PL 08/04/1959 - 30052��
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'�M I N U T E S
Augus� !t, 1959
The was called to order by Chairmazi Segaer at 7s30 P,I�i. with
,�Iembers Kravik� Benner� Bandel, and Engineer pregent� but P�Iember Fontains
Corisicleration was given to a proposed pla.t and builciing for ths Rabert
Ha1I. Company, same to be aituated in Lot 7, Audi.tor�a 9�i�
located in the nor'th half of Ssction 25; and further clescribed a� l.ying beo
tt�een State HiFhway ,�100 and the City of Columbia Heights boundary line on ths
north aad south, and Sta.te Highway �`65 and the Marian H3Ila Addition on the
east and west. Mr, Gurfeid, r�r. Gaspare, and r1r, i�iotz, representing �he Chuck-
raw Construction Campar�y and the Robert Ha3I firm, were also presen� for the
The matter of pro�er set�back was discu�sed� the Planning Comnissian
reco�n¢nending an 80 foot se'imback from the west edge of their p�operty 1ine;
�rhereupor� I�+1x�. Gurfeld presented a revi.s�d plat Iay-out indicating this se�
back wou].d be 8? �feet� of which approsri.mafi,el� 35 fee� east of the proper�y
line would be reserved for a servi.ce road, if and when needed� by either the
Sta,te Highway Dopartment or the awner�builder. It was understoad' by both
the I�'�ineer and the Builderts Representative� that in a talk �.th Mro Van-
Krevlin, of the State Highway Departmen�� no servi.ce road was contemplated an
the east s�.de o� Highway r;�65� south of Lliphway �#100� to the southern City
limit,s, and that there would be no restriction of access to said hi�hway.�
This was put into a motion by Mro Kravik, seconded by Mr. Bandel� and carr3.edo
The matter of petitions for utility servicea was next taken up, with ths
En�ineer indicating possible proposed sewer and aeraiceso Zhis �ras further
su�nented by Mr. Lester Knutsan, representing Comstock & Davis, Consultants,
�ho had investigated the feaaibility of such utilitg constructiaa�a In hia
opinion, sanitary sewer connection would be made by possibly installing 225
feet of 6" V.C. pipe frvm building to manhole Co23, located in the 15 foot
eas�nent in the south half of Lot b' With the imvert of the VpC. pipe to be
no lrn�rer than Elevation 905.00 �ea lev+al datum.
k'atsr service should be made bp eutending a 6" Waternaain alaa�g align-
ment of the proposed tuture north and south street, located approzi�nately
350 �'eet east of the �reat property line of the above noted Auditor*a 9ubdi•
viaion. This 6" ma�in could then be extended east -at aoaae futwre date, t.q
coa�p].ete the loap at the intersection of bincoln and Bu�hanan 3treete; it
being oontemplated that futwce norti�-south etreet xould allo�r dev�elopment
of east half ot' Auditorls Subdiviaion lots' vith length to be app�'oxima'ke?,Y
1�500 feet. Ths coat for this would be appro�d.mate7y �5,395.�� �1��6
the �et comneation, valves, and tees for future eztenaiaanso
� In the event eaaeansnt cannot be obtained for paopoaed luture atraet
��f-way� the 6" main wauld then hav+e to be conatructed ia t,tys AigYtKay
right-ot�ay, with co be�tian to the ezisting main at the junctlon ot
Hi.81me�► ,�100 and Highwa�y �{ 5.
�r 4 �
' \
�.a2 0
Mr. Rnu�son directed the Corm�i.ssion�s attention to the faet that the
t�iinneso�a Highway I)epartmen� plans a traffic interchange ai this location�
and that consequently, �he ali�ntaent of the 6R r,iain would depend on future
Highway plans. Tho lenE;th of this 6" main along Highway ��65 would be 1,630
fee�j and wauld cost approximateiy �'�6,3050000
The �finnesoia Nighway Departr.lent will permit the builder to install. the
necessary culvert on the east side of the hi�hway at the aouthern aceess
point, same to be 22 feet in �ridth.
Another ite:n taken into corsideration �ae that in the event petition
would not be x"or the c�ns�ruction of proposed waterma3.n upfln an
asses�ent ba�is �� other prcpert;� o�mers, tha.t the City Enginesr would con�
tact the Coltnnbi� TIeipht3 En�ineea�, as to possible utilities service connec•
tions from the City of Calumbia Sieic;htso
The bui.lder pronosos, after �rading of plat area, to fill in the area
i�ediately in the rear of th� proposed buildin�;� same to drai.n do�m to the
highway cli.teh. Hs also advised tha.i: the propQSed buildin� to be cons�tructed
would cos� appro�amately �65�000.00; and that they would like to erect a
lar�e si�;n upon premises, which would not interfere with any othe�r future
business firms locating along the same 9ide oY the street, and waul.d not pre�
sent a traffic ha<�ard on Hi�;hway #65, They also presented severaZ lar�e
photo�;raphs in co:r.or� of similar locations el�e�here throughout the country;
and advised that i;he preseni build� would be, more or less� in I3na - with
the exception of �dded later exterior and interior imgrovementse
In the inf.erest of time, it was sug�ested that a joint meeting of the
Flannin� Co�nission and the City Council coul.d be heldo
Note: The Engineer contacted the Columbia Nei�?hts F�ngineer with re-
ference to the builder's second alternativ+e for water and sewer �ervi.ces to
be furnished by Columbia Hei�hta, in the event that pe�.i.tions could not be
procureda Columb:�a Heights would be unable to partic3.pate, dwe to their
water line extending norttiward to 53rd Avenue on the north sids of the street�
which would necessi�tate jacking under the highwa3r at 51st Avenue, to the east
aides and thence north to the Hall property, or north on 51st Ave«
nwe on the w�est s3de of the street, and thence under the highway to
ttne FIsll property; thia procedure more or less frawned upon� by tiae
State Hi�hway Departmsnt. Also, it mi.ght establish a precedent whereby a�r
future industriee, north of Ha11 property, saould request eimilar service by
e�ctending on to Fiall servicea. Distanee between the Pia,tha.ire Addition of
Columbia �Ieights and Aall property, for ses�er, would make service� econo�d-
cally v�feasible.
Copiea of the Rev3.sed P'lat Procedures were presented to the Flanning
Co�miasion for consideration and atuc�r, to�;ether with Public �ti'orka Organiaa-
tion Chart,
The meeting wae adjourned at 10s00 PoM.
P9.anning Co�n�n3.asion