PL 08/11/1959 - 30053ai
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1�',AI3�1I�iG C0:�2itfiSI0P1 :�iT�ETIi�
Au�;ust 11, 1.959
The med�in� was call.ed te order by Se�ne� ai ?: 30 P•�e ���-�� �'����
bers I', Kraroik, Ben�r, Bande3., and the Frigineer ps:��4n'�s
2'h� first consideration was a; rQquest by the P� �. 0, for f�om resio
dent3al to co:�ercia7.z �hat ax°et� �ying bet��*en High,a�y #6� and Cen�cra7. Avenue on
the east anci �st, iai° a dis�ance oi' appro�e�.mate2y 6b0 feet sou�t.h fs�om �ch� cen�rai�
I.ine a£ 73rd 4venue, in �he sauth ha3f of Sectian 3.2a M?�. T. R, ZtiTiZlits� xepr�e
sentxng �he M�S Q GomPany s�Jas pr�sent to e�cplai.n �rhieh portian of thc3 araa they
Kauld like �o h�ve rQ2on�do 'K� .�urther stafi.ed that thay v�o�ld like to �e1I sair�
progez�5� far co:�n;�rcia�. or �tdustr�. purp�sesa because land zs �oo resugh to b�
su�.tab2� for �esidar►�iai c3evelapt��cn�o � public hearing d�te was se� fo� �udy
gust 25, 1959s
23ex2, was t:he consideratian of �he proposed ��bruek ('�amerl8ne)
Pla.�. This �ras a public hearing, I�°ra R.odney Billman was presen� to �.p1A��
thc� z�evised piai: plano T22e En�in�er pointed out chan�;es in 8�Y`B8ti It�t'!Q3' for
posica). de3.ivery purposess a.�d explaixbed hcw area �rould be serned for u�i�iti:es
arid dP3iII�E3o rSro T.,ester Knutson, Cansul�in� EngY.raesr, s�a.ted tha� there are
^ three agertcies in�oived in the problem of sicorm af �aid area �
Fridley� Columbia lieights, and tha M3nnesota Highfray Departm�n�; and he did no�
1mow, at presen�, just what would be required as to catch basins. t�o Bil.lman
stated that if City will put in street imp..rover�nts, they wi11 take care oi
costs� and that financing on water and sewer will. be by assessment. He also i.ri�
formed Comnis�ion that strest� would be paved concrete, and Lha� base o�
sv�ch st�eets taould depend on the recrnrmeandations of the engirnserso Mra Knutson
pointed out that 27 Io�a, on th�e Fridley side, will have t=o be served by a l.if't
atatians and Listed the followin� neceasary easements to be proaured: easement
between Lot� 9& 10, Block 1; iot 3, Bloak I1; Lot 30, Block I; and easement on
Matterharn Circle to Tr�mk Hi�hWay #100. 2�Ia�• Billman has agreed to �rant sa3d
easementsa Om the question of water, Mre Knutson pointed out tha.t water has not
been designated as yet, because source of supplp has not been determined by the
City oF I�'ridley, which irill have an effect on determinir� serv3.ce for this areao
It is c:ontir�gent that a i2" �ater main will go up Johnson Street. The matter oi
serving double lots wiih vater can be effected by Fridley sour�s, or they can
use long servicea Mra Fontains moved to accept this prelimirrary plat, subjec�
to ths granting of utility essements, as reco�snded by Consulting Fngineers,
3econded by Mro T:andel, and unanimously carriedo
Considerat�.ion wae next given ta the request by idilliam Sippel for �Lhe pro�
` posed resrran�ement of Lote 1 through llt� and I,ota 16 throu�h 31, Block lOs
Spring Brook Park Addit3on, and the rezoning from R�1 to R�2, outlot �!E1, in the
same Block l0a Mr. Sippe�.�ras pres�nt to explai.n plat plan, and stated that he
would like to erect a nine uni� agartmant build�ing on outlot �.. It was sugggs�
tedt by Mr. Segner3 that �ots 5 and b coula be cut down in size, to get better
� benefit of property. There was a discuasion cn the City�s procuring some of
this land for park purpose�; but it was desided that area would have to be
� F
loaked over before makin� thig consideration. A mation was made� by T�r. I3and�Is
to accept only Lots I through b, inelusive, on revised p2a�, with the stipula-
tion that Lot 5 could be reducod to 80 f�et faci.r�g on Liberty Street� and 'that
Lot 6 conld be reduaed to 75 feet facing on Liberty Street, which w�ould provide
an extra 15 feet for the triangular sectiori in the S.W. corner. Seconded b�
t�`ss Fontair�e and carri�d. This was a p�ablic hearing.
