PL 08/17/1959 - 30054� r�iraum�s s�c� �L��n:n� co�rtssxo� r�rn� r�o��ms� August l7� I959 Tha n�eetiag was called ta order �y Ch�n 5egr�er at 7:�d P,i�Ie, �.i:h . tYembers Fc�n#,a3.nex Rravik,, Bennor, �d �h� L'nE;ir�ac�r presen�q P•iro &�nd�l �,�. abs�nto Thia mae��et3.np was c�1.le� �nr the purpose of �.nt�rvie�wir�g ar.d screeni.ng of pl,anning cansultarifs6 Tize firs� per�on heax�d� wae Tfir. Gearge Kalinsky� a graduato ai the Ux�.i.ver�.ty of riitmasota Arcllitecturr�. Schco3? as �e11 a,� fur�• ther extension in p7.atn�ira� at Iiarvardq Or� o:� the pYiasea of p�,a,nning braught up b; this app7.icant� r�aas the theary of th� City bu�it� up irntus�ria�. p¢�oper- ty, and selLt� to in�dustry and as�i�ting in the develo� of i'�. Hs a3.s�o presanted to th�e Commi.ssion� 4a.r.i.aus pho�os, showing pro jec'�s in whiah he hsd been enga�,ed in piTanrti�„n� y�iiich appeared to be incidents�.i. to h3.e arCh7t� tieatrl2ii�% barokgraun�do 'Fhe �t person inter�v� eaaed was I•ir, S�2o�man 5, Hasbrouak� who also out�- L�.r�od hie baak.�x�ound and prasented picturae of var�.ous c3.tie� of �h3.ch he l�ae bee� arid aleo is at�w� en�a�ed in suburbaa pl�xu�xig - ancm� fi�m '�e3�g the iatssi; pl� Pz'ogz�a� for the Ci.ty of Ne�r Hepeo Iii.s �theory is to assie� t�e P�,aYnlin� Com�si.esiori and the Fn�oer iri a�horaugh ��iz�y of t1�o ^ area as to '�he best possible �ax str�ctur�, zonin� mat�rs, PoPulation and tr�fPic grtiw�h projeetian� schools? and parks a.+�d pla,ygroundso Inetead af a aamprehaneiv�e� orverall. master p3.an, his thinkin� appeared to �e �liat oi pro�ressivo stsp p].armings wh3.ah �auld carr�,� an fz�on y+ear to ye�ra w3.�h tha City ae�� upari these recora�endai�.ons r�nd p�art�.cipat,in� in ti$,s t�fi�p p�.an} �eofas as buc'�et �nd rn�bl�.c �entiraent �rould pe�3.�. Thex�e beir� no other cor�sul�nuafs �a be hea�rd from, ti� Co .t�fi.ssian nra,o:fm ficf.a].Iy aonsidereci tlle �x�3.n�eer�s exp:tan,a�i.on og the �.ectro•Cote CoTpora�- tiaaas praposal to mov�a in fro�a Std ��a1� to the inc3ustrial $rea t�e� oY l�air� Streeta on the fiv�e acr�s of �he i�elaon propex�y in tku3 nox�th ha1�' af 7rot ItA to�ether wSth that af the Fu1ler�on S�Cee2. and t�'ire Tianufacturin� Coanpa��s proposea 5 aarea, 3mr�ec�.ats aou�h of tha Electra-�Cote Corporatian� situated ia the south � of the north� af Lo� G.o T10 plat p1a,.ns wera ava3.�abls �ct �this times d�e to the possibility that �he two flnns r.ien�ioz�ed mi�h�G exchange theis indiv3.civa]. 5 acr8 tracts, as w+ell as the possible use of join� traekage entet�- ir� into �he area. Tho Corrxaission was made aware of the faict �hat bo�tt of tP�sae f'3rme �sre favarab3.e to tdze usua�. p�ropoaed 100 foat b�.�ilding aet-�back aad water and sewer service aonneetions� plue the propased �4ain S�.r�et heavy- duty traft'ia road, for which it would Ue requeated to �3.�v�e their prapax�- tio�te eha�ss in a�eessidents0 The matter of the pr�ogosed �wmni�E Ciear Iiantafaaturing Comp�y� e�.ocatio� on Lota 6 aacl 7 ot Aud�.torts Subdivision ?a� '��.ch is �rest of T�Sain Stx^�t ai 60th Avernbe� was not conaidered� due �to this office not havis� thair p�aposed ^ certific:ate of eurvey with tho propoeed buildit� location� tJotee Other pl,aruzi.ng cansultatita wa.11 be aoxiaiderec� at �th�e next Pl.aa- ni,ng Ca�nissi:qu ra0eti� on Au�us� 25� 1959• r�ee��8 �ousned a� 11s�0 P.M. FIA�tR[ H. �tCiiMAN� Engiriee� Pi.�n� Ct�maisaian