PL 10/06/1959 - 30058�''�
Oc�obar 6, 1959
The meotin� w�s Galled to order at 7:3a r.M. by Ac�ing Ch�i�.rm�n
Dan, with Pdembers i3andel, Kravik, and t.�s En�ineer preeent.
Chairman Segner and Bexmer �rere absent,,
� �,
,� :
Cans�Lderation was first �iven, in Public H�arin�, to Lee a,.nd �ta7.M
berg' a zo.�.in� request for 'Go� 7., Audi�Lor � s subdivision #59: �.n the
south � af cection iZt; rezor�ina from R�I to C�.2S. i�fanutes of pravious
mest�ngs were read by the En�;ineer, to reca7.l wish�a of Lot I owne�
{Mra. Hofstad), and ownar of Lot 2 and 3(She].�.ey �C .Kap). Ir3e and
pta7.ber� are willin� to �ive necessary street dedication of � feet on
the north aida of ths eauth l�.ne of Lo� Za dua to She3.ley horr�a (I�t ,2) -
_„ ,
bei�n�, too close to sai.d nor�h side of Lot 1. Lee and t4�.lber� are also �; :'• °�' `
wi7.13ng to dedicate a 2� �oo� street w.i.dth on ths �rest side of 5th
Stree�C,.irom T.ot 1 nor�h property linQ �o south pro�erty 1ine. They expressed �rri.11in�ess io aontinue ths 2� foot deciication south«�
ward, to the north line of Norwood '�rk Aadi�Cion, i.f Lots 2 and 3
{Shelley & Kay) could be prooured. tTrs, �helley stated that she 3nd
� her father, Mr. Kap, wou7.8 be ��i.l].in� to se13. such iots for commercial
purposas. In such aven�, Lee and Malberg kTou7.d change ths 54 foat
street dedication on the north aide of Lot 1a to 2� fee'� on their
aide and an additional 25 z'eet on the north sido of Lot 2. This
would permit a full �0 foot �ric�Q road, fram 7th Street �o nniv�ers3.�y
Avenus, with a slight jo� i.n samo. Motion by Bandel to reeoxnttend
such rezoning under dedic�tion condi�3ons as stated, seconded bg
Kravik, and carried.
Mrs. Robert E. Wolake, at �OI • 5?'� ���e N•E•, m�ade a request
for v�ca� �fon of the 5th Str�e�� exis�i,ng easemant, be�ween 57th aad
5$th avonueg, due �o City not maiutainixng 3t as a strae�, and through
traYfia bet�reen ST�h and �8th Avenues ccnatituting a hasard to chil�
dren playing csn auch easem�ent; and because of fast v+ehia2e trafFiC� as
well a� darna�ing her baak yard, as a result oi short cut tr$ff�.c. Sho
expla3ned that po%s had baen previously erected at the N.R. corner af
her lot, but t,hese had been removoed by truck drivers usircg the ease-
metrt, F'os� pointed out that it mi�ht be wiso ta delap snyy vaca.-
tion recoamn�ndativn� pending out�ome oi heavy duty road oa lKait� `�f�e�
to 57th Av�rna�e, i.n case City mi�ht �ant to make �7th Averwe s throt�gh
, St�eAL. I:s the It�eantifiE� he su ;�ested a barricade 8.t bOth 57th sYid
58th Avenues on 5th street. Pub2ic heari�ag set� for Oct�•obsr 27! 1959• ,� �;
:4r. Len SaYrtuelson, repxeseziting the Fearson Cra4.g�ray fitsal 1� ;'� 5� �
:'�.at �2� wa� present to point out propoaed street changas, from thase ' ,
sho�n on oriAinai ov�erall pla�. Iia advi�d that they pre�Ferred �o i.r�
� etaZ1 their oym u�ilitiea (water, �ewer, and storm Yaci7ities} and
pay for BanLe, and to putting up a proper perfornsance bond (ia the
OCT 6 195�
(� -,,
� necesQary araount) payable to the City �,r�d ths develaper, sub�ect to
reatriat,ive co�anants of no haa�es or lots being sold uatil all imp�ove-
ments are in, accepted, and paid for. Motion by Kravik to accept pla�
3.n iaxm, su►b jeci: to Consulti.n� En�3.neer� � Check of plat. 3ecanded by�
Banc�e3. Carried. .