Not�: It was learned thi� date (Aup,ust 12, 1959) �x�► an outside source, that the
deve�.oper of this piece of p*operty has the whole proposed prelim:inazg plat up
for sale; and he exp�cts to Ieave this area, with ths expec�cafa.on of a real es�
tate firm taking over such lando Rea1 estate firm has the expectation that the
present 50 faot wide nor�h and south service road would be vacatQd by the City,
and thus become a part of said pla'� in the S.Wo corner; while i.n return, �he City
could possibly take over the �ii.nneapolispAnoka Caytzna Range abandoned railraad =
50 feet in widtho Inasmuch as c7.ear title cannot be procured, du� to lack of
kna:rled€;e as to actual ownership, it was ielt that this portion of the proposed
plat, doaling with service road and railroad areas, should be comp�.e�e1y di�re-
garded. This �ras a publi� hearir�go
As ti�re was no one present to speak for or against the request of Alfred
Jensen for r�zonin�� it was decided to table this r�a�cter� and wait to see �he�her
or not City will acquire this land far service road, for own use.
Next, Mr. Norman Pfaff, representa.tive of the iiidiand Cooperatives, Incorm
porated, presented a plat, statin� thai they are interested in erectin� a sma3.i
^ offies. (approxi.mately 2ltfl x 30°) south of their pres�nt structure, for fuel oil
office salea. Mr. Segner pointed out that the proposed i�idland Oifice Building
would have �o be set baek �ar eno�zgh on the property, to a11ow ior any futwee
widening of Main Street? by the County� for heavy duty traffic. He further
stated that the County proposes that r�Iain Street will be carried across HigYrs�ay
#100 on a contemplated brid�e, Mr. Fontaine moved ta accept proposed p1at, with
the stipulation that the bu3lding will be set back at least 100 feet.
The matter of sewer and�water for the proposed Robert Hall. Company
was next considered. The City Enpinser explained that he had contacted most of
the proper�y owners in this axea� and tha� they are �illing to pay their proporw
tionate share for a 6" �ater 1ine, to serve the areao He further stated �hat
these connections would give proper�ty owners a greater advantage in selling their
properties. Mr. Lester Knutson stated that there has been an oral request for
water and sewer services along the easement i.n the Marian Hills Addition, and
that they have worked out eatimatec3 coste in bringing the water line over from
the Marian Hills Addition to the Robert Hall property. The City Engin�aer point-
ed out that water should be conti.riued, at this�ea on up northxard to include
all p�opertiea to Lot l; in viex of the fact that th� abave mentio�tsd pz'operty
oxnera are in favor oi it, and are willix�g to give the neaeasary atreet d�dica-
tioa�. A�motion wae made by Mr. Fontaine� to sug�est ta the Council that ti'e�r
cont'sr idth the Consultirg EY�gineer, and conaider e�ct.eading the eaat aad �raet
vater line an up norti�+ard, fraan Lo� T t�o Loti 1- at 53rd Av�eanu�s� to inalude all
P�'o'P8�9 o�aiera xi.shing to cormect in. 3ecandsd by Henner. Carried.
Consideration s�ras given to t.ha tinal plat ot the Siyndale Buildere, l�th Addi�
� tion, and upon motion by Mr. Kravik to aacept p1at, was seconded by Mr. Fontairie,
and carried unaaimoualyo
The matter of er�p2oyin�; a p] aruv.n� c�nsultan�: was discussed, and it was
the cons�nsus of opinion of the Comrnission� that Monday, Az�gust 21�j 1959, be
set aside for the purgoae of internietaiizg six different consuitc�nts,
who wou7.d be in�i.ted ta discuss their his�aries of past accomplish�entsa and
just what could be procnred in the way of �utu�s planning for FridZey! in the
amaunt of :�5,00oo00a
The patching of roads, especiaily a.n those sections which have been excaa
vated for utility services, came up in a round table d5.scussiono This was es�
peeia2ly applicable to .�tississippi S��eet, between Highw�ys �65 and #56, It
