PL 09/08/1959 - 30056� l4iNUT£S r�rn�rta car�ussxo�a r�rnva TUFSDAY septeanber 8, 1959 "�'he maet.i.ng was aailed to order at ?:3o P.�Io by Chairman Sogue�c's w3.th Nlembere Fontairse, Kravik� and tl� Eng3.neer present, t�mbers B�r�� de1 asid Benner were absento The first considera�ion was a request by Boy�er Pa].�ar, for ra- zoning from residen�ial �o R�2 {multapie dwelli.n�), I,ots �., 2, 3? and l�, Biack 3, and Lof,s I, 2, 3, l�., ar.d �, Block !�, of the Dennet�•Pal- mer Addition. This was a public hearin�. Mx'. Palmer xas present to explain that he had changad his origina7. raquesi for C..1 sanin� to Rd2 xoning, because of the marr�y objec�.ions to his original request. He f'urther exp].afzied that he wEShed to erect double bungaloirs. Mro Davo Schuber�, 592�t - ttLh Street Nartheas�, and Mro Chester porY, 5901 �I�th Street Norbheast� atated that th�y and all the neighbars they had talk�» ed with, �rrere in favor of R.�2 zonirigo The P7.annSng Co�nigsion discu�� sed the matter oY trying to rezan,e thi.s whole block in quest►ion, rather than juat ha3f a bloako It waa thought that a C1�S �rnn3.n� wou3d b� more sui�.able Por this a�a, k*ith a planting strip ta be gnarar►tesd. �°i It was decided that t�he �ineer wouid explain this discussian to I�ir. Palmer� Motion was made, by t►tr. Fontaine, to table �hia discua- siorl arui consideration� secanded by Mro Kravik, and carried unanitl moualyo The Con�ission nout considered a reque�t by Andreat Nohn� for re- aoning frcra residential to C•.2 (commercial), Lots 3 and 4Mr.1 ohn ex- Rdge�rater f}ardens Acldattion. Thf.s xas a publfc hearfng. plained that Dro Met� had made a request to bc�y said Lota 3� 4s for the purpose oY erecting a medi.aal clinici with the clinic to be plaaed on Lot �, and I.ot l� to be reesrv+ed for parki.ng. Ne furtiber e�c- plaiin8d that propoaed clinic xould be a 30' x 50' brick bnilding� with thermoparre plat�e �Iaas across the enLire fraa�. P9r. Ambro�ee I,loyds 135� Buchanan P1ace, and Mr. I�uasel], Fetersan, 8W�0 Palm �treet North- eaet, both tnembers o� the Doard oY 'li�teea of the Redeemer �utheran Church, adjaaent to propoged clinic, were �present to requeat that thier reson3.ng be paatporied until a meeti�; can be held with their Hpard ot' Descons aad Hoard of 'lY��st�eea�. Tiye►Y alao stated that they did not db• jeat to a medical clixiic, bnt that they �rei'e concerned about the pc�tsi- bility of other ao�aaercial enterprises coming in, if this sectioan �e resaaed i,o Co1. Thsy would like to have same assurance that �o otl�r typo ot coa�rcial could �0 3.ntto thia area. M�'. ge�� e�plsi�+ed t� proeedur� follotited, for a resoning requeat. tie pointsd ont thati tha PLe�nnin� Coaaaission haa a�r3Rht to r8�trict reaaning Por a partiaular typs ct uae, stipulating that buiZdin� permit be iseued only !or a � ' t� �• medical clinic. Mr. Aoha explained that Reverend Stane had echeduled a mseting for the Board of '14�ustees� :4r. Hahn, and Dr. Metz, for T�1sd- rbeeday evening� September 9, 1959• 1"I�'. Segner a�reed to attend this meeting. Action on thia rezoning xas deferred until after said raaet-► �8� The neat matter taken up was a request by igr. Gilber� Pallum, 56�`1 Brunsxick Av�enue North, to erect a 10 or 12 uni.t rnotel, bet�neen 68th and Ct�annel Road, in the Vall.ey View Additiari, on Lots 6� 7� and 8. It was deter�ndd that this property is already zoned Comnercial� and iulr. Pallum �esented plat pian and dra�in� of his proposad motel. Tttiere was a discussion on front� rear, and side yard requirements� and it was explained to Mr. Pa17.um that City Ordinance requesta a rear yard requirement or 25� oF tne iot size, or in this case, 31 feet. It was also expZained that Citp requires a1.7. nlat p].ana be stamped by a registered architect, before approval of ar�y plat can be madeo Motion was x►ade by iSr. Fontaine, to accept plat plan, providing it complies with yard requi�cameats� and providin� plat is �tamped by a reE;iatsred architect. Seconded by Mro Kravik. Carried ux�animously. It was agreed, by the Plannin� Ca�mnf.ssion� to set a date for a future meet.ing, to further di8cusa Planni.ng Consultante already inter� � vietaed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:�5 P•Mo RLSPECTFU?�LY SUB�QTTEDs Itse� Kapala secretary Planning Coamnisaio�t /'1