A1 Wilske (F & R Realty� was present durin� the �if.r�cussion af 2
lots, multi.p3e ds�ellinR erec�cion, an Lo�s 25 and 25, 2nd rav�.sed Audi- � I
torts Snbdivisian f/21, west of Chaimel Road; and stated that he xas ��
x3.13.iap; �o dedicate a 25 Poa� stzrest wxd�h 250 �eQ� west of Channel
Road� a9 indicated on attachod map, to oormect 9.n at �he narth ertd, as
sho�nz. At'ter considera�ion and discussian, xt was a�reed to se� Pub-
]ic hear3ng date for Ociaber 27, 1959, to settle future roa,ds in thia
area. '
Next was a cliscussion o� the H. G. Rydeli req�est �or rezoning
from R�2 �o C-�15, the �.E. iriang2e cor�s�er lat in �he sou�h � of Sec�, � .,�.��
iion 3(Crai� praporty), fo�^ the purpose o� e�ecti�g a Building (� '` ���
I�ia,tea�ia3. �aies OfQic� in sai.d corr�r; with Lhe rear aa°ea, al.rsac�y xvned
to S�I+�.� to tae use� far wareha� thiW work. Consensus of opinian
was that it mig,ht be wise to r��on� a7.1 of ih� pre�an�c Re3 area, abut�
ting the east side� o� East River �.aad, north oi" AZbany ta 77�h t�venuc
f,o com�eraial. It was decided that the ��;inae� stiould contact Peareon�
and present the �dea to him, and �.i i.nterESted, A meetin� wil� be set
up for dis�us�ion of proble�:, .
`l'�l@ CO1tMl.'J.S81012 Ci3.SCtZ59Bd 'f,Y2f: recommendation of t,he Anoka County
Crnmri�.ssionerss rela�ivt� to the �rapo��1, to make ?�rd Avarnza � I00 Yoot
ri�ht•of-.way thoroughfara. Board felt tha City $hotild the
t�xisti�g 66 faot xoad3 bu� to notify the Cou�ty Coneaiss3oner �ha� City
has no objec�ion to proposed 100 foa� �aidthx providing Coun�y procures
the difference of the additiona3 3�t �ee�.
The rJngineer braughi up the matter of amendment to the Licensing
Ordinance ta contractors, to have a1I property aw�ers en�a�ed i.� per� '�������^' `�
forming da-it-pour�e1f taska prosride simi1ar bond and insurance ia ����� ar >�
protect ihe ca�manity, ospec3.a12y �hnre gas, electrical, and plwm�bing �,�
operations are con:erned. Tabled for lat�r discussion.
Ne�ct was consideratian of erectian of a second floor equiprnent
�torage shap (on present garage), with the En�;irteer presenting an esti-
mats of ¢b,21�0.00, to cover conerete s�ork (!'3s�'�•00) carpentry mater-
ia].a (�`2,150.�), and roofin� and flashin� (�'1,d90.OJ�. The �3oard felt
City equ3.pment shonld be protected from S.nclement frea�har to p�v�ant
rapid deteriorat3on� and su�ested so� f.emporaxy might be pu't up.
unt31 decisian and plans are made for a new City Hall
Engineer presented prints of a typical. cro�sosection of tda,in 3treet -
heavy duty road, and �av�s coat eatimate of same amouating te �98s8lt7.00���:""���
for a11 base, mat� and curb mater3a2s, between t�3r� to 5?th Ave�ne,
^ thertce east to tlniversity Avenue � exclusiv�a o! �n,y excavation charges
boulevard, awal.e remova�., and exceas dirt removai, north of i�ighway #100
to 57t�h Avenue.
. . , . ,.
I?iractar of Public Works p�T 6