PL 09/22/1959 - 30057� � � n MINUTES PLANNING COt��IISSTO�t �1E�TIbIG TUESDAY September 22, 1959 The meeting was called to order at ?:30 P.t�2., by Ctiaircaa.*� Segner, wi.th i'tembers Fon�sine, Kra�ai.k, Bennera Bandel, and the �n�3neer presen�o The rnatter of rezDning tho Frank Jab�al.shek property� south of �8th Aveo nue and wes� of University Avenue, from R..1 (pn��i.ous I.epal nonaconfoz�;iing use} tfl P��2 (industria2), for the Cy Koahien machine shap, was Yirst consider� ed= as a result of an earlier visit to iche eite by the Chairman and the Engi� r�eer, The Coimnission was of the opinion that if Mr. Koshien �,ri71 put in an attrac�ive �ront and side, on the south and easi of the buildixig a such as stucco or brick, and grade the ground area and plant trees to iaiprave the appesranCej then zaning request should be granted. Motion by Fon�aine and seconded by Kravik for favorable recon�aendation to Council. � Nlation later ameaded to rezane the ca�nplete area from 58Lh Avenu� sauth 'to and includirig 57th Avernie abutting ex�.st3.n� co�rcial; and �►�asi fro¢� Univc�raiLy Aveznx� t.fl Main Street, in vi:ew of the �act that all th� a3cea from between 57'th Avenue and iii.ghway #f100 is alroady zon�ci Mo2; also to set a Planning Commi.ssion hearing date for Oci;ober 2G, 1959, for this aream No�s: (September 23, 7.959� Cy Koshien h�s advised the Engineer, verQ bally, that ho will take steps for :improv:ing ttze building front as suggested, anc� beauti�'ying ths ground areae ConQ3.dera�ion of �he proposed Kevnsth Lee and J: P. t�fa].berg requaet 3'ar rezon3.n� of Sh$lley prop8rty;, Lot I in Auciitor�s Subdiaision f/S9� iri the south half of Section Zlt� Public h�arin� date aat for October 6� I9590 Motion by Fontai.ne� seconded by Benner �nfl cax�ri.eda Neat �ras the consideration o� the progo9ed Gilbert Pa].lum Motel, after receip� of arigi.nal plan set.�back correction and rsgister�d architeetural draraing; said property lying betw�aen Ghannel Road on the �aet, Hi�hKay �6S on the west, 68th Avenue on the south� on the north; furth�r deser�bed as 1yf.ng in the s�_�h 3,�o fept �� r.�* K��a portion o� Lot 4, Yalley Yiew Niarior Addition, in the north halt of Section 13. Coneideration was giv�en to previouslq cont,inned hearing ot September 8th, 1959a Vi Vi18 groposed Dr. L'1!i Y$ ��Ci� �il�Ci � LV YS 3� 4p pl�l{ �' ri(��e� �ratsr Gardena Addition - from Rml (re�3dential) to C�1S (local com�nercial), Motion by Fontaine and seconded by Bandal for a favorable reco�anendation with atipulation, haFrever, that said area will revert to origi.nal R-1 statue, in bha e�vent that no medical clinic is so erect�ed on said Lot 1�. It was aleo atipulated that a eet-back Waias� be granted, as gi�en under Co13, of 80 feet to an appraocimate 35 teet� more or Iess, to line up xith any tuture propoeed baildings facing Ashton StreeL t,vwa,rd the east. Motion carr�,ed. J 4GQ Comnissio�t alao, after delibera�ion and discuasion on futur� parks and playgrounds, suggested that Leonard Cochran � owr�ar oi' I,ot 15, Auditor�s Sub� division �#88 in the south half of Section 13� ��ludin� the �nes�c I�2 portian thsreof� be contacted to ascertain if he �uld consider selling sn add�tional ?S feet (franta�e lot), in the a8utting previously dedicated 75 faot lot, in� the northxast portion of t3� ft-2 area; said area abutL•in� Pierce Street, south of the De:�sara9.s propertyo Note: (September 23, 1959) i�ir. Cochran l�s adviR.sed En�ineer� verbally, that he will be wi7ling to meet with the Purks and Play�rounds C�nsn3.ssion for a fair apgraisal, with a view towards a sale oi the adclitional. 7flt for p�a4Y pus�posgs, �s noted aboveo Final discussion cen�ered on thQ need and �aa� of a pla�ing eonsul�ant, and �.t was the concensu� of opini.an o� a11 the M.�mbe�^s that �ha�e needs should be Pi�+en preference as .fol].ows: 1� Overr�all fn�uro stree� and road �raffic pat�;rne 2o I'utur� Parke and P3aygro�d are��. 3, 7�and use as tax basr;�->( con�ideration of ) L�a Ravision oi existing zqning and �l�.ttin� orc�i.a.�.nc�sa 5, Long range capita�. improvem�n�t.s a The Engineer further adva.sed th� Commission �i�,� the Anoka Co�.nty �ozrn3.sti ^ s�.on wa:� oi the opinion that 73rd Avenue should consis� oi a ti00 �oat righ� of�c�ay� from Stinson Boulevard on �he eas� .� over f,o G�.st River Road on th8 we3t, by rcason of iho proj�cl:�d �.Cp� traffic increase by I97So Th�.3 should b� done,� i�secause it would be the onl�• easi and w�st �:�ide road, o�hQr than Fiigh�a�► �`�.00� i.nasm�ch as no �ur�her inerease in stroet wi�iih:� could be �b� �t�t� on either T�issi�sippi S�reet or Osbor�e Ii�ado Caan��.r Commissi.on felt; �that proceedings should be started to obt�a.n this �.00 faa�: ri�ht�oEQ�ra.y f'o� 73rd Avenue at this t3�9 bacau.se a.� is '�.��e az�.� �.rea ramaining which has not been built up comple�ely on both n�rtli and sou�h �ide� of said strc:e�� to farestall later delays ae a r�sult of future :o�ader:�ationo � i�Ieeting was adjour�ed at 10:3� PeMc HARRY H., KIRCHMAN City Eng�'uze��°