {res3den�ca.a1. to Col or C-1S (c�rciai) of Lots 1 thraugh ?.�j Block 13s F�de Park Additiaa� (public hearing), and the consideration of requeat by Boy�er Palmer for reaon3ng f�ara residentiai to commercia7., portion of the Bsnnet�-Palmer Addio tion� � bloak east of University Avemte. Tt was explained that a petition had been brongh� �s1� si.gned by the aboQe named property ownera, in favor of said rezonis�� aI1 property o�wriers of' Lota 1 through Zlt, inclusive. 1Kr. George F. Loitz� Lots 10 and 11, IIlock 13, and Mr. tZasrmond Dusoskyy Lot 6, Block 13, s'tated that they are in favor of rezoning, and asked that the petiti.on be entered ia�o the Citg � reaords. Mr. Dav+e Schubert� 59�9 - ltth StrBet N.E., Mr. Deering, Lo� 12� Mr. Ches- ter porf� Lot 11� and Mrs. Janet Peterson� c�mer isz process of buying Lo� 10, stated th�ir opFosition� and 3nquired about the type c�f" co�ercial at�ru,ctures pro- posed for this arsa, and ask�ad abou�t the buffer etrip, garking area, and the possi� bili�t,p o:f �raff3c problems. Mr. Segrner s�Gated that he as�wned that traffic e�.i.ts �"� o�w wbttld be on' $Oth Avenue� snd oxt servzCe ro3d jo3ni.n� IIx�.versity Avenueo He ex• plaSned tY� Con�ersion of the Fresently e�.s�ting Uni.srersity Aveauc3 �o a serva.ce ei�ty�Avenueo A� urther e�l�a'zned�that there tiroul.d�ha.ve o be a rm�'rti�m�m�i ca�nt3nu� ous bnffer str% of 15 fest. The Eng3neer egpiained that na ane laio� whai t�rpe of builcti.ngs mi.ght go into th-i.s praposed area; but �;hat �hi.s prablem �aau3.d be con� tro3led by the uecessary requiremsnts prior to issuance of building perma.ts, Mr. Schubert stated ti�at the F.H.A, Wou1d object �o proposed commercial area1 and that the� wa.sh to be notifisd of ar�r peroposed chaz�e in rezon3.�g. Mr. Fon�ain� explained tha� University Avenue �.s the maa.n businesa tharoughiare of Frid3ey; and tYsa� some da;y� perha.ps� thsre �.13. be a request f,o rezone �h:i.s area� a17. the wa.y down to H��hway ;�1a0. Mr, Itravik made a motion �o table these proposals� wi�h no cons3derata.oa to be giveri un�i1 �he over�all area, from High�ra,y �100 to tti.ssissipo. pa. Strac�s is �stcluded. �econded by P�ir. Bandel, and unanimous�r carr�.eda The consicZsration of a gea,uest by Leonard Cachran, for rezonasig fram residen� ia'1. to R.•2� and from C.•1 to Iight indus�rial, Lot 15, Auditor�s Subclivision 88, �la� noxt. 7�s Et�ineer exp3ained that ttv.s consi.deraiion had been dieeussed at the JunQ Flanning Commiss�.on mee�in�� and that Mr. Cochran had explained his reasons fos such razonin� requesto Mr. and rirs. Geoxge DeMa.ra3.s, 6l�I3. F�.erce Street N.E. � Pqrs. Henry i�Iossey� ].31� - 63rd Avenue N.E., and o�mer at 6lii2 Pierce �treet N.E, i sicatsd their opposition to propased razoni.ng. They stated their objections to the unsightl,y appearance of the water alaugh an this property, and asked what could be done to forca the owner to clean it up. �'h�y also pointed out th�e grea� nescl for ^ a park or p?