was pointed ou�G by the Ci�y Engiueer, ti�at this is a County roady and tha� per�
mits are no� issued i�y the City, for such u�ility excavat�ons and back fi�3
aperal'.ions; arid tha.� most i{ ke�.y� ichese �re� z t�eing mads ei ches� w�.th �he �onsen�
of the County� or wizhout perTnission irom a.*�ycneo The dascussion also centera
ed around other s�rQets which are r.ot Cour_�y roadss and where improper patch�
ing, due ico lack of soil sett�ement, had been gerformod, An inquixy was made
by CcmIInission, as to ga.-�ching charges made by the City a�ainut the excavatingm
plumbing conicrac�orso The En�ineer advised that under the present se�ups a
char�e of �12000 is being made as a fee fo� �uch patching, as a char�e ��.ingt
contractor at the time of �aking out such u�i7.i�y permits, and City latex� dn3ng
tha patchix�g �hemselveso It vra.s b�iieQed by the Comrni.ssior�, �hat tYiis char�e
is insufficient, and tha� at leas � a mini.mum of �25,00 shoul.d be charged, Thj.s
;�25,00 char�;e wa3 increasEd to ��000 ior street patching, by Mra Benner, it
� was seconded by Mro, ar.d ur,animously caxrzed,
The matter �f �he proposed CarZsoiz Parkview Oaks (revised) was next
conaidered� r� the Commxssionas at�ntion being imrited to the chax�ge in
grade; particularly the 9� on Re�;is Drive$ the 7� grade on R.egis Tra,il' but
most particularly the 15� grade on Hathaway Lane,� extending to the easto
Mro Knut9on roughly outlined the proposed drainage that effects �his areaa as
�,rell as temporaril,y eliminating soms building permits at this, within
area, for reasons given by t'lanning Consuitante It was also pointed oui that
no dedication has been made for the south half of Regis Lane, due to th� uncer�
tainty of the propo�ed Columbi.a He��hi�s School� �rhieh would conneo� in with
this plato
The meetin� was adjourned at 11:00 P.Mo
Respectfull�y Submitted:
Inez Kapala
Planning Co�mtesion
c�zc�az► rro�zcE
czTx oF r�nr.,�r
�r8�c �
TO tdHO:-1 lfi I'•TAY �ONCERN:
Notice is hereby gi�n that ihere wiil be a Pub7,3.c
Hearing ot the Planning Cor�an.i.ssion of the City of T�'ridleya in �he
City �iall. at 6Ii31 Univ�arsit�r Av�nue NeE„� on 7.'uesda.y� �tugus•� ll.? 3.9593
in �h�e Counci.l Chamber at ?:30 P.:4., for the purpose ox'=
Io Congideratj.on af requeat by A7.fred M. Jensea� far re�
zonix�g of Lo� 3� B1ock 1, Broakview 2nri Adali�c3.ans 3y=
in� in the a+�u�h ,.�—� of Sect3.on 13, T�30� RM.2�., Anoka
County� Minnesof.a� �rom residantial. to coasrercia.i� far
pui•pose of erection of motel sign� on said pro�r�y.
2o Consideration of inequest by t� Sippel for:
ao gro�ased re«�arrar�Q:nen�; of I�o�s 1 througYt 11.�0
''� ana 16 tr,rou�n 3�., Black 10� Spr�ng B�oolc Parlc
Additirna� 1y3ng in the sou�h � of �eetzon 3�
T.�3p, R�2?�, Anoka Coun�y� Minneso�a«
b o raaonin� i'rom R�►1 to R.,.2, au�lo� �1 in sam�
B!ock Z0, in abave propased r8�arrangement0
An�rone desiring to be hsard with reference to t2�a
abave r�atters wi11 be heax�d aL- this meetingo
Publish: dt�r 30, 1959
August 6, 1959
. .:'e�"°%T:l^,':,
�ro� �
�rtran�a cm.a�.�szax
To wxo� rr t�Y coNCEr�u:
Na�ica is hereby �iven that there will be a Pub-
lic IIearit� of fi,he Planniag Cos�mission of �he Ci�y aP Fridle3►�
xn �hs City Fial]. at 61�31 Uni3rereity Avenue N.E., on Tuesdasy�
Au�us�c 11, 1959> >.n tYie Counci9. Chamber at 7:30 P.21. ? far thk:
pu,.�po�E of :
Consicler�bion oY p�opossd Bil]man T3,mberi.ane
pZat, 7.ying in the south 2 of the S.E. � o�
Section 2i�7 arid -�he narbh and eou�h �� s af'
the N.E. � o� Seation 25� Tv3p, R�2�., Anoka.
County, rti.nn�sn�a; fur�her descr3.bod as ly�
�.ng 3.r�a�ediately �au�h of Highw� ��I00 on tY�e
north, Stiuson Boul.evard on ti�+v east� ,�2nd
Avenue Fridley�Columb3.a. Hsights boundary
line an ths south� and Johnsan S�ree� on the
A�yone deair:i.n� to be heard with reference to
the abov� matf,er will. be Y�sard at this mestingo
P�zblish: Auguat 6, 1959