�p area for the many sma1.1 chi2cir+en in thi� secticra. rfr. Segner asked if vb�e�ting ha� owners wouid be willing to go aZ.on�; �aith the proposed rezoning if a por�ion o� 2and (2 or 3 lo�s) on Pierce Street could �e obtaiue� and conve�ed into a plsy area; and if there wou2d be nothing larger than double bvn�;aZ� or duplsxes to be erected in proposed R-2 area. AI1 objseting home aiwreers agreed to thi.s. Mr. �sg�er further eaplsinsd that people in area could file a caenplain� with the Health Dep�.rt�ant� a�,ainet propert� oWner, �o have slough �ak�en care af. It was d�ec%1ed that ths P'lanning Co�mi.ssion wouid contact Mr. Cochx�,n and present i�he abcv+s �geai.ion or agr�etnen� to h7ms and ask him to appear at the Fianning ComYru.�� �ion �aeeting au Ju1y 21, 1959. The aexti cons3derat,i.c� Was a request by Cy Roshien� for r�eaani�g f'rcm R•2, multiple dwa113,ng� to M-1, Lots 8, 9� �n�d l0i Block 28� and portio� af Lofi,� 1� 2a � 3, &lock 28s Hyde Park Addit3.ari. The Eqg3neer explained that this caa�sideraR. t3.oai �aa a co�tiuuat3.00� fro�► last month�s Platming Commisaian m�ting� to� a re- quest for reao�iag for proposed mach3z�e sho . Mr. Bud Smith appeared to eapsain that Mr. Ko� intends to usa building i�i z it8 �) on propertYs as is, io3.th no expansioa until later. Mr. Se.p,ner suggested that a Special Use Pbrmit might be iasued� for a osLe y�esr pariod, and if there ia no objection after th�s period, Fla�ing Cammiseiou aauld consid+er reaonirig requesrto He furt�er suggested that 1�lr. Sm3th t.alk with lr1r. $oshiea, to Y3nd out �hether or not he xou7.d be �il�.is� to acaspt a Speoia7, Uae l�brm�.t� and iF so� P.LaYming Co�saiss%�n wi11 reca�anend that the Couucil t a ana year Special Use Fe�nitq (No�te: Phone call fro�n Mr. Koshiena 7/15 59 - he is not i.n�erested in a one year Special Use Aann3.t) � � n � � The next d3.ecnssian was Mr. Evert Carlson�s Parkview Oaks Fiat. Mr. Carlson present.ed ple� �o Cotrm��.ssioxt. 2�Ir. I�es Knu�san� Consulting Eng�xiaer� presented a repar� of t�ia Comstock & Davis study of proposed piat. Mr. Segr�er read this re- part alowd (copy on file iz� LYi�neer�s Office}. Ntr. i{nutsan presentad proposed plans,� and explained in deiails the investigation repar�, and haw 3� would connoct into adjacent proposed areass Mra Carlson stated tha� he �rould be wi1'lax�g to a.c� cept �;3:3��RCI� �tis�']2��._,.��s3a.�ic�ns. Mr� Krav�.k made a matzan �o accept this. revssed� px�'Iini3.na�y 'p].at, togei;her �ith cansu3.�an� s�;udy pertai.n3x� �o wate�7 sanitarr� ..sew�ra , storm sez,rar' and sicree� �rades. Secanded by rLr. Fontaine9 and carried unanmous2y. The ma.i:ter of a praposed erectian of a s�orage w2rehouse for Bytr� 13enson,� to be 2oeated on �� aares of Aucli�or9s Subdivision 38g in the sou�h a of S�ction 31t, wes� of East Riv�er Roa.d, in the vicin�.ty of 37ih Avenue Municipal. La.quor S�tore� was informa3.ly d3.scus$ed by the I�ineer and �he Commission; i^e3.at,i�e �o possiblQ plat accept,anae by the I'Zanning Co�:v.ssion and Council� when sam�e ie preseaiced �o the En?ineering Offieeo R�SP�C'FF`ULi,Y StTBMITTID BY: I�ez Kapa].a SeCretar�r PlaAnir�g Cwami.s�ian